The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined

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The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined Page 30

by Marissa Honeycutt

  “Baby, you feel so good,” he groaned as he fucked her. A tiny smile played at her lips.

  He pulled her off of him and flipped her onto her knees with her chest pressed into the bed, then slammed himself back into her wet slit. He held her hips and fucked her hard. She moaned and clutched at the sheets. He didn't care if she came. She came plenty last night.

  Devin felt the tingling in his lower spine, then thrust hard and stiffened as he emptied himself into her tight sheath. Anna shrieked into the mattress as she came, her muscles pulsing around his cock making him groan.

  He breathed heavily and fell back onto the bed, pulling Anna with him. He felt very satisfied with his relationship with her and kissed the top of her head affectionately. He couldn't allow himself to feel too deeply for her. There were things that needed to happen in the future that would be made difficult if he fell in love.

  But Devin didn't worry about falling in love. Love got in the way of bigger plans. But if Anna needed to feel that he loved her, then he could allow himself to show some affection. Besides, it would keep her happy, and a happy woman is much more effective than a frightened one.

  “I love you, Baby. I'm so glad you're here with me.”

  Anna looked up at him with wide eyes. She bit her lip and then finally smiled. “I love you too, Master.” She leaned up and kissed him with her soft lips.

  He'd forgotten how nice it felt to kiss her. He'd have to remember that in the future. He tangled his fingers into her hair and kissed her deeply, allowing the luxury of losing himself in her love for him.


  Anna stared at herself in the mirror. Devin had said to wear a sexy dress. She hoped the short black dress would be sexy enough. It was low cut, but not as low cut as some other dresses. But the skirt flared slightly and she thought he would appreciate that. Easier access to her. She wore stockings and a thong and a push up bra underneath.

  She checked her makeup and was slipping into her three-inch black heels when she heard a knock at the door. She rushed to open it with a smile, expecting Devin.

  But it wasn't Devin. It was her new neighbor, Greg.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed when she saw him.

  He wore a black shirt that strained against his well-developed chest and arms. Her eyes widened at the sight.

  Greg grinned, looking her up and down. “Wow,” he said. “Going out, or is this what you wear to hang out at home on a Saturday night?”

  Anna blushed. “I'm going out,” she answered softly.

  “That's good. Otherwise that would be a waste of a very sexy dress.”

  “You think it's sexy?” she asked, hoping he wasn't lying to make her feel better.

  Greg gaped at her as if she had grown as second head. “Are you kidding?” He laughed. “I can't imagine much sexier.”

  She smiled in relief. “Thank you.” She hoped Devin would agree. “Can I help you with something?” she asked, looking behind him nervously for Devin.

  “Oh, yeah.” He shook his head. “You made me forget.” He gave her a disarming grin and she bit her lip. He really was handsome. “I was wondering if your cable was working. Mine stopped a while ago and before I called the cable company I thought I'd check and see if it was just my line or if it was the building.”

  “Um. I don't know. I haven't had the TV on all evening.”

  “Would you mind checking? If it's not too much trouble.” He gave her an apologetic smile.

  “Sure,” she said hesitantly.

  “I'll wait here,” he said with a smile.

  She smiled back, relieved. He wasn't just trying to trick her. She went to her TV and turned it on and back off.

  “No, it's working....” Her voice drifted off as she saw Devin standing in the doorway. He was looking at Greg suspiciously, then turned a questioning look on Anna. “Hello, Devin,” she said nervously. “I was just—”

  “I just moved in next door and I asked her to check and see if her cable was working,” Greg interrupted. “Mine isn't.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair and something on his arm caught Devin's attention. Devin frowned at Greg and Greg simply looked at him with an almost haughty look. Did they know each other? Anna saw a mark on Greg's right forearm, but was too far away to discern what it was.

  “So it's working?” he asked her.

  She nodded.

  “Okay. Cool. It's something on my end then. I'll talk to ya later, Anna.” Greg flashed her a smile, cocked his brow at Devin and turned and walked away.

  Anna looked at Devin nervously as he looked out the door. He turned and studied her. “Who is he?”

  “He moved in this week. His name is Greg.” She shrugged. “That's all I know.”

  Devin looked at her for a few more moments, then smiled. “Ready?”

  Anna nodded, relieved he wasn't angry.


  Anna smoothed her skirt as Devin pulled up in front of a restaurant near the Golden Gate Bridge. He left the car in the care of the valet and then they went inside. Trenton and Maki were waiting for them at a table in the bar area and Devin and Anna joined them.

  After greeting them warmly, Devin told Anna to go to the bathroom with Maki. She gave him a confused look, but did as he told her.

  “I'm looking forward to getting to know you better, Anna. My husband has enjoyed doing so.” Maki smiled as they walked into the bathroom together.

  Anna didn't know how to respond to that and so smiled back at her nervously. When they were inside, Maki took her hand and led her to the handicapped stall, where she pressed Anna against the wall and kissed her.

  After the initial shock of Maki's lips against hers, Anna kissed her back. Maki's hands roamed Anna's body and Anna moaned softly as Maki squeezed her breasts.

  “You like that, pet?” Maki asked softly. Anna nodded and she squeezed again. Maki smiled and trailed her hands down Anna's side and to her hips, then knelt in front of her. “Open your legs, pet.” She commanded softly, lifting Anna's thigh and moving her thong aside.

  Anna grasped the rail behind her and gasped as Maki's tongue invaded her wet folds. Maki hummed her appreciation as she devoured Anna, then sucked hard on her clit until Anna came, hard but quietly. Anna's supporting leg would hardly hold her up, but Maki didn't let go of the leg she was holding.

  “I have something for you,” Maki said softly. “Keep your leg up.”

  Anna did and saw Maki searching her purse for something, then smiled up at her. Maki probed Anna's pussy for a moment, then Anna felt her push something inside. A moment later the sting began and Anna's eyes began to water.

  “No, please not that,” she whispered.

  Maki stood and kissed her. “Don't fret, pet,” she said softly. “Consider it foreplay.” She squeezed Anna's breast again. “Devin told Trenton about your cinnamon-flavored pussy and we couldn't resist trying it tonight. I can't wait until we get home.”

  Anna wasn't sure what awaited her tonight. She'd been looking forward to spending the evening with Devin and his friends, but she hadn't been expecting this. What had she done to upset Devin? Maybe talking to Greg made him angry?

  She followed Maki back to bar table, eyes downcast and afraid. She sat quietly as the others talked about things she didn't know anything about. When the hostess came to let them know their table was ready, she obediently followed Devin and sat next to him. She wasn't very hungry and had a difficult time deciding on what to order. Not to mention the pain deep inside her.

  Devin put his arm around her shoulders. “What's wrong Baby?” he asked, nuzzling her ear.

  “Did I anger you, Devin?” she asked quietly.

  Devin looked genuinely surprised. “Why would you think that, Anna?”

  She looked up at him with hurt eyes. “Why do you want me to hurt?”

  Devin looked confused for a moment, then smiled gently. “Oh, Baby. I'm not angry with you. Sometimes to please me or my friends, things might hurt for a bit. But I know you can hand
le it.” He leaned down and nipped her ear and she sighed. “And you are going to taste so delicious later. I can't wait to get my mouth on you.”

  Anna blushed. “Really?”

  Devin nodded. “You don't need to equate pain with punishment anymore, Baby. Sometimes pain is pleasure, remember?”

  She remembered. Pain could be very erotic. “So you're not angry?”

  “Absolutely not, Baby. I'm very happy with you.”


  Alex cursed and threw his phone on the couch beside him.

  He rubbed his eyes. This was not what he needed right now. He was trying to finalize plans for his return home. He didn't need a mission to interrupt him. But when an Elder called, you obeyed. That's how it worked.

  It didn't matter that Alex himself was an Elder-Son. What mattered was that he was the best sniper the Brotherhood had and when an important job came up, he and his team were the ones called.

  From an early age, he'd had an interest in the military, beyond just playing with his little army men as a child. When he was old enough to read, he read everything he could on military strategy, military heroes, warfare...anything he could find in the home and public libraries related to the subject. When he announced, at age thirteen, that he wanted to join the military after secondary school, his father was livid.

  Alex had more important things to do than play soldier, Vati had said. Alex was dumfounded to hear his father say such a thing, considering how highly he always spoke of the military. And that was the day Vati had taken him to the Schloss for the first time and told him what was expected of him.

  He'd known Vati was an important man. People in the city respected and deferred to him. When they had parties at the Kunze Landgut, important government officials were always in attendance. Alex had always just assumed it had something to do with the fact that they were wealthy and titled. And now he understood why; because they were really the rulers of the State, just in a backroom manner.

  So, Alex was expected to grow up to become the next Elder of Hesse, not a military hero. His extreme disappointment was temporarily pacified by the introduction to the Dirne. So many beautiful women overwhelmed his senses. His father laughed as Alex stared at the scantily clad women.

  “Pick one,” Vati had said. “They will all gladly help you in becoming a man, Alex.”

  He'd chosen a sweet looking brunette with green eyes as his first lover. She'd taken him to a room and introduced him to the pleasures of lovemaking.

  By the time Alex had graduated from secondary school, he was an expert lover and an expert marksman.

  His love of the military never died and he had taken it upon himself to find a tutor to teach him to shoot. His friend Jean-Luc was the son of the French ambassador. The security men at the Embassy were all ex-military, and one in particular was a skilled retired sniper whom Alex had the utmost respect for.

  Alex had spent hours with Gaidon, learning everything there was to know about being in the military, especially as a sniper. Alex thought maybe if his father saw that he had talent he would let him join the military. At least for a while, until Elder duties became necessary.

  When Alex broached the subject with his father shortly before graduation, he brought Gaidon with him as a witness of his skill. Gaidon told Vati that Alex was a natural and could shoot impressive distances with extreme accuracy. Vati had coldly dismissed both of them and stubborn young Alex was ready to leave the country and join up somewhere else.

  The night of the graduation ceremony, Vati took Alex aside and told him that he had arranged for him to be tested. If he passed the test, Vati would allow Alex to train with the American military during the next two summers, with the intention of creating his own team that would do work solely for the Brotherhood; he would have the best of the best to choose from.

  Alex was ecstatic. He beamed during the commencement ceremony that night, giving an enthusiastic valedictorian speech about pursuing one's dreams, no matter the cost.

  The next week the test began without Alex knowing.

  He’d been walking in the woods with his little sister, Greta, when a group of seven men came up and surrounded them. They were all big men, probably in their thirties.

  One grabbed Greta and Alex grew enraged and proceeded to take out the men with his fists, one by one, until he faced the last and biggest one.

  The man wasn’t as tall as Alex, but he was broader. Alex was fast, but he was still young and inexperienced and after a long fight, the man had Alex on his knees with his knife against his neck. The man held him until Vati appeared a few minutes later with another man. Vati and the other man, Eliah, were impressed by what they saw. Eliah was a Brotherhood assassin.

  The next week Alex spent every waking moment with Eliah, learning what he could and showing Eliah what he knew. By the end of the week, Eliah reported back to Vati that he was impressed with Alex’s determination and prowess, and it would be foolish to not allow Alex to train. Alex would be a valuable asset to the Brotherhood, if Vati could convince the other Elders to allow a Son to take on such a profession.

  Ten years later, Alex had become everything and more than the Brotherhood had expected of him. And this was the first mission he could recall dreading. Not because of the target, but because of leaving Anna. He'd planned on spending time with her this week, letting her get to know him before he left so that she'd look forward to seeing him when he visited.

  Now, he not only had to delay his move, he had to leave on Tuesday for who knew how long, without having time with Anna. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Damn Devin for making her afraid of him! That was the only explanation he could think of for her fear.

  He needed to call her. As he reached for his phone, it rang. He half hoped it was Anna herself and was disappointed when he saw it was Greg.


  “Made contact with Devin. He saw my tat and knows who I am.”

  “Good. How did he react?”

  “Suspiciously, but didn't say anything.”

  “All right. Thanks.” Alex paused. “I got a call.”

  “Shit,” Greg said. “When do we leave?”

  “Tuesday. Come on over, We'll start planning. I'll have Seth call the others.”

  He got up to go find Seth. He'd have to call Anna later.


  Anna unlocked her apartment, exhausted and hurting. Playing pet to Devin, Trenton and Maki was not easy. Especially when doped up on some sort of sex drug. The whole evening was a blur once they arrived back at Trenton and Maki's house. She had vague memories of lots of sex, but couldn't pinpoint any one particular event. Devin had woken her after a few hours to take her home.

  Her phone rang sometime later. She didn’t know how long she'd slept, but she wasn't ready to wake up yet. But she got up and answered her phone anyways.

  “Hello,” she said with a hoarse voice without looking at the Caller ID.

  “Hello, Anna,” came a deep, accented voice. Wilhelm? Kurt?

  She looked at the phone and saw Alex's picture. Alex! She shook her head and rubbed her eyes. “Hello, Alex,” she said nervously.

  “Did I wake you?” he sounded amused.

  “Late night.”

  “Oh.” He didn't say anything for a minute.

  Had she angered him by being out late? “H-how are you?” she asked politely.

  “Busy,” he answered vaguely then didn't speak again.

  “Oh.” Why had he called her? “Did you...need anything, Alex?”

  “Was? Oh, I'm sorry.” He cleared his throat. “I was wondering if you were busy tonight.”

  “Tonight? Uh...No, I don't have any plans.” For unknown reasons, butterflies appeared in her stomach. Why did he want to know?

  “Would you like to have dinner with me? Tonight, I mean.”

  Anna wasn't sure, but he sounded almost... nervous? “If you’d like,” she said softly. Why would he be nervous?

  He said something qu
ickly in German then stopped. “I was speaking in German, wasn't I?” He chuckled. “I'm sorry. I do that when I get excited sometimes.”

  Alex was excited about taking her out to dinner? His slave? Maybe she’d been wrong about Alex. Maybe he wasn’t so scary. “It's all right. I...I like hearing you speak in German.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes.” Anna flushed at her honesty with him.

  “I'll have to remember that.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “How does six o'clock sound? I know you have to be up in the morning.”

  Anna glanced at her clock. It was just before one. She could sleep for a little bit more before she needed to get ready. “That sounds good.”

  “Sehr gut. Then I will see you at six.”

  They said good-bye and Anna put the phone down on her bed after setting an alarm. Dinner with Alex? Was it a date? She shook her head. Don't be silly, she told herself. He wouldn't ask his slave out on a date.

  She cringed at the remembrance of her position with Alex. Slave. She lay down, excitement gone. Maybe he finally wanted to have sex with her. But why would he bother to take her to dinner first? Oh, he didn't make any sense!

  Why did Devin take her out to dinner? Business reasons. Or to have sex. Maybe Alex did feel like he needed to take her out to dinner first. It seemed silly, though. Other men just came over and did it.

  Her alarm went off at four-thirty and she found herself, again, contemplating Alex’s reasons for asking her to dinner. She still hadn't come to any conclusions by the time she was ready to go, dressed in a silver and gray silk A-line dress and silver-heeled sandals.

  At six o'clock precisely, a knock sounded at the door. She answered the door, trembling slightly, and her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him.

  Why did she always forget how handsome he was? He was even more so tonight, dressed in a tailored black suit with a dark gray dress shirt and black silk tie. His hair was tousled fashionably and his piercing cobalt blue eyes looked at her with such emotion, she had to look away.


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