Love on the Ice: 7 (Werewolf Sentinels)

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Love on the Ice: 7 (Werewolf Sentinels) Page 5

by Chenery, Marisa

  “Obviously, you didn’t listen well enough. Get your butt back in here and let Laci and Carson come sit down for a bit. Dinner is almost ready.”

  Victor turned around and walked into the living room, brushing past his father. Carson and Laci followed in his wake. Once they were all sitting, Matt got the conversation going. The whole time Victor stared daggers at Carson, which he did his best to ignore. He really couldn’t blame Laci’s brother for acting the way he did. Carson would have been in the same frame of mind if it were Eryn. A short while later, Sharon came in and told them to come to the dining room.

  Carson took a seat next to Laci at one side of the table while Victor sat across from them, leaving the ends to Matt and Sharon. As he’d thought, Laci’s mom had cooked more food than the five of them could possibly eat. Besides a large roast of beef, there was a heaping bowl of mashed potatoes, gravy, brussels sprouts and green beans. He filled his plate as each item was passed his way.

  Once everyone had dug in, Sharon looked at Carson and said, “It’s nice to see you here again.”

  “Thanks. I wasn’t sure I would be welcome, to be honest.”

  Victor let out a short laugh that didn’t have any humor in it. “Not everyone is happy about it.”

  Sharon gave her son a sharp look before she set her gaze back on Carson. “Don’t pay any attention to him. I heard your sister is married.”

  “Yes, very happily. Wachei is a great guy. I’ve come to think of him as a brother, though Noah and I did give him a rough time when he first started dating Eryn.”

  “And I’m sure Eryn set you both straight,” Laci said.

  Carson chuckled. “Yeah, she did. Plus, there’s the fact she and Wachei were fated to be together.”

  “I didn’t think you believed in stuff like that.”

  “At one time I didn’t. Now I’ve learned there are a lot of things I thought were crap that have turned out to be real.”

  Victor laughed. “So what are you saying, Carson? Do you think you and Laci were fated to be together? Is that why you’ve come sniffing around as soon as she came back to Juneau?”

  “And what if I did?”

  “Then you can rethink that.”

  “Enough,” Sharon said in a loud voice. “Victor, you’ll behave. I won’t have you wrecking our first family meal together in years. Do I make myself clear?”

  Victor gave a short nod, then set his gaze on his plate of food. Carson looked over at Laci to find her staring at him with her brows furrowed. Maybe he had gone too far with the whole fated thing, but it was the truth. She was fated to be his mate.

  From there, the conversation turned to trivial things. And Victor ignored Carson as if he weren’t even there, which suited Carson. He didn’t need Victor pushed any more than he already was. Hopefully, if things worked out between him and Laci, her brother would eventually come around.

  Once they finished dessert, which was homemade apple pie with whipped cream, they all helped Sharon clear the table. That job done, Victor disappeared. Some minutes later, Carson heard the front door close. He and Laci stayed long enough for Laci to help her mother with the dishes, then he had them in his SUV, driving toward her apartment.

  Carson parked in the lot meant for Pampered Paws and turned off his vehicle. He took off his seat belt and turned on an angle to face Laci. “Now it’s time for you to use me as your own personal slave. Shall we go upstairs and I’ll get to work on unpacking for you?”

  “You really want to do that?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t serious. All I need to know is if you’ll let me.”

  Laci smiled and shook her head. So far she was seeing a new Carson, and she hated to admit she liked it. The old Carson would have slung insults back at Victor, regardless of how much it would have bothered her. Instead of arguing, he’d said how he thought they were fated to be together. That was definitely something new.

  “All right. Fine,” Laci said. “You can come up and unpack boxes.”

  They walked to her apartment’s door. Laci let them inside. As she climbed the stairs with Carson following her up, she was all too aware of his presence at her back. The old feelings she’d had for him were rising to the surface.

  Laci stepped into the apartment and looked at the boxes lying all around the living room. “The worse part of moving is packing and unpacking. I hate it.”

  Carson placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her to the couch where he pushed her down to sit. “Then it’s a good thing I’ll be doing most of the unpacking. You just stay where you are and tell me where the stuff goes.”

  “Okay, I’ll sit right here. Just be careful. There are breakables in some of the boxes. I marked them.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t break anything.”

  Carson ended up doing a great job of taking her things out of the boxes. Laci suggested they stop after an hour, but he didn’t until he had her living room and kitchen set up, even washing the dishes and pots and pans before putting them away.

  Finished, he sat on the couch beside her. “I’ll leave the bedroom and bathroom to you.”

  “You’ve done more than enough. Thanks.”

  Carson turned to face her and leaned in. “Can I get a better thank-you than that?” he asked softly, his voice dropping an octave.

  A jolt of desire surged through Laci. Her gaze centered on Carson’s lips as she licked her own. The will to resist him was the thinnest of threads. Plus, he’d worked hard and had earned something more than a word of thanks. At least that was how she justified her unwillingness to push him away.

  Carson inched forward, then by slow degrees lowered his head, giving her ample time to pull away if she wished to. Laci didn’t. Her eyes drifted shut at the first brush of his lips against hers. It was a featherlight touch, but it made her heart race all the same.

  A breathy sigh escaped her as he settled his mouth more firmly over hers. As she kissed him back, a low groan—almost an animalistic growl—rumbled out of Carson. Laci had never heard him make a noise like that before. Even though she should have found it strange, it still made her pussy clench with desire.

  Carson put his arms loosely around her and tugged her closer. Laci reached up and put hers around his neck. He swept his tongue along the seam of her lips until she opened for him. He thoroughly explored her mouth, ramping up her arousal.

  Their kiss soon heated up as Carson sat back on the couch, taking her with him so she straddled his lap. Laci dug her fingers into his hair and held him where she wanted him, getting lost in the feelings rushing through her body. They increased even more when her jean-clad pussy came in contact with his erection through his pants.

  This was what Laci had been missing for four long years. No one had ever been able to make her body sing like Carson did. He’d always known how to touch her, and in what way, to bring her to full arousal in a matter of seconds.

  Carson pulled away from her mouth and nuzzled the side of her neck. Laci arched it to give him better access. “You’re driving me crazy in a good way,” he said huskily.

  “Well, you’re doing the same to me.” Her voice was low and breathy. “I should stop this now, but I can’t. It feels too good.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t make love to you, not yet. But I can help put out the fire.”

  Laci leaned back and looked Carson in the face. His eyes were closed to mere slits. “If I let you, I don’t want you to take it as some kind of commitment. It’s only you getting me off.”

  He nodded. “I’m willing to accept that. One step at a time.”

  Her body aching with unfulfilled desire, Laci rocked against the hard bulge in his pants. “Then do it. Make me come. And I’ll return the favor.”

  Another growl-like sound rumbled out of Carson. “You’ve got it, babe.”

  He took her lips once more, this time with more hunger. Laci shamelessly rocked against him, her pussy aching as wetness pooled deep inside it. This was going to be al
l about the pleasure and nothing more. They were two consenting adults. There was nothing wrong with it.

  Carson grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted. He pulled away only long enough to tug it over her head and off before removing his t-shirt. He raised his hands and covered her breasts, stroking her taut nipples through her bra. Laci sucked on his bottom lip, then gently bit it.

  Needing more skin-to-skin contact, Laci reached behind her and undid her bra. She pushed the straps down her arms, pulling them out. Carson tugged the undergarment away from her body and tossed it away.

  Carson stroked a thumb back and forth across a nipple before he leaned in and flicked it with his tongue. Laci held on to his shoulders and arched her back, pushing her breasts closer. He cupped one and took the tight peak into his mouth. He sucked on it, making her moan as she felt a corresponding pull deep inside her pussy.

  He continued to suck as he reached for the top of her jeans and undid the button and zipper. Deft fingers spread the material and stroked the front of her panties. They then shoved inside the undergarment, brushing across her mound before going lower and coming into contact with the wetness there.

  A single digit pushed into her pussy before pulling out again. Carson stroked it in and out as his thumb rubbed her clit with each movement. Laci rocked in time with the pace he set. He switched to her other breast and paid it the same attention while continuing to work her, pushing her arousal even higher.

  A second finger joined the first, pushing deeper with each stroke. Laci’s grip on Carson’s shoulders tightened. She moaned. It wasn’t going to take much more to have her climaxing. Already it built steam to reach the surface.

  Laci looked down and watched Carson suck at her breast. He had his eyes closed. The sight of what he did to her ramped her up even more. She rode his fingers faster, clenching her inner muscles around them. He groaned, the sound vibrating against her sensitive skin.

  As the sensations built, and her orgasm inched ever closer, Laci’s hips jerked. Carson released her nipple, then rested his forehead against her chest. The sound of their heavy breathing filled the room. She thrust against the fingers inside her harder and faster, teetering on the edge of release.

  “Just let it go,” Carson said in a strained voice. “Don’t hold back. I want to feel you come on my fingers.”

  As if that was all she needed, Laci came. She let out a whimpered moan, her pussy clutching and releasing the digits that still moved in and out of her. She wrapped her arms around Carson’s head and kissed the top of it once the last wave of pleasure swept through her.

  Carson enclosed her in his embrace and took her to her back onto the couch. He stretched out half on and half off her. His eyes still mere slits, he didn’t say a word as he took her hand and led it to the button of his jeans. Laci didn’t hesitate to open it and tug on the zipper. She jerked the waistband down to lower the front of his underwear enough to spring his cock.

  Laci looked down at what she’d bared. Carson’s shaft was thick and long. She remembered how well it had filled her pussy. She dragged a fingertip through the bead of pre-cum that had formed at the slit. His cock jerked in response to her touch.

  “If you keep staring at my dick like that, I’ll probably be able to come without you even touching me,” Carson said in a husky voice.

  “Then I’d better not leave you hanging.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his thick girth and squeezed as she stroked up and down his length. Carson thrust his hips in time with her movements. Another animal-like growl rumbled out of him. His cock grew harder.

  Laci pumped her fist faster, taking it all the way to the very tip before stroking down to the base. She squeezed him harder and picked up the pace she set. It only took a half-dozen more strokes and then Carson was there. He groaned as he came on her stomach. He remained hard, but didn’t seem to pay it any attention. This was something new.

  Carson gave her a soft kiss before he climbed off her and stood. He pulled up his pants and underwear. “Don’t move. I’ll be back in a sec.”

  She followed him with her gaze as he left the living room and walked in the direction of the bathroom. The water turned on a few seconds later, then Carson returned, holding a wet washcloth. He cleaned her up with quick, efficient strokes.

  Laci watched Carson and came to the sudden conclusion that she didn’t have to worry about him taking what they’d just done as a commitment. It was she who was taking it entirely the wrong way. She was the one who had let her feelings come into play while they’d pleasured each other. And she had no idea what she wanted to do about it, though the idea of seeing him again wasn’t as bad as it originally had been.

  Chapter Six

  Carson took the dirty washcloth to the bathroom and returned to the living room to find Laci sitting up and putting on her bra. Her body was as sexy as ever. Touching her, having her come on his fingers, turned him on like nothing else could. She was his mate. The one and only woman he wanted to share his bed with for the rest of his immortal days. He just had to convince her of that, though what they’d done on the couch was a big step in that direction.

  He did up his pants and pulled on his t-shirt. He waited until Laci put on her top before he sat next to her on the couch. Carson turned to face her and leaned in for a kiss. He pulled away and smiled. “That was a great thank-you.”

  Laci returned his smile. “It was a pretty good one, wasn’t it?”

  Even though it was the furthest thing from the truth, Carson said, “And don’t worry, I’m not taking what we did for anything more than what it was—giving each other pleasure. I won’t push for anything else if that isn’t what you want.”

  Her smile disappeared and her expression grew serious. “Well, about that. It appears I’ve let you get to me more than I’d planned.”

  Carson didn’t move, afraid it would have Laci changing the topic of their conversation. “In what way have I gotten to you, exactly?”

  She met his gaze. “I guess I’m the one who can’t separate my feelings from what we did, even though I thought I could.”

  He lifted her and placed her to sit on his lap. “And?”

  “And after seeing you around my family, and how you’ve been acting, I find myself weakening toward you.” Laci paused, then looked him right in the eyes. “What I’m trying to say in a roundabout way is that I’m going to eat my words and reconsider giving you a second chance.”

  Carson cupped the back of Laci’s head and brought his lips to hers. He kissed her thoroughly, not holding anything back. Once they were both breathing a little faster, he reluctantly released her mouth.

  “I promise I won’t ever make you regret that decision,” he said.

  “I hope not. This will be the one and only chance you’ll get.”

  “I won’t need another one because I’m going to make this work. You’ll see. Can I see you tomorrow after work?”

  “Yes. I have to work until six. What about you? Are you still working at the same place?”

  Carson shook his head. “No. I have my own small contracting business now.”

  Edensaw hadn’t liked the idea of Carson working for someone else once Carson had been turned. Since he was now a sentinel and would be helping to take down the dark wolves, a job where he had to show up on a set schedule hadn’t been seen as favorable. Plus, having his own business and not having others working for him wouldn’t bring his not aging into question. His wolf brothers had each given him some money to get started. Being part of a pack had some advantages.

  “You used to talk about starting one,” Laci said.

  “When the opportunity came around, I jumped at the chance. I’m in between jobs at the moment, but I’m not doing badly.”

  “Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow after I’m done with work since you’re off. We can hang out here, if you want.”

  “How about I take you out to eat, then we can come back here. I had planned to take you out to the roadhouse restaurant before
your mom invited us over.”

  “That would be great.”

  “I’ll be here right at six then.” Carson set Laci on the couch before he stood. “I should go. You’ll have to wake up early in the morning and I’m sure you’re tired from the move.”

  Laci stood next to him. “All right. I am a little.”

  She walked him down the stairs to the street-level door. Before Carson left, he took Laci in his arms and laid a kiss on her that would have to last him until he saw her again. As he headed to the parking lot at the side of the building, there was a spring to his step. He had cleared the first major hurdle with Laci. She had agreed to let him back into her life. Now he had to decide how he’d tell her what he’d become during their time apart. Hopefully it wouldn’t be as much of a hurdle as the first one had been.

  * * * * *

  The dark wolf, who had been watching the building where there was a dog-grooming place with an apartment above it, stepped out of the shadows once he saw the sentinel he’d been charged to find pull away in his SUV. His brother Tanner would be more than pleased to hear he’d found Carson, but news of the youngest wolf brother being seen with a woman who could potentially be the sentinel’s mate would make Tanner even happier.

  But he’d decided to do one better than tell Tanner about what he’d learned. The plan going through his head would put him in better standing with his brother, if he could pull it off. There was a good chance it would fail, which was part of the reason he wouldn’t tell Tanner about Carson just yet. That news would have Tanner taking away his chance of glory. Everyone in their pack wanted to impress his brother and he was no different. Plus, he owed Tanner for giving him the gift of immortality when he’d made him a dark wolf.

  With one last glance at the apartment across the street, he walked away from his hiding spot. He’d use the rest of the night to formulate his plan, look at it from every angle and decide if it really would be doable. And if he failed, hopefully he’d be able to keep what he’d done from Tanner. He didn’t need his brother mad at him.


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