by Joe Dever
If you wish to stand and fight this creature, turn to 5.
If you wish to try to evade it, turn to 260.
You exert your control over the approaching dogs, commanding them to ignore the trail of scent that leads to your hiding place. They stop and sniff the air, whining like hungry pups, frustrated and confused by their conflicting senses. You change your command and will them to attack their masters. Instantly their whining becomes an angry growl as they turn ferociously on their handlers. The leading monks throw up their hands in horror and fall against those behind as the dogs leap on them, biting and clawing at their throats. This unexpected attack throws the monks into a panic. They turn and flee the hall, desperate to escape the sharp, rending teeth of their own hunting dogs.
Turn to 328.
It is late afternoon when you ride into Stia, a village comprising a score of cottages and a dilapidated hut which sits astride the Great North Road. As you approach the tiny thatched hut its stable door swings open and an old man steps out of the shadows. He is wearing an odd assortment of antique armour and regalia that clanks and rattles like a cart-load of rusty metal as he shuffles across your path.
Illustration XV—An old man wearing an odd assortment of antique armour shuffles across your path.
‘Hold there, strangers!’ he blusters, his croaky voice full of self-importance. ‘Proceed no further till you pay the toll.’ You draw your horse to a halt and stare down at the ridiculous-looking figure.
‘By what authority do you levy a toll on the Queen's highway?’ asks Paido, irritated by the delay. ‘By the authority of the Queen herself,’ retorts the old man, indignantly, pointing with crooked finger to a placard on the wall of his hut. It bears the faded seal of Queen Evaine, but the board is so weathered that the words above it are illegible.
‘We travel to Tharro on royal business,’ you say, showing the Pass given to you by Lord Adamas. ‘Stand aside and let us proceed.’ The old man snatches the Pass from your hand and scrutinizes it, though it is obvious that his eyesight is so poor that he cannot read the contents.
‘Bah!’ he snorts, thrusting the Pass back into your hand. ‘It's a forgery! You'll not fool me with that worthless scrap o' vellum!’
‘And we'll not be taken in by a greedy old fool whose wits are as rusty as the armour he wears!’ shouts Paido angrily. As his words echo along the street a dozen villagers, armed with an assortment of farming tools, come to investigate the commotion. They form up in a line behind the old man, ready to enforce his demand.
‘What is the toll?’ you ask.
‘Only a trinket you may have that takes our fancy; that is all. One item apiece and you can continue on your way,’ replies the old man, smugly. ‘But let it not be said that we are without wit,’ he snaps, glaring at Paido. ‘We Stians pride ourselves on our sense of fair play and our love of riddles, therefore I shall make you an offer that satisfies us both. Answer me one riddle correctly and you can pass through our village without paying the toll. Answer wrongly, or give no answer at all, and you must pay the toll without question. Is it agreed?’
If you wish to agree to the old man's terms, turn to 112.
If you refuse to agree, turn to 149.
Nausea and giddiness are beginning to impair your senses. Desperately you muster all your reserves of strength to combat the poison, but you are greatly fatigued after your fight with the Helghast. Gradually the pain subsides to be replaced by a fearful numbness that paralyses your limbs. Swiftly you sink into a coma induced by the poison in your blood. It is a sleep from which you will never awaken.
Your life and your quest end here.
You follow the narrow, winding street, passing rows of dusty houses and shops. The noisy clack of window shutters signifies an end to another day's business as the shopkeepers close for the night. The street turns eastwards and begins to climb Fortress Hill.
Halfway up the rise you approach a squat building of green-glazed stone. A fat merchant stands in the doorway, waiting impatiently for customers despite the late hour. ‘Good evening, gentlemen,’ he says, in a thin and wheedling voice. ‘Welcome to the emporium of Rath Radis, the storehouse of miracles.’ Through the open doorway you can see that the shop is brim-full of curious magical paraphernalia.
If you wish to enter the shop, turn to 316.
If you choose to ignore the merchant and continue along the street, turn to 204.
In the flickering light you see that a large section of the tunnel floor ahead has collapsed. Gingerly you edge around the deep hole and continue along the passage. Steadily the hammering grows louder until you arrive at a new tunnel branching off to the left. Recent excavation has exposed a rich vein of silver ore that glitters brightly. As you peer down the new shaft, you see a dwarf in a miner's hat, hammering at the ore with a mattock.
If you wish to call to him, turn to 165.
If you wish to leave him to his work and return to the surface to continue your journey, turn to 152.
As the bargee draws a tankard of Bor Brew from its keg, you notice that several of the passengers are whispering to each other and casting curious glances in your direction. You catch the words ‘madman’ and ‘fool’ in the undertone of mutterings that pass between them. The bargee returns, sets the tankard down on the table before you, and steps back nervously. Silence fills the tap-room as you swallow the thick, creamy ale.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have reached the rank of Primate or higher, add 3 to this number.
If your total is now 5 or less, turn to 302.
If it is now 6 or more, turn to 119.
The flicker of an eyelid and a bead of sweat are the first signs of Paido's recovery. Slowly he stirs to consciousness, waking from a sleep that was so nearly his last. He can remember nothing of the ordeal and, when you tell him all that has happened, he shakes his head in disbelief. ‘A Helghast?’ he says, incredulous. ‘How can it be?’
‘The servants of Darklord Gnaag have infiltrated this monastery,’ you reply. ‘They have kept themselves hidden, but I fear the day is fast approaching when they will rise up and wreak havoc in this town. Already they know our true identities, and I wager they know why we're here.’
‘This is bitter news, Lone Wolf,’ says Paido, his face etched with worry. ‘We can afford to delay no longer. If Talestria falls to Darklord Gnaag before we reach the Danarg, then the quest is lost.’
It is a sobering thought but you do not dwell on it. You help Paido to his feet and cast your eyes around the chamber in search of an exit.
Turn to 201.
‘Shieldwarden Nehdra ain't here; this is the town gaol,’ retorts the guard, narrowing his eyes suspiciously as he inspects first you and then Paido, as if you were both escaped felons.
‘At the end o' Copperpiece Lane, next to the Temple o' the Sword, there's a tower. That's where you'll find the Shieldwarden, only you 'ad better 'ave good reason for wantin' 'im at this hour or you'll both end up spendin' the night 'ere.’ He cocks his thumb over his shoulder at the gaol and a sneer spreads across his ugly face.
You follow Paido out of the courtyard and continue your ride along Copperpiece Lane.
Turn to 204.
You deflect the stream of liquid fire with the edge of your golden blade, sending it raining down into the Danarg. Two more Kraan swoop in and hover above the prow. Their riders leap onto the deck and begin attacking part of the superstructure.
‘Stop them!’ screams Paido, drawing his sword. ‘Stop them or we're doomed!’ You leap from the bow and run across the main deck, your sun-sword raised to strike.
You must fight these creatures one at a time. They are immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Unless
you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 2 points for the duration of the combat. These creatures are undead: remember to double all ENDURANCE point losses they sustain due to the power of the Sommerswerd.
If you win the combat, turn to 79.
A mile from the tavern you slip from the saddle and crash onto the highway. Paido wheels his horse around and comes to your aid, his face etched deep with anxiety. From his pocket he takes a healing pad of Laumspur and presses it on your shattered arm, holding it in place with a strap from his saddlebag. The strap acts as a tourniquet and stems the flow of blood that has discoloured the muddy soil so much that it resembles a red blanket.
‘This is cursed luck, Lone Wolf,’ says Paido, as he lifts you carefully back onto your horse. ‘Your quest has hardly begun and already you have fallen foul of a poisoned bolt, and by no fault of your own.’
If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing and have reached the rank of Primate, turn to 156.
If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach the Kai rank of Primate, turn to 322.
You scramble behind the table, the only cover offered on this side of the refectory, to find yourself crouched beside Paido. He is still breathing, although unconscious. His blue-steel sword rests across the back of his legs, and the hilt of a dagger protrudes from the top of his boot.
If you wish to take his sword, turn to 47.
If you wish to take the dagger and throw it at the Helghast, turn to 211.
As soon as your hand closes around the fruit, it splits wide open, its red skin forming a star-shaped cluster of tentacles that wrap themselves around your wrist to prevent you from casting it away. Needle-like spines shoot from its core into your palm, injecting a powerful anaesthetic that paralyses your arm.
If you have a dagger, turn to 97.
If you do not possess this weapon, turn to 132.
The tap-room becomes a scene of total chaos as hysterical passengers stampede towards the stairs. Paido is forced into a corner by the loathsome spiders; Trost is nowhere to be seen. The necromancer turns to face you. He screams a curse, his hands weaving shapes in the air. You draw a weapon and press forward, but you are literally frozen in your tracks. Frost sparkles on your hair and clothing; ice sheens your eyes. Your breath comes in misty clouds as you labour to stay conscious.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, turn to 345.
If you do not possess this skill, turn to 159.
Hope returns and your spirits rise with the expectation of finding the lost temple beyond the isle of red rock. You set off without delay, anxious to cover the ten-mile trek before the sun sets and darkness engulfs the Danarg.
For the most part the swamp mire is firm underfoot and the inhabitants pose no problems that cannot be solved by a few shouts or well-placed weapon blows. But, as the sky darkens and you draw nearer to the plateau, the going becomes more difficult. A carpet of vines, thick with mould, covers a surface of muddy holes and hollows. Often a seeming puddle proves to be a bottomless fissure. Progress becomes so slow that you fear you will never reach the island before dark.
Turn to 307.
You hear approaching footfalls and the yap of hounds in the distance. Without further delay, you pull yourself through the hatch and tumble into the kitchen.
Turn to 191.
With a crash, the tavern door slams shut and once more you find yourself outside in the teeming rain. ‘A warm-hearted bunch, these plains folk,’ jokes Paido, as you trudge through the mud to the stables. ‘Do you think they'd object if I asked for my food back?’
You smile at his jauntiness, but you know that all his provisions now lie scattered on the tavern floor. You can rely on your basic Kai Discipline of Hunting to provide you with nourishment, but Paido also needs food to sustain him. If you have a Meal in your Backpack you must give it to Paido (remember to delete it from your Action Chart) before continuing your journey northwards.
Turn to 318.
Paido's condition deteriorates rapidly. His coma deepens until finally his heart and brain simply cease to function and he dies. Sadness fills your senses, and in the lonely confines of the passage, you mourn the loss of your brave companion. But grief soon turns to anger as you remember the base trickery which ended his life, and so nearly put an end to yours.
A rage grows within you, fuelled by a need for revenge. You take Paido's sword and vow to avenge his death by washing it in the blood of his murderers. Heedless of caution and the warning cry of your senses, you pull a lever which activates the secret pedestal lift and return to the hall above in search of vengeance.
As you reach the recess beneath the pulpit, you are transfixed by a blinding flash. A searing pain rips through your chest and a deafening bang rings in your ears. Three monks, armed with Bor muskets, have lain in wait in case you reappeared. It seems that their wait was not in vain.
Your life and your quest end here.
The undergrowth stops abruptly at the edge of a gorge. A gust of chill air wafts up from the yawning blackness as you totter on the brink.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery and have reached the rank of Primate, add 3 to the number you have picked.
If your total is now 0–4, turn to 69.
If it is 5–12, turn to 140.
Paido's plan works perfectly. The guards are too busy checking the passengers to notice that there are two extra herdsmen with the consignment of horses. You slip into Tharro unnoticed and find yourselves in River Gate Square. Three streets lead away from the square: Copperpiece Lane, Flagon Alley, and Globe Walk.
If you wish to go west into Copperpiece Lane, turn to 35.
If you wish to go northwest into Flagon Alley, turn to 332.
If you wish to go north into Globe Walk, turn to 82.
As soon as you step into the cabin you are attacked by a man wielding a pick-axe handle. He is a lean, hollow-eyed rogue with a vivid scar, which runs in a ragged line from his forehead to his chin. He shouts a curse and makes a swing for your head.
Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 3 points for the first two rounds of combat due to the surprise of the attack.
If you win the combat, turn to 321.
An hour passes before Paido's sharp eyes catch sight of a river barge in the distance. A team of bedraggled ghorkas are hauling the vessel upstream, seemingly unaffected by the storm-strengthened flow. Eventually it arrives at the jetty and stops to allow a motley assortment of peasants and travellers to disembark.
‘You two goin' to Tharro?’ shouts the barge captain. ‘The fare's 40 Lune apiece, an' that includes y'horses.’
If you wish to board the barge, pay the captain 40 Lune (or 10 Gold Crowns) and turn to 266.
If you do not want to board the barge, or if you cannot afford the fare, turn to 348.
A froth of green scum marks the edge of the pool, and you use it as a guide to avoid stepping too close to the water. On your left, the pools become more numerous until you find yourselves walking a narrow strip of mossy mounds flanked by dark water.
‘By the gods!’ grumbles Paido, slapping insects from his face. ‘How I wish for some good solid ground rather than this spongy muck!’
As if in answer to his request you see a spur of volcanic rock looming out of the mud ahead, forming a causeway above the pools of greasy water. You follow it and soon it splits in two: one spur disappears to the west, the other continues to the south.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus and have reached the rank of Primate, turn to 326.
If you wish t
o take the west spur, turn to 105.
If you wish to continue along the south spur, turn to 123.
The red-skinned fruit is the size of an orange and its peel is similar in texture to orange peel.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, turn to 148.
If you wish to pick one of these juicy-looking fruits, turn to 290.
If you decide not to touch the fruits, turn to 177.
You empty the tankard in one go and wipe the froth from your lips. Seconds later the floor of the hold begins to rock from side to side, gently at first, but gathering momentum until you are forced to cling to the table to prevent yourself from falling over. The other passengers seem unaffected by the violent pitching and rolling, as if their feet were nailed to the deck. You shout a warning that the barge is about to sink, that they should try to save themselves before it is too late. They cackle and sneer at your concern for their safety, their faces growing larger and more grotesque and the sound of their laughter building to a deafening crescendo. A man in a red coat looms before you, his face twisted and deformed. He grabs your shoulders and you feel his fingers sink painlessly into your flesh. Recoiling in horror, you draw a hand weapon to defend yourself from this frightening apparition. As you step forward to strike a blow, a wave of giddiness robs you of all balance and you crash headlong to the floor.