The Adventures of Lizzy Bennet - Book 1: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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The Adventures of Lizzy Bennet - Book 1: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Page 8

by Kate Speck

  Richard groaned, “Damn it, Robert. I was in a foul mood and I was not thinking straight. She looks like what... seven or eight years old? William has every right to hurt me.”

  “Why are you so upset?” Robert asked. “Something is definitely wrong with you.”

  “I will explain when I grovel for William’s forgiveness.” He replied. “I need a drink. A steep one.”

  The brothers returned to find William sitting expressionlessly next to the little girl, who was holding the future viscount in her arms and cooing with Georgiana on her other side. Robert beamed and sat next to his wife while Richard sighed again and sat next to William, the only seat available.

  “Lizzy is so good with the baby, husband. She has three younger sisters and made little Stephen laugh already.” The viscountess shared.

  Robert smiled, “Yes, I can see, Sarah. I am very pleased to have made Miss Bennet’s acquaintance.”

  “All right, girls,” Miss Carter nodded. “Time to wash up and rest before dinner. Let us ensure the nursery is ready and see where we can have our lessons tomorrow. I am told Lizzy will have her own room as a special guest.”

  Lizzy and Georgiana curtseyed and departed with the governess. The nurse also carried Baby Stephen for a nap and Lady Lexington left with them.

  “I hope they will not be seen again for the remainder of the stay, Anne,” Lady Catherine commented. “Children are tedious and I am only glad my dear Anne is a proper lady who will dine with us now that she is out.”

  Richard whispered, “And that is why she needs a nap in the middle of the day and has not been down to greet us yet!” He looked next to him in anticipation of William laughing at his jest but found only the scowling eyes of his angry cousin.

  “Oh, Catherine, children are a treasure and I enjoy them immensely. It would be dull to sit only with adults all the time. I should like a stroll in the beautiful gardens before dinner, though. It has been too long since we were here last and I would like some fresh air.” Lady Anne stood and kissed Sir Lewis’ cheek and stepped outside with Mr. Darcy.

  “Father, while you catch up with Uncle Lewis,” Robert stood, “I would like to speak with William and Richard as well. We young men have much to gossip and giggle about.”

  Lord Matlock smiled, “Certainly, Robert. Go on. Walk your mother to her rooms first, son. She will need to rest as does my sister.”

  Lord Matlock and Sir Lewis conversed further while the ladies took a rest and the three young men moved to the library.

  Chapter 13

  Richard reached for the decanter first and poured the drinks. “I am sorry again, William. I know I behaved most ungentlemanly but I was angry and lost my mind for a moment.” He took a gulp and sat down after handing the glasses to the others. “Before you arrived, Cousin Anne’s companion came down to inform us that Anne was sound asleep and could not greet us. I know Mrs. Jenkinson from three years ago, when I met her for the first time in town. I proposed to her then, did you know?” He laughed to see his brother and William’s mouth agape. “I was eighteen and she laughed at me but I proposed and I have been in love since first meeting her. She was Miss Grantley before her elopement with James Jenkinson and he convinced her that if they eloped, her parents would provide for them with her £20,000 dowry and that they would live comfortably. He was a snivelling rake and a tradesman’s son and her parents disowned her instead, leaving her destitute when the fool died a year later after drinking too much and drowning in his own vomit. I chased her again last year when I found her in town to convince her to marry me but she disappeared and I had last heard that she took a position as a governess or a companion. Imagine my surprise when she walked into the drawing room here. She will not have me still and does not wish to even speak with me. What am I to do for the next fortnight?”

  “Good lord, I knew you loved someone but it was Laura Grantley?” Robert exclaimed. “I thought I recognised her but she looks much older than I remember. Her younger sister is what... fifteen or sixteen now?”

  “Her family does not speak of her nor acknowledge Laura’s existence.” Richard spat. “She was tricked by a cad and she has to pay dearly for her mistake and I only wish I had been older and perhaps she would have chosen me then. Because of my rage, I upset your friend, William, and I am deeply sorry.” He looked at his cousin, “Robert told me how much that little girl means to your family.”

  William breathed out, “I suppose if a woman I loved spurned me, I would be angry, too. I forgive you, Richard. Lizzy forgave you so I will forgive you, as long as you will be kind to her from now on. Even though she is only eleven years old, Lizzy is the most compassionate and intelligent human being I know and I am her blood-brother.”

  Richard smiled, “I understand. I thought she was much younger, closer to Georgie’s age, but she was quite sharp-witted during our brief conversation. She said she was Captain Gulliver.”

  “She is today. Tomorrow, she might be a pirate or Don Quixote or Joan of Arc. She is a precious thing and Georgiana’s favourite.” William smiled. “Now, what do we do about your situation? Is there no way to change her mind?”

  Robert furrowed his brows, “You know father will never allow it. As much as he professes himself of being a broad-minded, modern man, he will never allow our family name to be tainted with her disgrace. Miss Gran... I mean Mrs. Jenkinson, is penniless and nearly a servant, and she will never be accepted in society unless her family acknowledges her and reinstates her dowry.”

  “Why the hell does it matter what society says? Why does it

  always come down to wealth and status?” Richard cursed. “I will never marry anyone else and I will drag myself to the continent to make something of myself and take her away from all of this to marry her. Even if it takes years or decades, I will not give her up.”

  William sighed, knowing that prestige and honour were a high priority for the earl. Being a member of parliament and needing people to see him at his best, William understood why Uncle Henry could not accept such a woman into his family. “I am far from marrying and cannot even begin to contemplate what frustrations you must be going through, Richard, but I will support you in any way I can. I know you have orders to go to the continent next month and I only pray that you will return safely and find happiness in your life.” He stood and shook his favourite cousin’s hand.

  Robert and William spent the next quarter hour to plan their activities to keep Richard busy and to see if they could at least find some opportunities for the star-crossed couple to continue their friendship.


  “Will you show me how to fire a pistol, Major?” Lizzy begged. “Papa says I’m too little but with your expertise in the army, he will allow it, I’m certain!”

  “Lizzy, you are too small...” William warned, “your father will not be happy...”

  Lizzy waved him off, “You don’t know that, Will. Shush.” She returned her attention to Richard, “Did you already earn all those medals on your coat? Red coats don’t make any sense on the battlefield, as it is too bright and the enemy will spot you from miles away, but it is very dashing and will put the fear of God unto a man to see the mighty soldiers march in their direction. What kind of battles have you seen? Do you think you will actually meet Napoleon someday? I hope you give him a good whipping! He has been naughty and needs to be disciplined properly.” She continued her questions after questions as Richard smiled and humoured the clever girl.

  William stood and walked to the window and sighed. “What is the matter, Fitzwilliam?” He heard his father ask several minutes later.

  “Oh, nothing at all, sir.” William responded. “I promised Lizzy a ride on Snowflake today while Georgie is at the pianoforte but she is too busy asking about Richard’s military career that she has forgotten all about it. I am only a little restless, I think.”

  “Richard seems to be enjoying her company very much, I believe. After what you told me of their initial altercation, I wondered if Lizzy would hold a
grudge but she is not meant for melancholy and she finds joy in everything.” Mr. Darcy commented. “Perhaps you can go for a ride alone or I can join you if you wish, son.”

  William softly smiled, “Thank you, father. I know you have no desire to ride right now, since you are recovering from our hunt yesterday, and you are waiting for mother to rise soon. I will go outside and stretch my legs a little.”

  William discreetly left the drawing room and walked towards the stables. He was checking his horse’s saddle when he heard a familiar voice behind him, “How could you sneak off without me, Fitzwilliam Darcy?! I have been looking forward to our ride all day and you abandoned me instead of reminding me of the time.”

  “Well, you were so busy with Richard and his dashing red coat, that I thought you had forgotten all about it.” William turned and stuck his tongue out to tease her.

  Lizzy stood next to him and reached up to pat the horse’s neck. “I wouldn’t miss riding with you for the world, Will. I feel like I’m flying when you go fast and I feel safe only with you. I wish my sisters were here to enjoy Rosings with me but I’m glad to be here with you and Georgie.”

  William helped Lizzy up onto the saddle. “Kitty was too frightened to leave your parents for two weeks but you were very brave and I am glad you are with us. It is always more fun to have you around.”

  “I know you think I’ve been giving Major Richard too much attention but I felt like he needed the distraction. He seemed so sad and angry when I first met him and I don’t know what is bothering him but it felt like having him talk about his career cheered him up. I’m quite enthralled to make an acquaintance with an officer, of course, but I love you best and I hope you never forget, Will.” Lizzy declared. “You will always be my favourite brother.”

  William smiled broadly, “You are my favourite brother, Lizzy. Now, hold on tight. I will go a little faster for you today.”

  Lizzy laughed, “You know I always let go! Go fast, Will! Make him fly!”

  “And I will not let you go, Lizzy. I will always keep you safe.” William joined her laughter as they sped through the countryside on their horse together.


  “Georgie,” Lizzy whined sleepily, “I don’t understand why you keep having nightmares. You slept here in my rooms for two nights in a row and you kick me in your sleep. Your aunt is not a witch and will not roast you over a fire! I knew I shouldn’t have told you the story about witches and the Witchfinder General.” She sighed, as she lifted her counterpane to allow the girl into her bed. “Come, stay warm under with me.” They settled comfortably in the large bed together when they heard rapid rattling noises outside the bedroom.

  Georgiana grabbed Lizzy tightly while her friend held her breath. Lizzy finally whispered a moment later, “Oh, dear. You heard that, too, right? I fear it’s not a witch but perhaps a ghost that might be haunting this grand mansion. I heard that spirits who have unfinished business stay on after death and need the help of someone alive to step over to the next life. Tonight is Good Friday and perhaps it is the criminal on the cross next to Jesus who was not forgiven that visits us with unfinished business this night.”

  Georgiana began to whimper, “I don’t want to help any ghosts. The vicar said something about the Holy Ghost and I’m afraid of every ghost, holy or not. I’m terribly scared, Lizzy. What do we do?”

  “There’s only one thing to do, my brave squire.” Lizzy declared. “We make a run for your brother’s room! He will protect us!”

  The girls hurriedly jumped off the bed and ran to William's room to hide under the counterpane there.


  “Mr. Fitzwilliam, I must speak with you.” Mrs. Jenkinson softly whispered from the dark alcove while he was heading to the library with his brother and cousin.

  He nodded to the other gentlemen and walked with the companion to the billiards room for privacy. He closed the door after they entered and embraced her from behind. “Laura, I missed you. Have you reconsidered my proposal?” He kissed down her neck. “Will you marry me?”

  Laura turned and sighed while she cradled his cheek and gently kissed his lips. “I love you, Richard. I have loved you for a long time, but you know we can never marry. I needed to speak with you because of Lady Catherine’s plot to compromise your cousin. Young Mr. Darcy is in danger because Lady Catherine intends to place Miss Anne into his bed tonight and has demanded for me to give her a larger dose of her draught to make her sleep. After your cousin falls asleep, she intends to have her carried to your cousin’s bed, in order to discover them in bed together in the morning and tell his parents that young Mr. Darcy was so overcome with lust that he seduced poor Miss Anne into his room. They will be forced to marry and Lady Catherine knows full well that Miss Anne will never be able to bear an heir. Lady Catherine is blackmailing me that if I tell anyone of her plot, she would declare that I stole from her and have me tossed in jail. But I had to tell you, Richard. I know you care for your cousin.”

  Richard leaned and passionately kissed her for several minutes. “Thank you, Laura. I will not make it known that you told me of her plans, but I will find a way to expose her and keep both of my cousins safe.” He kissed her lips tenderly once again. “I love you. I will not give up on you but I will wait until our time is right. I know I am far too young and if you will only wait for me, my love, I will be worthy to be your husband one day. Thank you.”

  He quickly departed and ran into the library to tell Robert and William of their aunt’s evil plot.

  Chapter 14

  “How treacherous!” William exclaimed. “I will ask father to leave in the morning. I will not be compromised by anyone!”

  Robert chuckled, “Be prepared for years of sleeplessness, William. I have had many so-called fine ladies attempting to compromise me and I have had my valet toss out more than a handful of those virtuous ladies of good breeding before I married, and I am certain you will face many similar situations in the future. You are heir to a prosperous estate and will be highly desired as a husband. You must sleep with your doors locked and a chair placed behind the door like so.” The viscount showed his young cousin how to protect himself. “And make sure your valet sleeps in the dressing room in front of the servants’ door to block anyone from entering. These are some of the precautions you must take when you are away from home or have guests in your own. And never, ever be alone with a lady. Even with doors open, it takes one jump onto your lap and a scream, and your reputation is ruined. I know more than a few firstborn sons who were forced into marriage.”

  Richard scoffed, “How is it that this is the first time I am hearing of this? No one has attempted to compromise me and I feel like I am missing out!”

  Robert and William both laughed. “It is because the ladies know you will have your amusement then drop them onto the floor without regard to your reputation. The perk of a second son, little brother,” Robert smiled, “is that you can have your fun and only the lady’s reputation is ruined.”

  “What if I refuse to marry?” William asked, “I cannot be forced to marry, can I?”

  Robert answered, “If the lady is unscrupulous, it is likely that her father or brother are also and can challenge you to a duel. You might win but you might also be injured and your father and mine will be utmost angry that the family name is dragged through the mud. Best to avoid it all together, little cousin.”

  William scratched his head, “What do I do about Anne tonight, then? Should I sleep in another room? Where?”

  “Why not see if Georgie will change rooms with you for the night? Aunt Catherine will never suspect you to sleep in the nursery and Georgie does not have to know what is going on. Or Lizzy might be willing. She is a bright little thing and it might be easier to explain it to her than to Georgie. If Anne is in your bed and you are not there, Aunt Catherine’s sudden discovery of Anne in your bed will only expose her plot and father and Uncle George can deal with her then.” Robert offered.

  “I will see if I can
wake up Georgie and she can stay with Lizzy again. Be prepared to head to my rooms in the morning when Aunt Catherine makes her exposure.” William nodded and rushed up the stairs.

  He knocked gently on the door to one of the nursery rooms and hearing no sounds, he slowly opened the door to find his sister’s bed empty. He tapped on the bedroom door next to the nursery, each girl having given their own rooms at Rosings, and opened the door quietly, wondering if Georgie had gone to Lizzy’s room once again. He saw no one within either of the rooms and was curious where the girls might have gone.

  William walked down the corridor to his own room and hoped Aunt Catherine did not already carry out her plan. Everyone else had already retired for bed and only the young men had been awake. He opened the door slowly and lifted his candle with a smile, as he saw his beloved sister sleeping soundly with Lizzy next to her. They were cuddled together peacefully and looked like little cherubs.

  William kissed both of their foreheads and closed the bed curtains for warmth after covering them up with the counterpane. The fire was low and the air would chill during the night.

  He grabbed his essentials, having had dismissed his valet already, and went to Georgiana’s small room to take refuge for the night.


  A loud scream was heard early in the morning and the residents of Rosings Park ran to the sight of Lady Catherine standing at William’s open door in apparent shock.

  “How could he do this, Darcy?! Anne?! Your son has ruined my daughter and they must be forced to marry!” She shrieked. “I was checking on my daughter as I do every morning and not finding her in her bed, I walked here to see that your dissolute son has lain with her and there is nothing to do but to marry them. IMMEDIATELY!”


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