Back To Country (Country Love #4)

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Back To Country (Country Love #4) Page 17

by Vicki Green

  “I have somethin’ for ya,” he says looking down at me while rubbing up and down my arm that’s lying on his stomach.

  “Oh, yeah?” I smile wondering what in the hell he would have for me, well, other than more of what he just gave me. He reaches over me, giving me an incredible view of the valleys and plains of his chest and abs, pulls open the nightstand drawer, closes it and moves back to his former position. I hold in my gasp as he holds a small black velvet box, one a ring would fit in.

  “I’d originally gotten this for you for Valentine’s but thought it would be too soon. I think now, it’s perfect.”

  I look up at him and smile as I take the box from his hands. I scoot up into a sitting position, my back against the headboard. He does the same as he watches me. My nerves sky rocket as I lift the lid but calm immediately. In between a pair of earrings is a key. I pick it up and look up at him, smiling. “A little sure of yourself, weren’t you?” I snort. “So, you’ve been wanting to ask me to move in for a while, huh?”

  He smiles, shrugging. “I’m just always prepared. Actually, I was really hopin’.”

  I let out a laugh then examine the earrings more closely. “Oh, Nash! These are beautiful but they’re too much!” We hadn’t even really started seeing each other in February, even though our feelings were there, I’m sure. The earrings are small hoops that will dangle from my ears, each holding a heart shape outline with what appears to be small diamonds. “They look so expensive!” Coming from where I do, I’ve never been one for expensive things, never wanting to seem pretentious like my parents.

  “Hey.” His hand is on my chin, lifting until I look at him. “They weren’t expensive. I promise. They just caught my eye, and I could visualize you wearin’ them. I was ready back then to give you my heart so I thought, since we weren’t together then, I would start with these.” He leans over and kisses me. “Happy Valentine’s Day. Late.”

  Placing the key back between the earrings, I snap the case shut, setting it down on the mattress beside me and roll over on top of him in a blink of an eye. I kiss him hard, cupping his face. His arms wrap around me as he slides down further onto the bed. Moving my legs on either side of him, I straddle him, tilting my head to deepen the kiss. Reaching down, I grab ahold of his already hard cock and smile against his lips. “You are always ready. Condom?” I whisper. He points to the nightstand beside him and I reach over, trying to keep my mouth locked with his. I open the drawer and fumble around until I grab one. Reluctantly, I tear my lips from his and sit up, ripping open the condom. He watches in fascination and I cover his length. Having never done this before, I was quite proud. Raising up, I hold onto his massive cock and lower myself onto it. Slowly. My head falls back, feeling so much fuller of him this way. Oh, my Lord! We’re gonna have to do it this way more often! Bringing my head up, I begin rocking. His hips buck as he grabs mine, helping me by raising me up and back down as I continue to rock forward and backward. I start moving faster, those familiar waves of desire fluttering in my legs and stomach. Suddenly, he sits up, halfway, and covers my mouth with his just as I reach my climax.

  He makes the most guttural moan into my mouth and begins rubbing my swollen clit, fast and hard. Can you actually have more than one orgasm during sex? Apparently, you can. Desire builds quickly and before he ends the kiss, I yell out his name, falling against his chest. Damn! I’m not gonna be able to walk tomorrow. Maybe I can use that as an excuse to miss work and lay around in his bed all day? I am one of the bosses.

  “That was....” He doesn’t finish as he lays me down onto the mattress and is gone again. Once he’s cleaned me, I’m back in his arms, exhausted. I feel him kiss my forehead too tired to open my eyes. “Sleep now, Beauty,” he whispers. He doesn’t have to ask me twice.

  I wake up stretching my arms up over my head while I unfold my legs, moving them out the length of the bed. “Oh!” I whisper when I feel the soreness I knew would be there. I look around the room, feeling a little disoriented but oh so happy. The light of the day is hidden behind thick wooden blinds covering the large windows, just peeking in from the very small slits. It looks like the fire has been refreshed in the fireplace making the room toasty warm. I look around the room, pulling the covers up to my chest, loving the feel of his sheets and comforter. Turning my head, I smell his pillow and sigh out loud. Damn, that smells wonderful!

  “Did you just smell my pillow?”

  My head snaps the other way and I watch Nash walking towards the bed, carrying a tray. “Maybe?” I smile.

  I scoot up in bed, leaning against the headboard, and he sets the tray over my lap. Leaning down, he kisses me softly. “Mornin’.” He smiles. I look down at a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast with a large glass of orange juice.

  “Thank you. This looks delicious and I’m starving!” I pick up the fork and take a big bite of eggs then pick up a piece of bacon and take a bite.

  “Well, I’m sure it’s not as great as your cookin’ but I do all right,” he says sitting down on the bed.

  “It’s great.” I tilt my head at him. “I thought you would be out doing your chores? Don’t you all get up in the middle of the night to start on them?” He chuckles, the low voice going straight down south. Ouch! Too sore.

  “I got up around five, did some, then came back to make you breakfast.”

  “Oh.” I take another bite of a spoonful of eggs and bacon. “I should probably leave soon. Need to get to the shop,” I mumble, not really wanting to leave. Instead, I’d love to follow him around and learn about all these chores he does then maybe end back here in bed. I might have to soak in a hot tub before that. I wonder if Epsom salts would help.

  “Or....” My brows raise. Maybe he has the same idea. “You could go to your apartment and start packin’ everythin’ and move in by tonight.” I let out a laugh or it could have been a snort. Hard to tell.

  “Even though I’m more than anxious to do just that, it will take a while to get everything packed and I have the shop to run.” His brows lower in thought.

  “I could come help pack while you’re work!” He’s just too amazing for words.

  “Uh, don’t you have a ranch to run?” His brows lower again. I pick up the tray and move it to the other side of the bed, moving my legs over and sitting beside him, I put my hand on his. “We have time, you know. It might take a week or two but then it will be forever. Right?”

  He leans into me, kissing me. Shit! I really need to brush my teeth! “You’re right. Of course. We both have busy workin’ schedules and there is time. I guess I just want you here with me as soon as possible.” He kisses me again and I instantly forget everything around us.

  I hated having to leave but shortly after I finished eating and well, a little playtime with Nash, I drove home. Home. The apartment over the shop has never really felt like a home, just a place that kept all my stuff. In fact, all my life I’ve never felt like I’ve lived in an actual home. Not a normal one, by anyone’s standards. I don’t know what it feels like to be comfortable, having love surround me. I’ve heard of people going home and having talks with their moms, be hugged by their dads. Hell, my only true family was the maid, Leslie, and my nanny/cook, Barb. Our butler, George, was more like a real dad to me. Maybe now I can have the one thing I’ve always wanted. To feel loved.

  By the time I got to my place, showered and changed, I went downstairs to check on things at the shop. It’s full of customers and only Misty is behind the counter. I grab an apron from the back and walk out there while tying it around my back. “Where’s Pam? I thought she was going to be here,” I ask her after talking an order.

  “Oh! She called in saying her daughter is ill.” She shrugs.

  “Oh, no! I hope she’ll be okay.” I hand change back to a customer and take another order.

  “She says the flu is going around. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”
She hands a customer their coffee and smiles. “Thank you. Next.”

  I walk over, get a plated sandwich and take it back to the counter, handing it and a cup of hot tea to a nice looking woman. “That’ll be five twenty-six, please.” She hands me six dollars.

  “I just love your food and drinks. Keep the change.” She smiles.

  “Thank you. Have a great day.” I take another order and grab a cup. “Why didn’t you text me? I wouldn’t have taken so long to come in and help,” I ask Misty as I fill the cup and hand it to the customer.

  She takes another order and starts filling it. “I did. Three times.” Well, shit. I never even checked my phone. I was a little – busy. “It’s okay. I’ve been managing.”

  I look at the small crowd in the shop and then at her. “As soon as this rush is over, please go take an extra-long break. You deserve it.” She smiles and we continue to make our way through the crowd.

  Half an hour later, the shop is nearly empty with the exception of the few people sitting and finishing their food and drinks. “Go take a long break. Go shopping!” I tell Misty.

  “Oh! That’s a great idea! Thank you. Are you sure?” She begins to remove her apron.

  The bell over the door rings and I blow a big tuft of hair from my face, hoping we don’t have another rush. I smile when I see Sadie walking towards the counter. “Hey, ladies. Need any help?” I give Misty a wink.

  “I’ll see you two later,” Misty says walking to the back room. I watch her come out with her purse and coat and walk out of the shop.

  “Just in time,” I tell Sadie. “C’mon. There’s a lull right now. Wanna cup of coffee or tea?” She nods and walks over to a table next to the windows and sits. “So, where are the kids?” I ask as I pour us both coffee. I take them over to the small table and sit down.

  “Oh! Memphis is keeping an eye on them. They both aren’t feeling very well today. I hear the flu is going around. I hope that’s not what it is.” She takes a sip of her coffee.

  “I hope it isn’t either. Funny, Misty said Pam called in saying her daughter has the flu.” We drink in silence, both in our own thoughts.

  “So....” She grins, holding her cup with both hands.

  “So....” I grin back.

  “I saw you leave with Nash last night. Rumor has it you didn’t go home and just got here a little while ago.” She takes a sip, her brow raise high.

  “What are you my mom?” We both laugh. I take a drink, letting her linger a little. “He wants me to move in with him!” I blurt. Okay, so I’m not so good at keeping secrets or surprises.

  “What? That’s wonderful!” She reaches across the table and pats my hand.

  “Wait here.” I stand, run into the back room to grab my purse in my locker, and then return to the table, setting the small black velvet box down on the table in front of her. She picks it up and opens it, letting out a gasp. “He said it was a late Valentine’s gift.”

  “That means....” She smirks.

  “Yeah. I guess he’s wanted to ask me for a while.” I bite my lip.

  “Are you going to?”

  “Yes?” I start chewing on my cheek.

  She laughs. “Tina. You’re not sure?”

  “Mostly?” She slides the box back to me and I pick it up. Taking out the key, I stare at it. “It’s a big step.” I look back at her and she nods. “We haven’t even really had an official date yet.” She nods again. “God! I’m gonna move in with my cowboy!” We both squeal. I look around quickly but no one notices us.

  “When do you move in?” she asks excitedly.

  “Well, between the shop and the boarding house, I think it’ll only take a couple of weeks to get everything packed.”

  We spend the next hour talking about all things Nash and his huge house. Of course, I had to tell her all about last night too. That’s what best friends are for.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I wanted to scream “YES!” from the top of the highest mountain. Wanted to run to every one of our friends’ houses and tell them all the news. I wanted Tina to stay and make love to her all day and night. I didn’t want her to go. She nearly didn’t. We kissed. We fondled. Once we’d gotten dressed, we nearly tore each other’s clothes off. But Bart texted me that another part of a fence broke down and the cows were scattered all over the place. Is this the world tryin’ to keep us apart again? Sure feels like it.

  “Guess you’d better go so you can get to work,” I whisper as we stand next to her car. I kiss her, hard, huggin’ her tightly.

  “Guess you’d better get to fixing that fence.” She kisses me back, tugging on my hair.

  It took twenty minutes before she got in her car and I watched her drive off.

  The day has been long, mendin’ fences and gatherin’ up all the cows that wandered off. Makes me wonder why in the hell the previous owners of this ranch didn’t take care of things better. Then again, maybe that’s why they sold it. Maybe it became too much for them, or maybe it just wasn’t somethin’ they could manage. Regardless, even with all the things that need updatin’ here, I’m glad I was able to buy it. Over time, I’m sure everythin’ will be like new.

  Now, it’s been a long time since Pa passed and a house has felt like a home. Large. Empty. Lonely. But there’s nothin’ like a woman to help fill the loneliness of a man’s heart, fill his bed with love, and make new memories. Now, I’m truly blessed that Tina said she’d move in with me. Fuck if she don’t make my heart skip a beat every time I’m near her. Sometimes it feels as if somethin’s tryin’ its best to keep us apart but I’ll be damned if I’ll let that keep me from gettin’ the woman of my dreams. Of my heart. I aim to do anythin’ to keep her. Nothin’ will stand in my way.

  After finishin’ all my chores, I cook some steak and taters for me and the guys then flip through channels on the TV, mindlessly. By nine o’clock, I turn everythin’ off and head up to bed. I’m lyin’ here, with my arm underneath my head, starin’ up at the ceilin’ wonderin’ what Tina’s doin’. Did she have a good day? Is she closin’ up the shop or already snuggled in her bed? Fuck if I don’t wish she was in mine. Rollin’ over onto my side, I stare at the wall, thinkin’ about last night and early this mornin’. The look on her face when she opened my gift. She hesitated, at first, knew she would. It’s a big step for her. One thing I love about her, drew me to her, is her innocence, everythin’ being so new for her. I love that it’s me that gets to give her so many of her firsts. I roll back over onto my back and start to get frustrated. Fuck, I’m so horny. But not just for sex. No. I want to make love to her, feel her beneath me. Lavish her entire body with kisses. Adore her. I move over onto my left side, pick up my phone from the nightstand and unplug the charger then move onto my back, again. I find her number easily.

  “Hello.” She sounds as if she’s been sleepin’ for a while. I look at the clock. Ten fifteen. Strange.

  “Hey, Beauty.” Just hearin’ her speak even one word catches my breath.

  “Nash. Are you okay?” Her voice is hoarse but now I’m thinkin’ it’s not from sleep. I hear rustlin’ then she starts sneezin’.

  “I’m on my way over,” I say matter of fact. She won’t go through this alone.

  “No! Nash!” She sneezes again and blows her nose. “I think I have the flu. It’s going around. I don’t want you to take a chance and get sick. I’ll be fine.” She starts coughin’.

  I jump outta bed and start pullin’ up my jeans, holdin’ the phone against my shoulder with my ear. “Nope. I won’t hear of it. You’re sick and I’m on my way there to help you. You shouldn’t be alone.” I start hoppin’, tryin’ to get my foot through the pant leg. “What do you need? I’ll stop at the store on the way over.”

  “Really. I don’t need anything.” She starts coughin’ again then
more sneezin’. I set the phone down and pull my shirt over my head. “I don’t want you to get this. Please, don’t come over.”

  “Tina. I’m gonna take care of you. There’s nothin’ you can say that’ll stop me.” Puttin’ on my boots, I run down the stairs and grab my coat from the front closet. “Just hang tight. I’m on my way.”

  “Nash. Don’t – oh God!”

  The sounds of her gettin’ sick, echoes in my ear then I hear a click. Pullin’ the phone away from my ear, I see the call ended. I climb into my truck, spinnin’ the wheels against the pavement as I push on the gas pedal hard. She’s sick and alone. I speed down the road and once in town, I’m thankful our grocery store stays open late. I go inside, hurryin’ to get a bunch of oranges, juice, soup, and some over the counter medicine that might help her. I’ve never taken care of anyone before and have no idea what all to get. Hell, I don’t know what she has at her place that I could fix her. I pick up a case of 7Up and head to the check out.

  “Nash. You okay? Looks like you’re gettin’ enough stuff for several sick people.” Shelly, the cashier, gives me a funny look as she checks out my stuff. “There’s a bad case of the flu goin’ ‘round town. You didn’t pick it up, did ya?”

  “Nah,” I say anxiously. “It’s for my – girlfriend.” Fuck that sounds good.

  “Oh! Well, I had no idea,” she murmurs, ringin’ up the last thing. “Hope she gets to feelin’ better.”

  She gives me my total and I swipe my credit card. “Thank ya,” I tell her as I pick up the two sacks and case of 7Up and head outside. I’d parked in front of Tina’s shop so I wouldn’t take up a space for others at the store. I walk around the shops buildin’, into the small alley, and up the stairs. Damn, I wish I had a key to her apartment so she didn’t need to get up and let me in. I knock on the door, almost droppin’ one of the sacks. Nothin’. No sounds comin’ from inside. I wonder if she fell asleep. Dammit! Now, I’ll end up wakin’ her. I close my hand into a fist, keepin’ ahold of both sacks with my left arm, and start poundin’ on the door. “Tina! It’s me, Nash!” Dammit! I don’t know what to do. Suddenly, the door opens. “Tina.” Now, I’m not a stupid man. When I saw her, I immediately wanted to say “Darlin’, you look horrible”, ‘cos, well, she does. But I know better than to say that to a woman.


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