Wrong Place, Right Mate (Celestial Mates)

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Wrong Place, Right Mate (Celestial Mates) Page 7

by Kit Tunstall

  Dahlia’s tone changed, becoming less professional and more friendly. “I bet you have a heck of a story to tell when you get back.”

  Zyan’s stomach tightened when Ellie met his gaze, hers seeming conflicted.

  “I certainly do. I’ll talk to you soon, Dahlia.”

  After she had finished her conversation, it was time to dock with the outpost. It was simply a mobile space station, not a settlement on a planet, but it was large, and he could see Ellie was impressed and fascinated when he brought up the view screen to show her images captured by his external cameras.

  “This is amazing. People live here all the time, huh?” She shook her head and laughed, looking a little self-conscious. “Of course they do. Honestly, I guess it’s not much different from our Hub, but it’s alien, so it just seems different.”

  In spite of his morose thoughts, he managed to find a smile at her enthusiasm. With a twinge of regret, he carefully set her off his lap and brought up his communications system. He coordinated with their Central Command to dock with the airlock, and they were departing the ship a few minutes later. Several soldiers had come to meet them, but not in a threatening way. They were simply facilitating the integration of the ex-slaves he and Ellie had freed as they prepared to process them for return to their home planets.

  He went straight to the commander, exchanging a salute.

  “Come with me, Tracker Lan Par. The High Council is eager to hear your report.”

  Zyan started to part from Ellie, but she grasped his hand and held fast. Understanding her unspoken message, he simply squeezed his hand around hers and didn’t try to dissuade her from following along with him behind the commander. The commander didn’t say anything, and they were soon in a conference room with a large view screen. Zyan recognized the life forms on the screen, composed of several species who ruled the Interstellar Alliance and enforced protocols.

  “What news have you of Aladrina?” asked High Councilor Djen. She was an elegantly coiffed Teralonian, with piercing eyes that made Zyan slightly uncomfortable, though he refused to show it.

  “She’s dead.”

  The High Councilor gasped. “How can this be? There are protocols in place. You’re supposed to bring her back alive.”

  “That proved impossible, High Councilor Djen.”

  The woman’s features became stern. “This is a serious breach, and I’m surprised a Karadisian would do such a thing.”

  “He didn’t,” and Ellie.

  Zyan gritted his teeth when she ignored his look of warning.

  “Who are you?” asked Djen, looking at Ellie as though she was a bug under a microscope.

  “I’m Dr. Ellie Wright, a human, and I’m the one who killed Aladrina, so leave Zyan alone.”


  After making her revelation, Ellie glared up at the woman. She was a beautiful light pink color, with darker pink hair arranged in a complicated configuration around her head. She also seemed to be a stickler for rules and regulations, and Ellie wasn’t going to let Zyan take the blame for what she considered a necessary action. “I’m not part of your alliance, so I don’t fall under your rules.”

  The High Councilor looked apoplectic for a moment. “Tracker Lan Par, explain this.”

  Ellie leaned forward, cutting off Zyan. “I’ll explain it. I’m the one who takes full responsibility for what happened. I was surveying the planet Aladrina crashed on, and where Zyan tracked her. She injured me, and she ultimately kidnapped me to sell at the slave auction. When I had the chance, I shot her. It’s ridiculous to expect her to go through multiple channels when you’ve already decided she needs to be executed. She’s dead, it’s done, and I suggest you get over it.”

  Zyan made a choking sound beside her, and it was impossible to tell if he was stifling amusement or gasping from shock.

  The High Councilor drew herself up, looking a bit like a huffy pink toad for a moment. “How dare you speak to me in such a fashion?”

  “As I said, I’m human, and I don’t answer to you. It’s been a long damn day, and I want to wrap this up. Zyan didn’t do anything wrong, so why don’t you cut through all your bureaucratic paperwork and call it a done deal?” Ellie was amazed by her own brusqueness. She was usually one to follow rules and defer to authority. She’d simply had enough. It boggled her mind to think that they might punish anyone for doing away with Aladrina when they’d already deemed her in need of execution.

  The High Councilor turned her back to the screen, and the aliens conferred among themselves in low whispers. When she turned again, her gaze focused solely on Zyan. “We’ll expect a full debriefing in your report, and we might have more questions for the human, but it sounds like you had nothing to do with breaching protocol. You’re exonerated.”

  Zyan blinked, looking surprised. “I didn’t realize I had been formally charged.”

  The High Councilor had the grace to blush, or at least that’s what Ellie assumed it was by the way her entire body went a darker shade of pink.

  “I simply meant there will be no charges filed. You’re dismissed for now, Tracker Lan Par.”

  With a nod of appreciation, he pushed a button, and the view screen went black. Then he turned to Ellie, and his expression was difficult to read. “That was a very brave, but perhaps foolish, thing to do, Ellie.”

  She lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “I didn’t like her attitude. I just don’t understand what the big deal is. Besides, do you even answer to them? I thought you were a bounty hunter from Karadis?”

  He smiled. “Everyone on any of the planets that are part of the Alliance answers to the High Council. Even if I don’t agree with their protocols, I have to follow them when I’m given assignments. It’s a complicated mess, but usually it’s no problem to navigate. This is the first time I brought in a dead body instead of a live prisoner though, so that could account for my lack of issues before.” His eyes gleamed as he said it, indicating his amusement. “I was quite impressed by your display, Dr. Wright.”

  “It had to be done, Tracker Lan Par.” She winked at him. “Now what? Are you taking me back to my Hub?”

  He shrugged. “Perhaps eventually, but tonight, we have quarters here at the station.”

  Ellie’s stomach dipped with anticipation. “Separate quarters?”

  He gave her a slow, sensual smile. “Together.”

  Chapter Eight

  Ellie was a little nervous as she followed Zyan through the corridors of the station, trusting he knew the way to whatever quarters he been assigned. They had been assigned, she mentally corrected. She wasn’t entirely certain why she was nervous about the idea of sleeping with Zyan, other than the fact she doubted much sleeping would take place.

  It was probably the lack of clarity about the future. She wasn’t sure how they could make it work, but she didn’t want to give up the opportunity to have even just one night with Zyan. If that was all it was, she’d endure, and she’d rather live with the ache of losing him than the regret of never having him.

  With that thought in mind, she was far more relaxed when they stepped into the small quarters. They were functional and utilitarian, and at least the bed would be large enough for both of them. As soon as the hydraulic door hissed behind them when it closed, she put her hands on Zyan’s chest and pushed him back against the wall, stretching on her tiptoe to brush her lips against his neck. With a throaty chuckle, he bent his head, and his lips molded to hers. The kiss was deep and full of need on both sides.

  Ellie clung to Zyan as their lips molded and pressed together, her hands clutching at his shoulders with a touch of desperation. Part of her wanted to maintain the hold forever. Far more than part of her. All of her wanted to be right here with him, as they were now, without thoughts of the future.

  Zyan tangled his hands in her hair, gently pulling back her head to expose her neck. His mouth drifted farther, moving over her chin and down the column of her throat. He nipped her lightly, making her entire body spasm with pleasure.<
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  With a brief flick of his hand, her body armor dropped away. She wished she were as adept with the system, because she would like to do the same to him. Before she could protest the disparity in their clothing status, Zyan lifted her into his arms and carried her across the room. He laid her on the bed, coming down with her. She moaned in eager anticipation when his mouth started moving in a southerly direction. He paused to taste her nipples, but it was more of a tease than anything. His destination was clear, and he only briefly detoured from it.

  When his mouth reached the heart of her, she lifted her hips with a small moan fully opening herself to him. The first touch of his tongue was already exciting her far more than any experience before him.

  Zyan’s mouth moved over her slick flesh, alternating between tender strokes of his tongue and more forceful thrusts inside her opening. He was so good at what he was doing that it was almost impossible to believe he’d never had experience with a human female before. As she buried her fingers in his hair, straining to pull him closer, though they were already so close as to practically melt into one being, she thought about praising him, but couldn’t find the words. The only thing that escaped her mouth was a long, hoarse cry as she came for the first time.

  And it was the first of many, because he was clearly preparing her to take all of him.

  Her hips rocked against him, and her body trembled under the force of continuous waves of pleasure. He would barely let one orgasm fade before giving her another. By the time he must have deemed her ready, she was practically limp from exhaustion combined with satisfaction, but she still wanted him inside her.

  Zyan got up from the bed, ignoring her whimper of protest. He stood over her and looked down with an almost smug expression of male satisfaction on his face. “You look perfect just like that, Ellie.”

  She was too exhausted for words, but she managed to wiggle her fingers, indicating she wanted him to return to her. He stripped off his body armor, allowing it to fall on the floor carelessly, before returning to the bed.

  This time, he laid on top of her again, but in a different position. His forearms bore the brunt of his weight as he settled between her thighs. His cock was hard, and she thought maybe larger than it had been earlier in the cave. He must want her with the same desperate hunger she had felt while in the throes of climaxing all those times. Even now, as sated as she was, her stirrings of hunger returned rapidly. She wanted him to take her, claim her, and keep her.

  Zyan nudged her opening with the head of his cock, but he didn’t sink inside. Hesitating, he asked, “Are you protected from pregnancy? Our species are apparently very compatible.”

  Ellie nodded. “I have a bio-chip in my brain that regulates all that. The default setting is pregnancy prevention.”

  With a purr of satisfaction, he slipped inside her. With gritted teeth, and sweat beading his brow, he took her one slow inch at a time, obviously being careful to ensure she was truly prepared for his size.

  Ellie was more than ready, and his slow pace was clearly killing him, so she cupped his buttocks in her hands and pushed him deeper inside her while she arched against him. There was a brief moment of pain as she adjusted to his size, and while she was certain his original method would have been painless, this was far quicker, and her body was already relaxed, her interior clinging to his shaft as though they were designed to fit together perfectly.

  He began to thrust in and out, teeth still gritted at the obvious effort it cost him to remain gentle. She ran her hands over his shoulders, her gaze locking with his as she did so. “I’m not going to break. You’ve given me so much pleasure, and I want you to take what you need from me.”

  Still, he hesitated. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She shook her head. “You won’t. If you do, I’ll let you know.” When he still seemed to be holding back, she flexed her inner muscles around him, milking his cock and making him shout his pleasure.

  After that, Zyan had clearly lost control. He thrust rapidly into her, going as deeply as he could. The bed shook under the force of his thrusts, and she clung to him to steady herself. She also held on because she didn’t want to let go. Ellie was shocked when her sheath convulsed around him, and she found one last orgasm. It crested over her, almost vicious in its suddenness, stealing her breath and her ability to see anything but stars behind her eyes for a long moment.

  As the world reassembled itself, Zyan thrust into her one more time, clutching her hips in his hands and angling her pelvis upright slightly as he spent himself inside her.

  They were still joined together when he turned onto his side, taking her with him. He tucked his arm around her, hand resting possessively on the curve of her butt. They didn’t speak for long moments, and Ellie wondered if he was as incapable of speaking as she was while she recovered from the most amazing sex of her life.

  Finally, her breathing stilled enough she could manage words. She traced her fingers down his hip as she looked up, catching his gaze. He looked as completely drained, yet satisfied, as she felt. She grinned at him. “That was pretty amazing. I might have to mention that in my report about first contact.”

  He managed a small grin. “You shouldn’t, little human, because others might want a demonstration.”

  He was just teasing, but she couldn’t deny that a surge of possessiveness shot through her. “I won’t share you with anyone.”

  He nodded, looking satisfied. “I feel the same, and that’s as it should be, since we’re mates.”

  “What do you mean, we’re mates?” Her heart skipped a beat in excitement, but she cautioned herself to rein it in. It could be something as simple as a glitch in his translator, and mate might not mean the same thing to him as it meant to her.

  “That’s how I found you. This strange fellow appeared on my shuttle and gave me the coordinates to your location.”

  Ellie was confused. “What do you mean, he appeared? Who was he?”

  “He identified himself as Freydon Rote, and he claimed to be working with something called the Celestial Mates Agency. They exist outside of space and time.” Those words clearly amused him, and he laughed softly. “I don’t know if he was telling me the truth, but I think he was. His information led me to you, and how would he have known without certain abilities?”

  Ellie shifted slightly, frowning. “I’m still pretty confused.”

  “Freydon claimed you are my mate, matched up by these matchmakers, who facilitate the meeting of mates, and ensure they’re able to be together. He helped me find you, and I think he was right. You are my mate. I feel it on a molecular level.”

  “Oh, Zyan.” There was a hint of sadness in her tone, and she was conflicted by how to respond. The idea of being with him was exciting, but giving up the career she had worked so hard for was unfathomable. Seeing his concern, she tried to explain. “I want to be with you, but it means giving up everything else. I’ve worked so hard to become one of the first exo-geologists actually working outside of Earth’s solar system. It’s what I dreamed about from the time I was a little girl. How will this work? You’re always traveling, so when will we see each other?”

  He looked unsettled. “I assumed you would come with me.”

  “That’s unfair, don’t you think? What if I just assumed you would stay with me at the Hub? Do you see the source of conflict?”

  He sighed. “Of course I see the problems, but they aren’t something we can’t overcome. I’m not going to lose you, and if it means I come with you to this Hub, I’ll do so.”

  She blinked, stunned by his words. “Wouldn’t that mean giving up bounty hunting?”

  He shrugged. “It might. I’m not certain of the logistics, but I am certain I want you with me, and we can work them out.”

  “I have to get back to report in. Will you come with me?” It was actually a hollow question, because she had no transportation back to the Hub without Zyan flying her on his shuttle. It seemed better to ask than to assume though. At his nod, she
curled closer to him. “We’re going to work this out and find a way to be together. I don’t want to give up what we have here, and what we could have.”

  He seemed satisfied with that, and he held her closer. It wasn’t long before his breathing deepened and became regular, indicating he had fallen asleep.

  Ellie wasn’t quite able to clear her mind enough to sleep just yet. She continued fretting over the situation, trying to see an easy solution. She liked the idea of him moving into the Hub with her, and she even liked the idea of him giving up his career, because it was so dangerous. That was unfair of her though. If she didn’t like him expecting her to give up everything she’d worked so hard for, she shouldn’t expect him to do so either. He’d made the offer, but could she in good conscience accept it? Sleep was a long time coming as her thoughts consumed her.

  Chapter Nine

  They departed from the Alliance outpost early the next morning, entering ionospace as soon as they were the minimum safe distance away from the station. They had hours together, but they did surprisingly little talking considering the ambiguities between them.

  Instead, Zyan lost himself in the sensations evoked by touching his mate. Each breathless cry of hers became his own, a treasured memory locked deep in the databanks of his mind. He wasn’t saving up experiences to get him through being without her, because he had no intention of letting her go. He was simply reveling in the pleasure of having this woman as his mate, and the newness of everything he felt for her.

  They were cuddling after their third round of lovemaking when the ship beeped softly to alert him as it dropped out of ionospace. He placed a tender kiss to her forehead. “We’re here.”

  She looked reluctant, and he wished he could read her mind. Human and Karadisian females were equally frustrating in that regard. It was difficult to tell what they were thinking, or what they wanted. With Ellie, he thought he knew what she wanted, which was to maintain her position at the Hub. While he wanted to continue tracking, he wanted her more. It was as simple as that. “Are you ready?”


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