Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency)

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Agent E2: Aidan (Superhero Romance) (The D.I.R.E. Agency) Page 13

by Hahn, Joni

  “Where are we going?”

  “I want to show you where I’ll take off tomorrow.”

  She stopped short. “Aidan, I’m naked.”

  He waggled his brows. “I like you that way.”

  With a shy smile, she hugged his side. “We aren’t going around people, are we?”

  He shook his head. “We’re going to roof hop two buildings over. I’ll leave by the cell phone tower.”

  They walked in silence as he led her through the walkways that joined the compound roofs. Stepping onto the science division roof, Aidan stopped beside the tower.

  “You’ll need the tower to amplify the frequency.”

  He turned to stare at her. “Yes, brainiac. How did you know that?”

  She gave him a cheeky grin. “I’m the one that found Tristan’s frequency.”

  Leaning in close, Aidan kissed her. “Mmm, sexy and smart. I know how to pick them.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  He chuckled. “Once I’m in the suit, I’ll hang onto the tower. I’ll have to build one helluva storm to leave.”

  “How will you get home without the tower?”

  “I’ve got the location of a radio tower in nineteen forty-four Princeton, New Jersey. Finding that will be the first thing on my agenda. If I locate it and find them, I could be home in a day.”

  “Time will move slower for us.” She hugged him around the waist. “You’d better not mess around, Monroe. I want you back here ASAP.”

  “Just think Cass. If we make this work, I will be the first man in history to time travel without a machine. Pretty cool, you have to admit.”

  Laying a palm against his cheek, she smiled. “Incredibly cool. I’m proud of you.”

  Taking her hand in his, he kissed her palm. Right now, with Cass by his side, Aidan could do anything – even take on seventy-year-old American traitors single-handedly.

  “Let’s get some rest, baby. I’ve got some major ass to kick tomorrow.”


  The next morning, Cassandra banged on Dar’s door. Though she and Dar stayed in the security wing, they had no guards posted outside their rooms. She still had no idea why Mitchell gave them such freedom, but she’d take it.

  Opening the door, Dar smothered a yawn. “What are you doing up so early?”

  She walked passed him into the small, single-room area that contained a sleeper sofa, television, and desk. Half of his clothes had made it into the small closet. The others were strewn across the desk.

  “Aidan leaves in an hour and a half.” She turned to face Dar, hands folded in front of her. “I need your help.”

  Dar’s eyes focused for the first time since he opened the door. “Why? What happened?”

  She couldn’t keep the grin from her face. “Aidan and I are together now.”

  Frowning, Dar gave her an incredulous look. “What? I thought you hated him.”

  After last night, she loved Aidan Monroe with every cell of her being. Making love with him had been the most liberating experience of her life. He’d shown her love, sheltered her in safety, and wiped away the fear. She’d woken this morning with a renewed courage and sense of protection she’d never felt before.

  Although, her superhero archangel would slay dragons for her, he made her feel like she could slay them herself.

  “I love him.”

  Dar planted his hands on his hips. “Shit, Cass, he’s a freaking D.I.R.E. agent.”


  “So? They destroyed our family, our business… our lives.”

  Approaching him, Cass softened her voice. “We still have each other Dar. And, I don’t know about you, but my shoulders are a hundred percent lighter without Father’s temper hanging over my head.”

  He grumbled. “That’s for damned sure.”

  “Dar, it’s time to turn over a new leaf. Just because our father wants to engage in illegal activities doesn’t mean we have to follow. Naylor Interests is history and our father is in D.I.R.E. custody. Mitchell hasn’t sent us to prison or even locked us up. All signs are pointing to a new future.” She clutched his upper arms. “We can do good for a change, Dar. We can play for the winning side. With D.I.R.E.’s superpowers, we have an opportunity to see and experience feats we’ve never seen before.”

  Shaking his head, he gave her a half laugh. “Damn, Monroe must be one helluva romp. You got all of that out of one night in his bed?”

  “Dar.” She shoved him. “It’s not like that. After what happened with Riordan, you, of all people, should know that.”

  Taking a deep breath, he said, “Cass, Father will go ballistic.”

  “I know. That’s why I need your help.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “Father’s going to find out about us, one way or the other. Aidan doesn’t want me to face that alone while he’s gone. We’re going to talk to Father before he leaves this morning. I want you to go with us to show a united front.”

  “I don’t know, Cass…”

  “Dar, I need to know you have my back.”

  “Sounds like Monroe has your back now. Why do you need me?”

  Her brother was floundering. She needed to give him purpose, pick him up again. “I’ll always need you, Dar. Always.”

  “Hey, there you are…” Aidan stopped in the open doorway before making his way inside.

  God above, he was a beautiful man. His green eyes practically glowed with excitement this morning. Giving her a secret smile, he bent to kiss her before turning to Dar.

  “Can I count on you to look out for her while I’m gone?”

  “You can always count on me to look out for Cass.” He pointed back and forth between them. “It’s this I have a problem with.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Aidan straighten and lift his chin. No. The days of animosity were over. She had to nip this in the bud.

  “You just need to get over it, Dar.” She smiled up at Aidan. “It’s happening.”

  “Damn straight, it is.” Aidan kissed her hand. “I leave in an hour, Naylor. I need to know you’ll look out for her while I’m gone.”

  Aidan stared him down. Dar crossed his arms over his chest. “What more do you need, Monroe? Blood?”

  “I mean don’t let her out of your sight. She’s terrified your father still has people working for him. Even here.”

  Dar shrugged. “Oh, I have no doubt.”

  Cursing under his breath, Aidan started to pace. “Damn, maybe I shouldn’t go.”

  The last thing she wanted was to have Aidan worry about her while he time traveled. He didn’t need the distraction. “Don’t be crazy, Aidan. Dar is more than capable.”

  “Don’t trust me, Monroe?”

  Aidan stopped to look at him. “No, Cass is the only thing I trust you with.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I don’t want you put in a situation where you have to choose between her and Robert.”

  “Hell, with you two, I’m already in that situation.”

  Taking Cass by the hand, Aidan said, “So, what’s it going to be then?”

  Letting out a deep breath, he dropped his arms.

  “Give me five minutes. We’ll go see my father together.”

  Aidan led Cass into Robert’s room, Dar on her heels. He held her hand in a tight grip, keeping her slightly behind him. She couldn’t recall ever feeling so terrified.

  “Aidan.” Smiling, Kate walked to Aidan and gave him a tentative hug. He stiffened. “It’s good to see you.”

  Emotions whirled inside her as her love for Aidan warred with her distrust for Kate. Kate Monroe couldn’t be all that bad if she had raised Aidan and Rachel, yet her sweet sister wouldn’t talk to her mother. They’ve each had a lot of secrets kept from them, secrets that should’ve been revealed at some point in their adult life.

  She wondered what else they didn’t know.

  “Cassandra, what is this?”

  Wearing a white t-shirt and black sweats, her father lay in the hospital bed
looking good and healthy. No one would think he recovered from a gunshot wound to the chest, or that he lay captive in his enemy’s compound.

  Robert glared at her, his gaze bouncing from Aidan to her and back. He nodded toward their hands.

  Aidan pulled Cass closer. “Cass and I-“

  “I wasn’t talking to you.” Robert’s gaze went back to Cass. “Daughter, it looks like you’re deceiving me.”

  She lifted her chin. “Just a chip off the ol’ block, hmmm, Father?”

  “Cass and I are together,” Aidan said through gritted teeth. “Get used to it.”

  Robert’s aqua eyes swirled with anger. “You may be Kate’s son, but you’re Jim’s spawn, too. My daughter will never be yours.”

  Kate laid a hand on Robert’s shoulder. “Robert, you shouldn’t get upset.”

  “She’s already mine, old man.”

  Dar smothered a grin. Cass laid her forehead against Aidan’s shoulder.

  “No.” He looked at Cass. “Cassandra, say it isn’t so.”

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, Aidan kissed her temple.

  Robert stabbed a finger at Aidan. “I will kill you, Monroe. Mark my words.”

  “Robert, no.” Kate clutched his arm. “He’s my son.”

  “Bring it, old man. I’ll fry your ass.”

  Dar stepped up beside Aidan. “You’ll have to go through me first, Father.”

  Gasping, Cass’s heart cheered at Dar’s bold move.

  Robert’s eyes widened. “You? I raised you both, gave you everything you could ever ask for and you turn on me? My own flesh and blood?”

  Dar said, “And we didn’t give you our lives? Look at her. She’s terrified of her own damned father. Yeah, you did a bang up job, Pops. Leave It To Beaver called looking for you.”

  “You sonvabitch…” Naylor shook his head, his eyes narrowed.

  Cass lifted her chin, Aidan’s strength carrying her through her words. “Father, I love you but, my loyalty lies with Aidan now. I hope you’ll come to accept us.”


  “Robert…” Kate’s tone begged him to understand. “Can we talk about this after they’ve left?”

  “You two think I’m done for, defeated.” Robert’s eyes bounced back and forth between them.

  “You’re in the D.I.R.E. security hospital,” Aidan said. “You’ll be transferred to a federal penitentiary as soon as Mitchell works out the details.”

  “I’ve been in worse situations.” His eyes took on a knowing, menacing gleam. “It’s too bad you’re leaving today, Aidan. What will my daughter do without you here to protect her?”

  Cass felt like Robert had punched her between the eyes. Did he just threaten her life?

  Why are you surprised?

  She’d seen her father at his worst, knew how ruthless he could be. She’d wanted to believe a line existed that her father would never cross.

  That line didn’t exist.

  With a growl, Aidan lunged for Robert, fireflies of electricity zapping and buzzing around him. Kate jumped between them and shoved at Aidan’s chest. She flew against the wall and dropped to the floor.


  Scrambling from the bed, Robert went to Kate lying groggy and limp on the floor. Aidan stood over them, Cass at his elbow.


  Robert whipped around to glare at Aidan. “Get out, before I kill you with my bare hands.”

  “Bring it, old man. I’m ready.”

  So was Cass. Her father had gone too far this time.

  Kate said, “Help me up, Bobby.”

  Robert helped Kate to her feet. “Are you okay, honey?”

  Kate shook it off. “I’m fine.” Looking at Aidan, she said, “I think you’d better go.”

  With an intimidating glare, Aidan stopped in front of Robert. “If you ever come within a hundred feet of her, I will tear you limb from limb.” Taking her hand, he led Cass to the door.


  Dar turned around, his gaze wary.

  “Don’t kid yourself into thinking you’re some kind of good guy or hero. You’ll never be good enough for the likes of D.I.R.E.”

  “So you’ve said – a thousand times throughout my life.”

  “We’re family. How can you do this?”

  Was that hurt she heard in her father’s voice?

  “No, you were a dictator, we were your minions.”

  Lifting his chin, Dar said, “I have a real family now, Robert. A family that would never dream of threatening my life or each other’s lives.” He pointed a finger at him. “You wanted Kate. You have her. I’m sure you know someone that will authorize un-conjugal visits for you while you’re on death row.”

  Chapter 13

  Aidan wanted to jump out of his skin.

  Stepping into the suit that Robinson held out for him, he felt a rush of adrenaline so powerful he could light the entire state of Nevada. Excitement coursed through him thinking about the possibilities of what he might see and who he might encounter.

  Scratch that. No encountering allowed. He’d been ordered to travel back to Princeton, New Jersey, find Professor Chalmers’ lab and get back. Don’t talk to anyone, look at anyone, touch anyone.

  Don’t alter the past.

  He glanced at Cass standing with Rachel and Dar on the opposite side of the roof. He’d touched that all night long. If Mitchell knew Aidan hadn’t slept, he probably wouldn’t let him go.

  If he had to wait another day, he’d go bonkers.

  So would Cass. She worried about him. Cried for him.

  Had loved him like it was the last time.

  Over his dead body.

  If this op tanked, it fell on his shoulders. He held sole responsibility for pulling this off.

  Robinson walked around him, giving his suit a final once-over, checking his connections and seals. Of course, this was the tenth time he’d done it, but Aidan wouldn’t complain. He wanted to ensure he kept his skin, electricity and all.

  Next thing he knew, Cass stood before him, her beautiful blue eyes filled with fear behind her glasses.

  She looked sexy as hell in glasses.

  He stared down into her serious gaze. “Are you going to miss me?”

  Shaking her head, she said, “I hate this.”

  He lifted her chin with his gloved hand. “I’ll be back before you know it.” Leaning down, he kissed her behind the ear. “You know, I’d probably move a little faster if I knew you were waiting for me in bed.”

  He felt her smile before she shoved him away. “You’re a jerk.”

  Scooping her around the waist, he hauled her against him. He had to keep this light. She looked like she was about to lose it. “You’ll be waiting for me when I get back?”

  Cupping his face in her hands, she kissed him on the mouth.

  “Of course.”

  He raised his brows. “Wearing those black panties you had on last night?”

  She gave him a flirty grin. “I thought maybe I’d wear this sheer red nightie I’ve been saving for a special occasion.”

  Aidan’s mouth dropped open. He could not picture her in something like that right now. His suit wouldn’t fit.

  He twirled a finger in the air. “Let’s go, people. I have a hot date when I get back.”

  She laughed. “Promise me you’ll be careful?”

  “I promise.” Giving her a long, slow kiss that told her without words how much he loved her, Aidan set her away from him.

  “Let it rain, baby.” Squeezing his hand, she ran to the other side of the roof without looking back.

  Rachel, Tristan and Dar stepped close.

  Dar saluted him. “Bring me back an original, Royal Crown cola.”

  “If I find a Royal Crown, Naylor, I’m drinking it.”

  He gave him a half grin. “Don’t worry about Cass. I’ve got her.”

  Aidan’s smile faded. “Thanks.”

  Tristan shook his hand. “Break a leg, Monroe.”

  He gave his best friend a firm nod. “Take care of my girls for me.”

  “You bet. See you in a few.”

  Standing on tiptoe, Rachel kissed Aidan on the cheek. “No screwing around, brother. Find them and get back here.”

  “You’d think I would’ve outgrown you bossing me around by now.”

  “Fat chance.” Rachel stepped back with a smile. “I love you.”

  Nodding, he watched them all walk over to Cass who stood just outside the roof elevator. He raised a hand to her. She blew him a kiss before they disappeared inside.

  He stepped over to the tower.

  Raising his flexible helmet to his head, Aidan secured it as he went through the checklists with Mitchell and Robinson. All systems were a go.

  Powering up his system, Aidan shot charges of electricity through his nervous system, the copper and gold in his blood pumping wildly.

  Mitchell motioned for the science team to head inside. Aidan watched them disappear behind the elevator doors.

  He stood alone on the roof.

  Grabbing the base of the tower, he climbed, higher and higher, his view of the desert going on for miles before the mountains shielded his view. Storm clouds gathered overhead, dark and ominous, shading the flat landscape in shades of graphite and navy, the mountains in fresh sunlight.

  Light it up, Monroe.

  Stopping near the top, Aidan concentrated all of his energy on the tower. He could feel the boost of power, his body revving into high gear.

  Lightning shot from his hands in streaks of white, yellow and blue, his gloves glowing bright copper. Thunder rumbled loud and mean, rain pelting him with unforgiving tenacity. Strong, fierce winds threatened to blow him off the tower, his feet slipping on the slick surface.

  His velocity reading showed release in seconds.

  With a loud roar, he shot one final blast of energy at the tower. A fierce light blinded him.

  The tower disappeared from his grasp.

  Sitting up with a start, Aidan turned to the side and puked into the bushes. Extreme nausea grounded him to the dense, forest floor, his limbs buzzing with a weak hum. When he didn’t puke, he slept. He’d wasted hours now, just trying to get to his feet. It had to be past noon by now.


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