Coach Long

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Coach Long Page 7

by K. Webster

  Caleb stiffens and drops his gaze to his feet. “River. You’ve met her before.”

  “Aww, man,” Jake says with a boyish grin that I’m sure charms the pants right off girls all the time. Not this girl’s pants. This girl wears short skirts for her nasty coach. Never pants.

  “I’ve seen you stretching. You give half the team a boner every time you do that shit.”

  “Glad to entertain you,” I remark dryly. “Where’s the bathroom?”

  “I’ll go with you,” Olivia says in a snooty tone meant to dismiss Jake.

  Caleb starts chatting with him so we make our escape. We begin exploring the gigantic house together. It gets quieter the deeper into the house we go. The second floor is eerily silent.

  “What do you think’s in here?”

  “Hmmm,” I say with a smile. “A sex dungeon?”

  She snorts. “Yeah, right. I don’t think Caleb has had sex before. I haven’t come out and asked him but that’s the feeling I get.”

  “Are you going to bone him?”

  Her shoulders lift up. “If he makes me.” She grins at me. “Oh, Caleb,” she faux moans. “Don’t tear my clothes off me! Don’t hold me down!”

  I start laughing my ass off when the door we’re standing in front of slings open with a crash. An older man with a thick brown beard and wild hair glares at us furiously. His shirt is unbuttoned, revealing a tattooed chest.

  “Where is he?” he demands. “Did he hurt you?”

  Olivia stares at him with bright red cheeks and an open mouth. “Huh?”

  “Was Caleb out here forcing himself on you?”

  “Oh no,” I chime in, in an attempt to save her. “She was just playing around.”

  “Who the fuck pretends to get raped?” he demands, his gaze never leaving hers.

  “Dude,” I mutter, “it was just a joke. Calm down. We’re just looking for the bathroom.”

  He takes a step toward Olivia and I swear he sniffs her. Creeper alert. “There’s one in my room. Come in.”

  Olivia and I exchange glances. Mine is worried but she seems cool with it. Everett would tie me up and never let me go if he knew I just willingly followed a scary man into his bedroom.

  “Um, I’m Olivia,” she chirps. “You are?”

  He stops mid-stride toward the bathroom and turns to glare at her again. “You’re Caleb’s new girlfriend, Olivia?”

  Her big green eyes widen. “Yeah.”

  He extends a hand to her. “I’m his dad. Miles Reynolds.”

  Caleb’s dad? There’s no way.

  “But you’re so…” I trail off. “And he’s so…”

  “I guess I don’t follow,” he retorts, irritation bleeding in his tone.

  “Nothing,” Olivia interjects. “Thank you, um, Mr. Reynolds, for letting me use your bathroom.” She drags me into the bathroom with her.

  “They look nothing alike,” I hiss.

  Her cheeks blaze red again. “I know. Gah, River, you didn’t have to be so mean though.” She sits down on the toilet in the fancy bathroom to pee. “Anyway, my birthday is coming up soon. We should go out to celebrate. Will your boyfriend let you go?”

  “Is he my boyfriend?” I wonder aloud.

  She laughs. “Ummmm, I saw him jacking off all over your naked body. If that isn’t some strange way of a man marking his territory, I don’t know what is.”

  “You’ll remind me of that moment every day for the rest of my life, huh?” I ask with a grin.

  She shrugs as she finishes her business and starts washing her hands. “It was hot. I flicked the bean to that image a few times.”

  I snort and slap her ass. “Dirty bitch.”

  “You have no idea,” she says with a sigh.

  “Maybe you should send Caleb some porn. Show him exactly what you want.”

  Her cheeks turn red again. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s weird.”

  I can feel my brows furrow together. “Like horse fucking weird?”

  “Gross! No!” She scrunches her nose at me and pulls her phone from her pocket. “I’ll show you.”

  She opens her Tumblr app and starts scrolling. My eyes bug out of my head. “Is that stuff for real?”

  “It’s called role play,” she explains. “I just like looking at it on here.”

  I frown at her. “So you don’t actually want that? Someone forcing you?” I’m totally creeped out here. I mean, if Everett wanted to chase me down and have his way with me, I wouldn’t complain. These guys though, look scary. “Looks painful.”

  “It’s just a kink and I think it looks hot,” she admits. “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “Is this because of Mr. Polk?”

  “No,” she groans. “Don’t turn this into something weird. I should have never showed you.”

  “I’m just messing with you,” I lie. “That one looks hot.” I point to it but accidentally touch the screen. The video starts blaring and she drops her phone to the bath mat at our feet.

  “You’ll take my cock, you dirty cunt!” the guy on the video bellows.

  “Shit!” she hisses and drops to her knees.

  The girl in the video screams as he pounds into her.

  “Your ass is a filthy cum dumpster—”

  She mashes the button and silences her phone, horror painted on her face. I grab her hand, yanking her to her feet. We start to bolt out of the bathroom but Caleb’s dad stands there like a fucking creeper, glowering at us.

  “Everything okay in there?” His voice is low and scary.

  “Just two girls doing girl things,” I blurt out as I drag Olivia past him. He reaches out and snags her bicep, causing her to yelp. Then, he leans down and says something to her in a low tone. Once I get her into the hallway, I shriek. “What a freak! Oh my God! What did he say to you?”

  She grabs my arms and shakes me. “Calm down, River. Jesus.”

  I glance over my shoulder to make sure he didn’t follow us. “Seriously. What did he say?”

  She shrugs. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s keep exploring. Jake is annoying and Caleb worships him. They’re probably still talking about Jake’s future football career. Gag.”

  I take her hand as we continue down the hallway. Several of the rooms are inaccessible—with fancy silver locks which keep us from entering—which is super annoying. What’s even more bizarre is those rooms have a plaque beside them. Almost like a number plate at a hotel. But these have names.





  Olivia’s fingers run across the last one as if she’s drawn to it. She spends a good thirty seconds trying to get that door open. Eventually, we give up and find a set of stairs leading to the third floor.

  When we hear moaning coming from behind the bedroom door, Olivia flashes me a devilish grin. I smirk and nod. Whatever is beyond that door with no special locks keeping us out, we’re going to check it out. Olivia is apparently a freak like me and sneaking up on someone having sex is more fun than the party downstairs.

  “Yes, baby,” a man grunts. “Take it.”

  Olivia twists the knob and pushes open the door. A man is driving into a woman in the darkness. Olivia fumbles for the light switch. As soon as the light illuminates the room, we both stare at the couple in shock.

  Mr. Polk glares at us over his shoulder while he plows a very willing Lacy. They don’t stop. He just keeps fucking her with an evil glint in his eye. I grab Olivia’s arm and drag her from the room. As soon as we slam the door shut, she shrieks.

  “Oh my God! Why is he even here?”

  I pull my phone out and text Everett.

  Me: Can you come get us? Mr. Polk is here with Lacy. I don’t want to be here at this party with him.

  He responds right away.

  Coach: I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Text me the address.

  Once I’ve responded, I look up at Olivia. “Shoul
d we call the cops?”

  “I don’t know,” she says and crosses her arms over her ample chest. “Is Coach coming to get you?”

  “And you too.”

  We start back for the stairwell when the door opens and Mr. Polk steps into the hallway wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. His features are screwed into a murderous scowl.

  “Well,” he snarls, “if it isn’t the two little tattletales.”

  I step in front of Olivia as if to protect her. Not that Mr. Polk couldn’t swat me away without effort. Regardless, I try.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” Olivia chokes out.

  He charges forward so I lunge at him. And just like I knew he would, he shoves me away to get to Olivia.

  “You little bitch,” he grits out. “You told them I penetrated you with my fingers. Little liar. If I penetrated you, you’d know it.” He pushes her against the wall, with one hand on her throat and the other pushing up her skirt. I scramble to my feet and I’m about to throw myself at him, when two large males shove past me.

  Mr. Polk is torn from Olivia and body slammed to the floor by…Mr. Reynolds? Caleb’s dad smashes his fist into Mr. Polk’s face three times before his friend urges him away. Once he’s back on his feet, his gaze sweeps over me before finding Olivia.

  “My son’s girlfriend,” he explains to his friend before stalking toward her.

  His friend’s mouth parts open. “Ahhh, okay.”

  I’m not sure what their exchange is about but I’m curious. Mr. Reynolds cradles Olivia’s face in his palms and murmurs out what seems like soft questions to her. She nods and then he releases her.

  “Come on,” I tell her. “Let’s get out of here.”

  On the bottom floor, the music is blasting. We find Jake and Caleb sharing a bromance hug as they laugh about dumb football crap. But as soon as Caleb sees Olivia so upset and disheveled, he throws his arms around her. His dad shows up behind us a moment later.

  “You got her?” he asks Caleb.

  Caleb gives him a clipped nod. “I do.”

  Mr. Reynolds’s already scary face contorts into something wild and ferocious. “I have to take care of some asshole upstairs.” He disappears without another word.

  “Come with me to Ev—”

  “I’ll be fine here with Caleb,” Olivia blurts out, interrupting me.

  I cover my mouth upon realizing I almost called Coach Everett in front of Caleb. Olivia gives me a quick smile and a nod.

  Everett was right. Parties are lame. I’d much rather be naked and in his bed. With Dad out of town this weekend, we can spend the entire weekend together. The thought elates me.

  Once outside, I suppress a shiver. The nights have been getting cooler the further into fall we get. I’m just running my palms up over my chilled arms when I notice a car barreling down the street, heading this way. It screeches to a stop in front of the house. Then, a giant pops out and charges for me. My giant.

  “Are you okay?” he demands as soon as he’s pulled me into his arms. He presses kisses to the top of my head as he crushes me in an embrace.

  “I’m fine. Olivia is fine too. Mr. Reynolds and his friend are dealing with Mr. Polk.”

  He relaxes and pulls away to look at me. “You ready to go, Emo?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He smirks from the driver’s side and takes my hand in his before kissing it. “Somewhere special.”

  A smile plays at my lips. I’d thought we’d go back to his place straight away but the night is still young. It’s not even eight yet.

  Everett is quiet as we drive. We cross some train tracks and enter a rundown, older part of town. I remember when we first rolled in, my mom practically hissed out the window when we passed through. He pulls into a trailer park and follows the old worn streets to the back of the small neighborhood.

  “I want you to meet someone,” he says with a shy smile. “You’re mine now, River. So now I want you in every part of my life.”

  My heart leaps at his words. He climbs out and then is at my door, offering his hand. I grab it and beam at him. Everett doesn’t do charming often but when he does, I melt.

  “This is my childhood home.” His voice is full of pride. “I was on the phone with Mom when you texted and had planned to drop by to visit. Now you get to come too.”

  I smile nervously at him. How will she feel about him seeing his teenage student? Will she call the cops on him? I wonder if she’s anything like my mom. Cold and heartless. Snobbish and disgusted at all times.

  “Relax,” he murmurs as he squeezes my hand. “Mom will love you.”

  He guides me up the rickety steps onto the porch and pushes a key into the lock. We walk inside and my stomach immediately grumbles. I can smell something delicious cooking.

  “Mom,” he calls out. “We’re here.”

  A willowy woman walks into the living room, pulling a tank of oxygen with her. She seems fragile and her flesh is gray. I stiffen because it reminds me of when my grandma got sick and passed away when I was thirteen. My heart immediately hurts for her.

  “My baby boy,” she rasps, holding her arms out.

  He releases my hand and envelops her in a warm hug. Tears well in my eyes because it strikes me hard how my own mother and I have never been like that. When they separate, he motions to me.

  “This is my girlfriend, River.” The pride in his voice nearly knocks me over. “River, this is my mom, Carla.”

  “Ah,” she says with a smile. “You’re a spunky little thing. Glad to see you stopped dating those boring Barbie dolls.” She glances his way and pats his arm.

  I step forward and shake her bony hand. “So happy to meet you.”

  “How old are you, child?”

  I stiffen and shoot Everett a worried glance. He laughs. The fucker laughs. “Eighteen, Mom.”

  She smirks, and it reminds me so much of him that I can’t help but smile. “Robbing the cradle. Just like your father.” They both laugh at their inside joke. I’m nervous but she doesn’t seem poised and ready to call my parents or the principal so I force myself to relax.

  “You’re not going to tell on us?” I ask softly.

  “I think this town has enough drama to worry about,” Carla says. “I saw in the paper there was a big bust at Brown with the guidance counselor. Sheriff’s been too busy catching bad guys than to worry about chasing after a little taboo love story that is perfectly legal.” She winks at me. “I ought to invite him and his wife over one day for supper though. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen them. Do you know Mandy? She’s about your age. I used to babysit her when she was a wee little thing.”

  “River’s new here so I don’t think so,” Everett says. “What’s for dinner anyway?”

  Carla’s face lights up. “Pulled pork sandwiches. Been cooking in the crockpot all day, sweetheart.”

  Home cooked meal. A mother who cares about her child. And someone who isn’t concerned about our unconventional relationship. This is the best date ever.

  Carla walks back into the kitchen. But instead of following her, Everett pulls me into his arms and kisses me hard on the lips. His palms roam to my ass and he gives it a squeeze.

  “Tonight, we’re staying over in my childhood bedroom,” he murmurs, his wet lips brushing against mine. “And then I’m going to make you squirt all over my sheets, right before I fuck you loud enough for the people three trailers down to hear.”

  My neck heats and I gape at him. “But your mom…”

  He smirks. “Wouldn’t be the first girlfriend I’ve nailed in my bedroom. She’s immune now.”

  I give him a playful shove. “You’re gross.”

  “You’re the one who’s going to come in my bed like a dirty girl while my mother sleeps on the other side of the trailer.” He nips at my lip. “Now go enjoy what my mom feeds you. And if you’re a good girl, I’ll feed you something even better later.”


  He laughs and pinches my tit through my shirt. “Your warnings don’t work on me, little girl.”

  “You sure it’s okay to stay here?” River asks as she plops down on my old bed. She snorts and points to a Prince poster on the wall. “Oh my God. Sometimes I forget how old you are.”

  “So mouthy,” I say as I peel off my shirt. “I know just the thing to do with that pretty mouth.”

  Her eyes widen but her gaze falls to my bare chest. I love the way she looks at me. As though I’m her walking, talking fantasy. Well she’s my fantasy too.

  “So we’re doing this now? Is she even asleep yet?” Worry flickers in her pale blue eyes.

  “We’re doing this now and all through the night. Then, I’m taking you home in the morning and I’m going to do more of ‘this’ to you there.” I unbuckle my belt and slide it through the loops on my jeans. “I’m going to steal every moment I can with you until you graduate.”

  She bites her lip. “Then what?”

  “Then I’ll steal you.”

  “What’s with the belt?”

  “Don’t worry,” I assure her. “I’m not going to spank your ass with it. Take off your clothes and show me your little tits.”

  Lust glimmers in her eyes and she boldly yanks off her shirt. She’s wearing a bra, surprisingly, but that thing gets tossed away in an instant. Once she’s shimmied out of the rest of her clothes, she gives me an innocent questioning look. It makes my cock really fucking hard.

  “How many girls have you brought in here?” she asks. I want to fuck the jealous glare right off her face.

  “A bunch.”

  “So you’re a manwhore?”

  “I was. Not anymore.”

  She smiles. “So we’re really boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  “We’re more than that.”

  “Oh really?” She quirks a dark eyebrow.

  “You’re my obsession.”

  “Like the 80’s song?”

  I snort and pop her thigh with the belt. “Shut up. You’re ruining it.”

  She kicks at me. “You said you wouldn’t spank me.”

  Shrugging, I kick off my shoes and pin her with a stare, my lips quirking up on one side in amusement. “I lie sometimes.”


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