Garth, Freya - Dragon Rider's Woman [Dragon Riders] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Garth, Freya - Dragon Rider's Woman [Dragon Riders] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 13

by Freya Garth

  Doraya tried to stay angry, but her arousal was too great. She thought she might liquefy from sheer desire if he didn’t do something more than tease her soon. She could barely breathe for the weight of wanting something, anything, which would take her nearer to the satisfaction she craved. Unfortunately, Caraden seemed disinclined to help. Then her knees really did give way, and before she knew what was happening, he had released her hair and scooped her up in his strong arms to hold her tightly against his muscular chest. She could feel his heart beating hard beneath his shirt as he carried her to the bed.

  ‘You are a temptress, young Doraya,’ he said. ‘I will have to restrain you, for your own good and for mine.’

  He dumped her unceremoniously onto the bed and pulled a long strip of soft leather from his breeches pocket.

  ‘Hold your arms out in front of you like this.’ He crossed his wrists to demonstrate.

  Doraya complied, and he bound her wrists together, then lifted them over her head and tied them to the bedpost before standing back to admire his handiwork.

  ‘Very nice, young Doraya.’ His voice was slightly husky. ‘You’re a beautiful sight. Now, where were we?’

  He sat down beside her and began caressing her body again, with feather-light touches here and there, which disrupted her thoughts and distracted her body so that the questing animal between her legs didn’t know where to look. Fiami was more insistent than Doraya had ever known her to be, her presence threatening to take over Doraya’s mind as it had done in the days after the meld was made.

  ‘Caraden—’ Her voice was thick. It was hard for her mouth to form his name, although the soft syllables felt sexy on her tongue. She didn’t want to give in to Fiami, but she needed some guidance. ‘Help me—’

  Caraden began stroking her clit more purposefully, and she sighed in relief, trying and failing to keep her hips still.

  ‘Keep trying,’ Caraden said. ‘You’re doing well. Remember, your dragon can’t harm you now that you’ve learned to manage the meld.’ His voice was conversational, and Doraya struggled to pay attention to his words rather than her sopping quim. ‘You can do this, it just takes practice, and the practice is such fun.’

  But Doraya had reached the point where she couldn’t stay still any longer. She bucked her hips against Caraden’s hand, desperate for release, but it had the opposite effect. He pulled his hand away, and she moaned loudly, her legs thrashing on the bed, body writhing, control completely lost.

  ‘You will turn over,’ Caraden barked, and threw her onto her front, twisting the leather strip that held her to the bedpost. ‘Kneel.’ He pulled her hips into the air, forcing her to bring her knees beneath her body to balance herself.

  Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

  The hard, stinging blows brought Doraya to her senses for a moment, like a bucket of cold water. Caraden continued to beat her bottom relentlessly, and there was pain, stinging harder, making her want to escape, to make it stop. She wriggled her bottom desperately, but wherever it went, Caraden’s spanking hand followed. Doraya could hear cries of pain, and then she realised they were coming from her own throat. Then she was flying like a dragon, out beyond the pain, which had become an utterly desirable sensation, melding with the yearning from her clitoris, just as Fiami’s mind and hers had melded. Caraden’s continued spanking of her bare arse intensified the throbbing in her clit until she peaked and screamed and peaked again.

  She was vaguely aware that Caraden had jumped from the bed and was pulling off his clothes. He joined her again before she had fully come back to herself, and lifted her hair to kiss the nape of her neck.

  ‘I have never seen that before.’ His voice was ragged now. ‘I have never seen a woman peak simply from a punishment. Doraya, you make it very hard for me to maintain control. I feel such yearning for release as I have not felt in a very long time.’

  ‘Perhaps you have not allowed yourself that feeling,’ she whispered.

  ‘Turn over, woman.’

  Although the bedsheets were soft, they seemed to scrape every nerve ending in her sore buttocks as she turned obediently onto her back. Caraden was kneeling beside her, stroking his long, thick cock with determined slowness.

  ‘I am going to fuck you in my own time, at my own speed. If you start wriggling those cheeky hips of yours, I swear I’ll find a way to tie you bodily to this bed so that you can’t move at all, and then I’ll do this’—he pulled his fist all the way to the head of his cock, and then back to the base—‘for as long as I can, until I peak, without even touching you. Apart from perhaps tweaking one of those delectable nipples now and again.’ His other hand flashed out with lightning speed and did that very thing.

  With an almost superhuman effort, Doraya managed to stay very nearly still.

  ‘Good,’ he said. ‘You have taken your punishment well. Now, if you continue to behave, you will get your reward.’

  He knelt between her legs, positioned his cockhead at the entrance to her cunt, and stayed there for several heartbeats. Doraya thought she might pass out from the combination of her desperate desire and the effort of keeping still. Then he began to enter her with exquisite, tortuous slowness. He was breathing hard but moving carefully, and it seemed like hours before he was fully sheathed in her welcoming cunt. If only she could squeeze her cunt around his cock, she felt sure she would peak on the spot, but she didn’t dare. As soon as he was entirely inside her, he began to withdraw, the friction between his cock and her cunt like nothing she had ever experienced before. Once again, she felt as if she was in flight, but this time soaring calmly through an endless sky on untiring wings, a wonderful sensation, much more sensual than erotic. Caraden kept up his slow, careful movement for what seemed like hours, and she only returned to herself when he began to move a little more quickly. Then the wanting slammed back into her body as if she’d hit a cliff, and she could no longer hold back the movement of her hips or the moans of her arousal. Caraden increased his pace to match hers, and she knew her peak was approaching, yet it seemed to approach quite gradually although they were fucking frantically now. Doraya began to fear that she might never reach her peak, but then it was upon her, and she was spasming, bucking, and yelling, until her throat was raw, peaking again and again as Caraden thrust relentlessly into her. When she was a quivering heap of post-orgasmic jelly, he finally allowed himself to climb to his own peak and shoot his spunk into her willing cunt with long-drawn-out groans of ecstasy.

  Caraden reached up and deftly untied the leather strip that held her wrists together, then gathered her into his arms for a long, tender embrace.

  ‘Young Doraya’—his lips were against her hair—‘it is a very great pleasure to make your acquaintance.’

  She wanted to reply with an amusing quip, but was unable to connect the words in her mind with the muscles that moved her mouth. Caraden seemed to understand and held her close, murmuring endearments, giving her time. Fiami was falling asleep now, and Doraya longed to join her, but thought she should try to stay awake for her host. Despite her best efforts, she fell into a momentary doze and then jerked awake.

  ‘Is your dragon sleepy?’ Caraden asked.

  Doraya nodded.

  He shifted them both into a more comfortable position on the bed. ‘Then sleep, young Doraya. I will sleep, too, soon enough.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she whispered, and slid gratefully into slumber.

  In the morning, Caraden was businesslike, telling her what he knew of King Tinis’s castle and urging her to do her best for the dragon riders. Back in the women’s caves, she collected her few possessions into a sack and went to the grotto to bathe. A sense of urgency was quickening her blood, not like lust, more like the feeling when there were fifty warriors and noblemen already seated in the castle hall, and the food late in cooking. Saban was in the grotto, doing some laundry in the stream, and Doraya washed herself under the waterfall and chatted happily about her forthcoming trip with Goril until she realised that the older
woman was unusually quiet.

  ‘Saban, is there anything wrong?’

  ‘You’re every bit as bad as the riders.’ Saban’s voice was angry, and Doraya was surprised to see tears in her eyes. ‘You all act as if Alda never existed.’ She held up a hand to forestall Doraya’s opening mouth. ‘I know, I know. Your precious dragons have moved on, so you have moved on, too. It’s not so easy for some of us who don’t have dragons to help. I wish you’d take the trouble to remember that.’

  ‘It’s not always that easy having a dragon in your mind,’ Doraya snapped back.

  ‘At least it helps in some ways.’ Two tears rolled down Saban’s cheeks. ‘Nothing helps how much I miss Alda. Do you hear me? Nothing.’ Two more tears followed the first two.

  ‘Caraden seems a good leader, and—’

  Doraya had been planning to say, ‘maybe you should talk to him about this,’ but she never got the chance.

  ‘That’s not the point!’ Saban was pacing the floor with long strides as if she couldn’t bear to keep still. ‘He can never replace Alda, for me. You wouldn’t understand that. You’re so selfish, you dragon riders. Before you came, at least the women’s caves were a refuge from such selfishness. Now there’s no getting away from it, and it’s all your fault!’

  Saban stamped out of the grotto, leaving Doraya stunned and speechless. What had she done to upset the other woman so badly? All she could remember from Saban’s tirade was that Saban thought she was selfish and that having a dragon made life easier. She felt angry herself, then, because she didn’t think either of those was true. Even so, Saban had been so upset. There must be more behind her outburst.

  Alda. She’d spoken of Alda. Doraya remembered the closeness between Saban and Alda. Like herself and Goril. With a horrible sinking feeling, she realised how selfish she had been, chattering on about her happiness and anticipation while Saban was still grieving for Alda. It was hard to remember, with Fiami’s urges to manage as well as her own, but that was no excuse. She must try. In the meantime, she should find Saban and make peace.

  Doraya dried herself quickly and went to look for Saban, but instead she was herself found by Mabbi.

  ‘There you are,’ she said. ‘Goril is calling for you. Fiami is desperate to fly. He says he’s surprised you can’t feel it.’

  The urgency fizzing in Doraya’s veins suddenly made sense. ‘I can. I’m coming now. Oh, but, Mabbi, I must find Saban first. There’s something I have to tell her.’

  Mabbi gave her a sympathetic look. ‘I’m sorry, but she’s gone down to the farmlands with Lumik on his dragon. They won’t be back for ages. It’s probably just as well. She didn’t look in the best of moods. Can I pass on a message?’

  ‘Could you tell her,’ Doraya thought fast, ‘that she’s right, I’m sorry, and I’ll try?’

  ‘She’s right, you’re sorry, and you’ll try,’ Mabbi repeated.

  Her face was full of curiosity, but Doraya just nodded. ‘That’s it.’

  Mabbi sighed. ‘Keep your silly old secrets, then.’

  The last thing Doraya wanted was to fall out with another of her companions, but she didn’t want to gossip about Saban’s misery—or, if she was honest, about her own failings. She chose her words with care. ‘I don’t think it would be fair for me to tell you everything before I have the chance to talk to Saban.’

  ‘Fair enough.’ Mabbi’s face returned to its usual understanding expression. ‘Anyway, you’ve got to go.’ She hugged Doraya. ‘Have a good trip. I hope you manage to bring us back some women.’ Mabbi grinned. ‘Pick the good-looking ones!’

  Doraya kissed Mabbi, her eyes suddenly misty. ‘I’ll miss you.’

  ‘You’ll be back before you know it. Now go! Goril is in the dragons’ cave, waiting for you.’

  He was, and pacing impatiently alongside Fiami. Doraya’s heart sank. She didn’t want him to be cross with her, too. Then he turned and saw her. His smile lit up his face, and he held out his arms. She ran to his embrace, and he held her hard against his chest as she kissed him for a long, perfect moment.

  ‘We must go, little one,’ he said.

  Fiami bent her foreleg backward and cocked her head in a get-on-with-it gesture which was so nearly human that it made them both laugh. Doraya climbed nimbly up onto Fiami’s back, followed by Goril who sat behind her and held her close as before. This time, Doraya could feel Fiami’s anticipation and joy as the huge dragon lumbered across the floor of the dragons’ cave, between sleeping dragons and grooming riders, to the lip of the cave where she spread her wings and dropped like a stone before catching the air and soaring up and away.

  The earth at the foot of the sheer cliff was impossibly far below them, yet Doraya felt none of the fear and nausea she remembered from her first flight with Fiami. Instead, she felt the exultation of a dragon flying as it was designed to do and loving every moment. Goril whooped in her ear, and she whooped, too, blissfully happy to be sharing this experience with him. Fiami soared and swooped over forests and lakes, moorland and rivers, her joy huge and delightful in Doraya’s mind.

  Doraya had no idea how long they’d been flying when Fiami began to descend toward a grassy landscape scattered with rocky outcrops and a couple of small tarns. They hadn’t reached the mountains yet, and there was no castle in sight. Why were they landing here? She tried to ask Goril, but the wind of their descent sucked her words away. His arms tightened reassuringly around her waist, and she leaned back against him, figuring that she’d find out soon enough.

  Fiami landed by one of the little tarns and bent her foreleg so her riders could climb down. The turf was springy underfoot with tiny white flowers scattered among the grass. Fiami lumbered over to the water to drink, and Goril pulled Doraya into his arms for a long hug.

  ‘So how did you like your first proper dragon flight?’ he asked.

  ‘Can’t wait for the next one,’ she said, jigging with excitement, which made him laugh.

  ‘I missed you, Doraya,’ he said, nuzzling her hair.

  ‘I missed you, too.’

  She ran her hands over his muscular back as he bent to kiss her. One kiss turned into several, slow and leisurely, as if they were getting to know each other again. This had been worth waiting for. Grassland birds peeped and tweeted from the air around them, and Fiami finished slurping water from the tarn and flopped onto the grass, wings outstretched to warm in the sun.

  * * * *

  Goril savoured the feeling of Doraya’s lips on his and the alluring scent of her red-gold hair. He felt as if he’d been waiting forever for this moment. The firm curves of her body enticed his hands, but he didn’t want to rush. He was proud of everything he’d learned from knowing Doraya. Each of the other women had praised him for his heightened levels of sexual control, and he wanted to show off to Doraya a little, confident that he would compare well in this respect with the other dragon riders. Although if she kept wiggling her hips against his erection like that, it was going to be more difficult.

  The sun was so warm that they didn’t need clothes. He reached down and took handfuls of her skirt to lift it over her head. As he did so, she knelt and released the drawstring of his breeches, and before he knew what was going on, she had taken his hard cock into her mouth. Goril gasped in surprise and pleasure as she licked and nibbled his cockhead. He wound his fingers into her hair and followed the movements of her head as she slid her lips up and down his shaft.

  Fiami was loving this, whipping her tail gently back and forth and purring with delight. They hadn’t made love in Fiami’s physical presence since the very first time. Goril remembered seeing Doraya’s bruised and skinny form for the first time, on top of the dragon tower at King Panac’s castle, under the night sky. Looking down, he could see such a difference now, her skin unblemished and her breasts and hips curving beautifully as she knelt, attending to his cock. Then again, her breasts were the one part of her that always had been ample and rounded.

  Doraya withdrew her mouth and pl
aced Goril’s cock between her breasts, pushing them together to provide stimulation. She looked up at him with a mischievous expression.

  ‘Remember?’ she asked.

  So she had been thinking the same thoughts. He looked down at his purple cockhead thrusting up between her soft white breasts and almost came on the spot.

  ‘Nnnnggggg,’ he said, through gritted teeth.

  ‘Not yet you don’t.’ She pulled away and rose to her feet, placing one palm flat on his chest and pushing gently. ‘Lie down on your back.’

  Goril realised that Doraya had very definite ideas about what she wanted right now. It seemed she had changed, too, in the time they had been apart. No sense in arguing with a determined woman, he decided, as he lay back on the comfortable, springy turf and felt the sun’s pleasant warmth on his erect cock.

  * * * *

  Doraya looked at Goril lying at her feet, his cock hard and proud, his broad-shouldered body muscular, and felt a huge throb of desire deep in her cunt. She wanted to impale herself on that cock. Fiami yearned for satisfaction now, and so did Goril, whose eyes were dark with lust. Just one moment, she was determined to wait, and she saw acquiescence in Goril’s face. In a moment, she would give herself, and him, and their dragon, the satisfaction they all craved. In a moment. She would take that moment to feel the sun’s warmth on her naked body, the cunt juice trickling down her thigh, and the grass soft beneath her bare legs. Doraya looked again at the sexiest man she’d ever seen, lying supine and waiting for her next move despite his very obvious high level of arousal, and his desire and hers and their dragon’s all came together, blazing in her belly.


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