Wit & Intrigue (An Assignation to Remember Book 1)

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Wit & Intrigue (An Assignation to Remember Book 1) Page 11

by Angela Johnson

  “Hand it to me.”

  “No. If you want the money, you will have to retrieve it on your own.” Alex turned to leave. He was not playing this man’s game any longer. But before he took another step, he turned back to the man. “Understand this is the only payment of blackmail you will receive. Lady Debra and I will be married, and you will no longer have a foothold on our families.”

  The man laughed as though he were mocking Alex for his hopeful thinking. “You may rise above the scandal, but it will take years for you to do so. You do not want me to reveal what I know.”

  Alex rolled his eyes. This man had too much knowledge of the situation. The only way he could have come by the information was from someone within the Richardson family or serving staff. He knew his parents would not have shared the information with anyone. Marrying the youngest daughter of an earl was not his father’s plan for him. In a moment of anger, Alex fisted his hand and threw a punch. He was better with a sword or a foil, but when needed his fighting skills would transfer to his fists.

  Ducking to avoid the fist flying back at him, Alex stepped backward and tripped over one of the graves. Using his foot, he caused the man to trip as well, then found his way over to hold the man down. The goal was to find out who the perpetrator was. As Alex moved to pull off the mask, certain he knew who the person was, he was outwitted and found himself thrown off of the man. As his head hit the stone, marking the final resting place of Millicent Bethany Bowels, Alex found himself disoriented and unable to discern what was happening around him. He heard voices and saw shadows, but it was dark outside. His final thought before giving into the darkness was to regret his decision to join Samuel at his family’s house party. The whole trip had taken a toll on his body.

  Alex woke to the smell of dirt and grass, possibly blood. He was laying on the ground where he’d fallen. Samuel was the first to notice he’d woken.

  “Alex, speak to me. Tell me where you are hurt.”

  His body felt as it did when he’d woken at Woodland Manor; stiff and painful. “Did you find out who the person is?”

  Trying to sit up, he took hold of Samuel’s outstretched hand. “They held us at gunpoint until the leader was done with you.”

  The smell of dirt and blood bothered him. “How bad is my head?”

  The pain should have been an indication, but he wanted to know. Samuel held the lamp up and examined the wound.

  “Father will send for a physician. It will need to be cleaned and tended to.”

  By morning Alex was determined to find Debra. They needed to spend more time together before the wedding. As he entered the barn, he saw she stood next to her horse whispering to him.

  Alex leaned against the stall and cleared his throat.

  “What are you doing?” Debra asked without turning around.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “Your smell.”

  Alex sniffed his arm, then his armpit. Do I need a bath? He looked up to see her laughing. “I smell?”

  “Why are you out here? You should be resting. That bump on your head is worrisome.”

  He raised his eyebrow letting her know they weren’t finished with the comment about his smell. It made him happy to know she was concerned for his wellbeing. “I wanted to join you for a ride.”

  “I do not have time for a ride today, and I do not think it is wise for you to ride with a head injury.”


  “I have Countess lessons, again.”

  He nearly laughed at the resignation in her voice. “What about your horse? I am certain he misses you.”

  “Starlight can get exercise in the yard, and I can walk through the halls of the manor.”

  Alex shook his head in frustration. Their mothers were to blame for this resignation he was seeing in her. It made him angry. “Are you still writing about Cordelia and Percival?”

  “I was stuck in the same place with their story. Since I could not get it to move forward, as I am too busy learning to be a countess, I threw it into the fire.”

  Surprised he took a double look. She threw her story in the fire? It made no sense. “Then perhaps you should start a different story.”

  “Such as?”

  “You are the one with the imagination.”

  She gave him a strained yet confused look. “What would you like me to write, my lord? A story of love at first sight? Or the poor luck of a future duke who became stuck with the youngest and most insignificant daughter of an earl? Or a story of a man settling for a woman instead of getting the one he wants?”

  Uncomfortable with her comments, Alex crossed over to Blaise. Her words affected him because of his continued feelings for Margaret. Debra had every right to be hurt and feel betrayed. Having Margaret under the same roof was distracting, but he thought he’d handled himself with decorum. He’d not yet said a word to Margaret in private and had not tried for any time alone with her. He’d stayed away.

  But he’d also kept his true thoughts from Debra. He spent time pretending to be fine with their impending marriage, but he wasn’t. He wanted nothing more than to leave the Isle of Wight, Woodland Manor, and go home to Devon. “Is that how you perceive our arrangement?”

  “Tell me, my lord, how would you describe our situation?”

  “I thought we agreed to use Christian names, Love.”

  “My name is not, Love. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else.”

  “Debra,” Alex said walking toward her, “why the sudden hostility toward me?”

  “I do not know.” Debra patted Starlight. It was an obvious way to ignore looking at him. “The thought of someone extorting money from our families has changed the way I view this engagement.”

  “We took care of the situation. I spoke to the man and explained we will be married soon so there is no need for future payments.”

  “Was this before or after he threw you against a headstone?”

  “Before. I am certain he understood my meaning.”

  “How can you be certain?” Her face looked disbelieving yet hopeful.

  “Trust me, my father and yours will not allow it to go further, nor will I.” He tried to make his voice sound like he actually believed the words, but he did not. He was certain they would be visited by another attempt at blackmail in the future. He just did not know when it would be. To take her mind off the extortionist he asked, “Do I smell?”


  “When I entered, you said you knew it was me due to my smell.”

  A genuine smile crossed Debra’s face. Without answering his question, she responded, “I will put my riding habit on, and let my mother know I will be late for my countess lessons.”

  Caught off guard by her change of mind, he stopped himself from giving a shocked response. “I will saddle your horse, Debra.”

  Before she left, she turned back to him, “Alex, I never properly thanked you for saving me from freezing to death and from drowning.”

  He cut her off with a wave of his hand. “Please, do not think about it.”

  He rushed to saddle two horses while waiting for Debra to return. He had become familiar with the Isle of Wight over the past month, but he wanted to know more about this lady he was soon to marry. He decided to ask her to show him her favorite place to ride. When she returned, he made certain to compliment her. “You are beautiful.”

  Debra blushed, “Thank you, my... I mean Alex.”

  He truthfully thought she was beautiful. Although her hair was pulled up in a plait, and it wasn’t down as he’d appreciated it before, she looked nice. For the first time since he’d met Debra, he took time to think about the absolute difference between her red hair, freckles, and porcelain features in comparison to Margaret’s blonde hair, clear complexion, and olive skin. He found he preferred Debra.

  They slowly rode through the countryside. He followed her lead. As he was tiring, Debra pulled her horse to a stop along the shore. “There is a cave down there. It has been an inspira
tion for some of my writings.” Her voice sounded wistful.

  “Please tell me you were jesting when you said you destroyed your manuscript.”

  Debra dismounted, so Alex followed. “I did destroy it. Perhaps after I have time to think, I will start writing again.”

  “Do you miss the story of Cordelia and Percival?”

  “I miss my characters. I miss the blissful belief of life and love being like a novel.”

  “I should never have dissuaded you from writing.” He could not imagine why she chose to do something so drastic. She’d spent the majority of their time in the barn writing. It seemed so out of character for her to throw it in the fire.

  “Love does not happen as the novels say. I have come to understand I have spent too much time dreaming of a perfect love.”

  Confused, Alex did not stop himself or think about his next statement before he said it. “Debra, you have grown up in a home of one in the peerage. You did not expect to have a love match, did you? Love matches are rarely heard of and often frowned upon. It is more important to look for a match of equality and mutual benefit for gaining connections. As the youngest daughter, you had to know you would be married to someone for this purpose.”

  He turned to look at her as she did not immediately respond. Her face belied her words. “Yes, I expected that. As you say, it would be foolish to believe otherwise.”

  “So… we are in agreement? We will marry and have a marriage based on friendship and connections to stay relevant in society.”

  Debra’s sarcasm showed through as she responded. “I cannot wait to start the manuscript on our relationship. Everyone in society will be rushing to the local bookstore or library to get a copy. Percival and Cordelia will have to wait for a renewal of their acquaintance as they are in love.”

  He knew he’d said something wrong as she turned to walk away. He thought back to his words, she was the one who destroyed her manuscript based on the realization of romantic marriage being a sham. What did I say that was so wrong? He sped up to catch her causing his head to hurt. The easy pace of the horses had been perfect for his injury. Before she could tell him to go away, he asked, “Debra, do you think you could fall in love with me over time?”

  She came back without any hesitation. “What about you? Do you plan to love me?”

  Neither one of them answered. Alex wanted to say yes, but he did not want to make a promise he might not keep. She pulled her horse and again left his side, so he followed.

  “You were full of questions for me while we were in the barn. What happened to the beautiful spontaneous woman I met?”

  “She grew up.”

  “Rather fast!” He tried to make his words sound humorous, but he wasn’t successful.

  “Circumstances make a person change.”

  “What can I do to make you happy?”

  “Convince our parents to call off this engagement.” Debra looked away from him as she said the words.

  “You prefer to live in a cottage over a marriage?” She squirmed as he kept his eyes on her. He knew she didn’t want to be shut away and didn’t want to be alone. “You know as well as I do, we are in this for life.”

  “A life sentence of mutual kindness and societal parties, making sport for our family and acquaintances? It hardly seems right.”

  “What happened to put you in this gloomy mood?”

  “I do not know.” Debra sat on a boulder brooding in his direction. “Perhaps I am nervous over my introduction into society.”

  “I am certain there is no reason to be nervous. I will dance with you, your brothers will ask you for dances, and I have no doubt the other men invited will solicit your attention.” Seeing as though his words were not helping to change her mood, Alex switched back to the words she’d said to him in the barn. “Of course, I would not want to make you uncomfortable with my smell so you might want to enlighten me as to if it is something I need to take care of before this evening.”

  Debra took the bait and smiled. “We should return to Woodland Manor so you can bathe and pamper yourself before supper.”

  Alex scrunched his nose worried. He sniffed his shirt but could only smell peppermint. “So… I do smell bad?”

  If this silly conversation was enough to put a smile on her distressed face, then he was willing to continue it. She laughed and pinched her nose as he stepped forward to help her mount.

  “I will make certain to inform my valet he needs to remind me to use more Mum and cologne.”

  “You might try bathing more often, my lord.”

  He laughed as her face turned red. She’d made the comment and embarrassed herself. They bantered back and forth the entire ride back to Woodland Manor. As they entered the barn, Alex thought back to an earlier comment. “What did you mean when you said Percival and Cordelia would have to wait?”

  “I am too busy with our wedding, my introduction to society, and becoming a countess. I do not have time to write.” The loss dulled her usually happy face.

  “I wish you would find the time. The intrigue of your imagination brings such excitement to my life.”

  “You have suffered both our father’s anger due to my imagination or impulsive behavior. I cannot imagine this is happiness.”

  “But it is you. And I want to marry the authentic Debra.”

  “I will be authentic.”

  “So, you will continue to write?”

  “As soon as I learn how to kiss, I will start writing again.”

  Alex smiled. Now was not the time to discuss kissing or to engage in such pursuits. He escorted her from the barn so she could meet with their mothers for countess meetings.

  Chapter 17

  “A man may say he likes freckles, but we all know it is not true,” Margaret said as she played with Debra’s hair. “I have known Alex for many years, we were the best of friends. I heard him speak of women with freckles enough to know he is only pampering your vanity.”

  Debra placed her hands over her cheeks. “What am I to do?”

  “For now, you must have your maid apply as much paint as she is able without making you look a wanton.”

  “I must thank you, Maggie, I do not know what I would have done without you here. My sisters are all so angry to have me married before them, they will not speak to me. And Rilla will not forgive me for the dowry.”

  “Do not fear. I will be here to help you. And when we are in London, we will find the appropriate apothecary to take care of your blemishes.”

  As it was her eighteenth birthday, Debra hoped to dazzle Alex with the growth and maturity she’d gained over the last week. With Margaret’s help, she dressed for the day, and Annie applied the cosmetics as Margaret suggested, Debra walked with confidence to the dining room.

  As she bounded into the room, the men stood. Debra noticed the extra breakfast foods made for her special day. Not only was she turning eighteen, but her introduction to society was only hours away. The cook went out of her way to start the morning off with her favorite pastries.

  After breakfast she went out to the stables for her morning ride.

  “Before you go riding, I have something for you.” Alex carried a crate with a cloth over it and placed it in front of her. “Happy birthday, Love.”

  Debra smiled, “My first gift of the day.” She took the cloth off the crate and squealed in delight to see a tiny brown puppy. She picked the creature up and looked at the cute little face.

  “It is a girl,” Alex said with a nervous laugh, “do you like her?”

  “Yes. I absolutely love her.”

  “Do you have a name for her?” Alex asked.

  She looked up and saw a smile of excitement on his face.

  “Portia, since you gave her to me, I want to name her after a character in a book you wouldn’t consider drivel.” She looked up at him before continuing, “you should be flattered.”

  Alex laughed and gave an indulging smile. “I am flattered.”

  “Alex,” she asked feeling
nervous, “are you really going to ask me to dance tonight?”

  “I plan on claiming my two dances with you, Love.”

  “Even if I look like this?” She pointed to the freckles on her face. No matter how much of the cosmetics were rubbed over her skin, the brown spots came through.

  “I think you look gorgeous. But perhaps tonight your maid could go lighter on the cosmetics.” She waited for him to say more, but he didn’t.

  “Margaret tells me I look beautiful with the color.”

  “Do not listen to her, Love, you are fine without.”

  Fine. What type of a compliment was the word fine? Before she could ask, Alex kissed her hand and left to spend time with someone other than her. Forgetting about the ride, now she had a puppy, Debra rushed up to her bedchamber and reviewed her complexion in the mirror. There was a thick amount of the concoction on her face. Was Alex correct or was Margaret? Was Margaret as vicious as Alex made her out to be?

  “I thought you were to go for a ride,” Margaret said entering her chambers.

  She wondered what the woman was doing in her rooms. “Did you need me?”

  “I wanted to slip this small gift on your table.”

  Feeling guilt over the question of her new friend’s motives, Debra smiled and invited her in.

  “A puppy?” Margaret asked with a look of confusion.

  “Lord Trenton gave her to me. She is a beautiful little companion.”

  Margaret laughed. “I should have warned you. He gave me a puppy on my eighteenth birthday. It is as though he doesn’t know what women want, and if he asked, we would gladly tell him dresses, slippers, gloves, hats, and cosmetics. There are so many better items out there than a puppy.

  Looking down at her little companion, Debra wanted to defend the gift. A puppy was perfect and lively and…

  “Give me the creature. I will have my father take care of it as he did the one Alexander gave me.”

  Hugging the animal to her chest, she asked, “What did your father do with your puppy?”

  “Oh, he might have gifted it to one of our tenants. I really do not know. I only wanted the thing gone.”


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