Roosted (Moto X Book 1)

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Roosted (Moto X Book 1) Page 19

by Brooke May

  Japanese bistro? That’s what she wants to eat?

  I can do that.

  I’m left mute with her this close to me. I feel like an idiot for being tongue-tied with her now, but she still steals my every thought. I nod in agreement.

  “Good.” She pats my cheek and saunters off. “I’ll see you then.”

  I change back into my suit and blindly find my way back to my office. I’m in a haze. I don’t want to be surrounded by the four walls of my office today; I want to be outside and on the back of a bike again.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  I’ve never been so nervous in my life for this non-date with Paige. I took my time getting ready. Since I left Havre and Bell, I have never rushed to leave work, but today, I did. I flew back into Salt Lake, thankful for my fuzz buster because I was speeding like the devil was chasing me.

  I arrived to an empty flat, showered, and dressed myself before I left again to get to the restaurant. I had plenty of time, but I didn’t want to waste the moment. Against my better judgment, I stopped and picked up flowers for Paige, but I didn’t buy just any flowers.

  Jax has a friend who makes art out of old, worn, and used metals. He also just so happens to make bouquets of metal flowers and gave me a fair price on some when I called him on my way back to the flat.

  Paige isn’t the type of woman who would cherish the idea of receiving regular, smelly flowers, and I am the type of guy who doesn’t do those sorts of things. Well, for my mum, I do, but if you had birthed me into this world, all ten pounds of screaming baby, I would buy you flowers too.

  I’m fully aware Paige could take them and then beat me with the beautiful steel and iron arrangement, but I hope she won’t.

  Did I mention I was nervous?

  I never really did the whole dating scene. I find a girl—later, a woman— who I want to spend the evening with; woo her, fuck her, and then leave. Even if this isn’t a date, I’m still sweating like a whore in church.

  Pacing the length of the entrance, I’m surprised no one has asked me to leave yet. I look like I’m casing the joint, waiting to make my move on the unsuspecting patrons inside. I had to walk here since parking was limited. As I made my way, I looked around at all the cars, trucks, bicycles, and bikes lining the streets to see if I could spot one of Paige’s rides.

  I never saw one of them. And when I got to the place, I didn’t spot her. Even with all the throngs of people milling about, Paige does not blend in easily. From her strong, confident gait to her rigid posture and constant scowl, she stands out. When the after work rush finally simmered and died out, the street was left with its normal silence. If you want to use silence in a loose way?

  I’m on my hundredth pace when the clicking of heels draws my attention to behind me. Something tugs the hand holding the flowers backward, nearly causing me to stumble. I put my foot back to keep me from falling and touch someone.

  “Are these for me?” Every hair on my body stands on end as if I was touching one of those electric balls with the simplest touch and the sound of her voice. Warm honey oozes into my chest, stalling my heart.

  I turn ever so slowly to take in the vision before me. I’m surprised when I finally see her. It is a pleasant surprise but still a shock the same to see Paige in something other than black. And to see her in color at all is a myth.

  Yet here she stands before me in yellow. Her dress fits her and her personality to a T. It is a fifties halter dress that cinches at her waist with a shiny black belt. Her tanned skin glows and her tattoos look like moving pictures when she bends to take the metal bouquet from me.

  Her eyes flutter closed and she smiles, feigning to smell the nonexistent floral scent. Her hair is put in a ponytail with the bump thing in the middle while her bangs stay down in their usual place. I travel the length of her; everything is yellow, including the pumps she wears, and I seriously hope to have them around my waist sometime soon. If I hadn’t seen her face, heard her voice, or felt as I do when she is near, I would have never guessed it was Paige in this outfit.

  The only normal Paige things remain is her makeup and red nails.

  “How did you know I hate flowers?” Her smile is full, thinning out her red lips.

  She is radiant.

  “Just a hunch. I thought you might like these instead.” I don’t offer my arm to her to lead her into the restaurant, but I do hold the door open.

  Just so I can grab her arse.

  All guys do it; if you have one who doesn’t, something is wrong with him, not you.

  “Good man.” Her laugh is soft. “You would be surprised. I’ve had guys bring me dead flowers before thinking I would enjoy them.”

  “And what did you do?” I offer her a seat before taking my own.

  “Threw them away right in front of them and walked away.”

  “Sounds like you.” I laugh. In our seats, we begin to look over our menus in an eerily comfortable silence. It’s been a few years since I’ve eaten Japanese, so I struggle to remember what is good to eat.

  “I haven’t done anything like this in years,” I admit.

  “I’ve never been here.” Paige doesn’t look up from her menu. Her brows crease as she studies the menu.

  “Then why did you pick it?”

  “I wanted to try something new.” Call it a gut feeling, but I don’t think she is talking about the food.

  “You never did anything like this growing up?” I try for nonchalant; I just hope it works. As a kid, my parents would take us out for a nice or sometimes even a fancy dinner every year for their anniversary. Even as Priscilla and I got older, we kept it up. As far as I know, they still do it even though I’m not there.

  “It was rare to have a full meal at our family table.”

  “Your parents struggled?”

  “I’ve decided what I want.” She gently but frigidly places the menu down. The waiter must have been close by because he is there taking our order in an instance and leaving just as quickly. As I drink my water, I’m lost at what to discuss since the family subject is closed.



  Or do I keep up about her past, which is what I really want to know about?

  “My old man was a drunk.” My expression must look shocked, completely taken off guard because, for the first time since I met her, Paige winces. “He was a useless drunk. You know how there can be functioning drunks? Well, he wasn’t one of them.” She downs her own water, needing to break eye contact with me.

  “My mom worked her ass off at three jobs, sometimes four if she could manage. Leaving Parker and me with the drunk all the time. When we would manage to get ahead just enough, he would take everything my mom had saved and spend it on booze and whores.” Her laugh is bitter and broken, but she continues. “He had more sense to take care of his addiction than to make sure his family was fed, clothed, or had a roof over our heads.”

  There is more to the story than what she is telling me; I can see it in her eyes. But no fucking way am I pushing it.

  “And here I thought I had it bad.”

  Her laugh nearly wounds me. “No offense, Oz, but you haven’t seen shit. Parker and I have lived through the fires of hell and managed to turn out a fraction better than our donors.”

  “You two don’t seem that bad.”

  “We are.” The finality she exudes tells me to drop it, so I do.

  “Thank you for getting me on the bike this afternoon. For the first time in years, I feel alive again.”

  Gratitude washes over her features, and her posture softens. “You’re welcome. I knew it would help.”

  When our food comes, we settle into less intense conversation, discussing their huge party in just a couple of weeks. I’m starting to get excited to see what all they have going on. By the time the check comes, Paige has no problem handing it over to me, declaring she enjoys a free meal as much as the next woman. And when we leave, I’m surprised when her fingers thread between mine.

e is your ride?” I ask her, looking up and down the street but not seeing anything. Normally, this is the part where I go back to the woman’s place and screw her for a couple of hours, but that is just a dream. I will have no twosome tonight, just a handsome with me, myself, and I.

  “Down there, close to your truck.”

  We take off, and the filter that intercepts stupid shit has taken the night off. “I’ve never been on a date.”

  “Oh? Is that what this was? Even after I told you no?” I hear the smile and relax. Do other men walk around on eggshells, praying they don’t say the wrong thing around a woman they are interested in? Because that is how I feel most of the time.

  “I don’t want to push you.”

  “Against a wall is fine.” She nudges me, our hands staying linked. “I’ve only ever done random one-time hookups.”

  “Me too.”

  “I guess this was nice. Could we call it a date?” We stop at her car, and she leans against the hood. “I want to thank you for not pushing things.” She stares at her fingers as they play with the buttons of my shirt. “I had a lot of fun, and that surprises me.” Her brows crease again. It does nothing to deter from her beauty.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I can’t just walk away from her without a kiss. Gently, as if I were picking up an injured animal, I lift her chin, bringing her gaze to meet mine aa her eyes to slowly lift from their spot on my chest. With the faintest of touches, I glide my hand behind her neck, then press our lips together for a kiss. I don’t push past the connection at our lips.

  I feel the muffled gasp in her body as I press into her. Her lashes fan across my cheek before closing, and her hands clench my shirt. Pulling away from her, I feel the heaviness of her lipstick on my own lips but make no move to remove it. I’ll go to bed with it on; I don’t give a flying fuck.

  “Good night, Paige.”

  “Night, Oz.” I make sure to deposit her in her car and watch her drive away before I get into my truck and head home.

  Halfway home, a song comes on reminding me of what I seem to have found with Paige. I can’t help the smile as I start to sing along because she is a “Wild Thing.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Two weeks is all it takes for things to become even more blissful between Paige and me. Since the night of our non-date, we’ve gone on several more. Never labeling it more than just spending time together, I’ve started to see a side of Paige I doubt anyone else has ever seen.

  She asked about my parents, my sister, and my childhood. And I answered every question she asks but haven’t asked anymore about her past. She had volunteered that information the first time, and I figured she would do it again when she was ready.

  Believe me, though; it’s killing me to know what more could have fucked up her life as well as Parker’s.

  The night I got home from our first dinner was hell. It took everything within me not to pick up my phone to call or text her or to grab my keys and drive to her place. I didn’t want to come off as desperate. As if I was a man who couldn’t go to dinner with a gorgeous woman and not expect sex to follow.

  It would have been nice. Instead, I used my hand and closed my eyes to let the image of her in the yellow dress drift into my mind. The whole not having sex after dinner deal went out the fucking window the next time we went out.

  After she lured me into the women’s bathroom, I fucked her hard and fast against the stall door. Everything is so right between us; the passion, the fucking, and the chemistry.

  Outside work, we spend time with Taylor as well. The more I am around the kid, the more I like her. She is laid back and not a big fit thrower like I thought most kids were. She reminds me of a smaller, sweeter, more innocent version of Paige.

  And how could she not act like her big sister? She does a shit ton of things with Paige. I just hope Taylor doesn’t grow up to be closed off like Paige is. Don’t get me wrong, I’m beginning to fall in love with the woman, but she makes it a giant pain in the arse to do so.

  How so, you ask?

  About twenty minutes ago, Paige came strutting into my office, climbed across my desk, and straddled my lap while her lips explored my face to one of my ears, sending a shiver up and down my spine.

  I attempted to pull her away, to talk to her about what was happening between the two of us, but she stopped me when her hand roughly cupped my dick and balls. This isn’t the first time she’s stopped me from talking about our relationship. She’s cornered me in the garages on my way to the office, in my office several times, in the break room, and in even my flat with Jax there.

  And no, I’m not complaining about the sex. I’m enjoying the fuck out of it! I’ve always, since I knew what the hell was wrong with me, known my sex drive was at a high most women couldn’t keep up with. And now I have it. I’m making damn sure I don’t fuck this up or let her slip through my fingers.

  I’d be an idiot to reject sex from a woman whogets me harder than any other ever attempted to. Paige Bartin rocks my fucking world.

  I didn’t even think twice about the meeting I have in thirty minutes in my office, or the fact she probably didn’t lock the door. When she grabs me like that, I’m instantly hard and ready. My belt and button were undone and my fly down, freeing my dick from the confines of my trousers.

  With precision skill, Paige slid onto my lap and welcomed me into her tight, soaked pussy. Her hips rocked steadily. My hands grabbed and palmed her arse, adding a little more power to her leisurely thrusts. She owned me.

  The pleasure continued. The shaft of my dick rubbing her clit and the walls of her tight pussy until I finally had to clench my jaw not to come yet.

  “You feel so fucking amazing.” Paige now purrs in my ear. Her eyes link briefly with mine before her head lolls back and her loose hair tickles my hands still holding her arse.

  “You like riding this big dick? Slow and steady?” I let her rock a couple of more times before I slam up into her. “Or hard as fuck?”

  “Both!” she cries. Her heavy breasts are right in my face. My hands slide up to her lower back and pull her closer, allowing me the chance to bite down on the ample cleavage teasing me.

  “You like it when I’m done fucking you and my cum is running down your legs?” She moans, her pussy tightening around my dick. “You don’t wash up, do you? You fucking love having my cum, my scent, and the smell of our sex on you all day for others to pick up, don’t you?”

  “Fuck, yes!” She grinds her clit against the base of my dick, and with that movement, my legs pinch between my balls.

  “You ready to come, Paige?” I’ve learned she doesn’t like pet names. Only with me, I have one, but she doesn’t.

  “Yes.” There’s that high pitch again. She’s more than ready to come.

  “Let’s go, soak my dick with your cum.” I lick a trail across the top of her breasts, ending with a bite. “I don’t wash either. I want all to know I’m a claimed man.”

  Paige whimpers, her head shooting up as her fingers dive into my short hair and she screams out her release. I finally let go and let my own orgasm take hold and shoot into her pussy. Never has sex been so satisfying.

  As I fall back into my chair, I take Paige with me. Both of us are panting, our hearts racing with one another as we try to rein it in. There is no need to talk. We just enjoy this for several moments we can before we go back to our own shit.

  And I know what you are thinking. Where’s his condom? Wasn’t he worried about unwanted pregnancies or diseases?

  I was until I made her talk to me, and I did get myself tested again just to be sure. We are both clean. My tests came back normal, and she knows from her yearly physicals.

  As for a chance at a pregnancy, I’m not sure yet.

  Voices just outside my door and the rattling of it draws us apart.

  “I’d better get back down to the garage.” Paige pulls away from me; I want to hiss at the cool air hitting my still heated dick. “So much to do, so little time
.” She laughs with a fake Southern accent and makes quick work of pulling her shorts back up while I tuck back into my trousers. The big Blow Out, or as Parker calls it the big blow job, starts tomorrow. It has kept her pretty busy.

  “I’m just glad I got to see you before more chaos takes you away.” I stand and kiss her once before I walk her out.

  “Before I forget.” She stops and pulls something from the confines of her bra. “Your passes.” Grabbing my hand, she slaps three passes in my palm. “I figured you could bring Jax and Levi. Len will like Jax coming along.”

  “I’m sure he’d kill me in a random wheelchair accident if I didn’t invite him.” Over the past few weeks, I think before I even knew of Paige, Parker, or Len, Jax has been chasing after the little blond pixie.

  Unlocking the door, I kiss the back of Paige’s neck before I open it for my co-workers to come in and her to leave. No one really gives us strange looks when the door finally opens and Paige steps out while I remain inside the office. Everyone has grown used to seeing her coming and going from my office all the time.

  “I’ll talk to you later.” She waves and strides her perfect arse to the lifts and vanishes from sight.

  Once the doors close, I turn to my co-workers. “Shall we get some work done?” Smiling, I welcome them into my office and guide us through our bi-weekly meetings.

  In university, I also took classes in business and office management as well as accounting, and I’m glad I did. I like having a relationship with the people I work with. I like knowing they trust me and come to me with problems or questions.

  Once our meeting is over, I spend the rest of the day balancing things and thinking about what I’m going to see at this party.

  I get home around the same time as a delivery guy is walking away from my door and Jax is trying to manage the boxes of pizza on his lap with two liters of soda.

  “Here.” Grabbing the boxes, I push the door closed with my foot and follow him into the kitchen. Levi is already sitting on his overly happy arse and drinking a beer. “Do you ever eat at your own place?”


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