Melted Iron (Blue Bandits MC Book 3)

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Melted Iron (Blue Bandits MC Book 3) Page 9

by Michelle Woods

  Iron looked around seeing that the place was packed with both Blue Bandits and several other men from around the area. This being the only local bar besides the strip club and Animal’s bondage club, this place was almost always busy. Reaper had allowed the sisters to open it here and offered protection to their business for ten percent of the profits. It worked for both the club and the three women who ran the place. The club made a tidy profit for very little effort and the women got to run their business.

  He searched the crowded room looking for Roz’s wild wheat-colored locks among the many women that were crowded into the bar. Knowing Roz the way he did, she would be on the dance floor. She’d always loved to dance and even when she was only sixteen she had moved so sensually that he didn’t know how to handle the hard-on she inspired.

  He could remember the first time he’d seen her dance. It had been all he could do to keep his hands to himself and he had been jealous of every other man in the room as she moved to the beat. He hadn’t want their eyes on her and the idea that anyone might touch her had made him beat the crap out of Tommy that night.

  Shaking the memory away so that he could search for her in the present, he finally spotted her with Sammy, Laci and Sarah in the middle of the dance floor. They were dancing in a little group and thankfully there weren’t any men near Roz. Feeling his teeth ache from the strength of his clenched jaw, he watched her.

  Damn, she was moving so sensually that he almost couldn’t bear it. Her hips moved to a rhythm that made him remember the nights he’d spent with her so long ago.

  The night she had given herself to him burst into life inside his mind with such sparkling clarity, he could remember every touch, every kiss, and every moment he’d spent inside her sweetness and he wanted to feel that again. He wanted to be touched that deeply, to understand that he wasn’t alone anymore, that she was here with him. He didn’t even realize that he was moving towards her until he was right in front of her and she gasped when his hand landed on her waist.

  Her eyes met his and she looked lost for a moment. She stopped moving to the beat, making him want to protest. Iron couldn’t hold back the desire he knew was flooding his gaze, which devoured her. She looked shocked and her face turned up to his in a pleading inspection that he knew showed her nothing except the desire that filled his eyes. Over the years since losing her he had perfected his poker face and now he could don a blank expression that not many knew how to read.

  Iron didn’t know how to explain the feelings he was experiencing. He was bombarded with lust, fear, anger, and something that felt suspiciously like love as he looked down into her eyes, his hands loosely holding her waist.

  “I’m not leaving here so don’t even try to make me, Iron,” Roz finally said, her brow raised as she looked at him.

  Iron didn’t want to fight with her, not tonight. He just wanted to hold her any way she would let him and that scared the hell out of him. She had always seemed to push past his surface layers to grab a hold of his heart and tonight was no different, only he thought he had buried that useless organ long ago. Somehow she was waking it up and he didn’t know if he wanted to let her.

  Iron pulled her closer speaking into her ear, “Fine, but you’re going to dance with me then. No other man will be touching you, Rozzy.”

  “Iron,” she almost moaned as she began to move with him on the dance floor, her eyes closed as she gave herself up to him and the music.

  Roz couldn’t seem to find the energy to resist him and she fell into a rhythm with him. She wanted to tell him to get lost, that she didn’t want him here, but that would have been a lie. She did want him, so much she almost couldn’t take the weight of it. Her mind replayed the way he used to touch her and she could almost feel that same care in his hands which rested on her waist guiding her around the dance floor to the hot sensual Latin beat.

  It was a long time of them moving in tandem before he finally spoke.

  “I did come by the night we were supposed to talk. Who do you think turned off the holo vid you were watching?” Iron asked against her ear, the proximity of his lips adding to the burning desire that had settled inside her stomach, making her panties wet from the need she felt from his simplest touch.

  “I assumed it had an auto shut off,” Roz told him, her own lips brushing against his ear.

  “No, I came by but you looked so peaceful sleeping there on the couch that I didn’t want to wake you.” Iron kissed along the shell of her ear making her quiver as need assaulted her. Her breath caught and she took a moment to answer him. She wanted to believe he cared but she wasn’t sure she could because if he really had wanted to have the conversation with her, why wait till almost midnight to do it?

  “Why didn’t you come earlier, Iron? It’s not like I wasn’t there all day waiting on you,” Roz hissed near his ear, trying to stop her treacherous body from melting into a puddle of wanton goo from the light caresses his lips kept giving to her ear and the teasing nips he was applying to the side of her neck. She shouldn’t let his touch distract her from the anger she had every right to feel. He was always making her wait for him. Fourteen years ago she hadn’t known any better, but she was thirty-two now and she knew that if he truly cared for her he would have been at the rec center for their talk that morning.

  “I had to take care of something for the club. I didn’t want to but it was necessary and I had no choice.” Iron thought that made it better but it only showed her where she fell in his priorities. Roz had once been his first priority and to know that she ranked behind his MC now hurt in a way she hadn’t thought she could feel after the past few days of trying to get over him without success.

  “I can’t keep waiting on you, Iron. I have a life and constantly waiting on you to come back isn’t going to work for me anymore,” she finally whispered into his ear.

  “I’m not asking you to wait right now, Roz. I’m asking you to listen. I didn’t expect to ever see you again, hold you again.” His arms tightened and he pulled her closer. She felt the firm length of his hardened cock pressing to her lower belly and her knees weakened. Her breath caught and she wanted to feel him naked against her.

  “I know. Believe me, I know that finding out that I’m alive was a shock to you but I can’t change the past. We need to just move on. You should let me leave,” Roz managed after a long pause in which they moved around the dance floor, both soaking in the moment.

  “I can’t. I want you too much. So much I burn with it, Roz,” Iron told her, his voice hoarse and his teeth nipping her ear. She moaned again, trying not to give in to her libido. “Let me make love to you, Rozzy.” His voice was darkly sensual and his hands caressed her hips, cupping them and tilting them towards him.

  Roz knew she should just tell him no and pull away but she didn’t want to. She wanted him to touch her. Even if she couldn’t have his love again, she wanted to have some part of him.

  She needed it.

  She looked up meeting his eyes with her own and nodded because she couldn’t bear to walk away from this chance to be with him again, even when she knew she should for her sanity’s sake.

  He leaned in, his lips taking hers, his tongue lazy in its exploration of her mouth and she couldn’t stop the moan that burst out of her. She felt his hand move to bury in her hair and his body pressed closer. She felt her heart pounding in her ears and her mind shut down and all she knew was that Toby was kissing her again and it was divine.

  She responded to his caresses with a lazy exploration of her own, her tongue meeting his as he became more aggressive, his desire for her taking over. His hands tightened on her hip and in her hair. Then he was suddenly devouring her lips, nipping at them and growling in satisfied pleasure as he thrust his tongue in and out in a mimic of the way his body would later move in and out of hers.

  Roz’s passions where burning so brightly she almost couldn’t stand it. She was liquid with desire. She was melting into his arms like warm chocolate when they heard a throat clea
ring nearby. Iron growled angrily and jerked away from her to glower at Reaper who’d just made the sound.

  Roz watched him, dazed, her desire so hot she couldn’t seem to find her balance, making her lean into Iron’s side. She suddenly felt her cheeks heat when she remembered where they were. Shit, she had completely forgotten that they had an audience. Obviously Iron had too because he looked a little sheepish when Reaper spoke.

  “You might want to take that back to the clubhouse or her room cause I think you might want some privacy for that.” Reaper smirked at Iron, his arm around Sarah’s waist. She was standing beside him with a wide grin on her face and she gave Roz a knowing look. Roz buried her face in Iron’s shoulder trying to forget that she had just embarrassed herself in front of the whole bar.

  “Right, let’s go, Roz,” Iron grunted after briefly looking around as if he suddenly remembered where they were. Animal was standing behind Reaper and he was grinning widely with Sammy giving Roz a thumbs up beside him, making her embarrassment ratchet up a notch. Laci was standing between Burner and Bull and her face was a mixture of surprise and awe as she watched her and Iron. Roz had just put on quite the show with Iron it seemed.

  Roz allowed herself to be guided out the door towards Iron’s bike. When they were standing beside it, Iron leaned in, his hands cupping her cheeks as his lips moved over hers again in a hot claiming that left her breathing heavy and her heart pounding in her ears. She moaned when he pulled away, his teeth lightly tugging at her bottom lip.

  “My place or yours?” Iron asked.

  She was curious about where he lived so she managed in a breathless whisper, “Yours.”

  Iron nodded and after climbing on the bike he gestured for her to join him. Roz gingerly climb on, a little nervous about this having never been on one before.

  “Careful of the pipes,” Iron said, showing her where not to put her legs and feet before cranking the bike and pulling her arms around his waist. After calling over his shoulder, “Hold on,” there was a jerk and suddenly they were moving away from the bar at a breakneck speed that Roz wasn’t sure she liked.

  Chapter 10

  Iron pulled up to the clubhouse feeling almost desperate to get her upstairs to his room. His balls were tight and his cock felt hard enough to pound nails. Tasting Roz’s sweetness on his lips was like tasting manna from heaven and he had almost stripped her naked right there in that bar because he was that ready to have her again.

  Iron’s head was still whirling with thoughts of her not trusting him and he knew he should just think of her as just another fuck. Only he couldn’t seem to think of having sex with Roz as fucking like he did with other women. Roz wasn’t like other women and she never had been and that was just a fact he’d learned to live with years ago. It hadn’t bothered him when she was his but now with everything between them, he wasn’t sure how to handle it.

  Roz used his shoulders to climb off the bike and Iron noticed with a slight grin that her legs were a little wobbly because she wasn’t used to the vibrations of his bike. The thought amused him for some reason. Roz straightened her legs and locked her knees, waiting on him to set the stand and climb off. She was beautiful in the moonlight which highlighted her hair, giving it an almost halo effect. Her silvery blue eyes met his in the darkness and his already swollen cock hardened painfully, urging him to get her upstairs.

  Iron felt his breath catch when she smiled shyly at him because his heart suddenly seemed to stop beating for a single moment. He shook off the odd feeling, grabbing her hand to begin leading her into the clubhouse. He had a good grip on her hand and he knew he was practically dragging her but he wanted to get her naked and that need was eating him alive. He needed to relearn every inch of her body. Having had her only for a few weeks wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy the cravings that ripped through his bloodstream with the rush of a thousand amps.

  He needed to take her hard and fast or he was going to lose his mind. Entering, he was pulling her towards the stairs when Lock spoke, his voice amused.

  “I see you two are in a hurry. What are you going to do?” Iron stopped for a moment, glaring at the other man. Roz blushed a little and tried to tug her hand away from his but he refused to allow it. He wasn’t letting her go tonight. She’d agreed to let him take her to bed and she wasn’t getting out of it. He burned too hotly to allow it.

  “Shut the fuck up, it’s none of your business,” Iron spat at him, again tugging her towards the stairs. Roz followed him without protest as he practically dragged her up the stairs and down the landing to his room.

  Opening the door, he let her go in ahead of him before slamming the door shut and locking it behind them. Roz stood staring at him, nervousness seeming to overtake her as she glanced around the room, her eyes lighting on the bed.

  Iron pushed off the door he was leaning against, stepping towards her. She took a hesitant step back away from him looking nervous. Iron stalked her, his intent apparent in the way he moved. He watched her raise a hand to brush her hair off her shoulders. The low-cut red tank top that sent all the blood rushing into his groin was slipping off one shoulder after their mad dash up the stairs and she pushed it back up.

  “Iron, maybe––” Roz began, but he wasn’t in the mood to talk tonight and giving her time to finish that sentence would likely lead to them fighting and he wasn’t going to allow the night to end that way.

  He cut her off with his lips slamming down on hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, tasting her sweetness and feeling it explode through him. Every nerve in his body tingled and he couldn’t seem to think of anything except reaffirming his ownership of every inch of her. She let out a moan and her hands landed on his shoulders as she accepted his kiss, her body flowing into his in a liquid display of pleasure at being touched by him.

  Iron gripped her hips hard, his hands clutching the jeans she wore tightly in his hands, holding her still while his mouth devoured hers. Iron groaned, pulling back slightly to nip her lips before he placed small teasing kisses along the side of her neck, hearing her let out a breathy gasp when he sucked and then nipped a spot he remembered being an erogenous zone for her.

  He smiled against her. Something about that spot always turned her on and he was glad he hadn’t forgotten how to please her despite the years it had been since they had been together. Iron tugged at the hem of her top wanting it off. She didn’t protest as he pulled it over her head, his eyes landing on the red lace bra she wore beneath it. Iron’s hands lifted, cupping the globes encased in lace, brushing his fingers over her nipples and feeling the hardened tips.

  Roz arched into him moaning, her eyes heavy-lidded, her mouth slightly parted on a gasp, and Iron felt the sight blaze inside his memory blistering him with the need he felt for this one woman. He was shocked by the strength of his need for her even after all these years. It wasn’t her beauty, even though she had that in spades, because he had been with beautiful women; it was something about her. Something he couldn’t put his finger on that had always made him burn whenever he was with her.

  Iron was unable to wait any longer and he leaned forward taking one of the hard tips into his mouth and sucking on it through the lace, growling in pleasure when she let out a strangled cry of need. He tugged hard on the little bud rolling his tongue over it, feeling it bead. Fuck, he needed her bare skin on his.

  His hands fell to her jeans jerking at them, trying to unsnap them without releasing her breast from his mouth as he sucked and rolled the tight tip. Roz’s hands jerked off his cut, obviously just as eager to get him naked as he was to get her that way.

  He pulled back whispering, “Undress, hurry.”

  He grabbed the hem of his shirt, jerking it off over his head before reaching for the zipper on his pants, jerking them off but leaving his boxers on. Roz followed suit, jerking her own pants off and kicking them away from her, revealing matching red lace panties that blew what was left of his mind.

  “Wow,” Roz said, suddenly stepping toward
s him, her eyes glued to his chest. Her hands rubbed along his pecs. He glanced down at what she was looking at, realizing it was his tattoo. A sudden spike of anger reared up inside him but he shoved it away. He wasn’t going to ruin this night by thinking of the past. “This is beautiful, Iron.”

  Her fingers caressed the butterfly that was made of jagged edges and fire and flew from the mouth of a skull. His hand caught hers pressing it against the butterfly she was tracing, making her look up at him. It was made from blue flame fading into yellow and the very edges were a flame as if it was morphing into the flame. Iron had had it since three days after he’d been told she was dead. It was instinct for him to stop the caress because he never allowed any woman to trace that part of his tattoo.

  They might have clung to his shoulders or run their hands over it but any time a woman began to trace that flame, he removed their hand and left them alone in the bed because it wasn’t simply a tattoo to him, it was a tribute to the woman he had lost and that was why he released Roz’s hand allowing her to continue exploring it.

  “It’s like it’s becoming a flame. Whoever did this was a brilliant artist. It’s like a living masterpiece,” Roz told him, still tracing the flames, her touch light, gentle.

  Iron wanted to tell her that it was what he had done to honor her, that he had told Pansy what he wanted and the man had created this piece for him, but the words wouldn’t come. They stuck inside him and he didn’t know how to let them out. He didn’t know how to explain why he was still so mad at her that he could barely stand it.

  Iron decided it was a problem for another day because right now he just wanted to touch her, not fight with her, and if he told her how angry he still was, that’s what they would spend tonight doing. He leaned towards her taking her lips with his own, kissing her hard, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, owning it, commanding her response and Roz moaned, almost melting into his arms.


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