MAFIA BOSSES - The Box Set: An Enemies to Lovers Trilogy

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MAFIA BOSSES - The Box Set: An Enemies to Lovers Trilogy Page 9

by Chloe Fischer

  “You’re huge,” she commented, awe lacing her voice. “Jesus Christ.”

  “Am I?” he replied nonchalantly. “I guess I’ve never given it much thought.”

  She laughed.

  “Yeah, I bet,” she retorted, suddenly picturing the hordes of women he had been with.

  I bet he’s fucked half of Miami already, she thought, an inexplicable jealousy coursing through her and the feeling made her irate.

  What the hell is wrong with you? You didn’t fuck him because he’s your boyfriend. You fucked him because you need to have the upper hand if need be.

  But Celina knew no matter what she tried to tell herself, she had developed feelings for the guy, even though she knew better.

  He’s just like the rest of them, huge dick or not, she warned herself. No amount of logic would prevail, at least not in that moment while she still tried to collect herself from what she had experienced.

  But no other soldier would hide her away from her security at the risk of angering her father. No other soldier had ever caused a stirring in her the way Ariano had. And certainly, no other had pinned her to the sofa and caused her to cum three times in a row.

  She hated to admit it, but Ariano was different and no matter how much she tried to deny it, to fight it, he had a hold over her.

  Still, he can’t risk Papa finding out about us, she reasoned, eyeing him as he slowly regained his even breathing. So really, I do have the upper hand.

  But Celina knew that she was not about to turn her new lover in, no matter how annoyed she grew with her surveillance.

  Whatever she felt about being watched, her feelings for Ariano had seemed to supersede her need to teach her father and his goons a lesson.

  How the hell had that happened so quickly? You barely know the overbearing beast. But like it or not, she had developed a begrudging respect for him. The attraction had always been there – in spades, but Celina had never respected a single member of her surveillance detail.

  She wondered what that was going to mean for them in the future.

  What future? She snapped at herself. This can’t happen again.

  She realized that he was watching her.

  “Why are you staring at me?” she demanded, her cheeks flushing as if he could read her thoughts.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” he replied. “Want to join me?”

  She nodded before she had a chance to think about the answer.

  Okay, she conceded. Maybe once more. But that’s it.

  Chapter Ten

  Ariano could see how heavy Celina’s lids had grown as she lay on the pillow, her hair still damp from the long and imaginative shower they had shared.

  But she refused to succumb to sleep, her blue eyes watching his face in the shadowy light of the bedroom.

  “You’re a lot different than the other leccaculos who work for my father,” she told him, her voice low and tired.

  “Am I?”


  “I guess I’ll take that as a compliment,” he replied, stroking her hair, silently willing her to sleep. He felt naked in those moments and it had nothing to do with the lack of clothes between them.

  Somehow, Celina had stripped away his inherent suspicion and skepticism by baring her own vulnerabilities.

  He wasn’t sure he liked it.

  I’m not sure I hate it either, he thought, marveling at the beauty of the woman in his bed. In spite of himself, he couldn’t help but feel a connection with Celina. But it wasn’t like something he had experienced with other women.

  The desire to possess her had been fulfilled and yet he still couldn’t tear his eyes away from her face.

  I want to…hold her, and never stop, he realized. The sex isn’t enough. I want…more.

  “You’re smarter,” Celina continued. “More… intuitive. I think my father sees himself in you.”

  “Poor guy,” Ariano chuckled but she didn’t smile.

  “What is it about you?” she asked quietly. “What makes you so different?”

  “I didn’t realize I was,” he answered softly, shifting his eyes away from her, suddenly embarrassed by the scrutiny, but Celina wasn’t finished.

  “Why did you come to Miami?” she asked sleepily and Ariano found himself tensing at the question.

  “For work,” he replied truthfully. “I was offered an opportunity to work for your father and I took it.”

  “Luca Cambrini sent you, right?” she asked and he was surprised that she knew that much about him. Celina didn’t seem like the type to care about the men in the family.

  Maybe she only cares about you, a small voice in his head offered and he instantly silenced it, furious at the thought.

  Whatever had transpired between them could not happen again. The risk of Giovanni or anyone else learning about it was far too grave and Ariano knew he would not get lucky twice where a don’s daughter was involved.

  “Yes,” he replied slowly. “He did.”

  “He didn’t want you to work for him?”

  “Miami is much nicer than Jersey,” Ariano replied, hoping that it would be the end of the conversation.

  Go to sleep, he begged her silently, not wanting to ruin what had been a perfect night otherwise. Let’s not talk anymore.

  “Why do I feel like there’s more to the story than you’re saying?” she asked suspiciously and Ariano released a groan of frustration.

  “I don’t know,” he replied, trying to cover up the inadvertent sound of annoyance. “Maybe you’re just tired.”

  The post-orgasmic look slowly vanished from her face and she sat up, pinning him with her gaze.

  “Am I bothering you?” she asked coldly, the familiar mask slipping over her face. “Sorry for wanting to know something about your life – after all, you know just about every fuckin’ thing about mine.”

  Ariano shook his head, sighing with frustration.

  “It’s been a long week, Celina,” he answered, wishing that he could go back in time a couple of minutes.

  “Oh yeah,” she snapped. “I forgot. You were busy chasing me around. Poor baby.”

  She tossed the sheet aside and dropped her manicured toes onto the hardwood.

  “Celina, where are you going?” he groaned. “Come on, don’t be like that.”

  “I made a mistake coming here,” she retorted. “I should get back to my car before Alex calls my father.”

  Ariano scoffed.

  “Now you’re worried about that?” he asked skeptically.

  She didn’t answer, throwing on her clothes haphazardly as Ariano watched her.

  “I’ll drive you back to your – “

  “I’ll call an Uber,” she interjected and Ariano knew there was no sense in arguing with her.

  “Celina – “

  “Goodbye, Ariano. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone about this,” she tossed over her shoulder as she slipped from the bedroom.

  Fuck. She is such a pain in the ass, he thought as he heard the front door close. A gorgeous, interesting, and funny one, but a pain in the ass no less.

  He sighed inwardly, knowing she was stubborn enough to stick to her pique until she was good and ready to talk to him again.

  I’ll give her a chance to cool off and tomorrow we’ll talk, he told himself.


  He pulled the Audi up to Celina’s building at seven a.m., scanning the area for Alex’s Mercedes.

  Where is that stronzo? He thought angrily, glancing at his cell phone. There was no text indicating that there had been a change of plans. As far as protocol went, Alex should be out here to meet him and go over any pertinent details from the night before. Ari was pretty sure that Alex wouldn’t be confiding any actual details though, he thought with an inward chuckle. No way would he admit to losing Celina on his first night guarding her.

  He fired off a message to Celina.


  Sitting back, he waited for a reply, his eyes again
raking over the lot.

  Opening his GPS tracker, he looked for the locator on Celina’s car, his annoyance growing with each second.

  But when the screen showed that her car was still in Miami and nowhere near Cutler, Ariano’s irritation dissolved into alarm.

  Dammit! he thought, putting the Audi in gear. Where did she go after she left my place?

  Once again, Ariano felt the unfamiliar jagged edges of jealousy slide through him. He took off toward the interstate, his mind racing.

  She was pissed but she’s not stupid. She wouldn’t go off grid without telling anyone where she is, no matter how much she loves to play games.

  As he raced down the road against morning traffic, he texted Alex.


  He dropped the cell on the dashboard and ground his teeth together, waiting for one of them to respond.

  Unable to concentrate, he dialed her number through the Bluetooth but it went directly to voicemail.

  “You know who you’ve reached. You know what to do.”

  He disconnected the call, remembering how much fun she’d had at Alex’s expense listening to his voicemails the previous night.

  No way am I going to give her the satisfaction of doing the same thing to me, he thought through clenched teeth, his foot hitting the gas even harder.

  Again, he enacted the hands-free and called Alex.

  After the third ring, he answered lazily.

  “Hello?” he drawled and his tone instantly infuriated Ariano.

  “Where the fuck are you?” he demanded. “You weren’t at the condo.”

  “Hmm?” he asked. “What do you mean? I saw you this morning when we traded shifts, paesano. Don’t you remember?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Alex? Where is Celina?”

  “You lost Celina?” Alex cried. “Does Giovanni know that? He’s gonna be pissed!”

  Ariano suddenly slowed the car, recognizing something sinister in Alex’s tone.

  “Where is Celina?” he demanded, his face growing hot with anger. “Alex, where the fuck did you leave her?”

  “Leave her? Last I knew, she was home. I followed her back in an Uber last night. She’s not there?”

  “Alex, I swear to God…wait, what do you mean you followed her home in an Uber. From where?”

  A low snicker piped through the phone.

  “I think we both know where she was coming from, asshole. And now you’re going to get what you deserve,” he gloated maliciously.

  Alex’s tone was like venom and Ariano knew he was in trouble, but at that moment, he had a bigger concern; finding Celina.

  “You saw her go into the condo?”

  “She’s your problem now, stronzo. I’ll call the boss if you want and let him know you lost his daughter after she spent the night at your place. And in the future, Ariano, if you’re gonna fuck her, maybe give me a call to give me the night off.”

  “You gonna tell Giovanni how you managed to lose her last night too?” Ariano retorted. “Because for all I know, you haven’t seen her since you lost her at the restaurant.”

  “And yet I know she was at your place and took an Uber. Not very gentlemanly, Ariano. Couldn’t even drive her home? I can’t really blame you, though. She’s such a bitch. I wouldn’t want her to stick around after I fucked her either.”

  Ariano’s back became a rod of steel.

  “Don’t you fucking talk about her like that,” he spat but his mind was working quickly.

  Why would she go back to Cutler without her car? That doesn’t make any sense. She was right there.

  Alex howled with evil glee.

  “You can’t drive the whore back to her car, but you’re defending her honor when I call her a bitch? You’re such a dick, Ariano.”

  “Fuck you, Alex.”

  He disconnected the call, debating what to do next.

  Somehow, he felt like Alex was lying to him, but the asshole had seen Celina leave and followed her home.

  She’s home and ignoring me, he thought. I’ll just go let myself into the condo if she doesn’t answer the door.

  He pulled into the parking lot of Rizzo and saw her car still in the lot, untouched but for a ticket for parking overnight unauthorized.

  Ariano snatched up his phone again and fired off another text to Celina.


  Of course there was no answer and as Ariano pulled the Audi back toward the interstate, he tried to tell himself that there was no need for the mounting alarm in his gut.

  She’s being typical Celina, he told himself. She’s still mad and her phone is off. In a few hours, I’ll find her and she’ll smirk at me as if I am the one being irrational.

  But when he found his way back to Cutler and rode up to the penthouse, letting himself into her place, Ariano’s fears were confirmed.

  She was not there and there was no sign that she had been there in hours.

  Had Alex lied to him or had she just pulled another disappearing act to evade him again?

  Ariano thought about how unnerved Celina had been the previous night, her desire to escape Alex’s watch.

  It had nothing to do with playing games.

  She had been nervous – or at least as close to nervous as she would ever let anyone see.

  No, Ariano thought firmly. Something’s wrong. She’s not playing games. Something’s happened to her.

  But what could he do except wait?

  Chapter Eleven

  What was going on?

  Celina blinked several times, trying to clear the fuzz which had shrouded her vision.

  She looked around the empty room for some indication of where she was or who was holding her but her head felt like it was filled with cotton.

  How did I get here?

  She willed herself to stay calm, her mind whirling back to the last things she could recall.

  I was with Ariano…at his place.

  The memory was fleetingly warm until she remembered she had left, annoyed and determined to leave him and their tryst behind her.

  I acted like a brat. I shouldn’t have expected some heartwarming pillow talk after the way I have treated him. He had every right to shut me down when I got too personal.

  Suddenly, she sensed someone else in the dark room. Either a rustling of clothing or the sound of someone breathing, she didn’t know which had alerted her, but she was one hundred percent positive that she wasn’t alone.

  Then she felt it. The terrifying feeling of a fingertip being dragged down the curve of her cheek and down her throat. Her breathing stopped and the rush of cold blood through her veins caused her to freeze for a moment.

  “No! Don’t touch me!” The words burst from her as her body started to thrash, trying to defy the bonds that held her secure.

  She wrenched her arms uselessly, but the shadow only laughed at her.

  “Shh,” he purred malevolently in her ear, her struggles completely ineffective as she continued to try and strike out at her abductor. “There’s no point in fighting, princess. You’re not going anywhere for a while.”

  “Who are you?” she cried, terrified. She hated to admit it, but she realized that over the years, her father’s orders that she be guarded at all times had actually kept her safe.

  It was too late now, but she quickly made a promise to herself that if she got out of this alive, she would never take her security detail for granted again – and she’d stop being such a bitch to them too.

  Why hadn’t she let Ari take her to her car last night?! Why did she always have to over-react? So what if he hadn’t wanted to share his whole life with her immediately. Did she really have the right to ask him to?

  She tried to blink and look around. It was then that Celina recognized she was blindfolded also.

  “What do you want?” she demanded, trying to sound braver than she actually felt.

  “Let me go! Do you know who my father is? He will kill you

  She cringed inwardly as she heard herself use the ‘daddy’ card. She never thought she’d actually appreciate the brutal reputation he had garnered in order to instill fear in everyone around them.

  The cruel laughter came from her left side, the man having moved silently around the back of her. Or maybe there was more than one man? The thought caused her to shiver anew.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” she demanded.

  The laughter stopped and the silence terrified her more than the sound of the unknown man rasping in her ear.

  Oh my God, she thought as she felt a cold, rough hand against the upper swell of her breast. She jerked her body to the side to get away from the creepy touch. A wave of dizziness hit her at she continued to struggle against her bonds.

  Her hands were firmly tied behind her back and as her mind slowly registered the danger she was in, she noted her feet were also bound to a simple metal chair.

  Celina wondered if she had a concussion.

  You have more serious things to worry about than a concussion, she yelled at herself.

  She wondered where her surveillance was now.

  They’re probably right where you left them, she reminded herself, furious at the way she had behaved.

  She remembered the Uber drive back to her car in the restaurant parking lot.

  I got out of the Uber and walked over to my car…

  That was where her memory went blank.

  Had the driver assaulted and kidnapped her? Had someone else taken her?

  None of it made sense, least of all what she was doing in this large stale room that smelled of rats and diesel fuel. She could only assume she was in an abandoned warehouse of sorts.

  Wait a sec…is this one of Papa’s places?

  A new feeling of confusion started to take over the terror. A slow, sick realization that she recognized the hellhole in which she sat.

  If this is one of Papa’s places, then he must know I’m here…no wait, that doesn’t make any sense.

  She tried to make her brain work properly, but whatever her captor had given her to keep her unconscious was weighing on her brain heavily.


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