Who Wants To Be The Millionaire's Mistress?

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Who Wants To Be The Millionaire's Mistress? Page 7

by Peggy Hunter

  Bruce's eyes finally met hers. “Are you? Or do you just see yourself that way?"

  Lacey wasn't sure how to reply and even if she did, she never got the chance.

  "Can I cut in?"

  Heat ran down Lacey's spine as Bruce quickly relinquished his hold. Max pulled Lacey into his arms.

  "I'll see what kind of trouble Ms. Rachael has gotten into,” Bruce said as he turned and left the dance floor.

  Lacey couldn't meet his gaze. “Bruce called you."

  "I called him,” Max replied as his arms tightened around her.

  "Bet he sang like a bird the moment he heard his master's voice,” Lacey said grimly.

  "He was concerned there'd be further exposure about our relationship."

  Lacey stiffened. “Or lack of,” she said. “Since I'm supposed to be glued to you, people will wonder why I'm out on the town without you."

  "Exactly,” Max replied. “I'm glad you are finally starting to understand the situation."

  Lacey's heart sank to her toes as anger welled inside her. She took Max by surprise when she suddenly pushed at his chest and stepped back. She glared up at him. “Is that what I am to you?” she said, her body quivering with anger. “Am I a situation you're forced to deal with?"

  Max's eyes clouded as he looked down at her. “Of course not,” he said through tight lips.

  But when his eyes left hers and darted around the crowded dance floor, she knew he was lying.

  Lacey was barely able to contain her anger. She stepped forward and thumped a hand on his rock-hard chest. “Ass! You're looking to see if anyone noticed right now, aren't you?"

  When Max didn't reply, Lacey whirled away and pushed through the throng of dancers, blindly heading off the dance floor. Even though she didn't look back, she could sense Max following close behind. When she got to the bar, she grabbed her beer and raised it to her lips.

  Max's hand closed over hers and pulled the bottle out of her grip. “I think you've had enough for one day,” he said firmly.

  "Go to hell!” Lacey spat. “I don't need to be told when I've had enough."

  When Max placed the bottle out of her reach, Lacey waved to the bartender. “A beer here!"

  The bartender's gaze slid to Max before he shook his head and turned away.

  "Bastard!” Lacey cried as she glared at Max. “Who do you think you are anyway?"

  Max's face remained solemn. “I'm the millionaire,” he said, “and you are my mistress."

  Lacey wanted to scream. “Yes, that's what it is as far as the public is concerned,” she cried. “I wish I'd never heard of that fucking game show!"

  Max looked bored; the fact she was upset didn't seem to register with him. She could have sworn he fought a yawn before he placed an arm around her and pulled her away from the bar. “I've had enough for one day,” he said. “I'll take you home."

  Lacey felt as if she'd been stung and backed out of his grip. She fought tears as she looked up at him. “Home?” she said. “I don't have a home. I gave it all up for a man I loved. And what do I have now?"

  Max didn't look like he wanted to deal with anything right now. He looked tired and more than a little annoyed. “Lacey..."

  "Nothing,” she said. “I have nothing!"

  "You have me,” Max replied.

  Had she heard him right? Could he think she was as stupid as all that? Lacey laughed out loud. If she didn't, she knew she'd dissolve into tears. “Sure, I have you,” she said sarcastically. “For tonight, maybe even tomorrow night and,” she waved her hand at him, “if I'm really, really lucky, maybe even the night after that."

  Max sighed heavily. “Can we have this discussion at your condo?"

  "Why?” Lacey said angrily. “So everyone won't know what a tool you are?"

  "That's it!” Max said through clenched teeth. He stepped forward and grabbed Lacey. She screamed when he swung her over his shoulder and stalked to the door.

  Lacey pounded on his back while patrons in the bar cheered and whistled. “Put me down!"

  Max didn't reply as he pushed through the doors and flagged down a taxi. When one pulled up, he put her on the ground and opened the back door. “Get in."

  She glared up at him, prepared to tell him to go to hell. She stopped the moment she saw his eyes narrow with warning. “If you don't behave yourself, you will get the spanking of your life. Got it?"

  Lacey nodded numbly and crawled into the cab. After the humiliation of being carted out of the bar, she wasn't about to chance being spanked on a busy street.

  Lacey blinked when Max got into the backseat beside her. “What about Rach? I can't just dump her like this."

  Max snorted as the car fired to life. “You should have dumped her a long time ago,” he said between gritted teeth.

  "She's my best friend,” Lacey said.

  Max shook his head. “Trust me; she's no friend.” He looked at the taxi driver and gave him directions. As it pulled out onto the street, Max turned his attention back to Lacey. “Don't worry about her. Bruce will see that she gets home safely."

  * * * *

  Max was grateful for the silence as the taxi spirited them back to the city. He needed to think, to figure out what he should do with the knowledge that Lacey's best friend had taken up with the man she'd once loved with all her heart.

  Max was known as bloodthirsty when it came to business, a formidable opponent. This was something Zack had probably discovered quickly when he'd taken advantage of the bad press Max had been getting. It took Max just two days to regain all the clients Zack had drawn away and, as an added bonus, he gained a few of Zack's as well.

  He should be celebrating. Instead, he was filled with ... what? Whatever the fuck it was, he didn't like the feeling. Was it angst? The feeling was alien to him.

  All he knew for certain was he had knowledge of something that would hurt Lacey and it was only a matter of time before she found out. Her best friend and the man she loved. What would the news that Zack was fucking Rachael do to her?

  Max's hands balled into fists on his lap. He shouldn't care what happened to Lacey. Damn! Why did he care?

  As the taxi slowed for the exit that would take them to her condo, he glanced at Lacey. No wonder she was quiet, the woman was sound asleep. He noted her beautiful face, the long hair cascading over her shoulders and the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Something stirred inside him. For the first time in his life, he felt something for a woman. Not just lust but...


  ...something more.

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  Chapter 11

  Lacey woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. She opened her eyes to find a cup hovering just beneath her nose. She blindly reached out for it only to have it pulled away.

  "Hey,” she complained, “no fair."

  Max's soft chuckle filled her senses. She slowly opened one eye and then the other to find him leaning over her, the steaming cup of coffee in his hand.

  "What time is it?” Lacey asked as she sat up in bed.

  "Almost noon,” Max replied. “It's time you got up."

  Lacey moaned as the night before flooded back to her. “I drank too much."

  "Yeah,” Max replied as he sat down on the side of the bed. “That happens sometimes."

  This time when Max held the mug out, he didn't pull it away when she reached for it. She took the mug and slowly lifted it to her lips. She looked at Max through hooded eyes. “Are you angry?"

  Max smiled, nearly melting her heart. “Nope."

  "I am."

  Max cocked his head to one side as he looked down at her. “Are you?"

  "Well, no,” Lacey conceded. “But I should be. You were the perfect Neanderthal last night. I can't believe you carried me out on your shoulder."

  "You asked for it."

  Lacey winced. “I did. It's just—” She hesitated, the words would not come forth.

  "Just what?” Max asked.

  Lacey to
ok a sip of the coffee. It burned going down her throat, washing away the urge to tell him how she felt. She slowly peeled back the blanket that covered her and realized she was still in the clothes she'd worn the night before. “Nothing,” she said. “It's just ... nothing."

  Max took the mug from her hands and placed it on the table beside the bed. His eyes darkened as he gazed down at her. “Sweet Lacey,” he said. “Do you know how worried I was when Bruce told me that you were at a bar?"

  "I can't imagine why you'd worry,” she replied. “Bruce never left our side."

  "He's a good man,” Max said, “a trustworthy man. But anything could have happened."

  Lacey shook her head sadly. “You mean anything that might have made you look bad. More bad press."

  Max frowned. He shook his head slowly. “Lacey,” he said softly, his eyes moving from her eyes to her lips, “I would never want harm to come to you, no matter what."

  Lacey sighed. “I wish I could believe that.” How sweet it would be to know he was sincerely concerned for her well-being.

  Max leaned forward, his mouth hovering just above hers. “Believe it."

  She wanted to. Oh Lord, she wanted to. If only she could. Yet, as his mouth closed over hers and he drew her into a mind-blowing kiss, Lacey knew only too well that their relationship was nothing more than sex. She knew she should push him away. Yet her body hummed with need, her core moistened in anticipation and ached for his touch.

  And Max did not disappoint. His fingers quickly snaked under her clothes and pulled them off her body. He sat back for a moment, gazing down at her naked body. Lacey shivered under his blatant inspection, her nipples pebbled, her core soaked with moisture.

  Max's eyes narrowed, as if he suddenly understood something she was not privy to. His gaze grew hungry as his lips pulled back in a slow smile. Lacey wasn't sure what to make of his gaze and didn't know if she should simply lay there and allow it. Instinct told her she should run as far from him as possible.

  But her body told her something else. Stick around to see what happens next.

  Max leaned over her and softly nudged a hard nipple before his mouth closed over it. She gasped as his tongue laved the nipple while his hand circled her breast. He kneaded the sensitive skin as his mouth sucked and pulled at her nipple. It was sweet torture. Lacey's mind reeled as she wrapped her arms around him in an effort to pull him closer. He denied her the privilege. He braced his hands on either side of her shoulders in an effort to keep her from pulling him against her. His mouth tore off her nipple only to turn his attention to her other breast. He lapped, he sucked, he wrapped his tongue around her nipple and pulled.

  Lacey cried out as her hands slipped under his shirt and raked over his chest. When she reached lower, in the hopes of touching his cock, he angled away from her, staying just out of her reach. She moaned in frustration, desperate to feel his hard body and his rock-hard need.

  But Max wasn't done feasting on her body. That became apparent as he tore his mouth from her breast and slowly dragged his tongue down the length of her abdomen. His hands pushed her legs apart as his lips hovered just over her moist core.

  He raised his head and looked at her. “Tell me that you want me to taste you,” he said as his dark eyes blazed with passion.

  "I told you before that I'd never—"

  Lacey gasped as his fingers stroked her moist slit.

  "What was that?” he said, his eyes glistening as his fingers teased her.

  Lacey shivered but tried to regroup. “I said that I'd never let you—"

  A long finger slipped inside her, gently nudging, pressing, pushing as far as it would go. She gasped again. Yet the moment she opened her mouth to repeat herself, Max slid a second finger inside her, stretching her just a little more, bringing such sweet torture. She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. She wanted to feel his mouth over her slit, wanted him to suck her clit. Her body ached for it, was begging for it.

  When Max pushed a third finger inside her, she knew she'd lost the game. As his fingers pulsed inside her, his thumb pressed against her clit. Lacey gasped, unable to keep her body from bucking against his hand.

  Max leaned over her, his mouth hovering just above hers. “I'm going to taste you, Lacey."

  Lacey was unable to form a single coherent word. She wanted to tell him no but his fingers continued to probe inside her, driving her to distraction.

  Max dipped his head between her thighs. Lacey gasped when his mouth clamped over her slit. At first, his tongue lashed over her and then he sucked her, stretching her clit, drawing it into his hot mouth.

  Wave after wave of erotic sensations coursed through Lacey. Her hands flew to his head, twined in his hair, holding him tighter against her as her hips rose to meet each touch of his mouth and fingers.

  A curl of sheer ecstasy formed deep inside her and spread though her body. With each stroke of Max's tongue, each pulse of his fingers inside her, it grew. Max seemed to sense it, perhaps because her body tightened in an effort to keep the orgasm at bay, and sucked harder, stroked deeper.

  He wanted her to come ... insisted on the perfection of her completion under his experienced touch. Lacey didn't have time to resent it, Max pushed too hard for that. His pace turning stronger, harder, more intense with every passing second ... until finally, Lacey could take no more.

  As her body exploded in orgasm, she cried out. Lacey wrapped her legs around his back, holding her to him as tightly as she could. Her body trembled violently as tears sprang to her eyes. Max pulled out from her legs and crawled over her. He smiled as he pressed his lips to hers while she gasped for air, trying to catch her breath.

  "Hmm,” he purred against her lips. “Sweet Lacey, what a pleasure it was to make you come."

  Lacey laughed between gasps. “The pleasure was all mine."

  She felt his chest rumble as he chuckled. She felt the length of his thick cock against her thigh. “We're aren't finished yet,” he told her as his cock slid between her legs and pressed against her moist slit.

  Lacey gasped as he pushed into her, plunging deep inside her. How true, she mused as her legs wrapped around his back to allow him deeper access. He had a lot more to offer and she wanted all of it.

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  Chapter 12

  "Thanks for dumping me!"

  Lacey gripped the phone tighter between her fingers. “I didn't mean to,” she said. “Max insisted."

  "Yeah,” her friend replied. “And everyone thought it was so fucking romantic too."

  "You saw what happened?"

  "Everyone saw him carting you out of the bar, Lacey. Your knight in shining armor carrying you off to his boudoir to fuck you senseless,” Rachael said, her voice sarcastic. “So fucking cliché. I can't believe you'd fall for an act like that."

  Oh, she'd fallen for it all right. Hook, line and sinker. Lacey's heart still fluttered at the memory.

  "I didn't have a choice,” Lacey replied. “I'm just sorry you were left behind. Max said Bruce would get you home safely."

  "Oh, he did,” Rachael said, “but that's not the point. You're supposed to be my best friend."

  Lacey's throat tightened. “I am."

  "Well, you have a funny way of showing it. I never would have abandoned you like that."

  Was there any point in repeating that she hadn't been given a choice? Probably not.

  "I'm sorry, Rach,” Lacey said. “I really am."

  "I put you up when you had nowhere else to go,” Rachael said indignantly. “I'd have taken that scrubby dog too if I thought I could trust him not to shit on my carpet."

  Lacey's heart clenched. She missed Harry. She would never have given him up if she could have found a place that would accept him. In spite of the fact Rachael's apartment building had no problem with pets, she most certainly did. And since there was nowhere else to go, Lacey was forced to send him to a shelter for adoption.

  "I know,” Lacey replied. “And I sincerely app
reciate how much you helped me."

  "I sure didn't think so last night."

  Lacey sighed. Just how much more groveling would she have to do? “I've already said I'm sorry,” she said, frustration building within her.

  Silence followed. Lacey began to wonder what more she could say to assure her friend.

  "All right,” Rachael finally said, her voice brightening. “I forgive you."

  Lacey breathed a sigh of relief. After the fiasco with Zack, Rachael was the only friend she had left in Toronto. “Thank you,” she said.

  "Let's get together for lunch today."

  Lacey quickly agreed. “Where do you want to meet? You could come here. We could order room service."

  "No,” Rachael replied quickly. “Come here ... to my apartment. Be here at noon."

  "I have to check with Max first. He might have plans."

  "To hell with Max,” Rachael said angrily. “Who cares what he wants anyway? You know he'll dump you the minute he gets tired of you."

  Lacey's heart clenched. Yeah, but did she have to be reminded again? “I know but—"

  "So be here at noon. I'll leave the door unlocked so you can come right in."

  The line went dead before Lacey had a chance to reply. She replaced the phone on its receiver. She didn't blame Rachael for being upset with her. Given the circumstances, she'd have felt the same.

  Lacey wondered if she'd ever be able to repay Rachael for the kindness her friend shown her. When everyone else in the company saw her as a pariah, Rachael stood by her.

  * * * *

  Maxwell Barton Gets His Woman!

  For the first time in the weeks since the game show ended ... and the roller coaster ride began ... Max smiled at the caption in the paper. At least this time, though he was painted as a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal, the story showed him in a positive light.

  And, better still, no one had been privy to the conversation they'd had moments before Max carried Lacey out. No doubt, the report came from a patron of the bar, the picture probably taken by a low-end digital camera or cell phone. Fuzzy at best, Max could still make out Lacey's delectable ass. His groin stirred. It had been just a few hours since he'd left her condo and yet he wanted her again.


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