We Shall Rise

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We Shall Rise Page 19

by J. E. Hopkins

  They were warned daily that any attempts at trickery would be duly punished. For Yasmine, that undoubtedly meant the cub she guarded so closely.

  “I confided in Sasha that I had the gift of illusions. I could use this to become invisible. Unfortunately, I lacked the strength to make them all invisible. Sasha came up with the plan that she would create the diversion and I would use that as an opportunity to leave and get help for the rest of them. It was so risky, but I was willing to take the chance. We didn’t have many options. The next day, we put the plan in motion. Sasha created a pretty massive bomb that blew up several of the guards in our room. She yelled out ‘vampire attack.’ Alarm bells went off and there was mass hysteria and chaos.” Yasmine smiled at the memory. Sasha was crazy, but so very brave. Yasmine hoped she was still alive when they went back. “They were so paranoid about being discovered that they actually thought it was a vampire attack. I heard them yell ‘secure the perimeter’ and I knew that was my ticket out. I quickly disappeared in the midst of the chaos but I couldn’t leave this little guy behind. I mustered all the strength I had to make him disappear as well. Miraculously, for the first time in my life, I was able to extend my power to another. I tried to do it with Sasha but it failed. She yelled at me to go and so I did. I disappeared in the shadows and out the door while the others searched for the ‘vampire attack.’

  “I ran as far as my legs would take me. I had no idea where I was or where I was headed. I just ran until I could run no further. The next thing I knew, I woke up in Yanis’ home.”

  It was getting late and Reysa wanted to return to Las Vegas and The Lore. It would be safer there. Franco and the others would probably be searching for Yasmine. They needed to get her to safety.

  “Reysa, there’s one more thing. I don’t know what it means, but I heard Eve mention that they had to find ‘the hope’. They spoke of ‘the hope’ as someone who was prophesized to be their savior.”

  This was the first Reysa had heard of this. “How is ‘the hope’ supposed to save them?”

  “I don’t know exactly, but apparently ‘the hope’ has some unique abilities that would make him or her the most gifted and most dangerous of immortals. That’s all I know.”

  Reysa would mention this to Lucian to see if he had heard anything about ‘the hope’. Usually these prophecies were never taken too seriously as they rarely ever came true, but if ELM believed in it this strongly, it was worth investigating further.

  “Reysa, we’ve said so much this evening, but there is one question left to be answered. Where is my sister? Where’s Maddie?”

  Chapter 9

  Reysa snuggled closer to Kaden as he blanketed her with his heat. His fiery skin had become a source of comfort these last difficult weeks. She knew she was growing to depend on him and that thought frightened her. So much had been said between them, but so much left unspoken.

  There was no doubt in her mind that he was the one, her mate, but would he want to be with her once he knew the whole truth? She closed her eyes as she rested her head on his chest. His gentle hands stroked her back. She wanted to stay like this forever, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that this time of bliss was coming to an end.

  She would savor every moment. Right now, she needed him like she never needed another. Telling Yasmine about Maddie’s murder had been the most difficult words she had ever spoken. Yasmine didn’t cry as Reysa expected. Her reaction was worse. Her body visibly shut down before Reysa’s eyes. All energy, all signs of life vanishing leaving a stifling emptiness. Reysa could see that Yasmine was drowning in a river of regret and no matter how hard Reysa tried to rescue her, Yasmine sank further.

  They brought her and the cub back to Reysa’s home. She clutched the club tightly, but otherwise showed minimal reaction. She allowed the others to hug her and welcome her, but there was no enthusiasm in her eyes. All the fussing over her seemed to wear her nerves. Sensing her need for solitude, Savannah and Reysa ushered her to Alejandro’s rooms to rest. It was the calmest place in the house. They hoped she could find some sense of peace there. It would also give Alejandro some time to spend with the skittish jaguar cub. The boy had refused to shift staying locked into his cat form. “He cannot hide behind the shield of his cat forever,” Alejandro warned. “The longer he stayed in the cat form, the greater likelihood the cat would never allow the boy to surface. He would remain a cat forever.”

  Reysa stayed by Yasmine’s side until the broken witch fell asleep. Reysa called Diamonde to tell her Yasmine was home. Yasmine had asked Reysa to wait before contacting Diamonde, but Reysa could wait no longer. As a mother, she felt for Diamonde and the anguish she must have been going through dealing with the death of one child and not knowing whether another had been killed as well. Diamonde had her faults, but Reysa knew she loved her kids. The relief in her voice as she told her that Yasmine was safe confirmed that telling her was the right thing.

  She also needed to warn Diamonde of the threat to the witches and warlocks. Diamonde was just as powerful if not more so than Yasmine. No doubt she was a target. She would need more that an army of Chihuahuas to protect her. Diamonde did not seem too worried about the threat. She seemed more concerned with finding those who took her child. Diamonde wanted revenge.

  “I can feel you thinking. You need to rest and let your mind and body relax.” Kaden kissed the top of Reysa’s head as he continued to gently knead the tightened muscles in her back.

  “There’s no time to rest,” Reysa mused. They needed to rescue those kids, but they couldn’t go in there blindly. They had to wait for backup. Lucian was sending help and her friends were preparing as well. As much as she wanted to spring into action immediately, she knew they would need at least another night before they could attack. She hated waiting. “There’s so much that needs to be done and I should be doing it.”

  “I agree. I need to be done and you definitely should be the one doing it,” Kaden teased as he lifted her and brought her down on his strained erection. They both sighed in ecstasy as Reysa rocked her hips.

  “You’re such a bad influence on me.”

  “Bad can be so good at times.”

  “Too good,” Reysa moaned.

  Reysa pressed her lips to his and kissed him deeply as she rode him to completion. She collapsed in the searing heat of his arms.

  Kaden took the opportunity to change positions as he rolled her onto her back. “I think I’m becoming addicted to you,” he confessed as he tasted her flesh. “I could never have enough. I always want more. What are you doing to me, woman? I’m starting to wonder if you are a witch. Maybe you have cast a spell on me.”

  Reysa stilled in his arms. Catching his look of concern, she kissed him, her tongue stroking awake his worry. “I think it is you, who has bewitched me. It’s not like I’ve had an assembly line of men in my bed.”

  Kaden silenced the jealous monster that had started to surface. She was a vampire and vampires had strong sexual needs. He knew she wasn’t a virgin, and at eighty years old, she probably had her fair share of partners. Considering his vast sexual appetites, he was certainly in no position to judge. That didn’t mean he wasn’t curious. “Exactly how many men have been in your bed?”

  “That’s a question that should never be asked,” Reysa deflected. “No good could come from the answer.”

  “Ah, we are both adults. We can deal with this truth.”

  Every instinct in Reysa was telling her not to answer, but if he couldn’t handle this simple truth, then she knew they were in trouble. “Fine. There was one, other than you.”

  “One?” Kaden asked his face showing his skepticism. “You are way too good in bed to expect me to believe you’ve only done this once before.”

  “Thanks for the compliment; however, you misunderstood me. I said I’ve been with one man other than you—not one time. He’s a friend of mine. When I need a release, he provides it. We’ve been taking care of each other’s needs for years.”

sat up. “Basically what you are saying is that you have a fuck buddy.”

  “I prefer friends with benefits,” Reysa clarified.

  Kaden’s eyes sharply focused on hers. “Is it Christian?”

  Reysa sat up and leaned back against her headboard. “I already told you that Christian and I have never slept together. Don’t ever ask me that again. It shows you don’t trust what I say.”

  Kaden tried to concentrate on what she said, but he couldn’t see past her beautiful breasts.

  “Focus!” Reysa yelled as she slapped him hard on the shoulder. She pulled the sheet over her blocking his glorious view. “You can be such a pig sometimes.”

  “I’ve been called worse,” he acknowledged. “You’re right. I won’t ask you about Christian again. So if not goldilocks, is your fuck buddy Alejandro?”

  “Alejandro is like a brother to me. Of course not.”

  “Broderick?” Kaden asked as he cringed.

  “You know he can’t shift into a male. He is locked in his animal form.”

  “Hey, maybe that’s your thing. I hear some immortals prefer the beasts.”

  Reysa shoved him down on the bed pinning him beneath her. “You’re the only beast I allow inside me.”

  As her hold softened, Kaden reversed their positions so that she was now pinned beneath him. He could see her surprise that he was able to wrestle control again. “I’ve got some skills outside the bedroom as well,” he boasted.

  “You’re so arrogant.”

  “Doesn’t make it less true.”

  He kissed her passionately as his body stirred to life again. He was definitely ready for round eight. He shifted to position himself, but Reysa clutched his shoulders restraining him. “Oh, no you don’t. You still owe me an answer. How many women, Kaden?”

  Argh. How he wished he had never opened up that can of worms. His big mouth always got him in trouble. Would he ever learn the art of silence?

  He feared her reaction but he would not lie. They couldn’t build a life based on a foundation of lies. He looked into her emerald eyes, imploring her to understand the truth. “Too many women,” he finally admitted. “Too many faceless women whom I used to satisfy a need and then tossed aside when I got what I wanted. I started having sex when I was fourteen and for the last 160 years I have used woman after woman to fuck away my problems, but it never worked.”

  Kaden turned away from her, not wanting to meet her eyes and see the disappointment he knew would be there.

  Reysa studied his face, seeing his struggle to grapple with the doubt and fear. “You really are a man-whore.”

  Her expression was so frighteningly serious, but then Kaden saw her lips quiver as tried to stifle her laugh. Kaden’s shoulders sagged from relief as he laughed with her.

  “I guess that means you broke Wilt Chamberlain’s sexual conquest record?”

  “I squashed that by the time I turned seventy-five.” Kaden’s face grew serious as he gently touched her cheek. “Thank you for not judging me.”

  “I don’t care who shared your bed in the past. I just want to be the one to share it now and in the future,” she admitted.

  “I have never wanted anyone the way I want you. You’re it for me, Reysa.”

  Reysa blinked back the tear that wanted to escape. “Considering your track record, I should be honored.”

  Kaden smiled as he kissed her passionately.

  Reysa returned the kiss with equal desire and then she stilled in his arms. “Get up!” she yelled.

  Kaden was too stunned from the unexpected change in her demeanor. Reysa shoved him, causing him to roll off her and onto the floor.

  “What the hell is going on?” he shouted at her.

  “Sorry but get under the bed now,” she shouted back as she jumped up and knotted her robe.

  Kaden heard the tiny footsteps and the knock on the door. He rolled under the bed as Tatiana entered. When he had a moment, he and Reysa would have to work out a kid alert signal. Anything would be better than getting kicked out of her bed. He looked at his strained erection, its disappointment matching his. “Sorry dude, I feel your pain.”

  Tatiana rushed into her mother’s arms holding her tightly. She pulled back a little so she could sign. “What’s the matter baby, girl?” she asked. Tatiana’s eyes were filled with tears that spilled over onto her reddened cheeks. Reysa’s heart raced as she waited for an answer.

  You left me Mama. Tatiana signed. You left me and Daddy. Tatiana buried her head in Reysa’s chest and cried.

  A puzzled Reysa held her until Tatiana’s crying eased. She sat her on the bed next to her. "Sweetheart, I would never leave you or your daddy,” she signed. “We are a family. We’ll always be together.” Tatiana did not look convinced. Reysa did not understand what brought on this fear, but then it dawned on her. “Did you have a bad dream? Is that what caused you to worry so needlessly?”

  Tatiana nodded. “Angel, it was just a dream. I know dreams can be scary and seem so real at times, but it’s still a dream. I’m right here. Your daddy is right here. We are not going anywhere.”

  Do you promise, Mama?

  “I promise. You’re stuck with me, kid.”

  Tatiana’s tears finally calmed as she hugged her mother again. She raised her right hand, her pinky and index fingers were upright as her thumb stretched to form an “L”. Reysa smiled as she made the same gesture to her daughter. “I love you too, baby girl.”

  Can I sleep with you and Daddy tonight?

  Reysa knew this was a habit she would soon have to break with Tatiana. She could not share Christian’s bed in this way. Even though it was innocent, it would hurt Kaden to be left out. Despite his words, he was still uncomfortable with Christian and asking him to accept this would be too much. She felt torn looking at her daughter’s hopeful face and knowing a disappointed Kaden was under her bed.

  There had to be a compromise. “Tati, Daddy and I will stay with you in your room until you fall asleep. Then we are leaving and going back to our own rooms. You have to learn to sleep by yourself even when it’s a little scary.”

  Tatiana pouted, but Reysa would not relent. Okay, Mama, she signed.

  “That’s my girl. Now go get your daddy and I’ll meet you guys in your room.”

  Tatiana ran off as directed. Kaden crawled out from underneath her bed. “I’m sorry about that,” Reysa apologized. “I will just stay until she falls asleep and then I’ll come back.”

  “I understand. No need to apologize. She’s your child, Reysa. She needs you.”

  He seemed sincere, but she could see the disappointment in his eyes. She sauntered over to him and placed a deliciously wet kiss on his bare chest. “And I need you,” she whispered as she grabbed his hardness, nearly causing him to explode in her hands, “so make sure you’re ready for me when I get back.”

  She released him and walked out the room. Kaden had the fight back the urge to go after her. She had to tend to her daughter. The logical part of him understood that, but he wanted her so desperately. Sharing sucked he grumbled as he returned to her bed and waited.

  Minutes turned to hours as he waited and waited. Finally, he pulled on a pair of pants and went to look for her in Tatiana’s room. The door was open so he stepped inside. There she was sleeping on Tatiana’s right side while Christian slept on the child’s left. Tatiana nestled in between them sleeping soundly and peacefully the way a child should.

  He did not know exactly what Tatiana had signed when he hid under Reysa’s bed, but he heard Reysa’s words and knew the child was afraid that her family would be taken away—that Reysa would leave. She shouldn’t have to worry about such things. She deserved to have her family with her. She should always feel safe and secure that they would be there for her. How often did he wish for that as a child? He would not be the one to take that away from her.

  As he watched them, he realized the disturbing truth that they made an ideal family. The only thing that didn’t belong in this family was
him. He was the intruder. Mate or not, Reysa belonged to them. He closed the door not wanting to disturb this family any further.


  Kaden sat in the kitchen nursing a glass of A-positive when he heard her, or rather felt her presence in the room. She had slept all night with Tatiana and Christian.

  When Reysa woke up in Tatiana’s bed, she knew she had slept there far longer than she should have. She had promised Kaden she would return to him, but she let him down. She had no intention of staying so long, but she was more tired than she realized. As soon as she laid her head on the pillow, her body slumbered. She felt as if she hadn’t slept in years. Vampires usually didn’t require much sleep, and she required less than normal, but lately all the stress had left her bone weary.

  She hoped Kaden would understand, but the distant look in his eyes warned her that he was not in a forgiving mood. “Sorry about last night,” she blurted out as she went into the kitchen and started mixing ingredients for breakfast. “I was unusually tired and I just passed out as soon as I hit the pillow.”

  She still looked tired, Kaden noticed. Even exhausted, Reysa in blue jeans and a lavender t-shirt was the sexiest early morning treat his eyes have ever enjoyed.

  Kaden’s silence spoke volumes as Reysa continued to prepare the French toast. “Well, it’s partly your fault. I’m not used to being kept up day and night like that,” she teased.

  “Your fuck buddy doesn’t satisfy you?” he uttered, showing no glimpse of humor with those words.

  He was being distant again, but Reysa refused to allow him to bait her. She continued making the breakfast. “It’s been awhile, maybe I should call him?” She smirked as Kaden’s glass shattered. He still wanted her even if he was being too stubborn to admit it.


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