by Hazel Rowley
formality,vous vs. tu
her love affairs and duplicity
Jacques-Laurent Bost
“Kos” facto
Nathalie Sorokine
Nelson Algre
Olga Kosakiewic
Pierre Guill
René Mahe
seductions and lies
sexuality o
Sylvie Le Bontrios
on “the biographical illusion
choice and responsibility
freedom of the press
on lov
on marriage,
loss of belief in God
the “Other,”
politics an
Sartre’s volunteerism and
on sex and sexuality
“sincerity toward oneself,”
treason accusations and violence
on women’s status and rights
Adieux:A Farewell to Sartre
All Men Are
All Said and Done
America Day by Day
attempts at novels
Belles Images
Blood of Others, The
cafés as workplace
characters, real-life people thinly disguised
collaboration with Sartre
Comb articles
The Coming of Age
criticism and reviews
All Said and Done
The Blood of
The Mandarins
dedication, The Second Sex
dedication,She Came to Stay
A Very Easy Death
Force of Circumstance
Sartre: Strictly Confidential
letters and journals, intent of publication
The Long March
love letters to Nelson Algren
The Mandarins
as memoiris
Memoirs of a Dutiful
“Merleau-Ponty and Pseudo
“Misunderstanding in Moscow,”
novellas rejected by publishers
novels and authors read
Prime of Life, The
Prix Goncourt award
The Second Sex
self-revelation in
She Came to Stay (L’Invitée)
Beauvoir, Simone de (cont.)
Le Temps modernes,
Useless Mouths
A Very Easy Death
The Woman Destroyed
popularity and influence
scandal of Sorokine and loss of position
WORLD WAR II: Bost called up, 1939
consciousness of history and
fears an
flees Paris, June, 1940
leaves of Bost and Sartre 1940
liberation of Paris and
life in Paris during the
meeting wit
Sartre, Brumath, 1939
resistance efforts
return to Occupied Paris, July, 1940
Sartre called up, 1939
Sartre’s return, 1941
writing to Bost and Sartre
Bechet, Sidne
Being and Timec (Heidegger)
Ben Gal, El
Berriau, Simon
Bienenfeld, Bianca
Blin, Roger
Bost, Jacques-Laurent “Little Bost
affair with Dolores
affair wit
Nathalie Sorokine
affair with Sylvie Le Bon
Beauvoir and
Olga Kosakiewicz and
Bost, Pierre
Boully, Monny de
Boully, Paulette Lanzmann de
Bourla, Jean-Pierre
Brasseur, Pierre
Breton, André
Brioude, France
Brodsky, Joseph
Brumath, France
Boeuf Noi
Lion d’Or hote
Tavern du Cer
Brunschvicg, Leon
Cahors, France
Truffe Noire hotel
Camus, Albert
break with Sartre
death o
Casarès, Maria
Castro, Fidel
Cathala, Lucia
Cau, Jean
Claudel, Paul
Chaveau, Nadine
Hotel Alexandri
CNE (National Committee of
Cocteau, Jean
Cohen-Solal, Annie
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel
Collège de France
Commentaire (journal)
American denial of passports and
Cold War an
Resistance in France
Sartre, as “fellow traveler
Sartre’s conversion
Conspiration, La (Nizan)
Contat, Michel
Corsica, Beauvoir-Le Bon in
Crucible, The (Miller)
Cuzin, François
Czechoslovakia: Sartre-Beauvoir trip
Soviet invasion
Dagron, Gilbert
Daniel, Jean
Daniel, Yuly
Darkness at Noon (Koestler)
Dedijer, Vladimir
De Gaulle, Charles
Deleuze, Gilles
Deneuve, Catherine
Dernier des Métiers, Le (Bost)
Desanti, Dominique
Desanti, Jean-Toussaint
Devouassoux, Simone Debout
Discourse on Metaphysics (Leibniz)
Disgraceful Affair, A (Bienenfeld Lamblin)
Dorosh, Yefim
Duchamp, Marcel
Duclos, Jacques
Dullin, Charles
Duras, Marguerite
L’Ecume des Jours (Vian)
Egypt, Sartre-Beauvoir trip, 1967
Ehrenburg, Ilya
Elkaïm, Arlette
adoption and literary executor for Sartre
Eluard, Paul d’Estaing, Giscard
L’Express magazine
Fanon, Frantz
Fest, Joachim
Figaro, Le,
Figaro Littéraire
Flaubert, Gustave
France Dimanche
France Soir
Gallimard, Gaston
Gallimard, Michel
Gallimard, Robert
Gallimard publishers
Genet, Jean
Gerassi, Fernando
Gerassi, John
Gerassi, Stépha
Gide, André
Gilbert, Colette
“Goodbye Lilies, Hello Spring”
Gorz, André
Grasset publishers
Greco, Juliette
Green Hat, The (Arlen)
Guérin, Daniel
Guevara, Che
Guille, Pierre
Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn)
Guttoso, Renato
Halimi, Gisèle
Hare, David
Harper’s Bazaar
Harper’s magazine
Heidegger, Martin
Hermantier, Raymond
Hitler, Adolf
/> Humanité Dimanche
Husserl, Edmund
Huston, John
Idt, Geneviève
L’Inachevé (Puig)
Sartre on
Six-Day War
Italy: Albergo Nazionale, Piazzo
Montecitorio, Rome
Albergo del Sole, Rome
Beauvoir-Algren trip, 1949
Beavoir-Le Bon trip, 1971
Beauvoir-Sartre trips
Beauvoir Sartre, yearly retreat in Rome, 1956 on
CaféFlorian, Venice
Café della Scala Milan
communist party in
Hotel Luna, Venice
Hotel, Rom
Piazza Navona, Rome
Sartre-Kosakiewicz trips
Sartre’s convalescence in 1954
Sartre’s love for
Jacob, Max
See als Asabuki
Jeanson, Francis
Jollivet, Simone
Juan-les-Pins, France
Junas, France
Khrushchev, Nikita
Koestler, Arthur
Kosakiewicz, Marthe
Kosakiewicz, Olga
abortion o
acting caree
Beauvoir an
Bost an
fictional portraits of
Sartre an
tuberculosis o
Kosakiewicz, Victor
Kosakiewicz, Wanda
acting caree
Camus an
Sartre an
Kreindlina, Irina
Lacan, Jacques
La Cause du peuple newspaper
Lacoin, Zaza
Lagache, Daniel
Laigle, Normandy, France
Lalande, André
Lamba, Jacqueline Breton
Lanzmann, Claude
Lanzmann, Evelyne/Evelyne Rey
Lanzmann, Jacques
Laon, France
Lapouge, Gilles
La Rochelle, France
Lassithiotakis, Hélène
Le Bon de Beauvoir, Sylvie
adoption by Beauvoir
Léger, Fernand
Le Havre, France
Café de la Grande Poste
Café Les Mouettes
Tell caf
Hotel Printania
Lycée Françoi
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
Leiris, Michel
Leiris, Zette
Levi, Carlo
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Lévy, Benny. See Victor, Pierre
Lévy, Bernard-Henri
open letter by Arlette Elkaïm
Limousin, France
Lone Pine, California
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles Times
Loursais, Claude, 378n 5
Lycées. See city where located
Lyon, France
Madame Bovary (Flaubert)
Magnani, Anna
Magre, Judith
Maheu, Inès
Maheu, René
Malraux, André
Mancy, Anne-Marie Schweitzer Sartre(mother)
death o
Sartre lives with, 1946
Mancy, Joseph (stepfather)
“Manifesto of the
Mansfield, Katherine
Man with the Golden Arm (Algren)
Marr, Dora
Marron, Germaine
Marseille, France
cafes and brasseries
Lycée Montgran
Tuffreau apartment, Avenue du Prado
Matin de Paris, Le
Mauriac, François
McCarthy, Mary
Mégève, France
Menton, Côte d’Azur, France
Meredith, George
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Zaza’s death and vilification by
Simone de Beauvoir
Mexico City, Mexico
Mezzrow, Mezz
Michel, Georges
Miller, Arthur
Miracle of the Wolves, The (film)
Modern Times (film)
Moffat, Ivan
Moi, Toril
Monde, Le
Monteil, Claudine
Moreau, Jeanne
Morel, Madame
Morocco: Beauvoir-Algren trip
Beauvoir-Sartre trip
Maheu teaching in Fez
Mouloudji, Marcel
Myrdal, Gunnar
Nancy, France
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Never Come Morning (Algren)
New Philosophers
New York City: Beauvoir in, 1947
Brevoort Hote
Frenche xpatriates in
Jimmy Ryan’
Nick’s Ba
Plaza Hote
Russian Tea Roo
Sartre in, 1945–1946
Stépha and Fernando in
Tavern on the Green
Times Squar
New Yorker
Nizan, Henriette
Nizan, Paul
Nouvelle Revue Française
Nouvelles Littéraires, Les
Nouvel Observateur
discussions of Sartre-Victor
Novy Mir
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Outsider, The (Camus)
Papatakis, Niko
Paris of Sartre and Beauvoir: Algerian
conflict and
Mancy/Sartre apartment
Rue Bonaparte
Mancy hotel, Boulevard Raspail
L’Atelier drama school
Bal Nègre
Rue Blomet
Beauvoir apartment
Avenue Denfert-Rochereau
Beauvoir apartment, Rue de la Bûcherie
Beauvoir apartment, Rue Schoelcher
Montparnasse, xiii
Beauvoir family apartment
Rue de Rennes
bombing of
Bost apartment, Boulevard
Edgar Quinet
Bost apartment
Rue de la Bûcherie
Boulevard du Montparnasse
Boully apartment, Rue Alexandre-
Café Coupole
Boulevard du Montparnasse
Café Deux Magots
Café Dôme
Café Dupont, Montmartre
Café de
Flore, Boulevard Saint-Germain
Café Palette, Boulevard du
Café Pont-Royal
Le Café Rouge
Cafe Sélect
Café des Trois
Mousquetaires, Avenue du Maine
Comédie Française
Ecole Normale Supérieure
Elkaïm studio, Rue Delambre
Evelyne Lanzmann apartment
Rue Jacob
gardens of the Palais Royal
Gare de l’Est
Gare Saint-Lazare
Gestapo and arrests
Hôtel Aubusson
Rue Dauphine
Hôtel Chaplain, Rue Jules-Chaplain
Hôtel du Danemark, Rue Vavin
Hôtel La Louisiane, Rue de
Seine Hôtel Lutétia
Hôtel Mistral
Rue de Cels
Hôtel Oriental, Place Denfert-Rochereau
Hôtel du Poirier
Emile Goudeau Square
Hôtel Royal Bretagne, Rue de la Gaîté
Israeli-Palestinian conference
jazz clubs
/> the Jockey
Le Bon apartment, Avenue du
Maine Leiris’s apartment
Quai des Grands-Augustins
Liberation Luxembourg
Gardens Lycée Condorcet
Lycée Duruy Lycée Henry IV
Paris Lycée Louis-le-Grand, Paris
Lycée Molière, Paris
Lycée Pasteur Madame
Morel’s apartment, Boulevard
Raspail Méphisto club
Montparnasse Cemetery
Nox restaurant Occupation
Place Saint-Germain
(Place Sartre-Beauvoir)
Poupette’s studio, Jardin des Plantes
Rue Delambre St-Anne’s
Hospital Sally Swing’s apartment
Rue Grenelle Sartre apartment, Boulevard Edgar Quinet
Sartre apartment
Boulevard Raspail Sartre’s childhood in
Sartre’s funeral procession
Sorbonne street market
Rue Daguerre, student
revolution tearoom on Rue de Médicis
Théâtre Antoine
Théâtre de la Athénée
Théâtre de la Cité
Théâtre du Vieux Colombier
Wanda Kosakiewicz apartment, Rue
du Dragon wartime
Zazou movement
Pasternak, Boris
Peace Movement
Périer, François
Pétain, Marshal
Petit Invité, Le (Mouloudji)
Picard, Yvonne
Picasso, Pablo
Pingaud, Bernard
Politzer, Georges
Pontalis, Jean Bertrand
Pouillon, Denise
Pouillon, Jean
Proust, Marcel
Provence, France Reine
Puig, André
Queneau, Raymond
Quimper, Brittany
Racine, Jean
Ramparts magazine
Rassemblement Démocratique Révolutionnaire
Rat d’Amérique, Le (Lanzmann)
Really the Blues (Mezzrow and Wolfe)
Rebel, The (Camus)
Reggiani, Serge
Reweliotty, André
Rey, Evelyne. See Lanzmann, Evelyne
Rezvani, Serge
Robbe-Grillet, Alain
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius
Rouen, France
Brasserie de l’Opera
Brasserie Paul Brasserie Victor
Hôtel du Petit Mouton
Hôtel La Rochefoucauld
Lycée Jeanne d’Arc
Roulet, Lionel de
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Roy, Claude
Russell, Bertrand
Russell Tribunal
Russia (Soviet Union): Algren’s
criticism Beauvoir and
Sartre’s works in Brodsky trial
Czechoslovakia invasion Hungarian invasion
Leningrad Moscow
Peking Hotel, Moscow samizdat
Sartre-Beauvoir break from
Sartre-Beauvoir trips
Sartre’s belief in desires for peace of
Sartre’s writing and apologia for
Soviet Writers Union
“thaw” translation of Sartre’s Words
Writers Club, Moscow
See also Zonina, Lena
Rybalka, Michel
Sagan, Françoise