Monroe, Marla - The Bikers' Babe [The Dirty Dozen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - The Bikers' Babe [The Dirty Dozen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Marla Monroe

  Tina rolled her lips inside her mouth to keep from smiling. “Oh, I do, do I?”

  “Yep. Only fair.”

  She stepped up and reached up to pull his head down so she could kiss him. When he lowered his head for her, she kissed him on the nose and began to pull back when he grabbed her head and pulled her up for a real kiss.

  He nipped at her lower lip until she opened her mouth for him. Then he slid his tongue alongside hers and licked it. Why she thought she could get away with a chaste kiss, Tina didn’t know. Cole wasn’t a man to be toyed with. If he wanted something, he went after it, she was sure. Evidently, he wanted that kiss.

  He licked along the roof of her mouth, then drew back and touched his forehead to hers as they both fought to control their breathing.

  “I want to feel that hot cunt of yours wrapping around my cock. I want to feel you squeeze my dick until I can’t hold back my cum. I want to fuck that tight ass of yours until you scream in pleasure. I want to watch my cock disappear inside your hot mouth.”

  His naughty words robbed her of her breath, and she felt heat suffuse her face once again. He chuckled and cupped her face between his hands.

  “I thought it was only fair to warn you ahead of time what you’ll be getting yourself into if you stay with us. We both want you. I think you want us, too.”

  “I do. I’m not sure why considering how poorly you’ve treated me so far…” She let it trail off.

  “We’ll make it up to you,” Cole promised with a grin.

  “God help me.”

  Zack walked in and shook his head. “You were supposed to give her the bra and let her dress. You’re going to run her off, Cole.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think so,” Cole said, and winked at her.

  “Well, come on and help me wash the bikes while she gets dressed and rests.”

  “I’ll be out to help as soon as I finish,” Tina assured them.

  “You don’t need to. You rest. We can handle the bikes,” Cole told her.

  Zack stared at her with raised eyebrows. He seemed to be daring her to contradict them. Tina frowned at them, but didn’t insist. She would dress, then go out and wash her own bike. She wasn’t about to let them take care of everything for her. She’d get spoiled. She couldn’t risk getting too comfy with them. She would be leaving soon—or they would.

  The men left her to go start on the bikes. She used their bathroom to complete her morning ritual and pulled on a T-shirt before pulling on her boots last. Then she refilled her coffee cup from breakfast with the last of the coffee and warmed it up in the microwave. She sipped at it for a few minutes thinking about what all had happened to her in two days since she had met them.

  Would she be able to get up the nerve to ride alone again? She wasn’t sure at that point. She still shivered thinking about what could have happened.

  Tina finished the coffee and rinsed the mug out in the sink before heading for the door they had come in the night before. She found the men washing her bike first. Neither man had a shirt on, and moisture clung to their bodies. Frowning, she stomped over to where they were polishing up the chrome and growled out loud.

  They looked up and grinned.

  “We told you to rest. We’ve got your bike taken care of.” Cole dropped his rag in the bucket of sudsy water before picking up the hose to rinse the bike off.

  Zack stepped back as his partner sprayed down the bike. He walked around to where Tina stood with her hands on her hips trying to look menacing.

  “I’ll just wash your bike then,” she said and reached to get the bucket of sudsy water. Zack beat her to it.

  “Nope. You’re doing no such thing. You need to rest and get past the attack first. Then you can take care of yourself again. Relax and let us baby you some.”

  She looked at him and had to swallow around the lump in her throat. “I’m scared if I let you take care of everything, I’ll never get my nerve back.”

  “Aw, baby. Come here.” Zack pulled her into his arms. She could already smell the masculine sweat on his skin. She rubbed her face against his sweaty chest, breathing in the heady aroma of unwashed male musk.

  “I think I need to go inside.” She pulled away from Zack and walked back toward the door she had come out of.

  She wanted them so badly now, she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t strip them down outside if she stayed out there much longer. Instead, she slowly walked inside when all she wanted to do was run.

  Chapter Six

  “She’s scared of what she’s feeling for us.” Cole rinsed his bike next and they both grabbed a rag to wash it.

  “Yeah, I’m not sure why, unless it’s like she said. She’s afraid she’ll lose her nerve to ride on her own again,” Zack agreed.

  “I don’t want her riding alone again. I want her with us. Permanently.”

  “Me, too. I’m just not sure how we’re going to work it. She’s used to being on her own. This has her spooked, but maybe not for long.” Zack worked on the back tire while Cole took the front.

  “Doesn’t give us a lot of time to convince her to stick with us.”

  “I think we should keep supporting her plans to ride alone but spoil her so that she doesn’t want to,” Zack suggested.

  “That’s going to be hard to do for me. I don’t want her alone for even one minute. Seeing those bruises on her neck is about to drive me insane as it is.”

  “Rein it in, Cole or you’re going to scare her away.” Zack rinsed out his rag and picked up the water hose to rinse the bike off.

  Cole stepped back, dropping his rag in the bucket with a splash. He watched his friend rinse the bike down then step to his bike. They repeated the process again without talking. Once they were through, Zack rolled up the hose while Cole emptied the bucket and tossed the rags in the wash. He purposefully avoided going all the way inside the house to give Tina time to settle down. He knew he was pushing it, but damn it, like Zack had said, they didn’t have a lot of time.

  Zack joined him on the back deck a few minutes later. Cole wanted to go inside but knew if he did right then, he’d seduce her, and she wasn’t ready. He needed to get hold of his libido before he went back in the house.

  “Too horny to go inside right now?”

  “Yeah. Fuck, I want her under me,” Cole told him.

  Zack nodded and relaxed in the lounge chair.

  “Any ideas on how to ease her into wanting to stay with us?” Cole asked.

  “It’s going to take patience. Something, unfortunately, you don’t have a lot of.” Zack clasped his fingers together behind his head.

  “Maybe a short ride with her would help both of us. She would see that riding with us won’t take away from her enjoying the ride and it will give me time to be around her without being able to touch her.”

  “Good idea. Let’s give the bikes a few more minutes to dry. The sun is hot enough they should be ready soon.” Zack closed his eyes.

  Cole knew better than to close his. All he would see was images of Tina on her knees sucking his cock. Her luscious red lips stretched tight around his dick as she deep-throated him. He wondered if she could take all of him. No one ever had, but then few had even tried.

  Everyone paled next to her, though, and he knew she would be it for him and Zack. Provided they could convince her, they would marry her and make her their wife. It had already been decided since Cole had an inheritance that he would officially marry her, but she would be Zack’s bride as well.

  Kyle and West had already pledged themselves to Brandy from their last job. They would be arriving in a few days once Brandy was over her big scare. Maybe if Tina were around Brandy some she’d see how well a ménage relationship could work.

  Hell, he was putting the cart before the horse. They hadn’t even made love with her yet. He didn’t count getting her off against the door earlier. That had been an appetizer.

  Cole smiled when he heard Zack’s snore. The man could sleep anywhere, through anything, but whisper his
name, and he’d be instantly on the alert. It was left over from their army days together. Back then, they had to be able to sleep anywhere and then be at attention with one word.

  “Zack.” He woke the other man up after another ten minutes.

  “What?” Zack sat up looking around him.

  “Let’s get Tina and take a ride.”

  They walked back inside to find Tina reading through a magazine on the couch in the living room. She looked up at them and frowned.

  “How about a ride to clear the cobwebs?” Cole asked.

  She jumped up smiling. “Sounds good to me.”

  Cole liked that the mention of a ride could perk her up in a hurry. She was so perfect for them.

  “Let’s go.” Zack took her hand and pulled her along toward the carport door.

  They put on their helmets and climbed on the bikes. Cole wished he could have suggested she ride with him, but knew she needed to ride her own bike for now. He longed to feel her plastered to his back with her hands tight around his waist. Maybe he was getting the hang of backing off, after all. He grinned and she grinned back.

  They pulled out onto the street. Cole led them around the neighborhood to give her a feel of the place, then took them out to the interstate. There, they opened it up and enjoyed the ride.

  When he reached the restaurant he wanted to take her to, he signaled and turned into the mom-and-pop diner on the outskirts of Dallas. When he parked and removed his helmet, the other two did the same.

  “You’ll love this place. They’ve got the best hamburgers in town,” Zack told her as she climbed off her bike.

  She looked around warily and Cole realized she was looking for danger. Even with them there to protect her. You weren’t there before when she needed it. He closed in on her to walk her to the door. She seemed to relax with them surrounding her. Zack noticed it, too. He looked over her head at Cole and lifted his eyebrows. Cole shook his head. They didn’t need to call attention to it.

  Zack opened the door for her and she walked inside. By the look on her face then, she was pleasantly surprised at the cleanliness, and the fact it didn’t smell like week-old grease. June, their favorite waitress, met them at the door and fussed over them.

  “Haven’t seen you in a week of Sundays,” she complained.

  “Been out of town on a job,” Cole told her. He kissed her on the cheek, and Zack hugged her.

  Tina looked on with a knowing smile on her face. June was at least fifty, if not sixty. It was hard to tell with her. She and the cook were married.

  “Hey, Harold. Look who the cat dragged in.”

  Harold waved from the back.

  “And who is this sweetie you’ve brought to see me?”

  “June, meet Tina. She’s staying with us for a few days. She had a nasty run-in with ah, um, mugger, and is recuperating at our place.” Cole had to catch himself so as not to make it uncomfortable for Tina.

  “You poor thing. Well, these boys are good as gold. Naughty to say the least, but good men. You let them take care of you.” She winked and proceeded to herd them to a table in the back. “What can I get you all to drink?”

  She took their drink orders and scurried off.

  “She’s a jewel, isn’t she?” Tina asked.

  “Treats us like her own boys.” Zack handed her a menu.

  “What are you two getting?” she asked.

  “Hamburger steak. It’s the best.” Cole licked his lips.

  “I think I’ll stick with a hamburger. I don’t think I can eat that much. It comes with two vegetables.” Tina shook her head.

  “What?” Zack asked.

  “I don’t see where you two put the food you eat. It hasn’t been all that long since breakfast and you ate a huge stack of pancakes—twice.”

  The laughed and exchanged smug smiles.

  “We work it off, baby.” Cole winked at her.

  Tina rolled her eyes at them and shushed them as June returned with their drinks. She took their meal orders then disappeared in the back.

  While they waited on their food. People began to arrive and seat themselves. June and another waitress began taking orders left and right. Then she brought out their meals.

  “Eat up, but don’t forget dessert,” she said.

  “You must eat here fairly regularly for her to know you so well.” Tina took a bite of her hamburger and moaned. “Damn, you’re right. This is the best burger I’ve ever tasted.”

  “Told you,” Cole said.

  They finished up their meal and settled up at the cash register. June fussed that they hadn’t eaten dessert.

  “Don’t let it be so long the next time. I almost forgot what handsome men you were.”

  They hugged her and led Tina outside. They kept close to her and waited until she was on her bike before they mounted theirs, pulling on their helmets and cranking them. This time, Zack led and Cole brought up the rear. They rode around for another hour then headed home.

  * * * *

  Tina relaxed again on the ride back to the men’s house. Walking outside the restaurant had unnerved her. She didn’t like that she’d lost her confidence. It weighed heavily on her. She worried that she might never get it back. The man hadn’t gotten her, but it had been close. She knew from the newspaper article what would have happened to her.

  Once they were back at the house, she climbed off the bike and followed them as they pushed them into the garage. They lowered the garage door behind them. Zack turned on the light just before the door closed and shut them in the dark. There were no windows inside the garage.

  “Come on, Tina. Time for a nap, I think.” Cole took her hand and led her toward the bedroom.

  “I’m not sleepy,” she protested with a frown.

  “I promise. You’ll fall asleep after that meal. Besides, a nap won’t hurt you.”

  Zack followed them into the bedroom and began stripping. Since neither man wore underwear, she knew they planned to sleep naked. Should she put on a T-shirt to sleep in? What’s the use? They would probably take it off her anyway. She turned her back to them and began undressing. Once she was nude, she climbed under the covers and snuggled into the pillow.

  When the men climbed in on either side of her, she felt their aroused cocks poking into her. They had to be uncomfortable. She felt guilty. Maybe when she woke up, she would feel up to sex with them. God knew she wanted them. What was holding her back? Maybe you want them a little too much, Tina. Maybe it scares you that you think of long term with them.

  Zack pulled her arm over his waist as he turned over so that she wrapped her body around his. Cole snuggled up to her back, wrapping an arm around her waist. He leaned in and kissed her jawline up to her earlobe then down her neck. He lightly nipped her shoulder then kissed it.

  She lay awake long after they started snoring. She laughed to herself. They even snored together. They seemed to do everything together. It worked for them. But would it work for her to join them? Why was she even thinking about that when they hadn’t indicated that they were interested in her other than a short-term affair? Maybe she needed to move on. Only the idea of moving on sent a tightness to her chest, and cut off her breath.

  Tina finally dozed off and on for several hours, only to wake up to a mouth on her breast and another at her pussy. They were launching an all-out attack that was sure to leave her vulnerable to their charms. She knew without a doubt they would be having sex this time. She couldn’t keep her own libido under control any longer.

  “You’re awake. Finally,” Cole said with a chuckle.

  “Guess I was sleepier than I thought after that hamburger.” Tina stretched and yawned.

  Zack latched onto her nipple and began drawing on it as he teased her other nipple with his fingers. Then he switched nipples and laved the other one with his tongue before sucking it in tight and hard. She moaned as the tingle shot straight to her clit.

  Cole licked her slit then around her clit, but he didn’t touch the little button. She g
rowled as he did it again without licking over it. He entered her needy cunt with two fingers and began fucking her with them. He continued to lick and suck her pussy lips.

  Zack pinched and pulled on her nipples sending shock waves to her cunt. He continued his assault on her breasts, humming against them as if they were the most important thing to him right then.

  Cole found her hot spot deep within her pussy and stroked it until the burn began deep inside her and spread to her clit. She shook her head from side to side feeling the climax building until she didn’t think she could stand it.

  As Zack pulled and pinched and twisted her nipples, Cole latched onto her clit and sucked it hard through his teeth. He continued stroking her sweet G-spot sending her flying over the edge into a maelstrom of sensations. She screamed, bucking against Cole’s face. He growled and placed his hand on her abdomen to keep her still as he continued to lick her clit. Finally, he eased her down from her high.

  Zack knelt on the bed and bumped his cock against her mouth once she had caught her breath. She opened immediately to take him into her. He groaned as she licked and sucked just the head of his dick. She licked him up and down then nibbled underneath the cap until he was pushing against her lips wanting inside once again.

  Cole nudged her cunt with his sheathed cock. He had pulled on a condom while she had been busy with Zack. She looked down her body as he slowly slid into her wet slit. His thick cock tunneled into her cunt with short, quick jabs until he was fully seated against her womb. She loved to have her cervix bumped, and hoped he would be aggressive in sex. Many men weren’t. She pushed up against him. He pulled out and pushed back in all the way, hitting her cervix the way she liked. She moaned in appreciation. He took the hint and began pumping his dick in and out of her pussy.

  Zack’s massive cock stretched her lips and mouth as he pushed in and pulled out of her. He grasped her head but didn’t force himself inside of her. She wrapped her hand around his thick cock and swallowed him down to her hand and relaxed her throat so she could swallow around him. He hissed in a breath. She pulled back out and then did it again. He soon realized she was giving him the go-ahead to face-fuck her. He pulled out and pushed in holding her head still as he thrust over and over into her mouth and down her throat.


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