Red White and Werewolf

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Red White and Werewolf Page 15

by Girl, Breukelen

  There was nothing I could do here. Nothing. I looked from where I was, afraid to move from the doorway he’d left open. An image of Norden’s hand moving over his cock flashed up and I looked away. But the following image re-captured my attention. He was wanking himself as he watched the slide show I’d put on for him with Paris and Addison.

  I wanted to be sick.

  Norden sped up his hand on his cock and played with his balls at the same time as words, filtered out of him and under me. I watched the movement of his words, travel the path out of him towards my dreamscape. I hadn’t expected Norden to be turned on by what I’d presented him with. I had thought he’d hate it.

  “I’m going to fuck you five ways from Sunday you fucking whore.”

  I fought the bile in my throat and the feeling of fear and panic. I stepped forward towards the glob mass of his dreamscape and looked at the clear, red line tubing that held it all together and pack it in tight. Was this was a blood line in a dreamscape looked like?

  I was about to find out. I step forward again and lift my head, bare my fangs at the tubing and snatch out at it. Biting down hard and tearing at it, thrashing my head about wildly until I break the piece I’ve attacked. I don't wait to see what I’d done as Norden’s cock spurts come and he screams at the same time.

  I turn and began running back along the path I’ve come from as fast as I can. I have to ensure I don’t get trapped outside my own body. If I do, in the real world, I fear that will mean I’m dead. In this world, I'd float around endlessly for eternity. Nobody would know I was in here if I didn’t wake up tomorrow morning.

  “Come back to me Bg,” It’s a familiar voice around the path that made me speed up. “I’ll always protect you.” Markus, the voice was that of my brother.

  How could he know what I was doing? There was a few explanations for this. He could either be whispering words into my ears as I slept in my wolf form.

  Which I knew as impossible because Norden had kidnapped my brother and taken him away from me. Or more likely he was sleeping too and we’d made a connection to one another somehow through telepathic lines because our bodies, in sleep mode where open to it.

  I had told Markus how to do that, hadn’t I? Back in the car when we were fighting and he seem repulsed by the very idea.

  Had my connection to Markus followed me into the dreamscape? I saw my dreamscape looming ahead and let my tongue loll out of my mouth as I ran towards it happily. But the bright light of it had a blackout in the middle, the figure of Norden stood directly in my way. He was tall and just a silhouette with a wolf’s head. But I knew it was him.

  “I will fuck you whore and you will be mine and I will be all that you know.”

  I keep running straight at him. He was a dream image, a projection of himself of how I thought of him, of how he wanted to be seen. It was a disguise, not an actual person.

  This was my head, and my dream space, I could anything I damn well wanted, because in dreams, that what you did. I pick up speed and broke through the blacked out image of Norden, he breaks apart like smoke dissipating in the air and I jerk myself away in the process.

  I find myself in a heavy sweat back on the bed, between Addison’s sleeping form and Paris who opens his eyes.

  “Hey,” He greets me with. “Did you get what you needed?” Paris asks brushing my hair out of my face. I’d somehow shape shifted back to my regular self in the midst of the dreaming.

  “I got enough insight.” I said relaxing back against the pillows behind my head.

  “What are we dealing with?”

  I turned to face Paris. “He’s a monster. A fucking monster.” The look on Paris’s face told me what I knew. There was no easy way out of dealing with someone like Norden, you either met them on their terms or you came out guns blazing, driving head on at them and hoped they were destructible. Paris leans forwards and kisses my forehead softly.

  “Not going to let anything happen to you.” He says tiredly, drifting back to sleep.

  Sometime during the night, the boys wake me again and we resume making love until the sun comes up.

  When first light breaks, I no longer felt tired, or anxious about Norden. I felt solidified and reinvigorated. Ready to fight him, werewolf to werewolf. That’s what it will take and that’s what I will do. I’ve fought werewolves before, I had to stop thinking of him as more than I allowed him to be.

  I have to use Markus as my motivation.

  I’m slipping my t-shirt on and lifting my hair out of the back of my t-shirt, when Addison kisses the back of my neck “Thank you.” He says as Phelan walks past our semi open bedroom door and glances in, his expression one of surprise.

  Paris is still putting his jeans on, behind us as Addison walks towards the front of the room, opening the door completely and staring at Phelan.

  “Not a fucking word.” He says walking past my twin following him to the kitchen.


  Breakfast is eaten in silence and a strained one at that. Aubrey keeps surveying our group, waiting I think, for something to happen.

  “I’m sorry, really I am.” She says to Paris as he gets up to wash his bowl. “But I can’t put my pack at risk for something that doesn’t concern them. You understand that right? If our situations were reversed, you can’t say you wouldn’t act any differently.”

  Paris rinses his bowl under the running water and put it in the drying rack, before turning to his cousin.

  “I would do what you’re doing. But if I didn’t think I could walk away from it, be okay with the decision I’d made, I’d also do something about that.” He said wiping his hands on the nearby tea towel. “Pack or no pack.”

  “Come on, she’s this great and powerful hurricane eating werewolf, doesn’t she come with some sort of power of her own?” Aubrey throws out at him in exasperation as she warms her hands over around her coffee mug.

  I looked at her. “No offence.” She mutters glancing back at me.

  “None taken.” I say spooning another lot of cereal before stopping still.

  “Bg? You alright?” Addison asks looking at my stillness.


  “You sure?” He persists not buying my response.

  “I know how to fight.” I reply softly. “Can’t believe I didn’t think of it earlier.”

  “How?” Phelan blurts out.

  “By becoming the stuff of legend and nightmare. The werewolf that swallowed the hurricane.” I mutter back at him absently as I pierce it together in my head and start figuring out the contingencies. I look over at Paris and Aubrey who are staring back at me.

  “I need a pack of werewolves, but not yours.” I say looking at Aubrey.

  She frowns “What other pack is there, except ours?” I arched an eyebrow up and see the realization of what I am thinking, dawn across Paris’s face.

  “There’s us.” I state indicating those of us in the room. “Plus…”

  “That’s rather ingenious.” He said softly back at me.

  “What is?” Aubrey asked.

  “Turn them against him.” Addison said making the connection and looking up at me.

  I raise my eyebrows. “Well, maybe, it won’t be easy.”

  “How” Phelan asks this time. I start smiling and look back at the Cavello’s.

  “No telepathic talking right, because Norden can use that against us, well, he probably could.” I state standing up and picking up my cereal bowl and spoon. “We’re just being cautious right.”

  “Right.” Both brothers agree with me.

  “What if we could use that against him, like a reverse tracer.” I said to them.

  “What?” Aubrey says but is ignored as Thane and Phelan come more alive.

  “The gateway.”

  “It goes both ways?” Thane says softly looking up at me. “Are we sure it goes both ways?”

  “It does.” I reply. “I know this for certain. Last night I took a little, trip into Norden’s head space in the dreamland
. The dreamscape goes both ways and if that does because of pack bloodlines than you can bet the telepathy does because of pack bloodlines.”

  All eyes are on my grinning face and Aubrey’s mouth is hanging open. “You astral projected yourself into another being’s consciousness?” She asks shocked by what she is hearing.

  “I guess you could say it like that.” I answer her walking around the table and putting my bowl in the sink.

  “How?” She asks intrigued by what she was hearing.

  “Pack secret.” I grin looking up at Paris. “I think if you’re of strong enough character, you can do anything, even the things others think you incapable of.” I wash my bowl and put it aside as Aubrey blows across the top of her coffee cup.

  “So you’re going what, going to kill him in his sleep through his dreams?” She asked trying to figure out the game plan.

  “I wish.” I mutter. “But if we die in our dreams we don’t die in the real world. We just loose the dream and wake up. Our bodies know better than that, they’re too sentient and aware of our surroundings and state of being.”

  “So how are you going to deal with him then, throw up a hurricane to kill him?” Aubrey asked sipping her coffee.

  “Something like that. Only it’s going to be unlike any hurricane he’s ever experienced before.”

  “I like that.” Thane said smiling up at me.

  “Norden’s expecting me to fight him, and you to fight him and you.” I say pointing at both the Cavello brothers. “He’s not expecting us to work as a team and he’s no idea, what we know we’re capable of. He’s expecting an external attack, not an internal one.”

  “So how do we do this Bg?” Thane asks seriously.

  “Like everything, as a pack.” I grin at him.


  We spend the rest of daylight hours, strategizing exactly how to execute our plan. It’s a risky one given I’ve never really tried this before and it’s highly dependent on me being a catalyst that can handle the pressure I’m going to put myself under. That and here’s hoping my multi-tasking skills are up to scratch also.

  “So let’s assume he’s here in Quebec or at least nearby. If you were going to go to all-out war with an approaching enemy,” I say placing a large map of Quebec on the kitchen table and smoothing it down. “Where would you battle it out?” I ask Aubrey as everyone stands around the map, we got Anouk to get earlier on from a nearby gas rest stop.

  “All lunar week nights, our werewolves are required to go to the forests. We’re a country of forests, we have pockets of them everywhere. I’d keep it forest contained. Keep with the hunting theme.”

  Phelan and I turn our heads to look at Aubrey at the same time. “I mean, if I was you know, saying I was Norden, that’d be how he might think.” All eyes fall back onto the map.

  “Here, I’d take the fighting here. Away from the civilians, not because if I was Norden, I cared about them,” She says pointing to a particular spot on the map. “But also, the landscape. From this entrance,” She says indicating with her finger moving over the map. “The land is flat for one thousand acres. No higher ground to be seen anywhere.

  “Open ground.” I mutter nodding my head. “That’s acceptable.”

  “So no one gets an advantage to have over us.” Thane comments.

  “Even playing field for all.” Paris murmurs.

  “Right,” Aubrey says looking over at Paris. “Past the thousand acre mark, the wilderness kicks in and the landscape changes a great deal. I would centralize it somewhere in here, in the flat land.”

  “You could see everyone coming at you.” Anouk adds on.

  “So we draw him out there.” Phelan comments.

  “And that’s the one forest almost guaranteed to be entirely yours. Our pack frequents these three, more heavily during lunar week.” She says pointing to the terrain on the map.

  “So we wouldn’t endanger anyone, or expose Norden and his pack to them unnecessarily. Nice.” I mutter not really liking that we truly would be on our own against a pack of were-wolves lead by a psychopath at the helm.

  Silence descends on the table before Aubrey speaks again to the group. “There’s only two clearings in it, and a lot of trees and brush land in between those clearings. If you find yourself in the second clearing, then you’re not far from the thousand acre border line.”

  “How far?” Addison asks her.

  “Three hundred feet.” She replies back at him as he straights up and crosses his arms over his chest.

  “That’s close.”

  “So we don’t let them push us past the second clearing.” Paris says glancing over at him. “We keep the fighting to the front of the forest. If we fall into the thousand acre part, then it’ll be easy for them to split us up. We need to keep Norden to the first part of the forest.” Paris says.

  “How? It’s a lovely theory you have that he’ll just magically appear where you want him to be, I mean why not just break in here right now and start fighting?” Carolyn asks as she stands around the map with us.

  “He wants to play with us, to torture us to humiliate us, to toy with us.” Thane says by way of explanation. “The three of us, are too good to pass up. He could wipe out our family line in one move. His ego will barely be able to contain itself with the thought.”

  “Oh, well, sorry.” Carolyn says softly. “That’s kind of depressing really, when you put it like that.”

  “Norden’s the type of psychopath who likes games.” Phelan adds on. “He’s been playing with us the whole way here. Just to let us know he could.”

  “He’s into the grandeur, he wants us to show him how worthy we are of being up against him.” I continue on. “He’ll follow us wherever we go, because he wants us to think, we are in control and can call the shots before he then attacks.”

  “But, aren’t you?” Anouk asks, flicking her blonde hair out of her face.

  “He’s so self-assured in his arrogance, that he needs us to believe whole heartedly that we can take him down whilst he knows, he cannot be taken down.”

  “I’m confused.” Anouk says back at me.

  “Norden’s been in power, been a pack leader for as long as these two have been alive. Longer even.” Addison says pointing to me and Phelan as we stand side by side. “We’d be stupid to think there isn’t a reason for that.”

  “Given that most pack leaders, do no rule that long.” Paris adds on.

  “Oh.” Anouk says softly. “Strategic thinking not my strong point.” She says with a little smile.

  “Right, so while we,” I say indicating the Cavello brothers and I, “Attack Norden, you and Addison get Markus out of there.”

  “How can we be sure Markus will be where we want him to be?” Addison asks.

  “Because he can’t be far, I felt him in my dream last night. And Norden’s the kind of bastard who will want to parade my brother in front of me to get a reaction out of me, to make me think I can bargain for his return.”

  “But you can’t.” Thane says solemnly. “You can’t trust anything he says.”

  “I get that. But we all have our parts to play.” I mutter as the sound of a car pulls up outside.

  “Oh good, mom’s here with lunch.” Anouk says walking off towards the front door. Paris slides his hand up and down my arm and I look at him.

  “What do you mean have a part to play?” He asks me softly “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  I don’t want to lie to him, so I don’t answer him, it’s the best I can do for now. “Bg, what do you,”

  We’re interrupted as Pensee and Xavier D’arenberg wander in with armfuls of food on platters, Anouk is carrying a platter as well. There are murmurs of appreciation for the food and everyone descends on the platters that are put at the end of the kitchen table with the map at the other end.

  “Excuse us,” Paris says grabbing me by my elbow and directing me out of the kitchen, “I need to talk to my beautiful pack mate for a moment.” He steers me out t
he back door rather forcefully and closes it behind us.

  “Now,” He says dropping his arm off me. “Tell me what is going on in that head of yours the way you see this playing out.”

  I roll my bottom lip between my teeth and look away from him. I’d rather live in denial then tell him what I think the odds are that I can lead this charge successfully against Norden.

  “No.” He says firmly. “Don’t you even,” Paris walks away from me, his anger is evident.

  “You know, we’ve never fought side by side before, together like this.” I say at him as he turns around, eyes drilling into me. He’s frowning deeply.

  “We’ve never had to.” Paris admits walking back towards me. “We’ll get Markus back, I promise you. But it won’t be at the expense of you.” He says standing before me.

  “I don’t think that’s how it works. You can’t control everything Paris.” I say softly looking at his chest. I can’t look him in the eye. I’ll get too emotional and right now I need to compartmentalize so I can do this right and get my brother back to us.

  “I’m telling you this now, if I see you in danger, I’m getting you out of there. No arguments, no you don’t get a say in it.” He says as I open my mouth to speak. “Hey,” His fingers glide under my chin and he lifts my face to look upon his.

  “No dying. Not for my little wolf. You can plan this attack, you can lead it, you can call out the plays,” He says keeping his gaze on me. “But you are not at any time during this, to put yourself at risk. You call on me, on Addison on the brothers, do you understand me? Screw pride Bg, tell me you understand?”

  I hold his gaze and I wonder, what did I ever do, to earn such passionate love and ferocity for my being from this werewolf? He is a dream come true. “Omission is a good as lying Bg. Don’t lie to me.”

  “I wouldn’t lie to you. But I can’t ask you or any of them to do what I’m not willing to do in order to get Markus back.” I state at him firmly and he drops my chin and turns away again.


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