Her Big Greek Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (International Alphas Book 5)

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Her Big Greek Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (International Alphas Book 5) Page 17

by Kimmy Love

  “Okay?” asked Heather. “I'm already miles taller than these girls. Any taller and... Look, Laura is this right? Am I in the right room? Everyone else here is...”

  “Blond? Yes I know,” Laura said. “My billionaire told me his type in terms of looks but I decided to do something a little different. I wanted to see if he'd gravitate to a different look if he got talking to someone who shares all the same interests as he.”

  “So, we have something in common?” Heather asked.

  “Yes, don't worry so much. Don't forget, you're also here for the same reason: so you don't find yourself winding up with the usual types. Am I right?”

  Heather nodded.

  “Just you go and get yourself a drink and I'll bring my guy out in a few minutes. Okay?”

  Heather nodded again and did as she was told. She noticed she was getting odd stares from some of the other girls but they all smiled to her.

  “Okay ladies!” Heather heard Laura's voice and turned.

  This must be it, she thought. Time to get the misery over with.

  “This is Yuri, he's thirty-five. He made his millions while working at a computer programming company where he worked as an apprentice. As most of you know, Yuri is the guy who brought us exciting new ideas for improving the computer gaming industry. He was only a kid when he got his patent, and that patent has earned him the billions he has now. So not only is he intelligent, he likes to run...”

  With those words, Heather's eyes finally turned to the man on Laura's left. She'd seen him before; he was the tall man who ran past her just weeks ago. His image had never left her mind for some reason. Instead, it kept returning to her throughout her day. She had no reason to think she'd ever see him again but somehow hoped she would, even if it was just to see him run by her again. There was just something about him she couldn't put her finger on.

  Suddenly, Yuri was amongst the blonds, talking and smiling. Or rather, they were talking and smiling to him, while he politely nodded and acknowledged everyone yet not fully engaging. He seemed to be working his way around the semi circle of girls that kept crowding around him. The closer he got, the more she realized he was doing his best to be polite. Bit by bit, Heather felt she was being edged away from him but felt too nervous to elbow anyone out of the way to get her turn.

  In a while, Yuri was a close enough to her that she could see his face in profile. She thought he had a large nose but somehow, it suited him and didn't take any of its beauty away. She had used the word beauty to describe a man but that was exactly how she saw him: he was an outstanding specimen of a man who was more than good looking, more than handsome – he was beautiful.

  “So Yuri,” one girl exclaimed. “I guess you must be super intelligent to invent all that computer stuff.”

  Yuri blushed and was at a loss for words. “Well, I just like to read and figure things out,” he said.

  There was a brief silence, during which Heather decided to speak up, “'There’s only one good; knowledge, and one evil; ignorance.'”

  “Exactly,” Yuri said turning quickly to face her. “Socrates was right about that. The more we know, the closer we are to being good.” Yuri was taking slow steps towards Heather.

  She had her head down and was smiling.

  Yuri extended his hand. “What’s your name?” he asked her.

  “My name is Heather.” She looked into those silver blue eyes. She remembered them so well from the park. “I've been reading a book about Socrates lately, sorry for the quote – it just came out.”

  A lull fell over the other girls as they all eyed up Heather. One girl, whose hair had been dyed blond, badly, so many times, pushed in front of Yuri but he ignored her to keep making his way to Heather.

  “What else do you read, Heather?”

  “Oh everything, from the daily newspaper to world history, even science magazines if the cover takes my fancy.”

  “What do you do?”

  Before Heather could answer the question, Laura Madison had decided that it was time for Yuri to make his choice. He could see two girls one to one, very briefly, before making his choice for a main date. Heather hung out at the bar while Yuri stood to one side, talking with Laura before making his decision.

  “Okay, ladies,” Laura called them all to order. “Something slightly different this time; Yuri has gone straight to his main date choice, Heather.”

  Stunned for a few seconds but so happy to be chosen by Yuri, Heather made her way to the front of the disappointed girls. Yuri kissed her cheek. His lips were soft, his actions positive and strong although Heather felt as if she were walking on air.

  All she could think was, “I can't wait to tell Janey.”


  Heather was in a panic. Although she had sounded very confident when she spoke to Yuri on the phone about their date – it was dinner, that was all – now she was having a nervous breakdown about what to wear. Heather very rarely went out these days, preferring to keep a low profile and get on with work and her studies. Janey suggested she go out and buy a dress, which threw Heather into an even bigger panic. Not only had she not kept up with fashion, she also didn't have a clue what a person should wear to what she assumed would be a fancy restaurant.

  Yuri had wanted to pick her up but she insisted on meeting him there. Their compromise was that he would send a car to collect her; this she accepted. The car stopped outside a new and trendy French restaurant. She had seen a review about it in a newspaper and had even gone online to take a quick preview of what to expect on the menu.

  When Heather arrived, she was greeted at the door.

  “I'm meeting someone,” she said. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Yuri. He stood and was smiling. The girl at the door looked Heather up and down and said, “You’re Mr. Kozlov's guest?”

  The question shook Heather. She wondered if perhaps she'd made a mistake about her outfit. She'd chosen a cherry red dress with a deep v-neck and buttoned all the way down the front. The sleeves were long with buttons at the cuffs. She was going for a mix of sexy but sophisticated and had rounded the outfit off with a pair of very high heels that altered the way she walked to the point of being seductive.

  She was very aware of how she was walking and the expression on Yuri's face as she got closer. He kissed her cheek as she arrived at the table.

  “Wow,” he said. “It's been two days and I didn't remember you being so beautiful. You seem to have gotten more attractive.”

  “That's so flattering,” Heather said as he held her seat out for her.

  She sat and put her hands under her chin, her elbows resting on the edge of the table. It was her attempt to look cool but inside, she shook like a delicate flower in the breeze.

  “I tried describing you to Susan,” he said, shuffling his chair under the table.

  “Susan?” she asked.

  “Oh, my good friend. She's my PA too, actually, and these days, she tries to organize my private life as well as my work life. Susan is like the sister I never had. Like my big sister only I'm older than she is. She's actually the one who set me up at the matchmaker club.”

  “Oh, I see. So both Susan and Laura had your interests at heart when they threw me into the mix. I wondered if you'd chosen me to make some kind of statement to Laura Madison.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, the only black face among all the others.”

  “Yeah, well, they told me to stay away from the blond bimbos but that isn't why I chose you.”


  “I was instantly attracted to you,” Yuri said. “I know it's going to sound like a cliché but I feel like I already knew you.”

  “We've met already, that might be why.”

  “We have?”

  Just then, a waitress came to take their order. Yuri was obviously curious about her last statement but Heather kept him waiting until after they ordered.

  “It was weeks ago now,” Heather said, sipping the wine the Sommelier ha
d recommended. “I was walking home through Central Park, something I never normally do, and I saw you. You were running. You ran right past me and didn't notice me but I looked at you. You were concentrating deeply.”

  “I can't believe I ran past you.”

  “Of course I wasn't all dressed up like this.” She giggled. “I was in jeans, most probably, and tatty ones at that. At the moment, this is the only dress I own.”

  “You're a bit of a tomboy then? I would never have guessed.”

  “No, I'm not really. It's just I'm spending everything I earn on my education. Eventually, I'll put myself through college.”

  “You missed out on going?”

  Heather put her head down. Her mind drifted to the past, ten years ago to be precise. She was fifteen and met a guy four years older and fell in love for the first time. Falling for him had ended with her life falling apart. She never got a chance to start over until just a few years ago. But she couldn't tell him about those days; she couldn't tell anyone what really happened.

  “Let's just say things don't always work out the way they should,” Heather said. “I'm making up for lost time.”

  “Well, that's a good thing, I commend you. Not many people would have the will power to go back to education. It's refreshing to hear.”

  Their meal was served and conversation turned to the mundane. Heather was happy to be making small talk so she didn't have to go into detail about her life. But as the evening drew on, she could tell Yuri was likely to ask her out for a second time.

  “I still can't believe you saw me running.” Yuri laughed. “I recently started running home as well as doing my usual morning run.”

  “You run every day?”

  “Mostly yes. I find it eases the stress of work away. You should try it.”

  “I walk a lot. Besides my running shoes have seen better days.”

  “Get yourself a new pair and we'll go together.” His eyes lit up as he smiled.

  “I don't know, Yuri. I mean I've had a wonderful time but I'm not sure how far this can actually go.” All of a sudden a wave of seriousness came over Heather.

  “You're breaking up with me already?” The sparkle in Yuri's eyes dimmed slightly.

  “No,” she said. “It's just, I had someone spurring me on to join the matchmaker club, my friend Janey from work. Well, one of the places I work.”

  “You have two jobs?”

  “That's the thing, Yuri. You and I come from different worlds. Let's face it. This...me and you, it was a nice idea but this isn’t the real world.”

  “I don't get you.”

  “It was silly of me to think I could pull off dating a guy like you.” She put her head down. “Perhaps I should go.”

  “And that's it? Will I ever see you again?”

  “I would like to say yes but … I just don't want to disappoint you. You say things like 'buy a new pair of shoes' and you have no idea how hard that would be for me.”

  “Can I just say something here?” It was Yuri's turn to become serious.


  “Every girl I've ever gone out with has made no secret of what they want out of me. You could have all the things you want from me but you'd never ask.”

  “Of course not, why should I? You worked for your money, who am I to meet you on a first date and start putting in requests. That's horrible; I could never do that, not ever.”

  “I'm so happy to hear you say that. This is exactly what Susan and I suppose, Laura, wanted me to avoid – another gold digger. I know you're not like that.”

  “Well, it's a start that you can now tell the difference. Susan would be proud.”

  They both began to laugh. Yuri reached over and took her hand in both of his.

  “I didn't always have money, Heather. I was lucky in my life and maybe you were unlucky in yours but that’s past. We've got now and we've got the future and I don't know about you, but I'm not going to let money prevent us from seeing each other again. I hope you'll agree.”

  Heather smiled and bit her bottom lip. She was enjoying the feeling of his hands holding onto hers, it made her feel safe. The past and all it's nightmares slipped straight out of her mind as she dared, once again, to entertain thoughts of having Yuri in her life.

  “I hope that smile says you want to see me again,” Yuri said, bringing his face closer to hers.

  She nodded.

  “What about Sunday? How would you like to come running with me?”

  “I'd like that but I'm not as fast as you, especially in my dilapidated sneakers.”

  “That's okay. We'll work around that. What size do you take anyway?”

  “I'm a nine but trust me when I say they're old shoes, Yuri.”

  “It doesn't matter to me, Heather, you must know that about me by now. We'll meet at Manhattan Avenue, the entrance on 100th? Is that close enough to where you live?”

  “It'll do. What time?”

  “Seven in the morning?”

  Heather pulled a face.

  “No later than eight or it just gets to busy,” he said waving a finger and looking like a drill sergeant.

  “Busy is good, it'll slow you down.”

  Heather had visions of herself, trundling along beside Yuri in her battered sneakers and tatty sweats. At least she'd been honest with him. He shouldn't be expecting her to turn up looking like she was a catwalk model parading the latest work out gear. She hadn't had the latest anything in a long time.

  “You're the first woman I've ever asked to come running with me who said 'yes'. I like that,” Yuri said.

  She felt his hand on hers again. This time, he leaned forward and kissed her. It was tender, on the lips, but it lingered. Her eyes were still closed as he pulled away. She opened them to find him smiling at her and about to kiss her again but a waiter came along and asked of there'd be anything else.

  Yuri looked at Heather who shook her head, no.

  “We'll just have the bill,” Yuri said. “I insist on escorting you home, Heather.”

  “And I accept.”

  They held hands in the car. Both of them had the sense that something was happening, like a good feeling of opposites attracting and sparking a flame. She wanted to ask him up but resisted. She was afraid to burst the bubble and thought taking it slow might save a broken heart, especially if Yuri decided that he couldn't get blond bimbos out of his system after all.

  “What are you laughing at?” he asked as he walked her to the front door of the building.

  “Nothing, just looking forward to Sunday.”

  “It's a day away.”

  She felt his arms wrap around her and hold her close. She felt her feet almost lift from the ground as they had a long, good night kiss.

  “Until Sunday,” he said and walked away, still facing her until he reached the edge of the sidewalk and almost backed into his car. They both smiled and waved. Yuri waited until Heather had let herself into the building before he let his driver pull away.


  Heather was due to take a shift on the reception desk of the Emergency Unit in City Hospital so had her alarm set but it wasn't her alarm that woke her on Saturday morning, it was the sound of the intercom buzzing through to the living room to let her know someone downstairs for her.

  She woke with the fuzzy head of someone who had had a lot to drink and then she remembered her evening with Yuri. She smiled; the feeling of warmth, which Yuri seemed to generate when he touched her was still with her. The scent of his cologne from when he held her close was still playing with her senses.

  She shook the images of her and Yuri lying naked in her bed from her mind when the buzzing came again. Leaping up out of bed and then through to the adjoining living room, she held down the button.

  “Yes?” she croaked.

  “We got a delivery for Heather Nicholls.”

  “That's me. Come on up. Second floor.”

  She rushed to put on a robe and tried to straighten out her hair before the kno
ck on her door. She opened up and saw a line up of three couriers all with both arms piled high with boxes.

  “I just need for you to sign here.” The first courier placed his boxes down; they seemed heavy. He pulled the electronic device out of his back pocket and held it under Heather's nose for her to sign.

  “Are all of these for me?” Heather asked, peering past him as the two other couriers put their boxes down and shook out their arms.

  “Yes, all of them are for you; from different places, I believe, but they’re all for you.”

  “Do you know who it's from?” she asked, still looking at the boxes.

  “We just deliver, miss.” He held the device closer to her so Heather signed it and thanked the couriers. “I should tip you.”

  “No need, we were given a forward tip by the sender so we can't accept another penny because of our contract. You want us to carry them in?”

  “Would you?”

  “No problem.” The men loaded up and put all nine boxes next to Heather's sofa. “Enjoy your birthday,” the first courier said. “Oh there was one more thing.” He handed her an envelope.

  The rest of the couriers all wished her a happy birthday and Heather did not correct them. She only smiled, closed the door after them and couldn't wait to see what was in the boxes. She had checked as they put them down that they did in fact belong to her.

  She opened the envelope first. There was a hand written note inside.

  Dear Heather,

  As you know, I take my running very seriously and I know that bad footwear not only can ruin your feet, but your posture, joints and muscles too. I hope you can make use of one or all of these. I also took the liberty of sending a few other items. I got carried away, as you can see. But when it comes to you, I don't think I can stop myself.

  Of course, this doesn't mean you have to accompany me every time I run but it would do wonders for my will power to have you beside me. You never know, you might even get to enjoy it as much as I do.

  Because it is you and because I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation, I took the liberty of adding things I hoped you'd enjoy. If I got it wrong, we'll do an exchange or return but I beg you not to refuse anything.


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