Prizefight: The Hell Raiders MC Goes MMA

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Prizefight: The Hell Raiders MC Goes MMA Page 9

by Aden Lowe

  Her small cries as I kissed my way down her belly made me smile against her skin. I eased her knees further apart and settled my mouth over the silky lace that still covered her. The heady scent of her arousal caused my cock to jerk and want to be buried inside her. Once more, I reminded myself of the goal for this time. To show her as much pleasure as any one girl could experience.

  I worked my mouth against her, pleased at the strangled cries she uttered. Abruptly, her hands found my head and her fingers raked through my hair. Impatient to taste all of her, I slid the panties off her, trailing my fingertips down the sensitive skin of her legs as I did.

  Suddenly, she lay there before me, damp and ready, begging for my touch. My heart thudded hard against my chest as I leaned in for the first taste. A long, slow lick ended with circling her clit and a sharp cry from Elena. Her thighs tightened reflexively around my head and I looked up the length of her body to meet those dark eyes, heavy with desire. Her expression squeezed my hard-on like a physical touch.

  I devoured her, licking, sucking, probing, and exploring every secret, until she whimpered and bucked helpless under me. She hovered at the edge of orgasm, her body vibrating with need. If I could keep her right there in that moment for the rest of my life, I would die a happy man. She probably wouldn't be all that happy with me, though, if the frustrated noises she kept making were anything to judge by.

  I smiled against her and slipped one finger into her slick heat. Her muscles clutched hard and her back arched to pull me deeper. I drew my hand back a little, teasing, then thrust deep to stroke her inner walls. At the same time, I sucked her clit into my mouth and hummed.

  Elena's body locked tight and a shrill cry tore from her throat. Tight inner muscles contracted hard, even as I continued to stroke and flick my tongue. I kept going until she shifted and half-heartedly pushed me away.

  The sight of her laid out for me, body lax and sated, with a light sheen of sweat over that smooth golden skin, seared itself into my mind. After this, I realized how Kellen, Trip, and some of the other Hell Raiders were so pussy-whipped. At that moment, I would do anything and everything to bring that glow to Elena's body again.

  How the hell did a man get into so much trouble? There was absolutely no question I would never be the same again.

  And then she reached for me. "Please, Ryker, I need you."

  Alarm pounded through my veins. "Are you okay?" Had I hurt her?

  She wound her legs around my waist and tugged, pulling me close. "I need you inside me."

  My dick throbbed as I eagerly filled her request and sank into her sweet body. She writhed under me, pulling me deeper while her nails raked over my shoulders. An unreasonable need to take my time, make it last, and make her come again hit, and I held still, trying to stave off my own orgasm.

  Elena had other ideas, though. She arched, rippling around me. "Please, Ryker."

  The breathless words sent sparks of need racing along my skin, and left me helpless to resist. I thrust, hard and deep. Within seconds, I pounded into Elena, and she gave a sharp cry every time I slammed into her.

  A massive explosion gathered at the base of my spine, ready to tear me to bits. Elena's body wrapped around me in a spasm of pleasure as she tumbled over the edge into another orgasm, and took me with her.

  Somehow, I managed to find Earth again as I came back down. My lungs struggled to pull in enough air while my muscles trembled with the strain of keeping my weight off Elena.

  She smiled up at me with something like wonder in her eyes. "What did you do to me?"

  I chuckled and allowed myself to collapse to her side, so we ended up sprawled side-by-side on the couch. "I don't know, but whatever it was, you did it to me, too." Who knew some thrift shop clothes and normal female things would get me the best sex of my life?

  I sobered as my breathing returned to something like normal. What the hell was I going to do when we found her mom and got Royse off her back?

  Chapter Twelve


  I had the feeling my life was about to get even more complicated. Ryker carried me to the shower and washed me with my new stuff. I never dreamed a man could be that gentle or sweet. Especially not a man like Ryker, a fighter with the bruises and scrapes of his last match still marking his perfect body. When he finished, he brought one of my new tank tops and a pair of shorts for me to put on.

  When I came out of the bathroom, I felt more feminine, more cherished, than I ever dreamed possible. Women like me didn't get to live that life, and I dreaded returning to my real one. Part of me wanted to stay right there with Ryker, waiting, forever. Then the guilt set in. If time stood still and let me stay there with him, my mom would never have a chance of getting away from Royse.

  No matter how much I wanted to forget everything that existed outside his apartment, I couldn't. My mom deserved better than that. I had to do whatever it took to get her back. At least now that I had clothes and a way to disguise myself, I stood a chance of carrying out my plan to save both her and Ryker.

  After his own shower, Ryker held me on the couch and we watched a movie. Absorbed with plotting my getaway, I couldn't follow the story. When the movie ended, Ryker excused himself to cook.

  "While you do that, if it's okay, I'll dye my hair. Do you have some scissors and maybe a couple of old towels?"

  "That sounds like a plan." He brought me his T-shirt and shorts. "Might want to put these on so you don't get it on your stuff." While I changed, he brought scissors and two faded towels with the emblem of a gym printed at the edge.

  I learned to cut my own hair long ago, since even a cheap cut cost more than I could afford. Luckily, I always kept my hair in long layers, so I had something to work with. The dye intimidated the hell out of me, but I went over the directions carefully and followed them exactly.

  After all the timing, rinsing, conditioning, and drying, I studied my reflection critically. My hair fell in deep auburn waves over my shoulders, a couple of shades darker than I expected. I was tempted to leave it the same length, but in the end, decided not to take the chance. By the time I finished, my hair was far shorter than I'd ever worn it, but I thought it looked okay. I cleaned up the mess, then fussed with my hair a few more minutes before putting my tank top and shorts back on.

  Several times during my makeover, Ryker tapped at the closed bathroom door and asked if I needed help. I refused, determined to keep what distance I could from him. Already, I was way too close, and wanted so much more. If I had any hope of getting out of this, I needed to keep my heart separate from him.

  Finished and unable to put off going out any longer, I opened the bathroom door and took a deep breath. Rich, tantalizing smells led me the kitchen, where I found Ryker slicing vegetables, maybe for a salad, and stood watching him for a minute. He'd dressed in a pair of soft-looking cotton pajama pants that hung low on his hips, and a thread-bare gray wife-beater that emphasized the breadth of his shoulders.

  Seeing him like that made my mouth go dry with want.

  He heard me and turned. I stood, uncomfortable and nervous, as he took in the changes. That gaze swept over me and left me feeling bare as his eyes darkened with desire. "Still beautiful, baby girl." He smiled a little. "I don't think anybody would recognize you now, at least not without a close look. When we have to go out, you should be safe." His words filled me with relief.

  "I'm glad. I hoped it would be enough." One step closer to carrying out my plan. Maybe I could even get close before Royse discovered what I was doing.

  "Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes, if you want to grab plates. Okay with you if we eat in front of the TV? I noticed the movie earlier didn't keep your attention, so this time it's your choice." He grinned, once more showing the sweet considerate side that seemed so out of place.

  I laughed a little. "Works for me. You ready for a chick-flick?"

  He clutched at his chest and made a funny face. "Oh, my God, anything but that!" He pretended to stumble. Grabbi
ng my hand, he pulled me into his arms and brushed my hair back. "Whatever you want, baby girl." Suddenly serious, he lowered his head to claim my mouth.

  Distance. I needed to keep my distance. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the strength to carry out my plan. Falling in love with him didn't work. In self-defense, I ducked away with a laugh. "Oh, no, you don't. I'm starved, and I'm so holding you to the movie."

  Ryker's laughter followed me to the cabinet where I took out the plates. "I hope you like Chinese." He tossed the sliced vegetables into a hot pan, where they sizzled while he moved them around. "I don't normally eat it, but I figure I've shot my nutrition plan all to hell already this week, one more meal won't hurt."

  He heaped white rice on both plates, added the vegetables, and topped it with chunks of meat in a thick sauce, then added noodles to one side. The oven timer dinged and he hurried to take a pan out.

  "I cheated with frozen egg rolls, but hopefully they'll be good." He added two of the crispy golden rolls to each plate.

  My stomach growled loudly in appreciation. I had no idea whether I liked Chinese food. "I'm sure I'll love it."

  He glanced up at me in surprise and waited for an explanation.

  I gave a little shrug. "I've never really had Chinese before, unless you count Ramen noodles."

  He nodded. "Well, hopefully you'll like it. And after we eat, maybe you'll tell me what kinds of food you like so we can have those, too. I'm not used to taking anybody else's likes and dislikes into consideration." He passed me one of the plates. "I'll grab drinks if you'll get forks and napkins."

  I nodded and reached for the drawer. "I doubt you'd like the kinds of things I usually have." Since I'd known him, Ryker always ate real food. "Canned soups, frozen pizza, Ramen noodles. Whatever's cheap and easy. I don't have much of a way to actually cook at my place, or money for food. Mostly I just grab a couple of things from the dollar store."

  Ryker stayed silent, pouring something from a pitcher into glasses of ice. When he looked up, he nodded. "I remember times like that when I was a kid. My grandparents helped us, but there was never enough money to go around, so we skimped where we could. I'm sorry you had to go through that." His quiet voice wrapped around me in a comforting blanket.

  God, I had to be careful. He was too good. I reminded myself again to keep him at a distance. "It's no big deal. I'm used to it." Going back to my old life would not be easy after the way he spoiled me. I needed to keep that fact front and center in my mind. He was not mine, and when this was over, I had to go back. If I survived.

  He handed me a glass of amber liquid and took his fork and napkin, then picked up his plate and led the way to the couch. He sat and dragged the coffee table closer with his foot hooked under the edge. Drink and plate on the table, he sat up to take mine and put them beside his. The expression he wore was more serious than I'd seen him lately.

  "Elena, there's a lot about your life I wish had been different. But then I think, if you hadn't gone through what you did, I might not have met you." He raised one hand to tuck a few strands of hair behind my ear. "And I'm really glad we met." He looked at me for a minute, staring into my eyes. "Okay, let's eat before it gets cold."

  He didn't give me time to consider his words, passing me the remote and ordering me to choose something for us to watch. I finally settled on a movie about a woman who moved to a new town after her husband left her, and fell in love with her new neighbor.

  I rarely had the chance to really watch TV, but when I did, I always wished I could have the life of one of the characters. And suddenly, I did. At least for a short time.

  The food turned out to be delicious. The tender bits of chicken were breaded and soaked in a rich, sweet sauce. The eggrolls were totally unexpected, with bits of meat and other things mixed with chopped cabbage inside the crispy shells. I didn't even question where the eggs were. The sweet tea went with it all perfectly. By the time my plate was empty, the movie had reached the halfway point.

  I sat back, amazed that I'd eaten so much. The food on my plate for that one meal probably amounted to more than I ate in an average week. "If you keep feeding me like this, I'm going to be big as a whale."

  Ryker laughed at my fake complaint. "I guess you better start working out, then, because I intend to keep feeding you."

  My heart thumped as I forced my attention back to the movie, refusing to say anything more. We sat there, side by side, and watched the movie in silence, though I noticed Ryker watched me more than the TV.

  His phone rang as the movie ended, and I turned the TV off and took the dishes to the kitchen while he spoke quietly to whoever was on the other end of the call. I carefully avoided listening in, and cleaned up from the meal.

  As I finished up, he came into the kitchen and leaned one hip against the counter. "That was Stella. We need to move tonight."

  Shock left me speechless. "Why?"

  "We have information that Royse is planning to send his men here, with orders to bring you back. So as soon as it gets dark, we'll be out of here. If they manage to get in, they'll find us long gone."

  Panic surged. If we left, I couldn't do what I'd planned. At least, not easily. "Where will we go?" The answer to that question would determine how hard I would have to work.

  He hesitated for a second, making me wonder if he even knew. "We're going over the river to a little town in Kentucky. Stags Leap. I have connections there. We'll be safe."

  "Connections?" That word reminded me of drug dealers.

  He sighed. "I'm a full member of the Hell Raiders MC. We're based in Stags Leap. That's where you and I are going."

  Oh, shit. I didn't know what to say. I should have known, considering the motorcycle and the leather vest he wore. But I hadn't gotten a look at it before, and the idea of anyone I knew, even slightly, being part of the Hell Raiders seemed far-fetched.

  They were well-known throughout the area for being dangerous to cross. No one really knew what kind of illegal things they were involved in, and I didn't want to know. Fear raised goose bumps on my arms. I'd gone from the frying pan right into the fire.

  Chapter Thirteen


  She was hiding something. She kept a distance between us and guarded her words. If I had to guess, I'd say she planned to go off the rez and do something rash about Royse on her own. I couldn't let her do that. Royse and his men would eat her alive.

  When I had a chance to talk to Stella and Kellen about it, they suggested moving her to the clubhouse. It only made sense, with Royse's men hitting all the gyms hard looking for me. They knew I could only go so long before getting back into training, or I would have to kiss my career goodbye. The limited workouts I could do at home weren't going to keep me in fighting form. So I agreed to the move.

  The fear in Elena's eyes when I told her about the Hell Raiders bothered me. I knew we had a less than wonderful rep among most people in the area, but for someone to actually fear us seemed extreme. But then I thought about it. The Hell Raiders ran Stags Leap and the surrounding area, and guarded it fiercely. We played hard in the nearby towns, and let some of our business spill over into them. Yeah, fear probably fit the bill.

  Either way, I had to get Elena to a safer place and where she couldn't go after Royse on her own. I helped her get all her new stuff packed, and threw a few things of my own into a bag. I already had stuff at the clubhouse, but with no idea how long we'd have to stay, I'd rather not leave things to chance.

  We cleaned everything up, since I'd rather not come home to dirty laundry and spoiled stuff in the fridge. By the time we finished all that, Elena got dressed. The jeans fit her like a glove and the top she picked hugged her tits and made my hands ache to touch.

  "We'd better hit the road, before I peel those clothes off you and remind myself how that body feels wrapped around me." I meant every word.

  Her eyes widened with surprise, then she gave a little laugh. "I guess we should go then." She grabbed the bag with her stuff before I had a chance
to, and headed for the door.

  I led her down to the garage and put our stuff in the Chevelle. Leaving my bike behind made my chest tight, but there really wasn't a choice. Besides, I'd already arranged for Dix and a prospect to pick it up later in the night.

  The stunned look on Elena's face as she took in the car made up for the tight chest. "This is yours?"

  I grinned. "Yeah. Took forever to restore her."

  "It's amazing." She ran a fingertip along the fender.

  "Thanks." I opened the passenger door for her and waited for her to get in, then closed it. As I rounded the hood, I caught a glimpse of her face as she took in the interior. I'd kept the exterior original, but had to make a few modifications inside. Still, climbing into that car was like stepping back through time, and Elena looked like she'd just woke up in 1970.

  I started her up and let the engine growl, pleased with Elena's gasp. The armrest and dashboard would probably have permanent imprints from her fingernails, with the way she hung on when I put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking garage. That made me wonder what she'd do when I blew past one-twenty on the river bottom straight stretches. I smiled at the thought.

  We made it out of town without trouble, but as soon as we crossed the bridge, I noticed a big jacked up pickup following too close. The only outlet for the damn bridge consisted of a rural two-lane, so when I turned right and the truck followed, I had no options for several miles but to stay ahead of him. The first left after the bridge led into a narrow hollow between the mountains, and I took it.

  The truck stayed right on my bumper, but with a couple dozen houses along the hollow, I still had no way of knowing for sure whether he followed me. Halfway through, I pulled into the lot of a rural church, whipped the car around, and headed back down toward the main road. My suspicions proved out when the truck copied my move and accelerated to catch up again.


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