Melted Iron (Blue Bandits MC Book 3)

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Melted Iron (Blue Bandits MC Book 3) Page 17

by Michelle Woods

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you are, Rozzy,” Iron whispered and he placed a kiss on her forehead. Roz felt joy overtake her and she wanted to show him how much his telling her this meant to her.

  “I didn’t escape Hank that way without thinking of you, Iron. I only had ten minutes to decide that night but I was sure I could find you. I never thought for even a second that I wouldn’t be able to or I might have stayed despite the danger I was in. I loved you so fiercely back then. I still love you that way,” Roz added, smiling as she rested her chin on her arm looking at him.

  “I wouldn’t have wanted you to put yourself in that kind of peril, Roz. He had already proven that he was unaffected by killing when he killed your mother. I was the fool. I should have kept in touch and not expected you to just wait without any word or way to contact me. I mean, hell, I didn’t even give you my damned road name so you could find me.” Iron’s voice was filled with regret and more than a little anger at his choices.

  “It was just the way it was, Iron. We can’t change the past, it’s over and we’re together, that’s what matters now. We can let the regret we both feel for those choices consume us or we can let it go and be happy that we’re together now,” Roz said, leaning forward to kiss his chin.

  “Huh, when did you become so wise, baby? I can’t get over the changes I see in you. You’ve really grown into an incredible woman, you know that, right?” Iron asked, his smile deepening the color of his eyes, his hands running over her back gently caressing her.

  “I grew up while we were apart. I had too,” Roz said ruefully, remembering those first few months of being on her own.

  “I feel there is a story behind that and I want to hear it,” Iron commanded, his brows drawing down over his eyes. Roz snorted a little because that look wouldn’t work on her if she didn’t want it to.

  “I’ll tell you but only because I want to, not because you are commanding me to. That doesn’t work with me anymore,” she informed him, raising up to glare at him.

  Iron chuckled a little, his hands running down to cup her ass, pressing her against his slowly hardening cock.

  “Good, I like my women feisty,” he growled.

  “Pervert,” Roz said, laughing when his hands ran up her sides tickling her.

  “Only with you, baby. Only with you.”

  “Charmer,” Roz whispered kissing him, her tongue dueling with his for a long moment before she pulled back to speak. “Those first few weeks were hard. I only had the credits Hank had given Doc to bury me and it wasn’t much. I was on the run and I couldn’t even take my car because he would have known I was alive then.”

  Iron’s hands tightened on her hips and his frown was grim. “I bought that car for you, Roz. Why the hell didn’t you take it? He would have thought it was stolen or something, not that you were still alive.”

  “I didn’t want to chance it, Iron. He’d just killed my mother.” Iron’s frown didn’t lessen but he nodded in understanding.

  “Anyway, I ran like hell, but I was also searching for you. Every time I saw a biker, I would ask him if he knew you but they always said no. I got as far as Grandyville on the credits I had from odd jobs and the burial. Doc had given me some clothes. They didn’t fit well but they worked. When I arrived there, I’d been looking for you for over a year and hadn’t had any luck. I was also tired of running and I just wanted to stay somewhere for a while.”

  Iron felt his heart stop in his chest because he knew the type of men she’d likely been approaching and it scared him to death that something could have happened to her, especially if she’d met up with Headhunters or Cutthroats. Thank God they hadn’t been in the flesh trade back then.

  “When I found a job at the medical center in Grandyville as a checkin clerk, I stayed. I didn’t stop searching for you though. I would ask the bikers who stopped in town about you until about four years had passed. That’s when I finally realized either you were dead or somewhere too far away. I never gave up completely but I didn’t ask every biker I saw about you either.” Roz looked guilty but Iron was glad she had stopped because she could have gotten hurt trying to find him and he couldn’t bear the thought of that.

  It also made him realize his part in their miscommunication hadn’t been as insignificant as he’d first thought. The realization hadn’t become clear to him until she told him this story because it brought home the danger he’d put her in by not giving her a sat phone or telling her his new name. He shivered as he thought of the ways those men she’d been asking him about could have hurt her and he was damned glad that she’d quit looking for him after four years.

  Fuck, he’d been an idiot.

  “Roz, I’m glad you stopped. Those men––they aren’t all good men––hell, the men in this club aren’t all good men. It tears me up that you put yourself at risk like that,” he finally said, his hand tightening in her hair.

  “I wasn’t taking a risk. Most of them were nice,” Roz said looking surprised.

  Iron wanted to shake her because bikers weren’t cuddly bunnies that she should have no fear of, they were hardened and sometimes mean as fuck. She’d been lucky and she had no fucking clue that she had been. Fuck.

  “I’m just going to say this once because I don’t want you to be frightened but bikers aren’t nice. Ever. You were damned lucky that the men you approached didn’t try to rape or hurt you. Promise me you won’t do that again if we’re ever separated. I couldn’t bear it if something were to happen to you.”

  Roz tilted her head, looking at him before a smile split her face. “I won’t, but this time I’d know where you were and I would come looking for your sorry ass and let me tell you, when I found you I wouldn’t be nice.”

  Iron laughed because he didn’t doubt her for a second and it made him happy that his woman would fight for him. His hands cupped her ass and pulled her against his hardened cock.

  “Like I said before, I do like a feisty woman,” he whispered.

  “That’s good because at this point I don’t think I could change that about myself,” Roz told him as her lips met his and she was lost to the passion they shared again. It was a long while before either of them were able to fall into a deep sleep, holding on to each other tightly, both grateful they were together.

  Chapter 17

  Roz was sitting in Ink Bandits with Sammy, Laci and Sarah three days after Iron had told her he loved her. They were talking about the bonfire party scheduled for tonight. Laci was unhappy because she wanted to go but Reaper had said no because they where hosting two of their patched over clubs and he didn’t want her there because of that. Roz was glad that Reaper was trying to protect the girl. She knew that Laci could probably take care of herself better than the men realized but Roz didn’t want her in a situation where she had to.

  Laci had become like a little sister to Roz and she wanted the girl safe. It was odd to think being part of a biker club made her safe with the reputation most of the clubs, including the Blue Bandits, had but Roz knew that Laci was safer here than she ever could have been with her father the gambler.

  It still cracked her up when Laci told the story about the day she’d played poker with Burner while he was recovering. She’d taken the poor fool for a thousand credits and he had not been happy about it until he’d thought of a way for her to pay him back for tricking him. Roz shook her head thinking of that story. He’d set up a game with him and four other men in the club and brought Laci along. He told the men he was watching her for the night and hadn’t had a choice. Rebel, Colt, Stick, and Rogue had agreed to play even with Bull’s snort at Burner’s fake reluctance to have Laci there.

  Burner had taken his friends for a little over six thousand credits and he’d split them with Laci. Roz smiled at the memory. Laci enjoyed tricking them and she’d made a tidy profit so she was happy but the rumors about that night had spread and now everyone knew not to underestimate the girl.

  Roz also noticed that Bull see
med to tag along with Laci everywhere, like today he was leaning on the counter chatting with Flame. He kept glancing over at Laci every so often as if he wanted reassurance that she was there. Roz had a feeling he felt the same as she did about Laci, either that or he was interested in her despite his protests to the contrary. Only time would tell.

  Roz leaned back in the chair staring at the ceiling with a slight curling of her lips. Iron made her happy and she’d never thought to be as happy as she’d been when they were just kids but she was. She found herself randomly smiling like she was right now at least once a day when she thought of Iron.

  “I don’t know why I can’t go, it’s not fair. You all get to go!” Laci whined, bringing Roz’s attention back to her. Laci sat with her arms crossed and her lip curled in an unhappy pout.

  “It’s for your safety, Laci. Reaper says that the patched over clubs are dangerous,” Sarah said, her exasperation with the younger woman clear in her tone. Since they’d arrived twenty minutes ago, Laci had been complaining about not being able to attend.

  “It’s safe enough for you three, why not me?”

  Roz glanced at Laci seeing her expression was mutinous and smiled slightly. “I think that’s because we’ll be with our men, hon,” Roz explained.

  “I could hang out with you and Iron. It would be fine.”

  “No,” Bull growled, having moved over to hover over Laci. “You’re too young and nobody wants you around the bullshit that goes on at these parties after the first hour or so. Now just deal with the fact that you were told no and stop hassling everyone.”

  Laci jumped to her feet glaring at him with her hands on her hips. “No one asked you to speak, you big jerk! I’m not a child and preventing me from going to this party is stupid.”

  Bull leaned forward, his look grim, his lips compressed into a tight line and his arms crossed over his chest in a tense stance. “Too bad. Stop acting like a spoiled brat and maybe we wouldn’t treat you like a child. It’s not a party for girls like you and no amount of whining is going to change that.”

  Laci stamped her foot before she growled angrily, “You’re an asshole!” Then she stormed out of the tattoo parlor without a goodbye to anyone else. Two prospects looked at Bull, who nodded, and they followed her out the door. Roz was sure that Laci would not like them following her any more than she liked being told that she couldn’t go to this party tonight.

  “That went well,” Sammy said, sarcasm dripping from her tone.

  “She can’t go to that party. You know the kind of shit that goes on there and her whining was getting on my nerves,” Bull grumbled, watching the retreating form of Laci out the front window until she was out of sight.

  “I do but maybe it could have been handled a little less––forcefully,” Sammy finally settled for.

  “Maybe,” Bull replied.

  “I was going to handle it, Bull. You didn’t need to step in. I know that she doesn’t have any idea what she’d be getting herself into but you handled that wrong,” Sarah said making Roz snort and everyone looked at her.

  “Sorry, but all of you are in the dark about that little girl.”

  “She’s a kid. What’s there to be in the dark about?” Bull asked, glaring at her.

  “Laci may be only eighteen but I would bet she’s seen a lot more of the darker side of life than any of you could imagine.” Roz knew that she was right because she’d been gambled away by her father at the tender age of eight the first time. She’d been horrified when Laci had confided in her about some of her childhood.

  “Just because she’s seen it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be protected from it now.” Bull looked like his head was going to explode from whatever it was he was feeling. Roz shook her head because she knew that’s what he wanted to do for Laci and that was noble of him. It just wasn’t going to go over well with Laci, who was used to taking care of herself.

  “I didn’t say don’t protect her, but there is a difference between protecting her and smothering her,” Roz informed him.

  “I just told her she couldn’t go because it wasn’t for her,” he insisted, making Roz laugh because that was so not what she’d just witnessed.

  “I think maybe your idea of a gentle nudge is skewed, Bull,” Sammy said with a snort of laughter.

  “Whatever. I set her straight and that’s all that matters.” Bull stormed towards the door after that parting shot and Roz would bet he’d be hot on Laci’s heels because the man couldn’t seem to stay away from her for very long. Shaking her head, she looked at Sarah.

  “You know that after that little scene you’re going to need to watch her like a hawk tonight to keep her from that party, right?” Roz asked. Sarah rubbed her face and nodded.

  “Yeah, I was young once too. Damn, I wish he’d stayed out of it and let her complain. It was annoying but better than her being mad and now determined to go to the party anyway.” Sarah glanced at the door when it opened, seeing three giggling young women walk in looking tipsy.

  Flame grinned and walked over talking to the three women. One of the three told him she wanted a tattoo and they were taken back to his station. Sammy reached over to grab the soda she was drinking, rolling her eyes at the three giggling women who were still fawning all over Flame.

  “It’s really disgusting how some women act around our men. Not that I care who Flame sleeps with but I can’t stand when they act like that around my man, it’s really fucking irritating,” Sammy grumbled, running a hand through her strawberry blonde hair.

  “Yeah, one actually put her hands on Reaper the other day. I was with him at the strip club and she just walked up, put her hands on his chest and told him she’d fuck his brains out. I was right there next to him and she offered that like I wasn’t even there. I almost clawed her eyes out. Reaper just laughed and told her no before grabbing me and carrying me to the office before I could murder her,” Sarah growled, her eyes glowing with anger as she told the story.

  Roz knew Iron worked at the strip club and she wondered how many of the women offered him a quick fuck with dismay. Not that she thought he would betray her but she didn’t like thinking of women throwing themselves at him.

  “I know they think any of them are fair game because none of them had a women until recently and they took a lot of those women up on that offer if they were horny, so now the women throw themselves at our men. I know that Animal loves me and wouldn’t cheat on me, but it’s not something I want to see them offering him,” Sammy said, glancing back to watch one of the giggling women run her clawed hand down Flame’s chest. Roz didn’t think Flame minded if the wide grin on his face was anything to go by.

  Roz had to agree with Sammy, she didn’t like the idea that Iron was being offered sex all the time either and she wondered grimly how many times she’d have to deal with women like Grace showing up in his room.

  Reaper walked out of the back at that moment, walking by the three giggling women without really paying attention, his gaze trained on Sarah. One of the women called out to him but he only glanced at her briefly, curtly saying no without stopping.

  He walked up to Sarah. Leaning down, he kissed her long and deep before lifting his head to glance at Roz and Sammy.

  “Hey, are you three having a good chat? And I thought that Laci was here, did she leave?” he asked smiling.

  “Bull pissed her off and she left. You’re going to need more than two prospects watching her tonight thanks to Bull. She’s pissed that she can’t go to the bonfire,” Sarah told him.

  Reaper shook his head. “I don’t know why he keeps doggin’ her heels but since he started the mess, he can watch her tonight. I came out here because Derik called and said that Josh is fussy and wants his mommy. I figured you would want to go check on him.”

  Sarah raised a brow at him and he looked sheepish before saying, “Fine, I want you to go check on him. I would go with you but I have to get shit into play for tonight and it’s taking longer than I fucking planned.” Reaper didn’
t look happy about that either.

  “Okay, I’ll go check on him but it’s just his teeth. He has that last one coming in and it’s taking forever. It’s already been two months and you know as well as I do that he’s fine, you’re being paranoid again.” Sarah held his cheeks while she spoke. He grinned at her.

  “I can’t help it if I want to be sure my son’s safe.” Roz saw Sarah’s eyes go all gooey at those words. She knew that Josh was not actually Reaper’s kid and it was obvious the fact that he treated him as if he was melted Sarah’s heart.

  “You’re such a pussy,” Sarah teased, laughing when he mock growled and leaned down, his lips hovering over Sarah’s.

  “Hey, watch it, woman. I have a reputation to maintain.” He rubbed his forehead against hers with a rueful laugh.

  Sarah shook her head before replying softly, “I think it’s a safe bet to say your reputation is in no danger considering you cut out three men’s tongues two days ago.”

  Reaper grinned. “You better believe it, babe,” He said before he kissed her a second time. Then pulling back, he commanded, “Now, go check on my boy so I can get shit done without worrying about him.”

  “Fine,” Sarah replied rolling her eyes. “You two want to come with?” she asked.

  “Nope, I need to get back to the house. I just got off twenty minutes ago and Animal will be meeting me at the house in three hours so I want to clean up before we head to the party tonight,” Sammy said.

  “Me either. I want to check on Laci and then I need to see if I can’t call Tara again. She wanted me to call her this week to be sure I was doing all right,” Roz informed her.

  “Huh, yeah, I still want to meet her. The way you talk about her, she seems like she’d be a blast to hang out with.” Sarah stood with Reaper’s help, his arm curling around her waist and his mouth dipping to kiss her neck.


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