Undercover Intentions

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Undercover Intentions Page 12

by Sapphire Knight

  Sasha’s upset, refusing to eat the entire three days I’m gone again, and I feel like I’m going to detonate, being pulled in so many directions. She’s worried for my safety that I’ll find another. She begs me on my father’s phone with tears, and it’s like twisting a knife in my stomach. The last thing I want is her upset or not doing well.

  She’s needy and fuck if I don’t love every minute of it. I know it’s not healthy, but I love having a broken little bird waiting for me. Letting me be the only one who saves her. It’s sick, but a sane man can’t work undercover next to criminals each day and not become tainted in some ways.

  “Sasha, calm down, I’m back.” I’ve barely briefed my father over what happened on my latest trip, and now I’m dealing with her wrath. She’s in a mood to argue, my sweet woman I saved who would barely speak in the beginning is ready for a fight.

  “You’ll go again; you realize they’ll kill you the moment they find out who you really are?”

  “They know who I am, we’ve been over this.”

  “They know the story you tell them, nothing else. If they discover you’re really a cop and not the dirty kind, I’ll never see you again.” Her concern for me is heartwarming, but I’ve taken care of myself for many years now.

  “Even if they did find out, clearly I’m not completely innocent; I’ve been buying women from them for Christ’s sake. They would believe me to be flipped.”

  “I’ll tell them.” She stands stubbornly, and my temper ignites like gasoline poured on fire. After all I’ve done, she grows ballsy enough to throw threats around.

  “The fuck you will. I can handle myself. You’ll do as you’re told and stay here, stay safe!”

  “No.” She shakes her head, tears dripping off her chin. “I’ll find a way to let them know so you can’t go back.”

  “You do that, and you condemn all those helpless women to a life of hell. Why protect them? That’s all you’ll be doing.”

  “I don’t care about any of them, and maybe that makes me terrible, but I only care about you. Those men—they’re evil. There’s so much you don’t know they do, you could never be as horrible as they are.”

  “They kill people? Guess what Sasha, so have I. That’s the whole reason why I was off work when I first met you; I’d killed someone. I’m not an innocent man by any means. I told you I don’t work regular jobs. This shit going on is vile, but I can handle it. You need to trust me to take care of everything.”

  “They’ll hurt you.”

  “Mafiya blood runs through my veins. Do not underestimate me,” I scowl, growling the words sternly and her eyes flair.

  She’s on me a second later, feeling lighter from her stubbornness of not eating the entire weekend. It’s amazing she has this much fire in her. Her lips meet mine, and it’s like finding home. The kiss isn’t sweet or gentle; it’s angry, needy, and consuming.

  She bites at my lips, and I can only take so much, tossing her on the bed and peeling my shirt over my head. I stalk toward the bed, unclasping the button on my jeans. This is so far overdue; my cock could break through concrete at this point.

  “You shut your mouth, threatening me. You don’t know what kind of a man I am.” I yank her foot toward me and start pulling her yoga pants down her legs. Rather than scaring her as I’d expect, she pants, her cheeks red with desire. Her chest moves with her heaving breaths, lips slightly parted, making her the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.

  “What are you doing?” she asks breathily, the tears dried up as she watches me shove my pants from my hips and then rip her panties off. They’re plain black, nothing special, but she’s the type to make clothes sexy, not the other way around.

  Grabbing her other ankle, I yank her even closer. Her ass is resting on the edge of the bed, my cock in line with her lips as I tug her T-shirt off next. She’s not wearing a bra, and my dick gets even bigger if that’s possible. Of course, it’s possible. Who are we kidding? My cock’s anything but small.

  “You want me to show you that I’m powerful, that I can fuck you better then all those other men? Don’t challenge me, Sasha, I’ll fucking ruin you for everyone else,” I declare, and she responds softly, meeting my gaze.

  “You already have.”

  Screw having my cock sucked, her pussy’s the only thing that’ll satisfy me at this point. I just hope she’s ready inside.

  Pushing her down, her back meets the bed, and I lean over, sliding into her and shoving her farther back onto the bed with my hips. The drive’s powerful and I can hear her suck in a breath.

  “Is this what you need? You need my cock deep inside, so you’ll shut that mouth up? You need to feel how big I am to show you I’m a strong man?”

  “I know you’re strong, but I am not,” she whispers against my throat, peppering kisses against the scruff.

  “Oh but baby, you are and so, so stubborn.”

  I pull her legs over my shoulders and go to town, fucking her like it’s my dying wish. She loves having me take control like this. I don’t mind it in the bedroom, but outside, I don’t want to control her.

  Obviously, this is something I’m assuming she needs after being controlled nearly her entire life. Of course, it’s a turn on to her. She knows I’d never actually hurt her. At least I hope she does.

  “You know I’d never hurt you, right?” I ask as she moans into my neck.

  “I know, Beau, I know.” She nips and sucks the skin on my chest, driving my desire a level higher. She’s pure bliss, her body taking mine like it can’t get enough.

  It’s not enough; my palm flies into her hair, yanking backward until her face tilts up and I can bite onto her chin. It makes her moan again, and I thrust forward over and over in and out of her wet heat. She’s divine like chocolate custard, on a sunny day full of laughter. That’s what I feel whenever she’s near, and being inside her only amplifies it. My place in Cali isn’t home, she is.

  “I’m falling for you, Sasha.” The words spill from me as I let my guard down for her and her alone. It could be my downfall at this rate. She drives me crazy with feelings, with lust, with want, with need. I should shut up before I admit to something that I’m not ready for. Hell, I’m sure she isn’t ready for all of that either.

  “I’m yours, Beau,” she calls out as my cock begins to throb.

  Reaching between us, I find the tiny nub of pleasure between her thighs. One hand braced next to her shoulder and the other rubbing circles, pinching softly, squeezing just enough to make her hips buck.

  “You remember I will protect you and myself.” It’s a statement, no more debating; she’ll get it if I have to fuck it into her. “No more questioning me, Sasha,” I demand as I pinch her clit and she screams, her pussy grabbing onto my cock like a vice.

  “You understand me?” Fuck, I hope she gives in, I’m about to blow out the side of her pussy with how badly I need to come.

  “Yes-yes, just let me…”

  She trails off as my thumb presses down, and I grind my hips into her as she screams with her release. A loud groan leaves me as I pump into her furiously, cum spilling from my dick like it can no longer hold back, coating her insides with my seed.

  “You’re mine.”

  “I’m yours,” she admits, and my mouth takes hers in a searing kiss. I kiss her until my cock’s heavy again, but this time, I take it slow and worship her like the goddess she truly is.

  Hours pass before I pull her to my chest completely sated. Kissing her forehead tenderly, still thinking of the feelings bursting through me at finally being this intimate with her and she sleeps like it’s the first time she’s been able to in God knows how long. My guess would be three days.

  Find your tribe,

  love them hard.

  -Danielle LaPorte

  He’s finally back. Something happens to me when he leaves. My body and mind sink into a desolate gloom, knowing what I do about the men he’s around and what it is he’s doing there. The Master will figure out Beau’s
plan. He’s a smart man, and then they’ll take him away from me. My one saving grace and they’ll kill him; I know it, and I can’t let that happen no matter what.

  I need to go with Beau to the next auction; I’ll be able to help. I wasn’t fond of him around the other women, but now that I’m certain he’s not keeping any of them, I want to do whatever I can. That sounds completely selfish and unkind of me, but I have to look out for myself first. None of them would’ve thought twice about helping me if they got away from that place of torment. Living around the Master and his men is rough; it’s not so much living, but mostly just existing and trying not to anger any of them. Their taunts and punishments can be brutal if you step out of line.

  The majority of them left me alone. I knew what was expected and they were aware that I didn’t belong to them, so they barely spoke to me. In fact, it’s as if they avoided me, most likely frightened to have an exchange with me that wasn’t ordered by their boss. Some of them took my body, but it was a gift from the man himself, an offering when his men had done something worthy in his eyes. I learned to turn it all off, just block it out and think of happy stories when they overtook my body. I had to relent, but in no way would I let them have my mind as well. I was keeping that for myself.

  In a way, I grew to love the Master. It sounds strange, but he kept me alive for many years, and I’m not that naïve to know that my life could’ve been so much worse than it was.

  There were many women that died. They were killed trying to escape or who would lash out and then they’d be burned as if they were a witch at the stake like they meant nothing. They were treated like animals and disposed of quickly.

  Yes, he hurt me, but I learned. I became invisible once I was no longer a child and he wasn’t amused with me any longer. I helped the cook whenever it was possible. She took a kindness to me, offering me scraps and water. It was enough to survive on. It’s a man’s world, and I became the perfect shell, always seeking to please them whether it was me remaining silent or on my knees gazing at them as if they hung the moon.

  And I hated the Master in the same breath. I hated them all, but I shoved it all down, locked it away. There’s no time to have a reckless emotion such as hate eating you up inside when you have to survive when you have to be perfect or risk an unfathomable wrath. Hate is like poison, slowly killing you one black mass at a time.

  I wasn’t going to let it ruin me, so I grew thankful for each day I persevered. I’d been there for many years; I was one of the longest, along with the maids and cooks. They were like me; they did their jobs and stayed in line, never missing a beat. That’s why I’m certain Beau needs me to help him free the others. I’m the only one who knows as much as I do. It’s unbelievably hard to think of everything and to have to share it with him, but if it helps him stop them, well then, I’ll do it.

  The only real empathy I felt for the others is when I’d see the little girls come in. It made me depressed inside, throwing me back into memories I’d worked hard to bury in the back of my mind. Those are the people I’m thinking of now. The young girls, torn from their parents’ arms as they walk down the streets, the ones whose lives have merely begun. The untainted and the innocent.

  I wish someone would’ve been there to save my mother and me. There’s nothing I can do about that now, but maybe help bring someone’s daughter home to them. I have to convince Beau to let me go with him.

  That night I crawl into his bed, loving the warmth his body radiates. It’s like his soul calls to mine, beckoning me closer, to want and need him. I’ve never felt the pull like this around anyone else, and it’s intoxicating as if I can’t be near him enough.

  His body makes me feel alive, and his words fill me with hope again. The only thing that worries me besides his safety is figuring out how to make him keep me. He’s like a puzzle, so many pieces that are being put together but one piece at a time.

  He’s awake as my naked form straddles over top of him. Last night was blissful, him taking me like I belong to him. In a sense he made me his, whether he wants to admit that’s what it was or not, it’s the truth. He brought me so much pleasure too. It’d always been about the men in the past, but Beau gave me the impression it was to make me feel good. My body’s been humming all day, waiting for the moment his defenses would be down, and I could share in his warmth again.

  “We shouldn’t do this.” He greets me with the same gruff, sleep-laden voice and declaration as all the nights prior. I don’t care if we shouldn’t, he fills my heart, and that’s what matters to me. He’s always worried about doing what he believes is the right thing, but I want him to forget his thoughts and get lost in me.

  “Shhh.” My fingers fall to his lips as my hips rock over his, enticing him to seat himself deep inside of me again.

  It does the trick, and a pleased grumble rumbles through his chest. His hands land on his groin, pushing the boxer briefs down enough to free his length. Beau’s glorious in that department; huge would be the word I’d use to describe his cock.

  His skillful fingers find my entrance, filling me until my head grows fuzzy and I can think of nothing else but having him completely. He turns me into this wanton creature, aroused and dizzy in the best sort of way.

  “Please,” I keen, lightly running my nails along his muscular torso.

  His body is beautiful, so many colors from the tattoos smothering his skin. It reminds me of when I was young, and I’d spend hours coloring in my books. I always loved lots of colors, never having only one favorite. His tattoos are the same, colors upon multiple shades, swirling over his tan flesh. He’s like a canvas hung somewhere spectacular so you can stare and ponder what everything could possibly mean. I wonder what stories his ink tells, and if he’d share them with me some day.

  “You want this, little dove?”

  “Yes. I want you, Beau, so badly.”

  The words work like magic, and on the next breath, he’s inside me, filling me so wonderfully. His strong grip finds my hips next and anchors me to him, rocking and tilting my body in so many ways. Each movement brings satisfying pleasure along with an insatiable need, both of us wanting, craving every last bit we have to offer each other.

  At this rate, I may never get my fill of him. He admitted he’s falling for me. They were probably the most glorious words I’ve heard escape his lips.

  His moans drive me on, his grip keeping me secure, making me feel cherished and safe. He’d never let anyone hurt me ever again, and it makes me want to worship him, forfeit everything to those remarkable hands of his. He’s easily overtaking my soul, staking its claim as his.

  “You’re stunning.” The words escape his lips with a low grunt. My wetness between my thighs admits just how much I love hearing his voice, his proclamations while we’re wrapped up in each other.

  “I want more.” I can’t believe the request comes from me, but he has my world quickly spinning out of control, his body casting a spell of sorts over mine. He does this to me, freeing my thoughts and feelings. And I never feel ashamed or out of place around him either.

  “You’ll have everything.” He leans up, taking my breasts into his mouth, switching from one to the other back and forth, sucking, nipping, and pleasuring them. His hand, trails over my heated flesh to my core, his expert fingers, circling, pressing and pulling on the tiny part controlling so much of my desire.

  His movements have moans spilling from me like a waterfall, bliss knocking on my door, pushing me over the cliff of fulfillment. He does this—no other man—only him. He plays me like a violin in the sweetest song, serenading my will to his want.

  “That’s it, fuck yes.” He groans against my chest, still lapping at my breasts like a man depraved, as his cock grows firmer, pulsing inside my center. It’s like a volcano, nearly ready to erupt, building up more and more pressure as he knocks me into another orgasm. The feeling’s so extreme, my head falls forward. My hands clutch his shoulders like a steely vice, holding on for dear life as I ride him into

  Moments fade into minutes, slowly becoming more as I tilt and swirl, moaning and calling for him. The sex morphs into a sultry dance between two beings, gyrating to and from, back and forth. Our bodies seek and search the other out and when we find each other, fusing like we belong to the other. Only then do we reach a new level of satisfaction—a new level of understanding, of devotion.

  He’s mine, and I’m undoubtedly his.

  The next morning comes along faster than I’d like and his cousin Viktor along with it. I met him briefly the last time he’d visited and he scared me. He reminds me so much of the Master, it made my stomach sick inside. He wasn’t evil toward me, but I could tell he was strict—a man who rules over many others.

  He and Beau are more than family I noticed. They’re close, like a friend or brother would be I’d imagine. I don’t really know, not having any of my own, but that’s what I’d think it’d be like.

  After showering, I pull on my plain T-shirt and another pair of yoga capris. I go about filling myself with false bravado and courage to face Viktor, Beau, and his father for brunch. One of them isn’t so bad, but all three of them together makes me a bit squeamish inside with anxiety.

  I wind my way through the vast hallways lit by crystal sconces along the walls until I descend the overzealous staircase. Everything is supersized it seems. The Master’s house was big, but this place reminds me of a castle.

  I understand why Beau would want to be here rather than his apartment in California. He explained it’s much smaller than here and we wouldn’t be comfortable. If he could’ve seen the space I stayed in before, he’d know this house is what fairy tales are made of. I slept on a small mattress on the floor. He has no idea the life he’s given me so far. I would be grateful of anything just because of the way he treats me.


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