My Brother's Best Friend

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My Brother's Best Friend Page 16

by Becky Andrews

  I’m slightly behind in my work.


  Sent from the iPhone of Devin Malone

  That’s my fault, I think. I didn’t let you work

  Friday night and I’ve kept you occupied since then.

  Sorry, Dev. Get to work, I won’t bother you.

  You aren’t bothering me and it is certainly

  not your fault I am behind. Besides I’ve enjoyed

  being occupied by you. Don’t hesitate to text if

  you need me or if something happens.


  Sent from the iPhone of Devin Malone

  I didn’t text him back, though. Instead I focused on the phone lines that began to ring. At least until Megan walked up to my desk around lunch.

  “You going out to lunch with Mitch?” I asked her.

  “Later, you want to join?”

  “No, it’s okay. I don’t want to encroach on your semi-honeymoon.”

  She smiled slightly.

  “So what did you come up here for?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  I saw her glance around at the flowers then focus on the computer Devin had bought that I hid under my desk and I knew what she was coming to ask me.

  “You’re seeing someone.” It wasn’t a question, but rather more of a statement. “Is it Devin?”

  I tried to play it off coolly, but she shook her head. “You can’t fool me, Christy. I thought I noticed something between you two last night and then with the flowers this morning and now that computer, I can’t help but speculate it’s him.”

  My face heated and I looked down at the computer. I couldn’t say anything. What could I say? The truth? That we weren’t really seeing each other, only having fun to fool those around us and to teach me the things I didn’t know.

  “You can be honest with me. I heard someone in the office say you were dating a tall, dark handsome man. Devin seems to fit that description.” When I kept silent, she continued with her observations. “Then Saturday, Devin said he had to leave for work but then you didn’t come home either from your appointment. I just deduced he went out to meet you.”

  I couldn’t take the blatant truths anymore. “Okay, fine, you’re spot on with everything,” I sighed.

  “I thought you hated him? Or was that just a cover for this secret you two have been hiding?”

  “I did hate him, Meg. I don’t know. I was prejudiced. I didn’t want to feel something for the guy who humiliated me. But I was only trying to hide my feelings, I can’t do that anymore.”

  “You love him?”

  I looked down at the computer and smiled automatically. “Yes. It’s complicated though.”

  She knit her brow in confusion then gasped. “You two aren’t just friends with benefits, are you?”

  “No. I don’t think so, but sort of. I don’t know.” I looked at her, scared and confused.

  “Why don’t you tell me what happened between you two? I’m guessing it didn’t start until after we left?”

  I nodded.

  “Okay, go on.”

  I began to tell her the whole story and left out no important details. She already knew we had slept together, but now she knew how it happened and my feelings for him. When I was finally done, I looked to her for advice.

  “This is bad, Chris.”

  I covered my face and let out a frustrated groan. “I know! I don’t know what to do.”

  She sighed. “Okay. Have you told Devin the truth? Does he know you love him?”

  I shook my head.

  “Then the first thing you need to do is tell him the truth. He needs to know this isn’t a joke or a lesson or anything but real to you. He needs to know you have feelings for him.”

  “And what if he doesn’t feel the same way?” I felt dejected and hopeless.

  “Then you have to face reality and end this before you get hurt even more. Are you sure he doesn’t remotely feel the same? I mean he’s always been nothing but kind to you, he’s always over even when Mitchell isn’t there. I know Mitch has hinted—”

  “Hinted at what?”

  “That Devin might feel something for you. He’s never said anything. But I know he was worried about Devin staying there. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that you might be surprised. Just be honest with him, Christy.”

  I nodded my head right as I saw Mitch walk toward the desk. “Please don’t tell Mitch. I don’t want him to know. Not yet, anyway.”

  “Fine, but after you tell Devin, you need to tell Mitch.”

  I nodded my head and watched her stand up. She moved the chair back right as Mitch came up to my desk.

  “I tried to call you, but it was forwarded to voicemail. I figured you were either coming out here or talking with Christy.”

  “Your assumptions were correct.” She smiled at him and their hands clasped together. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

  I shook my head. “No. You go ahead without me. Believe me, you don’t need me crashing what I know is going to happen.”

  “She’s right, hon. Now let’s go.”

  Megan was blushing as they turned to walk out of the building.

  * * *

  When Megan and Mitch left, Devin texted me. He asked if I wanted to do lunch. I declined. I told him I promised one of the girls in the office to eat with her. I’m sure he saw through the lie. But I wasn’t sure if I could just eat lunch with him and not keep myself from blurting out the truth about my feelings. And I certainly wasn’t going to tell him in a restaurant with eyes watching our every move.

  I looked at my phone during my break, and saw only one text from Devin.

  Don’t be angry.

  If you are upset with me,

  give me a chance to

  exonerate myself.


  I’m sorry

  Of course I texted him back. I wasn’t upset with him. It was more like I was upset with myself.

  I’m not upset with you, Dev. I’ve been

  preoccupied. I’m on my 15-minute break.

  So I can only talk so long.

  It’s been weird not talking with you. I thought

  maybe something was up. We need to talk.


  Sent from the iPhone of Devin Malone

  I agree. Let’s meet at my place tomorrow.

  Mitch and Megan will be out late—she told me.

  And Emily has a study group—i.e. She

  won’t be back until close to midnight.

  Okay sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow.

  You don’t have class tomorrow?


  Sent from the iPhone of Devin Malone

  Nope. I turned in the paper online and only

  those who didn’t complete it have to come to class.

  Nicely done. I will see you tomorrow.

  Are you done at 9 tonight?


  Sent from the iPhone of Devin Malone

  Yeah. 9. I’ll be going straight home and straight to bed.

  Then goodnight, don’t let the bedbugs bite.


  Sweet dreams, Cutie Pie

  * * *

  The next day, I forgot my phone at home and I didn’t realize it until right before lunch. I had been so busy right from the start. There were several VIP clients who came in and I had to make sure the food ordered for them was delivered on time and I had to be on my best behavior. I was specifically told not to be caught on my phone or computer for personal reasons. So naturally I didn’t even remove my phone from my bag, or at least the phone I thought was in my bag. Anyway, now I actually needed it. I had to stay a little later than planned due to
a project that needed to get done.

  I thought I had left my phone on the kitchen table.

  I even tried calling Devin but either his phone was turned off or it was dead. I left him a message anyway just in case.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When I left work, I decided to run home and get my phone. I felt naked without it, and I was worried that Devin had been trying to get ahold of me. I pulled up to the house and was thrilled to see his car. He was here! I couldn’t wait to tell him that I loved him.

  I opened the front door and was greeted with rose petals going up the stairs. I smiled and made sure to grab my phone from the kitchen table before someone else found it or I forgot it again. I had just put it in my bag when I heard noise from upstairs. I walked up the stairs, skipping a few in my hurry and then I heard a crash come from my room. I opened the door and found Devin, shirtless, with his pants unzipped and almost off. Even worse, I found my sister—my sister! —half naked with only a bra and some underwear on.

  Devin looked like a deer caught in headlights. My sister looked over to me with a shocked expression on her face, unsure what part of herself to cover.

  My mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. My heart had been ripped out from my chest and stomped on by Devin and my own sister. I was devastated and thoughts of telling him my feelings were slapped in my face. I felt as though the world was laughing at me for actually wanting to tell Devin the truth, for even having the feelings in the first place.

  I don’t know when the tears started to fall, probably when I realized Devin had just been playing a cruel joke on me. I know we were only dating for appearances, but it was at least supposed to be somewhat real. Would he have cheated on me if we really had been together?

  “CJ, let me explain.” Devin’s voice brought me back to reality and I couldn’t handle what was before me.

  “Don’t talk to me, Devin,” I said, backing out of the room.

  “This isn’t what it looks like.”

  “Looks like you were about to have sex with my sister! How many others have there been?” I demanded but I didn’t want to know.

  “No one! And we weren’t about to have sex! The lights were off, she tricked me,” he shouted, pointing at my sister, who looked indignant.

  “You’re going to blame my sister, really? You’re even worse than I thought! I hate you, Devin Malone!” I yelled, right about the time Mitch opened the front door.

  “What’s going on up there?” he called. I’m sure he noticed the rose petals.

  “Your best friend just ripped out my heart and your sister stomped on it!” I looked over to Devin. “I will never forgive you. And you,” I pointed at Emily, “I’m through with you,” I sobbed and ran down the stairs and out the door.

  I found myself driving aimlessly until I couldn’t see through the tears and finally pulled into an abandoned parking lot. My phone was ringing and chirping unceasingly until I finally turned off the ringer. I sobbed in my car, hating myself for feeling anything for Devin, hating myself for getting into this mess in the first place.

  The more I thought about it, the more I realized my mistake. I never should have agreed to go out with Larissa and Zach. I never would have danced with Devin, I never would have enjoyed his reaction to my dancing. I never would have seen Eric and had the need for Devin to comfort me. Larissa never would have thought me and Devin were dating starting this whole mess in the first place.

  If I had a time machine, that’s the moment I would go back to. No! I would go back to when I was young and tell myself not to even think about Devin Malone. I would tell myself he would only hurt me and deceive me and make my life miserable, yet wonderful at the same time. How could I love him still after everything he’d done? I hated him for making me love him.

  When it finally was past late, I drove back home tentatively. I had turned my phone on and had thirteen text messages and four new voice messages. I only looked at the ones that weren’t from him.

  What happened, Chris?


  Sent from the iPhone of Mitchell Walsh

  Mitchell just told me what happened.

  But I’m not sure he really knows

  what happened. How are you?


  Sent from the iPhone of Megan Walsh

  Where are you, Chris? I’m trying not to worry.


  Sent from the iPhone of Mitchell Walsh

  Megan finally told me a little of what happened.

  I’m trying not to kill my best friend. Are you safe?


  Sent from the iPhone of Mitchell Walsh

  Devin left, Christy. He was upset, you should listen

  to what he has to say. Emily told us what she did.

  You also need to hear her out.


  Sent from the iPhone of Megan Walsh

  Come home when you’re ready. Everyone is asleep,

  I’m heading to bed. I love you, Chris.

  Just be safe and come home soon.


  Sent from the iPhone of Mitchell Walsh

  The rest were from Devin and Emily. I deleted them without even looking. Two were from Emily and the other five from Devin. I didn’t care what either of them had to say to me. I didn’t want to read their lies.

  I walked in the door and managed to walk up the petal-free stairs, but the moment I stood outside of my door, images of Devin and my sister rolling around on the bed made my stomach churn and I couldn’t even bring myself to open the door. That’s when I walked back out to my car.

  I sent a text to both Megan and Mitch that said I was safe, nothing more.

  I drove around a few more hours, then went straight to work, wanting to forget everything that happened. I took one look at my desk and willed the tears not to come, then grabbed the flowers and poured out the water. Then I threw both the flowers and the vases away. Megan and Mitchell showed up about that time. I didn’t even acknowledge their presence. I’m sure Megan fished out the vases, but she didn’t say anything. Neither of them said anything to me.

  I sat back down at my desk and turned off the forwarding system that we turn on at night. And immediately it showed I had thirteen missed calls and three messages on my personal line. I punched in the password and waited for them to play.

  Devin’s voice came on. “Christy—”


  Again it was Devin. “Don’t delete this—”


  Finally the last message, “It was all a setup. Emily did it to get back at you. She admitted to—” I deleted the message that Megan had left. I didn’t want to hear anything. It didn’t matter, I decided. I started out with nothing, it was only fitting I end with nothing. It was all a lie anyway.

  The phone rang about that time and I picked it up.

  “Chris, don’t hang up—” Devin began.

  I hung up. I didn’t want to hear his voice. I didn’t want to hear any explanation.

  He called again. “Just let me—”

  Explain? No.

  I didn’t pick up the phone when it rang again. Instead I called back to Shelly and asked her to cover for me. I grabbed my bag and told her I wasn’t feeling well. She nodded and wished I would feel better.

  “Oh and if anyone calls on my personal line, just let it go.”

  “Sure. Hey, what happened to your flowers?”

  I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. “They died. It was time to put them out of their misery.”

  She waved and I left. Instead of going home, I went to school and sat in the student lounge, watching all the students walk by, laughing and smiling.

  I want to say I got a lot of my schoolwork done, but I think I was mostly
lost in my surroundings. I can’t even remember if I ate lunch. I managed to keep the time, though, and make it to my appointment with Dr. Stone.

  Dr. Stone took one look at me and asked, “What happened?”

  I collapsed on the couch and immediately grabbed the tissues. I wiped the tears away and tried my best to tell him the story. After a few failed attempts, Dr. Stone offered his thoughts.

  “Does this have to do with your hypothetical situation you asked about last session?”

  I nodded my head and continued to wipe away the flowing tears.

  “Did something happen between you and Devin?”

  I nodded again, trying to slow my breathing.

  “What happened, Christy? I can’t help you unless you tell me what happened.”

  I sniffed and said rather pathetically, “Okay.”

  I started at the beginning and even told him about my feelings for Devin. “I never stopped loving him, Dr. Stone. I see that now. I only used my anger to mask what I was really feeling.” I then continued to tell him everything that led to last night, sparing no details.

  His eyes widened when I told him about sleeping with Devin. Then when I told him we hadn’t talked about ending what we started, he pursed his lips and began to scribble notes.

  “Then yesterday we were supposed to meet at my house. Megan told me to tell Devin the truth and I was going to tell him, but I—I found him upstairs with my sister.” I was tearing up again but managed to tell him every detail I remembered.

  When I was finished, Dr. Stone sat silent, looking down at his notepad then finally after an excruciating silence he spoke. “Hmm. Have you considered that your feelings may actually be reciprocated?”

  “I found him about to have sex with my little sister!”

  “He did say it was a trick by your sister, did he not?”

  “It’s just an excuse.”

  “Megan told you that Emily confessed, right?”

  I didn’t want to believe anything that had been said by anybody.


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