Fight 4 Us: (Book 3): Refuge

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Fight 4 Us: (Book 3): Refuge Page 14

by Grenda, Brian

  Jacob asks, “So you are going to be a conqueror with an insatiable endless drive?”

  “Yeah. I plan on conquering this whole world one day. It’s starts with the gym first though. It’s chest day! See ya later bro,” says Joseph.

  Several years pass and Joseph gets more into bodybuilding, guns, and bad choices. While Jacob takes over the family’s construction business, for his dad has fallen ill with cancer.

  John, Joseph, and Jacob have all moved to Tampa, Florida now. John was seeing a cancer specialist on a regular basis and needed to live close to the area. Joseph and Jacob moved with their father to be close to him, but also for work.

  Joseph started working at a gym, along with helping Jacob with the construction company.

  Jacob turned his father’s traveling construction business into a busy Tampa based company that mainly worked on residential homes and condos.

  John’s cancer was very serious and life threatening. He became very weak over the course of several months due to the disease itself and the treatment of chemotherapy and radiation.

  Jacob was the son who mainly took care of John during his battle with cancer, since Joseph didn’t want to be bothered with the problems and commitment.

  Joseph stops by to check on John one day.

  “Hey dad, how are you feeling?” asks Joseph as he walks into John’s bedroom.

  John struggles to breathe, he coughs, and says, “I’m doing okay. Last night was pretty rough though.”

  Jacob comes through the front door with groceries and puts them on the kitchen countertop.

  Joseph walks into the kitchen and sarcastically says, “Hey bro! Why do you look so mad? You look terrible actually.”

  That joke pisses Jacob off.

  Jacob turns towards Joseph and says, “Well, I’m the only one taking care of dad. It was a rough night last night. It’s been a rough night most nights. We have a doctor’s appointment at Tampa Hospital in a few hours. I have to put away the groceries and get him over there. I’m the only one doing anything for him.”

  “Sorry bro. I didn’t mean to piss you off. Take it easy,” says Joseph.

  “Joe. I don’t need your crap right now. I need help. You are never here. You are out doing god only knows with your gym rat friends. Dad needs your help. I need your help,” says Jacob.

  “I wish I could go to the appointment, but I have to be somewhere. Maybe next time,” says Joseph.

  “You haven’t been to any of his appointments. You always say you’ll go, or maybe next time, but when Joe? When are you going to help out?” shouts Jacob.

  John starts coughing and Jacob runs into the bedroom.

  “Are you okay Dad?” asks Jacob.

  “I can’t breathe. I need to get to the hospital,” says John.

  Jacob shouts, “Joe, call an ambulance. Tell them we need to get to Tampa Hospital now.”

  Joe calls 911 and the ambulance is on their way.

  Jacob helps John sit up and get dressed.

  Joseph isn’t sure what to do, so he waits for the ambulance outside of the house.

  Four minutes go by, which seems like an eternity, and then the ambulance finally arrives at John’s house.

  John has not stopped coughing since Joseph called for the ambulance. John is coughing up blood now and needs to get to the hospital fast.

  The EMT’s get John on a stretcher and load him into the ambulance.

  Jacob shouts, “Take him to Tampa Hospital please.”

  The ambulance drives away from John’s house. Jacob locks the front door of their house and gets into his car.

  Joseph is standing on the sidewalk and watches the ambulance drive down the street.

  Jacob looks at Joseph and asks, “Are you coming to the hospital?”

  Joseph says, “I can’t. I have an appointment that I can’t miss.”

  “What? Our dad may be dying, and you won’t be there? I have to go. I’ll call you later,” says Jacob.

  Jacob drives away furiously from the house and leaves Joseph standing on the sidewalk.

  As Jacob drives away, Joseph starts to cry as he fears that he will never see his father alive again.

  Joseph’s cell phone rings.

  “Hey. What’s up? Yeah, I’m still coming,” says Joseph to the person on the phone.

  The person on the phone says, “Well, hurry up then. The bank closes in an hour.”

  “I’ll be right there. You can count on me. I’m not missing this score,” says Joseph.

  Several weeks go by.

  “How are you feeling dad?” asks Jacob.

  John can’t talk as he has been on ventilator, since being admitted to the hospital. The lung cancer is killing John.

  Doctors come into the room and want to talk with John and Jacob.

  “Hey John. I’m Doctor Jackson. How are you feeling today?” says Dr. Jackson who is the lead oncologist at Tampa Hospital.

  Jacob says, “He’s hanging in there.”

  Dr. Jackson looks at Jacob and says, “You must be his son. John is a fighter, but we need to talk about what to do next. Are you the only living family member of John’s?”

  Just as Dr. Jackson finishes that question to John, Joseph comes running into the room.

  Jacob looks at Dr. Jackson and says, “Nope. Myself and my brother Joe are.”

  Joseph shakes Dr. Jackson’s hand and says, “It’s Joseph actually. How is my father doing?”

  Dr. Jackson says, “Well that’s what I wanted to talk to you both about. Your father is dying, and we need to decide what to do next. Keep him on the life support machines or pull the plug?”

  Jacob looks at the doctor and says, “Pull the plug? I’m going to need some time to decide on that. That’s a big decision.”

  “I understand. I’ll give you and your brother some time. I’ll be back later,” says Dr. Jackson.

  Joseph walks over to his dad and can’t stand to see him in such rough shape. John has always been the tough construction guy who never got sick and never got injured.

  “See dad. It was all that smoking that ya did. Lung cancer,” says Joseph.

  Jacob says, “That’s not helping Joseph.”

  “I don’t care. If he didn’t smoke then he probably wouldn’t have been in this situation,” shouts Joseph.

  “You don’t know that. You can get lung cancer from not smoking. It could have been all the years of construction and demolition. Who knows what he was breathing in from those old buildings,” says Jacob.

  “Either way, I vote to pull the plug. I can’t keep seeing him like this. It’s tough to see him suffering. He has no quality of life,” says Joseph.

  Joseph kisses John’s forehead and takes in one last look at his father.

  It kills Joseph to see his father all hooked up to machines and tubes.

  Jacob says, “I agree, but it’s tough to know that he won’t be alive anymore. I will feel partially responsible for his death.”

  “He’s already dead. The machines are just keeping his body alive. It’s his time to go,” says Joseph.

  Three days go by and everyone is gathered for the wake and funeral of John.

  Jacob and Joseph are standing by their father’s casket as friends and family say their final goodbyes to John.

  “If you need anything please don’t hesitate to call me. You are like family,” says a man to Joseph.

  Joseph replies, “I will. Thank you, Pete.”

  John’s wake and funeral had a big turnout as most of John’s construction employees and their families came. John was a beloved boss, father, and friend.

  The wake has ended and the funeral is about to be completed as well.

  Joseph stands alone as he watches them lower John’s casket into the ground.

  Jacob is becoming comforted by his wife and son.

  It’s a nice breezy sunny day at the cemetery in Tampa, Florida.

  The funeral ends and John’s casket is lowered into his grave.

  Joseph is
standing by his father’s grave and is about to start crying.

  Jacob walks over to Joseph and asks, “You going to be okay man? Are you coming over to my house with everyone?

  Joseph replies, “Yeah. I’m okay, and I’ll be there. Don’t you want more out of life though Jacob?”

  “What do you mean? I have everything I need. A great job, a family and a brother,” says Jacob.

  “That’s not what I mean. Those are all great things, but how are you going to leave your mark in this world? I want something bigger. Something people will remember me for,” says Joseph.

  Jacob asks, “Like what? What mark do you want to leave on this world?”

  “I don’t know yet. But I do know that I want to conquer something,” says Joseph.

  Several years go by, and Joseph and Jacob have drifted apart. They rarely see each other and haven’t really spent any quality time together since John’s death.

  “Honey, are we still going to the Renaissance Festival this weekend?” Jacob’s wife asks him.

  Jacob responds, “Yeah, definitely. You know I love going to that thing Beth.”

  Beth walks into the living room and sits next to Jacob on the sofa in the living room.

  Beth asks, “What are you watching?”

  “The news. They are talking about some virus outbreak, and a possible situation of someone eating another person in Miami,” says Jacob.

  “Miami is a crazy place, but people eating people is something new,” says Beth.

  “Yeah, it sure is,” says Jacob.

  Jacob turns towards Beth and says, “I was thinking about inviting Joseph to the Renaissance Festival. I know he likes going to that and he always wanted a real battle axe.”

  “That’s a great idea sweetie. I’ll get your phone,” says Beth.

  A car door closes, and people are walking. Renaissance music is filling the air and people are enjoying the medieval festivities.

  “I’m so glad that you could come bro,” says Jacob to Joseph as they walk into the entrance of the festival.

  Joseph replies, “I’m glad you called me. I love coming to these things, and it’s been too long since I’ve seen you, Beth, and Brandon.”

  Brandon comes running over to Jacob and asks, “Can I get a turkey leg? I’m hungry.”

  “Sure buddy. Let’s go get one now,” says Jacob.

  As they are walking towards the turkey leg booth, Joseph sees a vendor that makes swords and battle axes.

  Joseph shouts, “Hey Jacob, I’ll catch up with you guys. I want to check something out.”

  The worker at the weapons booth says, “Hello kind sir. Anything you may be interested in looking at?”

  Joseph points to the battle axe and says, “That guy right there. I want a real battle axe.”

  The worker says, “I unfortunately am unable to give you a real one, but can make you a non-sharp replica.”

  Joseph says, “Look buddy, cut the act. I want a real sharp battle axe. No replicas.”

  The man looks around to make sure no one is watching and says, “It will be 300 bucks, and I’ll give you the real deal, but you didn’t get it from me.”

  “I didn’t get anything at all. Thanks man. I’ll be back in about an hour to pick it up,” says Joseph.

  Joseph finds Jacob, Beth, and Brandon.

  “He’s going to make me a real freaking battle axe bro,” says Joseph.

  “Awesome. Be careful with that and do not let Brandon play with it,” says Jacob.

  “Definitely am going to careful, and Brandon won’t even be able to pick it up,” says Joseph.

  Joseph, Jacob, Beth, and Brandon are having a good time at the Renaissance Festival.

  Joseph goes back to check on his battle axe and pay the man. Jacob, Beth, and Brandon are sitting down and relaxing.

  Joseph walks over to the weapons booth and asks, “How’s it looking my man?”

  “You tell me,” says the booth worker.

  The man hands the battle axe to Joseph.

  Joseph is taken back by the beauty and weight of the weapon.

  Joseph pays the man and says, “You did a great job. It’s freaking awesome!”

  The worker says, “It’s pretty heavy, but someone of your size and strength should be able to handle it.”

  A commotion is heard by the food vendors as a man falls to the ground while clutching his chest.

  People scream and call for a doctor.

  The man looks to have had a heart attack.

  The weapons booth worker tells Joseph all that he did to the battle axe, with the custom strapping grip and dual blades instead of a butt end.

  “Now be careful, the blade edges are very sharp. Here is a sharpening stone for the blades as well,” says the worker to Joseph.

  Joseph replies, “Thank you so much.”

  Workers from the Renaissance Festival are carrying the man that suffered a heart attack on a makeshift stretcher now.

  As they are carrying the ailing man, one of the handlers’ losses his grip and drops him. The sickly man falls off of the stretcher and face first onto the dirt.

  People scream as they witness the man fall.

  The festival workers quickly try to put the man back on the stretcher.

  As they flip the man over onto his back. The man who suffered the heart attack starts to move. He starts groaning, the festival workers and guests are in shock.

  The wife of the man comes over and asks, “Frank are you okay?”

  She kneels next to him and inches closer to his chest.

  Frank reaches up, grabs her hair, and bites her neck.

  The woman screams, pushes Frank off her, and grabs the bite mark on the left side of her neck.

  Blood is gushing everywhere.

  Frank has turned into a zombie and looking for his next living creature to bite.

  People scatter and scream as they run for their lives.

  Frank sees a boy standing and looking at him.

  The boy stands in fear as Frank makes his way towards him.

  Franks is getting closer and closer with each step, but the boy won’t move.

  The boy is Brandon, Jacob’s son.

  Frank is just about to jump on Brandon when Joseph steps in front of Brandon and kicks Frank to the ground.

  Jacob runs over and grabs Brandon.

  Joseph is standing over Frank, he puts his right foot on Franks chest and swings down with his battle axe.

  The battle axe blade is driven directly into Franks skull.

  Franks head explodes, blood and brains go all over the dirt.

  Joseph rips the battle axe out of Frank’s head, looks as his new weapon, and says, “Oh yeah. I’m going to have fun with this.”

  Fast forward a couple of months, and the zombie apocalypse is in full effect now.

  Joseph and his crew have developed a new system in the world. They take what they want, when they want.

  Joseph started with taking over several homes in his neighborhood and having his neighbors join him and his men.

  After a while, Joseph had developed a big following of people who would rather obey him, instead of being killed by him.

  With Joseph’s oppressive size and strength, along with his large number of followers, taking over any place, and basically whatever he wants, starts to become pretty easy.

  Joseph quickly became a tyrannical leader of his new group and this new world. He knew that the world would need food, water, safety, and security.

  He could provide safety and security to his people by taking over other businesses or safehouses that they might need to survive in this new world.

  He started with stores and businesses near him. Such as hardware stores, supermarkets, and businesses like a bulk food and supply store.

  Joseph didn’t just want to survive in this world, he wanted to run things, control things, and lead people.

  Joseph had big dreams in life, and he always wanted to be a boss, a ruler, and a conqueror.



  “Let’s go pay Mr. Ryan and the fine people at Citrus Oaks a visit,” says Joseph to Pete.

  Pete asks, “What’s the plan Joseph? Kill them or talk to them?”

  Joseph stands up from his chair and says, “I don’t know yet. Maybe a little bit of both. Let’s get the big guns for this trip. Get twenty guys together and gas up the hummer.”

  It’s an overcast cloudy afternoon in Tampa, Florida.

  Phil and I are checking over the entrances and border.

  It’s been a day or two since the mess that The Conquerors made. We fixed up the fences, blocked more of the perimeter with trees, and made sure nothing else could get in.

  A loud bang is heard in the distance.

  Phil and I are standing at the North end of the neighborhood.

  The North end of our neighborhood has another neighborhood of homes behind it.

  The backyards of our neighborhood homes and the next neighborhood are separated by about a quarter mile of trees.

  I hear people talking in the next neighborhood over, but can’t see them.

  Phil and I can’t see the people in the next neighborhood, but we are able to listen to the conversation between the two men.

  “How did you sleep last night?” asks the one man.

  “Not good at all. Brenda kept me up all night. She was having stomach problems again,” replies the other man.

  “Well Dave, that’s what you get when you knock a chick up,” says one of the men.

  “Thanks Chuck. Thanks for the reminder,” says Dave.

  Phil looks at me and says, “They sound friendly enough, we’ll have to introduce ourselves some time.”

  “Another time. Let’s check them out further before we talk with them. Looks can be deceiving Phil.”

  Suddenly, I hear a loud car horn blaring at the South end of the neighborhood near the South entrance.

  Phil and I immediately start to run back towards the South entrance.

  As we pass the West entrance, I hear a group of cars stop in front of the gate. The entrance is blocked and they won’t be able to enter through that entrance.

  Phil and I make it to my house and I stop.

  “Phil, tell Matt to come outside but tell Nicole, Kylie, and Ann to stay inside. We need people that can fight outside and everyone else locked inside.”


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