Viktor (Kincaid Security & Investigations Book 2)

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Viktor (Kincaid Security & Investigations Book 2) Page 10

by Apryl Baker

  “You need to put some pants on.”

  Her head snapped back. “What?”

  “Your ass is hanging out, Sara.”

  “It is not.”

  “I don’t want Gabe or Mason staring at your ass all day.”

  “Please. They wouldn’t.”

  “If I’m staring, they’re staring.”

  “You’re gawking at my ass, huh?”

  He growled. Like she didn’t know this.

  “I’m not putting pants on just so you won’t have to see my ass.”

  “Oh, I want to see your ass. I just don’t want anyone else to see it.”

  Her lips curved, and her green eyes sparkled. “I think I’m going to put on my bathing suit and take Delia outside to play in her kiddie pool.”

  “The fuck, woman?” Did she want him to commit homicide upon his brothers?

  “You and that filthy mouth.” She tsked.

  “You like my filthy mouth.” He pushed closer, barely a centimeter separating them.

  “I do not. Wasn’t I just threatening to beat asses over it?”

  “That was Mason.”

  “You were included.” Her eyes dropped to his lips, and she swallowed thickly.

  Viktor leaned in, his nose right by her ear, and inhaled the warm scent of vanilla and apples. God, he was growing to love that damn scent. His balls started to tingle, and he bit back a groan. He should get up and stop torturing them both.

  But he didn’t.

  “You smell fucking delicious.” His nose ghosted along the shell of her ear. A full body shudder rolled through her. His hands slid up and down her arms, and he caught her earlobe between his teeth.

  “Viktor,” she gasped and pushed closer to him.

  “I’m not going to kiss you, moye sokrovishche. I want to, but I’m not.”

  Another gasp left her, but this one was more than a little irritated. He laughed, his breath sending her hair billowing out in front of him.

  “Because I’m a client?”

  “In the beginning, yes. I make it a hard rule not to get involved with my clients. And you didn’t need someone trying to get into your bed who was going to be gone in a few weeks.”

  He felt her withdraw, the harsh reality of truth settling over her.

  “But that’s not true anymore.”

  “It’s not?”

  “No.” He shook his head and let his hands skim all the way down her arms until he could link his fingers with hers. “I’m not going to be gone in a few weeks. I’m going to fight your demons, Sara, and I’m going win. I plan on proving to you that you’re worth the fight.”


  “Did Dimitri ever tell you how our parents met?”

  She shook her head, her eyes wide and dilated.

  “My father met my mother a week before he was scheduled to leave Russia. He told himself she would be better off without him, better with someone who would always be there for her and not constantly moving from place to place.” He pulled their linked hands up to rest on her knees. “Only the thought of her with anyone was too much for him, and he married her the day before he shipped out.”

  “He married her a week after he met her?” Her eyebrows raced towards her hairline. “That was…”



  He threw his head back and laughed. “Yeah, it’s crazy, but the Kincaid men know what we want when we want it. Nikoli dated Lily barely two months before he asked her to marry him. And Dimitri? A few days in Becca’s company and he knew she was it for him. Though, to be fair, we knew she owned him back in high school. He was too much of an idiot to realize it. Kade is the only one of us who actually dated his girl for more than a few months. They knew each other a good year before they got married.”

  “He did forget he was married,” she reminded him.

  “Da, but I understand why he did it. We give him shit for it, but if we had been in his place, shoving those painful memories aside might have been the only way we survived losing so much too.”

  “I don’t know the whole story there.”

  “I’ll tell you about it sometime. It’s painful to think about, and it didn’t even happen to me.”

  “But it happened to your brother, so it hurts you.”

  “It hurts all of us. Family is everything to the Kincaids. We’re protective, possessive assholes, but we love deep and true.”

  She cocked her head, as if trying to figure out why he was telling her all this. He leaned his forehead against hers.

  “My brothers never set out to find love. They were all self-proclaimed manwhores, one-night stands and booty calls. I’m the only one who’s ever looked for it. They found it without trying, and I think maybe so have I.”

  She sucked in a breath, and he grinned. “I don’t want you to look at me and see the rebound guy. I want you to look at me and see your forever guy.”

  Her eyes got wild, and he could see the red flags going up all over the place inside that pretty little head of hers.

  “Don’t worry, moye sokrovishche, I’m not saying I love you. I’m saying I think I could fall in love with you so easily it would almost be effortless, and if that happens, then it happens. That’s why I’m not going to kiss you. I want to get to know you, to explore this insane desire that’s taken root every time I think about you.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” she whispered.

  “You don’t have to say anything. I’m just telling you what my intentions are so as not to scare you.” He gave her another kiss on the forehead and scooted back so he could stand. He reached his hand down to her. “What do you say, Sara? Are you willing to go on a crazy adventure with me?”

  She stared at his outstretched hand for the longest time. He was scared she’d run for the hills, especially after the disastrous marriage she was coming out of. He was pushing hard and fast, and he guessed that was what Roger did, from her hesitation. He said a silent prayer. If God wanted to go to bat for him, now was the time.

  After several long moments, she finally reached out and took his hand, letting him pull her up and against his chest. His arms came around her, and he hugged her tight, the bands around his lungs loosening enough for him to breathe.

  Let the crazy adventure begin.

  Viktor sent her back into the house. He needed a few minutes to gather his thoughts and come to terms with what he’d just set in motion. He’d done a complete three-sixty today, but damn, seeing her there huddled on the floor broke him. It forced him to admit a few things, and like everything else, once he was in, he was all in.

  Finding and building love was no exception.

  To take his mind off things, he pulled out his phone and decided to return Kade’s numerous calls. He’d dodged him long enough.

  “Where the fuck have you been, you bloody bastard?” Kade spat over the line.

  “Well, hello to you too, brat. I’ve been fucking working and dealing with a woman who I think I am going to fucking murder before this case is finished.”

  Or she was going to be the death of him. That woman, as much as he was starting to fall for her, was going to put him in an early grave the way she ignored her own personal safety.

  “We’ve been calling and texting you since yesterday. When do you not pick up a damn phone, Vik?”

  “Sorry, brat.” The frustration, along with an edge of fear laced his brother’s tired voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “The cartel is coming after Kade and Angel.” Nik’s voice came on the line, so he assumed Kade had him on speaker. “They sent our girl some photos today that caused her to faint. She hit her head, and now she’s in the hospital.”

  “Shit,” Viktor said. “Is she okay?”

  “No, she’s fucking not okay, or we wouldn’t be in the fucking hospital, would we?”

  Viktor was quiet for a long moment. Shit, shit, shit. “I’m sorry, Kade. I should have picked up the damn phone. What can I do?”

  “Nothing we’re not
already doing. Dylan’s in Miami, and Max will be joining him either tonight or tomorrow.”

  “Miami?” Viktor asked. “What are they doing in Miami?”

  “Trying to find my son.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Kade explained about the little boy Angel had seen and how Dylan had discovered the kid might be the son they thought died.

  “Are you sure?” Viktor asked, barely controlling his anger. Those fuckers had stolen his nephew? There wouldn’t be a rock they could hide under if that was the case.

  “I’ve seen the photographs. If he’s not my son, then fate has a cruel sense of humor. We’ll know for sure…shit. Nik, can you text Max and ask him to stay at the office? Dylan’s contact is going to have the DNA results delivered there tonight.”

  “Sure, man,” Nikoli agreed.

  “I wish I could be there for you, but my client’s ex is a real piece of work. He’s already threatened her mother, trying to find his daughter. I’m afraid if I leave, he might hurt them.”

  “No, you can’t abandon them. I understand that. Max explained what was going on. No man has the right to lay hands on a woman or child. Teach the bastard a lesson.”

  “Trust me, I plan on it. The kid’s terrified.” He was going to enjoy teaching Roger a lesson he’d never forget.

  “Speaking of kids,” Nikoli interrupted, “we have good news, but you have to swear to keep it to yourself. Mama and Babushka can’t know.”

  “Know what?”

  “Our girl is pregnant.”

  The excitement in Nik’s voice made Kade laugh. The rich quality of his laugh bled through the phone. They were pregnant? He had a new niece or nephew on the way. Pride and joy swelled in his chest. He couldn’t wait to play Uncle Viktor.

  “Who’s pregnant?”

  Angel’s sleepy voice broke through his happy place, and he started pacing, worry prying its way back into his heart. He hated he couldn’t be there for her. He loved her like his own sister, but he couldn’t leave Sara either. She needed him as much as Angel did.

  “Easy, moye serdste. You need to lie back.”

  And Angel had Kade, Nikoli, and the entire KSI team to protect her. Sara only had him and Gabe.

  He heard the nurse come in and start checking her out. He stayed quiet because he wanted to hear what she said as much as his brothers did.

  “Vitals are all good. Your blood pressure is a little high, but that could be due to the headache I’m sure you have. I’ll get you some acetaminophen for that…”

  “I’d rather have some Motrin if you have it.”

  “That is not a good idea, Mrs. Kincaid. Ibuprofen is bad for the baby.”


  “You didn’t tell her?” There was a pause before she started speaking again. “Well, that means I get to tell you the good news. You’re pregnant.”

  “What?” Angel’s gasp caused a grin to break out over his face. He listened to the nurse prattle on about unimportant things, but when Angel demanded to know what was going on, he tuned back in to the conversation.

  “You don’t remember what happened earlier?”

  “No. I remember going to the bank, then the bar. The contractor wasn’t there. He never showed. His boss came over to do the walkthrough and…” She gasped. “Oh, God. Kade. The pictures. There were pictures.”

  “Easy, moye serdste. I know all about the pictures. Lay back and rest, sweetheart. You’re safe.”

  The fear in her voice broke his heart. “You are safe, sestra. I swear it.”


  “He’s on speakerphone,” Nik told her. “No one is getting near you or our new niece or nephew. Even if I have to fly you to Russia.”

  “Russia? Why would I go to Russia?”

  “It’s not a bad idea,” Viktor agreed. “She could stay with Mama and Papa, surrounded by the military. The cartel wouldn’t dare try to get to her there.”

  “Slow down,” Angel said. “I need a minute.”

  “Nik, why don’t you go find us some coffee and maybe some food for Angel?”

  “Sure thing,” Nik agreed. “Don’t scare me like that again, Angel girl.”

  “I’ll call you later, Vik, and this time, answer your damn phone.” Kade disconnected the call.

  The fucking cartel. As if they didn’t have enough to deal with. If Kade planned on taking on the cartel, he’d need as much military know-how as he could get. There was only one person he trusted to go find their nephew if he couldn’t do it himself.

  He had to hit redial six times, but Conner finally picked up the phone.

  “This had better be fucking Ed McMahon telling me I won a million fucking dollars.”

  “What the hell are you doing asleep at one in the fucking afternoon?”

  “I own clubs, motherfucker. I work nights.”

  “Well, wake your grouchy ass up. We got a family situation.”

  “What’s wrong?” All the sleepiness fled his brother’s voice, and he was as alert as if he’d consumed two full pots of coffee. One of the perks of military training.

  “Remember the cartel Kade was undercover in down in Florida?”

  “Yeah. Bastards sniffing around again?”

  “They have our fucking nephew.”

  “What the fuck you talking about?”

  He told his brother everything Kade had explained about the kid and his suspicions. Once the DNA tests came back, they’d know for sure.

  “Those motherfucking bastards.” Chills raced up his spine at the coldness in his brother’s voice. Darkness might lurk in Viktor, but it lived in Conner. Sometimes Conner scared him. He’d admit it freely only because he was worried he’d never get his brother back from that dark place.

  But right now, they all needed that darkness. He had a feeling getting Matthew back from the deadliest cartel in the south would require a heartless bastard with no conscience.

  And his twin brother fit the bill.

  “I can’t go down there. I’m on a case. Woman’s ex likes to use his fists on her and her kid. If I leave, I’m afraid of what might happen.”

  “I got this. You handle that shithead.”

  “Kade’s at the hospital with Angel. The cartel sent her photos of herself in the hospital on the day she thought her baby died.”

  “They’re all going to fucking die.”

  His brother didn’t even ask if Angel was okay but went straight to “they’re going to die.” It unnerved Viktor more than he cared to admit. “They’re keeping her overnight to treat her for shock and a concussion. Call Nik, and he’ll tell you where to go.”

  “I’ll catch the first flight down I can. We know if Kade’s getting the police involved, or are we going to go in and do a snatch and grab on our kid?”

  A smile cracked his lips. As dark and twisty as Conner was, his family came first. Matthew was “our” kid already. Hell, he’d been thinking of the kid as his too. It was just good to hear it come out of Conner’s mouth. It gave him hope he wasn’t completely lost.

  “I don’t know. He’s overwhelmed with Angel being in the hospital and pregnant.”

  “Whoa, what?” He heard something that sounded distinctly like…

  “Are you taking a piss?”

  “Da.” The toilet flushed. His brother was gross. “She’s pregnant?”

  “They just found out today.” Viktor moved to stand in the barn doorway, looking out over the property.

  “Shit. What are we going to do if it’s a girl?”

  “We need to start stocking up on bullets now.”

  “Little bastards ain’t afraid of guns no more. We need to start showcasing the knives early.”

  Viktor laughed. His brother had a point. “Pecker-heads will know from kindergarten to stay the fuck away from our nieces.”

  “I’m calling it now. We will remain an all boy’s club. Nephews only.”

  His thoughts went to Delia. “Well, about that…”

� Conner’s voice sharpened. “Don’t tell me you got someone knocked up too?”

  “Hell, no.” Viktor refuted. No glove, no love.

  “Then, what?”

  “This woman I’m protecting, I think…” He stopped, trying to find the right words.

  “You found her, huh?” His brother knew what he was trying to say before he did. It was the twin thing.

  “I think maybe I did.”

  He was silent for a heartbeat. “How many years before we have to start threatening the little pecker-heads?”

  “She’s six.”

  “Shit. I need to start broadening my knife collection.” He dropped something and let out a string of curses. “You said her sperm donor hit her?”

  “Bastard hit her so hard he knocked out one of her front teeth.”

  “Motherfucker.” The promise of death rattled in Conner’s words. “We’re changing her last name. If I have to go down and have a talk with the bastard myself, she’s losing his last name. She belongs to us now.”

  “Sara might have something to say about that.” He’d already made up his mind it was something he wanted to do, but convincing Sara might be difficult.

  “I got faith in you, bro. You got some skills.”

  Viktor grinned. He’d agree.

  “Okay, I’m out. I have to get things in order with the clubs and then head out to New York. Love ya, brat.”

  “Love you too.”

  A lot of guys might have a problem saying those words to each other, but none of the Kincaid men did. Probably thanks to their mother, but it was something that kept them grounded in family.

  And right now, they needed family more than anything.

  The next few days flew by, something for which Sara was grateful. Her next book signing was coming up, and she kept herself busy getting ready for that instead of focusing on Viktor and the barn.

  Sweet baby Jesus, the barn and the things he’d said to her. She was still reeling from all those revelations.

  He didn’t want to be her rebound guy, but her forever guy.

  She was a romance writer, and she wrote about this kind of stuff happening in the pages of a book all the time, but for it to be a reality? Nope, nope, nope. You didn’t meet someone in a week and decide they were your forever love. Real life didn’t happen like that.


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