A Pirate's Heart (St. John Series)

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A Pirate's Heart (St. John Series) Page 12

by Lora Thomas

  After the reading lessons, he would teach her something of an entirely different nature. He educated her on the hidden passion she had buried deep within her body. Night after night he taught her about passion, how to please him as well as herself. After fulfilling their sexual desires, he would hold her close to his body as they both drifted off to sleep.

  Kristina was sitting on the bed brushing her damp hair, waiting on her “lessons.” Max was sitting in his chair thumbing through the pages of a new book to make sure it would be something that Kristina would enjoy. As she studied him, she furrowed her brow. His past was unknown, which bothered her. She had told him every intimate detail about her life, but she knew nothing of his except he had a terrible mother.

  “Was your mother really that horrible?” she asked before thinking.

  He didn’t move his head as his eyes peered up over the book, a slight slant to them. She could tell she had broached a subject that he didn’t want to discuss, but she had to know.

  “Well?” she pressed.

  He looked back down at the book and gave a one-word reply, “Yes,” but said no more.


  “She just was.”

  “How?” she pressed.

  She could hear his frustrated sigh. “Who are you? Samuel? I thought he was the only one who couldn’t figure out that one word answers mean to leave the hell alone.”

  She just kept staring at him, brushing her hair, with a determined look to her eyes. “You know my history. I think it’s only fair that I know yours.”

  “Drop it.”

  “No,” she insisted.

  He didn’t say another word, but he could feel her eyes on him as he surveyed the book. He slammed the book closed and glared at her. “Alright, you want my life story, fine. I’m the bastard son of an English Lord and a whore. The end.” At that, he reopened the book and continued to study its contents.

  “And?” she asked inquisitively as her brows rose.

  He glared at her through slanted eyes. She was determined to find out more. “You’re not going to give up, are you?”

  “No. I can do this all night. Being raised by nuns makes one very patient,” she said as she leaned her head over and began brushing the other side of her hair.

  Max slammed the book down onto the table and picked up the bottle of rum off the floor by his feet. He took several long drinks from the bottle. If he was going to discuss that woman, he needed something to help ease the hatred he had for her.

  “Her name was Sybil. She was a whore at one of the upper end brothels at Governor’s Harbour. She always claimed I was the son of a very well off English Earl. He came to Governor’s Harbour in hopes of starting a shipping company. Apparently, he visited Sybil quite frequently until he met the woman who was to become his wife and then he stopped. Sybil became jealous and tried to convince him to marry her instead.” He took another drink from the liquor before he continued. “According to her, she presented me to him and told him I was his son. He didn’t believe her, naturally. Who would blame him? It wouldn’t be the first time a whore tried to better their station in life by trying to pass off their bastard as a rich man’s child.”

  Kristina watched as bitterness flooded Max’s eyes. “The brothel had mountains of gambling debts. The owner sold the brothel to save his hide from the debt collectors. The person who purchased the establishment closed it down, leaving the women on the street, with no place to go, no place to live. So my mother began working at Red’s Tavern. It was a deplorable place.

  “From what I was told, when I was two or three, she broke her leg. One of the other whores gave her opium to help ease the pain, but she soon became dependent on the drug. She added whiskey to the mix and became a monster. They say she tolerated me until her addiction, but I was still a burden to her.”

  He took another drink of the rum before he continued. “She would always take great pleasure in telling me how my father didn’t want me. How she didn’t want me. I believe her exact words were that he ‘didn’t want a whore’s bastard tarnishing his good name’.” He made a half snort sound. “She blamed me for his refusal of her and took great pleasure in reminding me. Every time I behaved ‘like a child,’ as she would put it, she would drag out her strap and beat me. Anytime I found a discarded toy or trinket, she would take it and destroy it in front of my eyes, telling me I was undeserving of pleasure. Since she could have no pleasures in life, neither could I.”

  Kristina watched the turmoil cross Max’s face. How could a mother be so cruel, so heartless to her own child? She watched as Max clenched his jaw. An evil laugh came from deep within his chest. “Anything I ever possessed I had to steal—clothing, medications … food. The day I met Alex, I had stolen a toy ship. I had seen him playing with one like it the day before and wanted one for myself. In my mind it just wasn’t fair that other children had toys, but I was allowed none. So, I snuck into Alex’s father’s store and stole it. Alex spotted me and gave chase. When he caught me, we fought, but a passerby stopped us and took us both back to the store. Alex’s father was going to turn me over to the authorities, but the Earl stopped him.”

  “Your father?” Kristina fearfully whispered.

  Max nodded his head and resentfully replied, “The one and only. He paid for the toy.”


  Max just shook his head. “I don’t know and I didn’t stick around to ask. I ran out of the store as fast as I could. By the time I got back to the tavern, Sybil had found out. She took great pleasure in beating me … telling me that if the Earl quit sending money for my care, she would sell me. I couldn’t even lie down for the next several days afterwards. Anyway, Alex and I kept running into each other after that and soon became friends. But my mother’s cruelty never ended.”

  “So if the Earl sent money for your upkeep, why didn’t he take you away from your mother?”

  “I asked myself that daily when I was a child. I convinced myself that what she said was true … I was an unwanted embarrassment he wanted hidden away and out of sight. It made me very bitter as a child. I came to hate the Earl and his other children. As I grew older, I began to realize why he chose not to believe her. As I said earlier, many have tried to increase their station in life by lying to the wealthy and titled.”

  “So you have siblings through the Earl?”

  “Eight brothers and a sister,” he answered with disgust. She opened her mouth to ask another question, but he continued, “Anyway, I found a kitten one day in the alleyway behind the tavern. She killed it before my eyes, telling me I didn’t deserve anyone’s or anything’s love. Anytime I brought home anything, she would take it from me.” He took a long slow breath, the hurt evident.

  “I’m so sorry Max. I … I … ” She stopped, unable to express her sorrow. She laid her brush down on the bed and walked over to him. She knelt down in front of him and placed her hands on his knees. Her heart was breaking for this strong man before her.

  As he looked down at her, a tender look came to his eyes when he saw her concern. He took one of his large hands, placed it on the side of her face and wiped the tears away that were streaming down her cheeks. “It was a rough life, but it made me realize not to depend on anyone. I didn’t leave the tavern until she died.”

  “But why?” she asked, trying to comprehend why he stayed with such an evil woman.

  “She may have been a hateful bitch, but she was still my mother. I hoped and prayed every day that she would change. That she would come to accept me. I get jealous every time I think of Samuel and Alex, wishing that could have been me. Samuel’s mother was a whore, too, but she loved him and Alex made sure Samuel never lacked for anything. The only satisfaction I have is knowing Sybil died a painfully slow death. I felt sorry for her when I first found out she had the pox, but her hateful nature didn’t stop. She was a bitch right up until her last breath. When she took it, I left. I didn’t even stick around to see what happened to her body. I was fourteen and joined the first
crew I came to and have been sailing ever since.”

  As she listened to his story, Kristina’s heart broke. No wonder he seemed so dark, so unhappy. She realized that it was not going to be easy to get this strong, proud, distrustful man to trust her. He had built a wall around his heart and it was going to be difficult to tear that wall down, all because of his heartless mother. She placed her dainty hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. She wanted to erase the pain that she saw there, but didn’t know how.

  She rose up on her knees and lightly kissed his lips. “Not all women are like her,” she said softly.

  He gave a small sneer and coldly replied. “I’ve yet to meet any to prove differently.”

  She jerked her hand back as if it had been burned. Without knowing it, he insulted her, cut her to the quick. She didn’t know why, but she became furious.

  “Patience, Kristina. He’s had a hard life. Use your heart. Keep your temper in check.” Her mother’s words echoed in her head.

  She took a deep controlling breath. “So are you saying I’m like her?”

  “You’re a woman, aren’t you?” he replied in a disparaging tone.

  She sucked in her breath, stood up and stormed to the bed. She sat down hard and began pulling on her trousers.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he asked.

  “Well, if all women are heartless, cruel bitches that are unworthy of being trusted, why would you want me here? Since it’s so obvious that I am one of those … those … putas!”

  “Patience, Kristina.” Sophia’s words echoed.

  Shut up, mother!

  He crossed the room to her and grabbed her by her upper arm. She jerked back. “Get your hands off me!” she hissed.

  “What the hell did I do?” he questioned angrily.

  “Just being you!”


  “Let me go.” She didn’t know why his statement had upset her. Maybe it was from the stress of being in a hot galley all day or the fact that she wanted to kill his mother herself or that she wanted to track down that Earl and beat him senseless. Whatever the reason, she was furious.

  “Where do you think you’d go? In case you’ve forgotten, you’re on a ship. And not just any ship, but a pirate ship. So if you think that you can find a safe place to hide,” he stormed to the door and opened it, “be my guest!”

  She glared at him and then at the opened door. “I think I’m perfectly safe, especially since you announced to the entire ship that I’m your woman, or would ‘whore’ be a better term, since you apparently think that’s what all women are!” With that she marched out of his quarters and straight to the captain’s.

  As she flung open the door to Alex’s quarters, she never expected to find him in the tub, but he was. She paid no attention, went straight to the settee, sat down and made a very unladylike sound.

  Alex sat in his tub looking at her through the corner of his eyes. He leaned forward and turned to get a better view of who had stormed into his quarters. “May I help you with something?” he asked, annoyance apparent in his tone.

  “No,” she snapped.

  “Well, good. I would hate to disturb your brooding in my quarters. Now if you don’t mind, please leave,” he said in a dismissive tone as he leaned back against the tub.

  “Is he always that way?”

  It was obvious she wasn’t leaving. Before he could answer, Max marched in. His eyes went to Alex and then to Kris.

  “Please join us, Max. It’s not like I was expecting privacy. I always enjoy bathing in front of company.”

  “Shut up, Alex,” Max snapped.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Alex mocked.

  “What the hell are you doing here? I thought I made myself clear that I don’t want to be around you!” Kristina yelled at Max.

  Max crossed the room to her in several long strides. He pulled her up off the settee and dragged her towards the door. She jerked her hand away. Max turned and gave her a hard look.

  “You don’t belong in here,” Max told her.

  “He’s right, you know,” Alex interjected. “In fact, neither of you do, so get out.”

  Both Max and Kristina ignored Alex. “Don’t try to intimidate me with your growling!” Kristina snapped, poking him in the chest with her index finger. “I am not afraid of you!”

  Alex took advantage of their distraction, exited the tub and donned his robe. He walked over to the quarreling couple and took both their arms in an attempt to escort them from his quarters.

  “You insinuated I was a heartless whore!”

  “Woman, have you lost your damn mind? I said nothing of the sort!”

  “Apologize!” she demanded.

  “I have nothing to apologize for!”


  “You see what I mean!” Max replied as he looked at Alex with frustration. He turned his gaze back to Kristina. “All women twist words in order to ease their own guilt!”

  “Guilt! I have nothing to be guilty of! And I am not like those women!”

  “You are just like those women. You are irrational and scheming and—”

  “Scheming!” she yelled. “What have I been scheming about?”

  “You have a plan to do something. All women do. They never do anything without a planned outcome.”

  “A planned outcome,” she said with an eerie calm. “I’ll show you a planned outcome.” With that sentence, she turned to Alex. She grabbed the captain by the back of his neck and pulled him down to her, kissing him. Alex threw his arms outward as a way of saying ‘I had no part of this kiss.’ Kristina let go of Alex. As both men stood shocked, she picked up the cutlass by Alex and darted out the door. Max gave Alex a heated look.

  “Don’t blame me,” Alex defended with amusement in his tone.

  Max lowered his eyes to a slit and stormed out the door to locate Kristina. He found her on deck, sword in hand. She was cutting the lines on the main mast.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Max yelled as he snatched the cutlass from her hands. She ran from him before he could grab her arm. She picked up a club and started smashing crates and rigging. He had made her so angry she could not control her fury.

  Smitty was standing at the helm, watching the scene unfold before him. He never attempted to intervene. He just watched in amusement as Max tried to handle the raven-haired beauty who was running amuck on The Abyss. She would run towards a crate, Max would chase after her, but when he thought he knew her direction, she would change it. Smitty watched as the Spanish lady attempted to destroy the ship, but to no avail. Her fury did little damage to the sturdy vessel. She needed this out, Smitty thought. He had no idea if her attack the other day or something Max had said set her fury off, but she needed to vent.

  She darted to the stern deck and Smitty took her by surprise. As she ran past him, he gently stuck out his arm and grabbed her waist.

  “Calm down,” he said. “I ain’t goin’ ta hurt ya.”

  She glared at Smitty. “Let me go.”

  He did as she asked immediately. “Jest makin’ sure ya don’t hurt yerself.” He saw Max approaching and motioned for the younger man to stop.

  “I wouldn’t hurt myself, but I want to hurt him!” she said as she pointed towards Max.

  Smitty raised the brow over his blind eye. “Is that so? Hmmm? Max, what’d ya say ta make this pretty little lady sa mad?”

  “He called me a whore,” she told the older man, the hurt evident by her tone.

  Smitty tsked his tongue and held his hand up to silence Max’s reply. “Well, you can’t pay no never mind ta him. He’s never had ta deal with a real lady before,” Smitty told her as he patted her hand. “Ya fluster him. Ya see, he’s used ta dealin’ with those tavern wenches, and a refined lady like you makes him lose what little sense he had.”

  “Well, I’m not,” she pouted.

  “I know that. Ya bring class ta this ship. There’s a whole different feel ta her, ever since ya ca
me a board. Now, why don’t ya tell ole’ Smitty what that man did ta make ya try ta destroy my home. The Abyss ain’t done nothin’ to ya.” As he spoke in a calming tone, he could see her anger subsiding. “I tell ya what, why don’t ya go on down ta yer quarters and rest. I’ll have a talk with that young pup and give him what’s for. No need in ya getting’ yer pretty self all worked up and angry and losin’ sleep over a dirty ole’ pirate who ain’t got na sense, now is there?”

  She reluctantly nodded and handed Smitty the club she had in her hand. “So you agree with me?” she asked. “He was the one in the wrong?”

  Smitty gave Kristina a warm, sympathetic smile. “Go on now. Ya rest yerself. I’ll keep that black-haired giant up here sa ya can sleep.” She realized he was right. She gave him a small peck on his weathered cheek, glared at Max, and left.

  “How in the hell did you manage that?” Max asked in disbelief as Smitty managed to disarm and calm the hurricane known as Kristina.

  “Ya see, pup. Women need ta be dealt with gently. If ya know how ta stroke ‘em the right way, they’ll do anything ya want and think it’s their idea. Ya stick around Ole’ Smitty and he’ll teach ya a thing er two.”

  “I don’t need your advice regarding women, old man.”

  “Hmmmm?” Smitty replied as he rubbed his white beard and twisted his mouth. “Seems ta me like ya do, pup. What’d ya say to her anyway?”


  “Nothin’? Well, ya apparently said somethin’ ta make her sa mad at ya. She said ya called her a whore. Did ya?”

  “No. I said she was a woman.”

  “A woman?” the older man asked with skepticism to his voice.


  “And what had ya said before that?”

  Max sighed in frustration as he glared at the older man. “We were discussing my mother. I told her I had yet to meet a woman who was not like her.”


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