Red White and Werewolf

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Red White and Werewolf Page 3

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Like I wasn’t going to come and get you.” Markus said at me with a smile as tears finally streamed from my eyes. “I always got your back, you know that.” He says wiping at the tears rolling down my face.

  “Altijd.” He says softly citing our pack motto. It means, always.

  “Altijd.” I say back at him.

  I laugh and burst into more tears. I can’t help it, can’t stop myself. Out of all my siblings, Markus and I are the closest to one another. We were the same age but Markus is older by a few months.

  He’s always taken the big brother approach with me and looked out for me in our family and in our pack, my whole life. And I love him for it. Love him dearly.

  My voice is failing me, I don’t know how to speak my gratitude at him that he is just there, to collect me, with Paris and Addison.

  It was Markus who came to my rescue leading my pack’s charge for me, when I was four-teen. We have a bond that goes beyond the rest of our siblings.

  Addison kisses my wet cheek and runs a hand up the back of my neck. “You scared the crap out of all of us.” He says softly. “Don’t do that again.”

  I smile back at him and sniff as my nose now threatens to help create me into a complete blubbering mess. “ ‘kay.” He kisses my temple again and holds me against his lips before letting go. We let go of one another and I run my hand under my nose and quickly wipe my hands under my eyes as we turned to face the others.

  “Uh, Addison Harrington,” I say waving a hand at Addison and across to Markus “And my brother Markus Sommers, meet Thane and Phelan Cavello.” I look back at the two brothers. Both of them are frowning and looking sombre at us.

  “Brother?” Phelan asks, looking from Markus to me. I feel Markus’s tension before I look and see it on his face.

  “Yeah, brother. What of it?”


  I put it down to too many male werewolves in one place and heightened emotion’s bringing out the tension between Markus, Paris and Addison towards Phelan and Thane.

  Maybe its too many alphas or maybe its a sense of protectiveness and territory when it comes to me, after all, they all have a connection through me, because of me, where there, because of me.

  We’ve all been under stress and fatigue and a myriad of emotions the last few days. Its bound to be a little weird between us all, especially when my pack wolves, don’t know the two brother werewolves.

  Trust has to be earned, that is just the way it works. Werewolves are no different to humans in that respect.

  But playing diplomat, is something that could wait, at least for a few hours more. Paris without a care for the others and they’re spat scoops me up in front of all the males, and carries me into the motel room I’ve been standing at when he’d first arrived.

  “Really? Do you think now’s the time for that?” Phelan remarks loudly as we disappear from their sight.

  “Jealous?” I hear Addison comment.

  “They’re going to be awhile.” Markus states.

  Addison appears in our room, carrying two bags. He puts his hands up as if in surrender at the dirty look Paris gives him while kissing me.

  “His grooming goes out the window when you’re not around.” Addison comments as Paris and I pull up for air and look over at him.

  Paris arms slackened around me and he glances at the cream leather weekender bag with met-al scull on its side.

  “I packed some things I thought you might want. Well, actually, Jules did, but I told him I was going to take the credit for it anyway.” Addison says putting the bag down.

  “Thank you. Oh Jules, I missed him too.” I feel teary eyed again. Its great to be loved and back with my loved ones.

  “By the way, Jules wants you to call him asap when you get the chance. He wants to hear you’re okay from you, directly.” Addison says moving towards the bedroom door again. “Okay, I’ll be two doors down. If you need help. With anything. I mean, anything.” Addison says cheekily slipping back out the room and closing the door behind himself.

  Paris walks over to the bed, laying me down gently. “My little wolf.” He says softly looking at me, taking his time to just look at me.

  He brushed my hair back off my face, letting it slide through his fingers with ease. He lets out a heavy sigh and leans down towards me.

  “I need you in my life.” He mutters into my ear before running the tip of his nose along my neck line and giving me goose bumps. “I need you so badly.” He kisses my neck and trails his lips down to my shoulder. “What would I do without you my little wolf?”

  I shudder lightly. I don’t want to think about that, a life without Paris in it. I put a finger to his lips. “No bad thoughts allowed.” I say out loud to him.

  He smiles down at me softly. “None at all?” He asks raising an eyebrow. I giggle and pull him down to me.

  “Well, maybe some. I’ll have to veto them though.”

  “Of course.” He replies, the corner of his mouth turning up into a smile. “I was scared.” He says to me tracing my body with his fingers and a feather light touch. “That I wouldn’t see you again.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I link fingers with him.

  “I fought them back the house until they started shooting me up with tranquillizers.”

  “Took three to knock me out.” I brag back at him. “Was how they got me, when I was out-side. Almost made it to the street.”

  Paris frowns unhappy with this thought. “Eight.” He said back at me “Didn’t wake up for thirteen hours straight. We lost that day, Addison thought I was with you and you were with me and you know.”

  I understood what he was saying. Everyone thought we were together because nothing else indicated we weren’t.

  It should have been a regular night for us, getting together, staying together. We commuted between apartments and property of one another, all the time. All the Manhattan Maen hierarchy and my family were aware of this.

  “Nobody knew any different till I woke up and got a hold of Wiatt and Addison.”

  “It’s not your fault.” I said trying to shuffle up the bed to sit up. “You cannot blame yourself for this, in any way.”

  “I’m supposed to protect you Cadey.” He says pulling me up into a sitting position and against him. Now I know he’s serious, he was using my real name. He only tends to do that when something serious is happening. “I’m supposed to keep you safe. That’s my true job.”

  I mold into him and soften. I am not ashamed to say I love hearing his words. “Your job, your true job,” I say to him “Is to love me. That’s it.” He tightens his arms around me.

  “I do love you little wolf. Love you so damn much it hurts me when I can’t tell you I love you. When I’m not gravitating in your orbit.”

  I pull back and put my hand on the side of his face, turning it to me. “I love you Paris. That’s all there is to it. You hear me werewolf?”

  “Remind me again how I got so lucky as to get you?”

  “I gave in.” I smirk back at him.


  Paris pulls me up and I scramble to my knees to kiss him as he pulls me across his lap on the side of the bed.

  I start searching for the end of his top, and pull at it. He gets the hint and lets me roll it up his chest, raising his arms long enough for me to pull it up and over his head and yank it off him completely.

  We don’t stop kissing, it seems hard not to. We’ve lost days and time together and we both feel the compulsion to make up for that. There is nowhere I would rather be than in his arms.

  My lips move their way around his collar bones, across his shoulders and down his pecs. Causing him to sigh with the sensation. He is wound up tight and I can tell he is disturbed greatly by what we’ve just been through.

  I want to take that unease away from him, badly. My palms ghost over his nipples and roll them as they move down his front. Recommitting the feel of him, the size of him, and the sense of security of him, to my memory.

  I place my lips
over his chest, and kiss where his heart is, deep down inside him before looking back up at him. “I love you.”

  He consumes my mouth in heat and his tongue delves into me, to claim what is his. Marking me inside out. His fingers crush themselves in my hair tangling it around them as we kiss deeply and slowly.

  Kissing Paris is a treat that I want to overdose on. It’s nothing short of wonderful to feel so thoroughly loved by the gesture of just his mouth, lips, tongue.

  My body soars with heat at what he’s doing to just my mouth. I can’t wait till he does more, to the rest of my body. Which is when the thought occurs to me about how patient and slow he is being with me.

  Paris does slow when he wants pleasure drawn out and right here, right now, that doesn't seem like the scene we’re doing. Normally it’s a tantalizing fun thing.

  This reunion is heavy with emotion and full of heartfelt feelings. I pull back slowly and lick my lips before looking from his mouth back up at him. I know what this is.

  “Hey,” I say softly my hands on either side of his face again. “I’m okay.”

  “I’m not.” He states back at me pained. He allows it to show easily on his face. This isn’t my normal Paris. He’s getting better at letting me be a part of his emotions.

  “Nothing happened to me.” I say moving his hands up under my t-shirt and to my breasts and move a little so he can feel them against his skin. He starts to cup them, squeeze them gently. “I promise.”

  “You’d tell me if it did, wouldn’t you?” He asks searching my eyes for the true answer.

  I know what this is about. Not so long ago, I opened up and told him a deep, dark, secret of mine. Of how I was attacked when I was fourteen.

  On, the night of my first shape shift, and how it went about as wrong as it could go for a newly turning werewolf. It’s followed me my whole life. Time passes and scars heal but the mind, it just doesn't forget.

  The werewolf mind is like a steely trap for memory. Sensory memory too. I work hard at keeping that part of me locked away so it can’t interfere with my life. But I think Paris figured that out, when I talked to him about the attack. He’s smart like that.

  If he could find those that attacked me back then, he’d kill them without compassion or hesitation. Just. Like. That.

  “I’d want to hurt them Cadey. I’d want to kill them, slowly, painfully in agonizing detail for anything that was done to you.” He says back at me honestly.

  “I know.” I reply as my heart breaks just a little.

  He is in so much pain over this event. He holds himself highly responsible for me having been kidnapped whilst with him, an alpha werewolf, and a pack leader. All the things that should matter to making him the biggest and baddest werewolf in New York. And he hadn’t been able to keep me out of harm’s way.

  I understand something about Paris D’arenberg that he appreciates. When we first started dating, I’d seen it then, in the early days when he’d had to fight for pack leadership of the Manhattan Maen and kill his old pack leader. Someone he had for most of his life, respected and looked up to.

  It was the darkness that alpha werewolves have to deal with when undertaking the hard tasks that others can not. It’s what makes them stand out and be the alpha werewolf that they are.

  He looks at my top and his hands under it, and back up at my face. “I still want to hurt those responsible for taking you away from me.”

  “I know.” I say grabbing my t-shirt ends and pulling the material off me quickly. I need this darkness gone from my werewolf. I could lose him to it, of that I’ve no doubt. “And I want to give you that right.” I say back at him as he looks somewhat surprised back at me. “Because no one has a right to do this, to us my love. Not just you. Us. No one.”

  I kiss him and his hands slip to my back and crush my breasts against his chest. “You are my strength and I am your air, your everything.” I mutter licking my way around his ear as his teeth graze across my shoulder. Slowly I feel him relax a little more.

  “Paris,” I husk at him as his hands warm my scalp and tangle under my hair again. “What’s your job?”

  “To love you.” He mutters kissing my face, my neck, under my jaw quickly.

  “So, love me Paris, love me.”

  We forgo dinner in favour of love making.


  Paris is the food my soul needs to nourish me. To rebuild me and make everything alright again. The comfort of strength and assurance just in encasing arms is an amazing thing, once wrapped in them it’s like the world outside fades away and I am where I am meant to be.

  I can relax and breathe and believe in good again. I miss it noticeably when I can’t be held by him. I become very aware of feeling without.

  Paris kisses his way down my throat all the while his hands are busy, gripping my ass and lifting me onto his thick, hard and ready cock. Foreplay would be nice but we’re skipping that for now.

  It’s not about rushing to the greater sense of satisfaction earlier. It’s about connection and memory of one another and indulgence in love. Being swept up in unashamed passion that is allowed out now that we are with one another again. He lifts me up and I move down again and he watches me closely as we sit atop the bed.

  “Love you, little wolf.” He mutters softly at me and I pause to lean forward to kiss his mouth again and the heat that flares between us is instant. We both moan at the same time and resume building our pleasure through pace.

  Too many days apart and we’re both about ready to be out of control here. We can’t keep our hands off one another and don’t want to.

  The feel of our togetherness is like a building crescendo of emotions that threatens to sweep up into an oblivion of love that we might not survive from. Our feelings run so deep and we are so desperate for one another.

  I need his seed deep in me, a trail of kisses from him over my skin, his teeth buried in my flesh, I want to bear his mark, to feel the possession of his love all over me. I want him, I want the werewolf pulsing energy he emits that soaks into me when he’s not shielding it with control from me.

  Our fucking becomes faster and more furious with pushing our pleasure up higher and higher. I don’t remember what it was like to be loved before I met Paris. It was never as deep as this, I was never consumed like this, and never so happy to be so desired.

  Swept up in the romance of someone who whole heartedly without fear of hesitation, wanted me right back as much as I want them.

  My breath escapes me only because I have to open my mouth. Breathing would be good if I could remember how that works again. Shouldn’t be something I have to think about, but the very thought of him and what he’s doing to me, is short circuiting my brain somewhere. I’m sure of it.

  He’s flicking his tongue out at my nipples as my breasts bounce unashamedly up and down. I feel liberated with love while I ride him eagerly. How can I not feel like I’m soaring when he spikes my temperature with just a look, a touch sears me and makes me wonder how my skin doesn’t explode from the exquisiteness of the chemistry between us.

  “B,” He groans loudly.

  I know he needs more than this, he does not do well going days without sex. That probably sounds cheap but for Paris it’s almost part of the whole package of being an alpha werewolf.

  Paris never pressures me for sex, there’s no enjoyment in that. He likes a partner whose pleasure is important as his own. That’s what makes our sex, so damn sensational.


  I can’t do harder in this position on top. Not fast enough for him. He flips me till I’m on my back and he’s above me. Werewolves, we are built for speed and fury, which sure makes our sex lives, crazy-amazing.

  Paris holds my legs out and his balls slap against me as he begins pounding me. We both need this. This release will only be got this way. Because we can’t go for a run in our tribal forms and then truly fuck like werewolves should fuck.

  There is no full moon and whilst the moon would still dance
along our bodies’ fiber, it’s just not the same.

  We make love. Repeatedly, remembering our connection to one another and worshiping it with our bodies, or emotions. We make love in the shower, in the bathroom, against the wall, on the bed and well into the night.

  The morning comes too soon. But I can handle it because Paris is there with me. I wake in a familiar way. The feeling of his cock, slowly thrusting in and out me, his hand cupping my leg’s hamstring, keeping my leg up in position so we can make love. God I love waking up this way. I love him. Whole heartedly love him, without question.

  “Good morning.” I manage to mutter between panting breaths.

  One hand snakes around my hip. I know what is coming. Once I’ve woken enough to say this to him, he starts pumping and pounding me harder. No longer able to hold back his enthusiasm for me wrapping around his cock and squeezing his orgasm out of him.

  “So good.” He pants thrusting harder and hitting a happy place within me.

  The other reason I like making love like this in the morning. I am tired from our all night love making, and I don’t care. I missed the feel of his thickness stretching me wide, of his cock filling me so completely.

  “Je t'aimetellement.” He shouts as his orgasm rips from him and he fills me with his seed. All last night, we’d made love, yet I thought perhaps he’d held back, like he was punishing him-self.

  I can’t help but smile as he jerks against me, digging his fingers into my hips as he fills me up and his cock throbs inside me. There is a knock a few seconds later at our door. Paris lets out a low growl of annoyance. So much for the afterglow.

  “What?” He yells at the door.

  “Breakfast in an hour. Think you guys can make it?” Addison yells back through the door.

  “Fuck you!” Paris yells at him and starts kissing my arm and my shoulder.

  “Not before breakfast!” Addison yells back through the door. I giggle and Paris looks over my shoulder at me.

  “Want to eat or try and make pups?” He asks and my mouth drops open.

  Prior to this kidnapping incident, we’d started randomly discussing having pups and where we both stand on the idea. Ever since I accidentally got knocked up to him but lost the pup. Neither of us has come to a complete agreement on when we should start trying for pups. Or where we should live when raising the pup. But we both want pups and we want to be together. That much we’ve figured out.


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