The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined

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The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined Page 49

by Marissa Honeycutt


  Anna called Jenna when she got home, thankful they were friends again, and invited her over after she finished dancing for the day. Her heart ached and she didn’t want to be alone that night.

  As evening approached, a knock sounded at the door. Jenna stood there with a big grin on her face. “Omigosh, have you seen your neighbors?”

  Anna glanced towards Greg’s apartment and shrugged.

  Jenna motioned for Anna to follow her into the hallway and pointed down the hall. At the end of the hall where the two men she’d seen in the elevators weeks ago. They were dressed in suits and looked rather handsome. They glanced back at the two girls, grinned, and then went into their apartment.

  Anna shrugged. “I saw them a few weeks ago, but haven’t met them. Did you?”

  “I rode up in the elevator with them. Ben and Matt. We should go say hello.”

  Anna rolled her eyes. “Jenna....” She had just left Tommy. She didn’t want to meet new guys. “Come inside.”

  Jenna looked around as she did. “I still love this place. You’re so lucky.”

  “Jenna, you do know what I have to do to have this place, right?”

  Jenna shrugged. “Have sex? I wish I could get a nice place in exchange for sex.”

  Anna shook her head. “You should remember what it’s like.” She sat down on the couch and Jenna sat next to her. Anna was telling Jenna about her trip when there was a knock on the door.

  Anna’s heart fluttered. Would it be Zach? He had come over quite a few times since she’d met him at the banquet, and each time he left, she could barely move until the next day. Zach had said he’d come see her when she got home.

  She nervously walked to the door and opened it. She sighed in relief when she saw Greg there. Behind him were the two guys that had been in the hallway when Jenna had arrived.

  “Hey, Anna,” Greg said with a smile. “How was your trip?”

  “Good, thank you.” She glanced behind him. “Did you need something?”

  Greg grinned. “Ben and Matt live down the hall. We were going to go grab some dinner and wanted to know if you and your friend wanted to come along.”

  “Yes!” Jenna exclaimed from the other room.

  Anna blushed. “I just got home....”

  Jenna walked up behind her. “Yes, we’ll come.” She pushed Anna out of the way and held out her hand to the guys in the hall. “Hi, I’m Jenna.”

  “I’m Greg,” Greg said, shaking her hand. “This is Ben,” he indicated the guy with light brown hair and gray eyes, “And Matt.” Matt had the curly blond hair and blue eyes. They both had genuinely friendly smiles.

  “Hello,” Anna said softly. “I guess we’ll come.” She glanced at Jenna, who grinned.

  They walked to a nearby restaurant. In spite of her being tired, Anna started to have a good time. Matt was easy going and funny. Ben was more laid back. Greg was quiet but very observant.

  “So, how long have you lived in the Sapphire?” Ben asked.

  “Since June,” Anna answered. “You?”

  “A couple of years. We moved in after we graduated college.” Ben laughed. “Matt and I have been friends practically our whole lives. I can’t get rid of him.”

  Matt laughed enthusiastically. “You know it, buddy.”

  Anna studied them closely. Were they gay? They didn’t seem so. Matt and Jenna were flirting furiously with each other. Greg seemed amused by it.

  “So, what do you do for a living?” Anna asked Ben.

  “Lawyer. We both are.” He winced. “You don't have a thing against lawyers, do you?”

  “My guardian is a lawyer.”

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” he asked with a sly grin.

  She shrugged. “Jenna’s dad is one too.”

  “That doesn’t tell me if it’s good or bad.” Ben grinned.

  “I prefer to judge someone by who they are rather than what they do.”

  “Touché.” He laughed. “Good, diplomatic answer.”

  Anna smiled.


  After dinner, they went upstairs to a huge room full of different types of video games. Anna looked around, overwhelmed. She’d never been in such a place. It was so loud! Jenna dragged Matt over to one area of the room. Greg and Ben stayed with Anna.

  She looked at them sheepishly. “What do you do here?”

  “Haven’t you played video games before?” Ben asked, bemused.

  Anna shook her head.

  Greg frowned and muttered to himself. Anna looked at him curiously, but he quickly smiled at her.

  “Well, then, I’ll have fun teaching you.” Ben took her hand and led her to various games and taught her how to play. A few times he stood behind her and put his hands on hers to help her. Her heart fluttered in her chest when he did so. Greg watched the two of them carefully, almost as if he were a chaperone.

  Ben and Greg seemed to be pretty good friends and they joked around while Ben helped Anna learn how to play skee-ball. Matt and Jenna came over and they seemed to be getting along well. He seemed like a nice guy, and Anna was happy for Jenna.

  By the time they left, Anna had learned that Ben had grown up in Seattle, but went to school at UC-Berkley. He had one older sister and one younger sister. He had graduated top of his class, with Matt a few steps down, and began working at one of the best law firms in San Francisco shortly thereafter.

  Anna found him very handsome. He was about six feet tall with warm, slate-gray eyes, and she liked the way his caramel-colored hair fell across his forehead. It looked soft and touchable. He was confident without being arrogant, and very gentlemanly. The corners of his eyes crinkled when he laughed or smiled, which was often.

  “When will you be in class, Anna?” Jenna asked as they were heading back to the apartment building.

  “Probably Monday. I have to be...somewhere early afternoon tomorrow, so I thought I’d just wait until after the weekend.”

  “I can’t believe you’re coming in as a soloist. I mean, I can believe it, but that means we won't get to spend as much time together as I’d hoped.” Jenna stuck her lip out.

  “You better put that back in or I might bite it,” Matt teased.

  Jenna grinned, then stuck it out more. Matt pulled her to himself and kissed her as they stood on the street corner waiting for the light to change. When the light changed, they were still kissing and Ben pulled Matt across the street with a giggling Jenna at his side.

  They rode the elevator up to their floor and the guys walked Anna and Jenna to Anna’s apartment. Greg said goodnight and went into his apartment.

  “So you said you have somewhere to be tomorrow afternoon,” Ben said. “Does that mean you’re free for dinner later?”

  Anna bit her lip. “No, I...the thing I have to do will be until late.”

  “Oh. What about Saturday night?”

  Anna hesitated. He was asking her out. Did she want to risk it? But she was feeling lonely from missing Tommy. “I think I’m free. I won’t know until the morning, though.”

  Ben studied her for a moment. “Anna, if you don’t want to go out with me, all you have to do is say so.”

  Anna’s eyes widened. “No, Ben. I....” She smiled. “I’d like to go out with you. My...weekends are just kind of up in the air a lot. I’m sorry.”

  He gave her a half smile. “So, if you are free Saturday evening, would you like to go out and do something?”

  She nodded. “I’d like that a lot.”

  “How about you text me Saturday morning and let me know if you’re available, okay?” Ben gave her his number.


  Jenna and Matt were kissing nearby. Ben kissed her cheek. “I’ll hopefully see you on Saturday.”

  Anna nodded. “Okay.”

  Ben smacked Matt on the back of the head. “C’mon, man. Let’s go.”

  Anna unlocked the door and waited for Jenna. Both girls waved to Ben and Matt then went into Anna’s apart

  They went and sat on the couch and talked and giggled about the guys. About twenty minutes later, there was another knock on Anna’s door.

  “Ooh!” Jenna exclaimed. “Maybe they couldn't stay away from us.”

  Anna rolled her eyes as she stood, but was giggling when she answered the door. She stopped when she opened it and saw Zach standing there. A cold shiver ran down her body.

  “Hello, Anna,” he said with an amused look. “Devin said you were back in town.” He moved to step forward.

  “Wait. Please.”

  Zach narrowed his eyes.

  “Please,” she whispered. “My friend is here. Just let me get rid of her, okay?” Anna looked at him nervously until he nodded.

  She went back into the living room. “Who is it?” Jenna asked with a grin.

  “Jenna, you need to go home now,” she said reluctantly. She didn’t want to be alone with Zach, but she didn’t want Jenna getting mixed up in it either, or for Jenna to hear her screaming. “Please,” she said when Jenna didn’t move.

  Jenna frowned. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  Anna shook her head. “I just...have something I need to do.” She went to Jenna and pulled her to her feet. “I’ll call, Saturday maybe. I have to see Devin tomorrow night.”

  Jenna walked reluctantly with Anna to the front door and saw Zach standing there. “Who’s that?” she whispered.

  “Someone I have to. Please go, Jenna.” Anna could see Zach’s impatience.

  Jenna looked like she was going to say something, but Anna pushed her out the door. “I’m sorry, Jen. I’ll talk to you later.” She closed the door and turned back to Zach.

  “C’mon, baby. Let’s make up for lost time.”


  Two hours later, Zach left and Anna lay on the bed in pain. Zach had brought some toys with him and had tied her to the bed and used them on her. He had done something incredibly painful to her clit and pussy, then fisted her. Her nipples were raw and she had cuts up and down her legs and sides. She knew she had screamed quite a bit and hoped the walls were thick enough that Greg hadn’t heard.

  She heard pounding on her door. “Anna!” It was Jenna.

  Anna didn’t have the energy to answer the door and hoped Jenna would just go away like Anna had told her to.

  She heard a key in the lock and then the door opened. The only people that had keys to her apartment were Alex and Devin. Who was coming in? She trembled in fear.

  “Anna?” It was a male voice, but it wasn’t Devin or Alex. But it did sound familiar.

  “Anna?” Jenna called. Who was with Jenna and why did they have a key?

  She didn’t respond. She was in so much pain and so tired, she just wanted to go to sleep. She was closing her eyes when a tall figure appeared in the doorway. It was...Greg? How did he get into her apartment? Did he have a key? Why did he have a key?

  “Wha...?” she whispered as he came nearer.

  “Shh.” He brushed her hair gently back from her face. “It’s all right, Anna. I’ll take care of you.”

  Anna felt light headed and dizzy. She wanted to close her eyes and just go to sleep. She heard Greg and Jenna talking in urgent tones but their voices were going fuzzy. Blackness was overtaking her. Sweet, sweet blackness.


  Anna’s eyes fluttered open. She was still in the guest room of her apartment. Her neighbor, Greg, sat in a chair brought in from the living room, snoring softly. His black t-shirt stretched across his muscular chest and biceps. She had to admit that he was a good-looking guy.

  A dark mark on the inside of his right forearm caught her eye. A tattoo? Something about it looked familiar. She sat up to take a closer look and he stirred.

  “Good morning,” he said, yawning. “How are you feeling?”

  “Fine,” Anna said, still looking at his arm. She got out of bed and walked over to him, but he crossed his arms as she approached. “What’s your tattoo?”

  He looked at her, stony faced. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

  Anna frowned. “Let me see it. Please.”

  Greg shook his head. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you don’t need to see it. Now forget about it.”

  Anna narrowed her eyes. Why was he hiding it? She suspected she knew the answer, and if it were true…well, she was not going to be happy. But anger wouldn’t get her anything.

  Seduction would.

  She smiled at him and went to sit on his lap. She was wearing a cami and shorts, and knew she looked hot and tempting.

  “Anna, what are you doing?” He straightened in his chair.

  “Nothing.” She repeated his words as she straddled his lap and nuzzled his neck. “Don’t worry about it.” She ran her hands up his chest and kissed his neck, then nipped at his earlobe. He groaned and shifted in his seat. Taking his hands, she put them on her breasts, and moaned as he caressed them with strong hands over the thin cotton. Her hands trailed down his biceps, then his forearms. She took his right hand and turned it palm up so she could see his forearm.

  On it was a tattoo, about five inches long, of a red striped, crowned, double-tailed lion holding a sword. The Kunze family crest. The same tattoo that Seth had.

  She stood suddenly and Greg blinked. “Why do you have Alex’s crest on your arm?” she demanded. Greg looked up at her dazed. Anna hesitated a moment before she slapped him across the cheek.

  “Ow! What the fuck?” Greg looked at her with angry eyes. “Why’d you hit me?”

  “Why do you have Alex’s crest on your arm?” she repeated.

  “How did you…?” He looked down at his arm, which was still facing up. “Fuck. You seduced me,” he accused.

  “You wouldn’t answer me,” she retorted.

  “For good reason. You weren’t supposed to know.”

  “Know what?”

  Greg sighed and leaned back in his chair. “Alex brought me here to keep an eye on you. To protect you.”

  Anna snorted. “Protect me? From what?”

  “From…things that he would normally protect you from.”

  “Things he’s incapable of protecting me from, you mean? He did a rotten job when he was here. Why do you think you can do any better?”

  “I’m just following orders.”

  “Orders? From who?”

  “From….” He sighed again. “I can’t say. And don't you dare try and seduce me again,” he warned when Anna took a step closer to him.

  Anna hesitated and then frowned, irritation rising to the surface. “Get out. And tell Alex I don’t need his protection. It’s never done me any good,” she added bitterly. She wouldn’t admit that he had protected her from many things in the past. If she wasn’t important enough for him to stay here, then she didn’t want to have anything to do with him. She glared at Greg, who hadn’t moved. “Get out. And stay away from me. I don’t need a useless babysitter.”

  “I won’t stay away from you. I don’t answer to you.”

  “This is my apartment.”

  “Which Alex’s family pays for.”

  She narrowed her eyes and clenched her jaw. “So, that gives you a right to be in here?”


  “Fine.” She turned on her heel, stormed into her room and got dressed. As she packed the things she would need at the Manor, Greg came in.

  “Where are you going?” he demanded.

  “None of your business.”

  “It is my business.”

  She turned around and glared at him. “Then figure it out yourself.” She picked up her bag and went to find her car keys. Keys, purse and bag in hand, she stormed out of the apartment. A few minutes later, she was on the freeway, driving toward the Manor.

  Why did Greg’s presence bother her so much? Because it reminded her of Alex. She didn’t want to remember Alex. Alex had abandoned her. She didn’t want anything to do with him. He hurt her too much. She’d thought that he was differe
nt from other men, but he wasn’t.

  He was just the same as the rest of them.


  The ringing phone startled Alex out of his reading. It was Greg.

  “Greg, is Anna all right?” he asked hurriedly in German.

  “Yeah. I mean, I think so. She kinda…stormed out of her apartment.”

  That didn’t sound like Anna. “What?”

  “Anna had a visitor last night, and when she kicked Jenna out, Jenna knocked on my door and told me what had happened. Said the guy that had knocked hadn’t looked very nice and Anna seemed nervous. So we waited and listened for the guy to leave, and he left approximately two hours later. Jenna went to knock on the door, but Anna didn’t answer. I got the key and let myself in.” Greg sighed. “God, Alex, she was all torn up. I don't know what that bastard did to her, but she was in bad shape. Cuts all over her body. He had…raped her or something. Her pussy and ass were pretty fucked up, too. She passed out as soon as I walked into the room. I patched her up as best as I could and promised Jenna I’d stay with her.”

  Alex gritted his teeth. He was going to have words with Devin. This had to be something of his doing.

  “I’m sorry, Alex. I fell asleep and she woke up before I did and saw my tat. I tried to keep her from seeing any more, but damn if she seduced me and made me lose my mind. Then she slapped me.”

  “She slapped you?” What was going on in that girl’s head?

  “She’s pretty strong. It hurt.” Greg chuckled. “Anyway, she knew that I had something to do with you and she got all mad about it. She, uh, wasn’t very kind when she talked about you. Claimed you abandoned her and wouldn’t protect her.”

  Alex’s heart ached. God, couldn’t he do anything right with that girl? No wonder she was angry with him.



  “I asked what you wanted me to do.”

  Alex ran his hands through his unkempt hair and across his scruffy chin. He had barely been out of the library in days. “Stay there. Stay out of sight, don’t upset her, but keep tabs on her. I’m going to call and have words with Devin.”

  “She, uh, met my neighbors, Ben and Matt. Remember them?”


  “They saw her and Jenna in the hallway and wanted me to introduce them.”


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