Fight 4 Us: (Book 3): Refuge

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Fight 4 Us: (Book 3): Refuge Page 2

by Grenda, Brian

  I respond, “The plan is to survive and keep fighting. First off, we must secure the neighborhood entrances and houses. Then we need to try and live off the land. We need to setup a variety of sustainable resources like food, water, and shelter. Possibly setup a new world full of trade, life, and growth.”

  Shaun asks, “That all sounds great, but where do we start? How do we do all that?”

  Bobby G says, “It starts with people. Good people. Honest people. Trustworthy people. The people at this table and in this house. We have to rely on ourselves and people we can trust. It starts with us and then we worry about others.”

  “We start tomorrow morning. We will move all the zombie bodies and burn them. We will check out the entrances to the neighborhood, several homes around the neighborhood, and secure everything that we can. The neighborhood needs to be our safe-haven, our refuge for right now.”

  Phil says, “Sounds good Ryan. Let’s all get some sleep, so that we can start early tomorrow morning.”

  I look at the group and say, “Thank you all for being here and for being great people. Together we can and will do great things. Together we will make it. One step at a time, but it starts tomorrow. Get some sleep, and I’ll see you guys tomorrow morning.”



  I awake to the sounds of thunder and lightning in the morning. I slept like crap on that air mattress. Lauren is still sleeping on the air mattress as I walk into the guest bathroom.

  I turn on the sink facet and splash some water onto my face. I grab the hand towel and dry off my face. I glance at myself in the mirror and see that I have a beard.

  I never let my facial hair grow longer than a day or two, as the hospital really didn’t like for doctors to look unshaved and scruffy.

  I see the electric razor sitting on the bathroom sink countertop and decide if I should shave or not. I pick up the razor and then look back into the mirror.

  I look at my beard in the mirror and say, “New world, new you.”

  I place the razor in a bathroom cabinet drawer.

  Today should be a very busy day, we need to secure the entrances the best that we can and develop a plan for how to fully secure them.

  I walk into the kitchen and hear Bobby G snoring in my bedroom.

  Phil walks into the kitchen and says, “Your dad snores so freaking loud. He sounds like a chainsaw.”

  “Yeah. He has snored like that for as long as I can remember. Did you get any sleep?”

  “I got about 5 hours sleep, but I’ll be ready to go after I have some cereal,” replies Phil.

  I look at the dark clouds though the kitchen windows as I stand by the kitchen sink.

  Phil sits on a kitchen counter barstool and says, “The weather might be a problem for us this morning. What do you want to do first?”

  “Let’s secure the homes that are abandoned like Martha’s, Ray’s, and Kyle’s, and then we can work on the entrances, when the weather clears up.”

  Phil says, “Good idea. We definitely have to take over the houses around us. It’s pretty crowded in here now.”

  “Yeah. Definitely. I’ll be in the garage. I’m going to check out the solar panel converter and generator.”

  I exit the kitchen and enter the garage through the laundry room garage door. The generator is working fine, but has been running for too long. We only have a day or so left, before we will have to find some gas for the generator.

  I walk over to the solar panel converter and see a yellow light is blinking on the converter now. I’m not sure what the blinking light means but I see progress with the solar panels.

  The garage is hot and I can’t take being in the heat any longer, so I go inside the house.

  I walk into the kitchen and see that Shaun has joined Phil for breakfast now. They are both eating a bowl of cereal while they sit in barstools at the kitchen counter.

  “Morning Shaun.”

  Shaun replies, “Morning Ry. Everything okay in the garage?”

  “Yeah. The generator is working fine, but the solar panel converter isn’t working right. It has a yellow blinking light on now.”

  Shaun takes a spoonful of cereal and says, “It probably is in standby mode as the converter hasn’t got that much solar energy yet.”

  “Maybe. That makes sense though. I’ll have to check it later today, after we check out the homes around here.”

  A loud snore is heard from Bobby G inside my bedroom and then a loud sigh.

  Shaun, Phil, and I look at each other and laugh.

  “I guess Bobby G is up,” says Shaun.

  I joke, “Yeah. The chainsaw has stopped. Must be out of gas.”

  Bobby G opens the bedroom door and comes stumbling out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

  “Morning guys,” says Bobby G as he walks into the kitchen.

  We all reply, “Good Morning.”

  I look at my dad and ask, “Sleep alright?”

  “Slept like a log,” replies Bobby G.

  I joke, “Sounded like a falling tree. You still snore so bad.”

  Bobby G replies, “I know it’s terrible. I have tried to improve it over the course of my 68 years of life, but nothing helps. Sandy use to hate it.”

  As Bobby G finishes his statement, he starts to tear up at the mentioning of his wife Sandy. He doesn’t put out a tear, but I can see that he started to get emotional about the thought of his late wife. Sandy and my dad were married for 20 years. It must be tough to lose someone that you have known and loved for so long.

  “What do you want for breakfast Bob?” asks Phil.

  “What do you got around here? Bacon and eggs?” jokes Bobby G.

  Shaun replies, “I wish. I wish I was making that breakfast for everyone right now.”

  “Maybe one day, we’ll have a breakfast like that. We got cereal, protein bars, and oatmeal,” says Phil.

  “I’ll have some oatmeal,” says Bobby G.

  I grab a protein bar and start making Bobby G’s oatmeal.

  Bobby G asks, “What are we going to start with first? The weather looks pretty crappy right now.”

  The sound of rain drops hitting the roof fill the air.

  I hand Bobby G his bowl of oatmeal and say, “We need to secure the abandoned neighbor’s homes like Martha’s house. Hopefully the weather will pass and we can start to work on the neighborhood entrances.”

  I finish my protein bar and take a drink of water. Phil is done with his breakfast as well and gives his seat to Bobby G.

  I look at Shaun and say, “Take your time with breakfast. I’m going to get ready for today and change my clothes.”

  Lisa enters the kitchen and walks over to Shaun. I pass Lisa and greet her, before I go into my bedroom. I walk into my bedroom and then into the master bathroom to brush my teeth. As I’m in the bathroom, I hear someone enter the bedroom.

  Lauren asks, “Ryan. Are you in here?”

  I spit into the sink and say, “Yeah. I’m in the bathroom.”

  Lauren walks over to me and says, “Good morning. How are you?”

  I put my toothbrush back into the holder and say, “Good morning. I’m doing good. How are you?”

  Lauren and I kiss and I walk into our closet to change my clothes.

  I put on some black athletic shorts and a red tee shirt. Lauren walks out of the bedroom and stretches her arms over her head before she sits down on the edge of the bed.

  I walk over to the bulletproof vest that is lying next to the bed and pick it up.

  “Do you really need that today?” asks Lauren.

  “Probably not, but I feel secure wearing it.”

  I sit next to Lauren on the bed and ask, “What are you and the girls doing today?”

  Lauren replies, “Probably organize everything we got so far and help everyone bring in the supplies and food from Matt and Shaun’s vehicles.”

  “That’s a good idea to have everything organized. Then we can see what we still need and what w
e are fully stocked with.”

  Bobby G enters the room and says, “You ready Ryan? Let me just change my clothes, and I’ll be ready.”

  I stand up from the bed and say, “Okay take your time. Do you have a weapon or anything?”

  “I have a handgun, but not sure how many bullets I have left,” replies Bobby G.

  “Meet me in the house when you are ready and I’ll see what we got for bullets, or possibly maybe a different weapon for you altogether.”

  Lauren and I exit my bedroom to give my dad some privacy.

  As we exit the bedroom, I can hear everyone in the kitchen having a good time. Lauren and I enter the kitchen, and we see Shaun, Phil, Kylie, Lisa, and Ann who is holding Mia.

  I look at everyone and ask, “Where is Matt?”

  Kylie says, “He’s still sleeping. Do you need him for anything?”

  “Let him sleep for now, but I want to check out the homes next to us and secure them for us to have.”

  Phil is ready to go, but Shaun still needs to change his clothes and gear up.

  I look at Phil and ask, “Is the bag of weapons still in the man cave?”

  Phil replies, “Some of the weapons are in the man cave, but I have some in the living room also. I’ll go get them.”

  “Thank you, Phil. Let’s place all the weapons in the living room and do an inventory of what we have so far.”

  Phil and Shaun exit the kitchen and start getting all the weapons together. I walk into the man cave and get my katana, my handgun, and two three pronged martial arts sais.

  I meet with Phil and Shaun in the living room. We have a pretty nice supply of weapons, but are limited on ammunition.

  We have 4 shotguns, 6 handguns, a compound bow with 5 arrows, various knives, a single shot hunting rifle, an AR-15 assault rifle, 2 machetes, 2 axes, 2 aluminum baseball bats, 1 wooden baseball bat, and 3 hatchets.

  Bobby G walks into the living room and joins us. Phil picks up a shotgun, a knife, and a handgun. Shaun picks up a shotgun and Bobby G picks up a handgun and a knife.

  I pick up 2 baseball bats and a machete, and place them by the front door next to a table that is against a wall. Phil picks up the compound bow and hunting rifle, and places them in the garage. Shaun grabs two knives, a shotgun, two handguns, and puts them off to the side.

  Shaun looks at me and says, “I’m sure Matt will want a shotgun and a handgun when he wakes up.”

  I look at Shaun and say, “Shaun you and Matt meet Phil and I next door. The house that the cars are parked at and that has the huge zombie pile that you guys made.”

  Bobby G interrupts, “I’m going also. We need to start removing the zombie bodies.”

  I look at Bobby G and ask, “You sure?”

  Bobby G replies, “Yeah. We need to start moving the bodies before the buzzards and vultures start coming around.”

  I reply, “I will give you guys gloves and masks. Dad, you and Shaun start to move the bodies away from the house as Phil and I secure Martha’s house. Move the bodies in the street if you can.”

  Bobby G looks outside through the sliding glass door glass and sees that it stopped raining now and says, “Okay no problem we can start that right now as it stopped raining.”

  We grab the remaining weapons and place them in the garage. I grab a couple pairs of work gloves and dust masks to give to Shaun and my dad. As we come back into the house from the garage, I see Lauren talking to Lisa in the kitchen.

  I walk into the kitchen and say, “Okay everyone. We are going out to secure the abandoned nearby homes and remove the zombie bodies. Lauren, you and the ladies organize our supplies and help bring in the supplies from the vehicles. Whenever Matt gets up, have him meet us outside. We will definitely need his help.”

  Kylie says, “Will do. If he isn’t up in the next 20 minutes. I will wake him up and get him outside with you guys.”

  “Thank you, Kylie.”

  I walk towards Lauren and kiss her goodbye. I know I will see her again, but it makes me feel better having a kiss for good luck.

  Phil, Shaun, Bobby G, and I exit the house through the front door and walk towards my next-door neighbor Martha’s house.

  The weather has cleared up somewhat as it has stopped raining and the storm clouds are moving past our house.

  The streets, sidewalks, and neighborhood are clear of any danger and people as we walk along my driveway, pass the closed garage door, and across my lawn over to Martha’s house.

  I walk past the zombie pile and see a zombie slowly reaching for me. He is stuck in the pile but has his right arm out and able to reach.

  I take out my sai and stab him in the forehead.

  As the zombie goes limp, I say, “You guys be careful moving these bodies. Stab them in the head to make sure they are dead. Stab first and often to make sure they aren’t alive.”

  Shaun and my dad stop by their vehicles, look at the huge dead zombie pile they made when they saved me from the attacking zombies.

  Bobby G and Shaun put on their masks and gloves.

  Phil and I make it to Martha’s front door and stop.

  I shout to my dad and Shaun, “Phil and I are going inside. Keep an eye out for any danger or anything coming this way. Be careful moving those bodies.”

  Shaun replies, “You got it. Be careful in there.”

  Phil points his shotgun at the front door as I grab the front door handle. I look at Phil to make sure he’s ready for me to open the door.

  Phil nods his head that he is ready and I pull open the front door.

  The front door and entrance are clear. Phil runs inside the house and I follow behind him. Phil and I enter the house and stop in the living room. No signs of life or zombies are shown in the living room. It’s deathly silent as we are standing in the living room.

  I shout, “Hello. Is anyone here?”


  Martha’s house is what you would expect from an elderly woman’s home. There is a love seat and sofa that both have to be at least twenty years old. There is a coffee table, but no television in the living room.

  Phil walks into the kitchen and it’s clear of any danger. I walk past the kitchen and see that one of the three-bedroom doors is closed. As I walk up to the closed door, I can hear something moving inside the room.

  It sounds like something is clawing at the door, but I don’t hear any zombie moans or groans. It’s hard for me to make out what the noise is.

  I call Phil over to the door and he hears the sounds coming from inside the bedroom as well.

  “What is that?” asks Phil.

  I knock on the door and the tapping stops. I look at Phil with a puzzled look on my face as I’m not sure what is going on in that room.

  Phil says, “Let’s check out the other bedrooms first and come back to this one.”

  “Good idea.”

  Phil and I stop and listen for any movement in the remaining rooms but don’t hear anything. Phil enters a bedroom and it’s empty. I enter a bathroom and it’s empty.

  We walk into another bedroom and find nothing but boxes and antiques in that bedroom.

  The house, so far, is all clear, accept for that one bedroom.

  I walk over to the closed bedroom door and ask, “Is anyone in there?”

  No one answers.

  Phil points the shotgun at the door as I grab the door handle.

  Phil shows me that he is ready for me to open the door by nodding.

  I regrip the door handle as my hand has gotten very sweaty now.

  I turn the door handle and push the door open. Phil moves his shotgun for something to aim at, but no one is there. Phil enters the room and I follow behind him. I stop at the doorway and look around the room to see what was making the tapping sounds on the door.

  The room is empty except for a bed, two nightstands, and a dresser. No zombies or people are in the room. Phil looks at me with a confused look on his face as he stands next to the bed.

  As Phil and I are about to lea
ve the room, a tiny paw comes out from underneath the bed and hits Phil in his left boot as he walks passed the bed.

  I laugh and get a big smile on my face as I see the cat paw come from underneath the bed. Phil crouches down and sees the white and black cat hiding underneath the bed.

  Phil puts down his shotgun, reaches for the cat and pulls out a big fat cat that is white with black spots. He hands me the cat and the cat starts to purr.

  I have always loved cats and have had 4 cats in my lifetime.

  Phil crouches back down and says, “There is another one under here, but it is all the way in the corner.”

  Phil reaches for the cat, but the cat is hiding and scared. Phil can’t reach the other cat underneath the bed.

  “It won’t come out from under the bed,” says Phil.

  “It will come out when it’s ready. Let’s leave the cats, but see if they have any food and water bowls laying out for them.”

  I look at the fat white cat that I was holding and see a name on the collar. I turn the collar over and see the name Milo on it.

  The cats must have been trapped in the room, since Martha died. I was never in Martha’s house before, so I didn’t know that she had two cats.

  Phil comes back over to the room with two bowls and a bag of cat food. I put Milo down on the ground and he rubs against my leg. Phil puts the bowls down on the hardwood floor and starts to pour cat food into one of them.

  I go into the kitchen and open the refrigerator to get a bottle of water, but the smell from inside the refrigerator is terrible.

  Rotten food and a mix of bad smells radiates from the fridge when I open the door. I quickly grab a bottle of water and close the door. Martha’s house doesn’t have power and the food in the fridge must have gone bad.

  I have to take a second to avoid throwing up, before walking back into the bedroom with the cats.

  I walk back into the bedroom, over to the cat bowl, and pour water into the bowl. Milo starts to drink water immediately as he probably hasn’t had water in several days now.

  As Milo is drinking water, the other cat emerges from underneath the bed.

  The other cat is a very small dark colored cat. Phil walks back into the room with another bowl and I place the rest of the water from the water bottle into the new bowl.


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