Passion's Sweet Surrender

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Passion's Sweet Surrender Page 21

by Ronica Black

  “Yes,” Blake managed. “Anything. Anything to get you to stop—or to get more. God, I want more. More than this. Please.”

  “Then tell me,” Cam said, once again moving lower. “You were where? In the house?”

  “Mm, the bedroom. The others were gone, on walks or on the ATVs.”

  “And what did you do in the bedroom?” She lightly kissed her where she’d sucked, teasing.

  “I—got my book and got onto my bed.”

  “Did you undress?”

  “No. I was too afraid someone would suddenly return.”

  “What did you have on?”

  “My bikini.”

  “Keep going,” she said.

  Blake started to speak but was jolted back at the feel of her tongue circling her nipple.

  “Cam—I can’t I—” She felt Cam’s hand trail down to her waistband where she unbuttoned her pants. A second later, she slid into her panties and found her flesh.

  Blake rocked back as she quickly explored her, groaning wickedly when she found her excitement. She coated her with it and then began stroking her cleft.

  Blake pulled at the back of her shirt and lifted her hips as her eyes rolled at the pleasure shooting up through her.

  “You were saying?” Cam stroked her slowly, carefully, as if she were searching for the correct pressure and speed needed to keep Blake at a level of ecstasy she could handle enough to speak.

  “You were reading,” Cam said, at her ear.

  “Mm, I was reading. And I thought of you—of us. The way we argued—the way I—wanted to dislike you and forget about you but I couldn’t. I was so attracted to you—wanted you. We were so much like those two characters. And when I got to the first love scene—I thought of you. Imagined you wearing that blue robe, with your hair and skin wet, fresh from the shower. And I—slipped my hand in my bikini bottoms and touched myself.”

  Cam heightened her stroking and surprised her with a hungry kiss. Blake clung to her and brought her other hand to her face, holding her, meeting her tongue with her own as she met her giving hand with the eager pulse of her hips.

  Cam took her close to the brink of climaxing before she slowed again and halted the kiss.

  “Did you come fast or did you take your time?” she asked breathlessly, her lips still touching Blake’s as she spoke.

  “I climaxed quickly at first, unable to resist. And then I started again and took my time.”

  Cam moved back down to her breasts, this time breathing on the one her fingers had teased. “You drew it out,” she said, kissing the center of it like she’d just done her mouth.

  Blake arched into her swirling tongue and knotted her fingers in her hair. “Ye—yes. I wanted it to last. Wanted to imagine being with you as long as I could. When I got close, I stopped.”

  “How many times?”

  “Three, four times. I don’t remember.”

  “And then?”

  “And then, I couldn’t take it anymore. And—I—”

  “Tell me. Tell me how you came.” She took her in her mouth again and changed the rhythm of her stroking.

  Blake fought for control, but there was none to be had, the pleasure too great, too intense, too unbelievably fucking good.

  “I gave in and I—made myself come. So hard. So—Jesus, Cam. Like now. I’m going to come so hard now, Cam. You’re making me come.” She clenched her eyes as Cam sucked her and stroked her into a pleasurable oblivion where she called out her name again and again, digging her fingers into her scalp and back, desperate to keep her there, giving to her as she pulsed into her mouth and hand for what felt like an eternity before she finally stilled.

  Cam eased away from her, her hand still nestled between her legs.

  “I’ve got to get you more of those books. A lot more.”

  Blake laughed, deep and throaty. She gently tugged on her hair, bringing her up to her. “Now that I’ve admitted I enjoyed one, I guess it would be silly to try and refuse.”

  “You can still read them secretly if you’d like. But I would appreciate you giving me all the details later.”

  “About the book or about what I got up to while reading it?”

  “All of it.”

  Blake kissed her, long and soft, relishing the careful probing of Cam’s tongue. Cam was so deliberate, taking her time, as she began moving her hand again between Blake’s legs. She started slowly there as well, carefully, like her kiss, and massaged in a circular motion.

  Blake’s audible reaction was swallowed by Cam and her tongue, and she responded like the noise was sustenance, the fuel she needed to keep giving, and her kiss and touch both became frenzied.

  In seconds, Blake was climbing toward another climax, but she didn’t want to come, not yet, not again, not without Cam. With all the strength she had, she shoved her away, severing their connection. Blake hurriedly pounced on her, wanting the return of that pleasure and the capability to give it to Cam.

  She fumbled with her pants and Cam laughed at first but then seemed to sense Blake’s seriousness and fell silent. When Blake finally unsecured the button and zipper and curled her fingers over the waistband to pull them down, she paused.

  “Is this okay?” Their environment and its impact were still something Blake had concern over.

  She heard her gasp for breath.

  “If you don’t want to, I understand.”


  Blake heard her swallow.

  “I’m okay.” She lifted her hips and helped Blake lower her pants. Then Blake lifted her shirt and, after grazing her fingers along her chest, unfastened and removed her bra.

  “I wish I could see you,” Blake said, angling herself toward her on the seat. She traced her fingers down her neck to her breasts, where she held them and brought them to attention with the purposeful movement of her thumbs. Her breasts were small, with large areolas, and Blake resisted the urge to take them in her mouth, and instead, enjoyed pebbling their smoothness with the tease of her thumbs. Cam let out a shaky sigh and covered Blake’s hands with her own, obviously approving of Blake’s decision.

  “Now I really wish I could see you,” Blake said. “See your face.”

  “This…the dark. It heightens our senses. I like it.”

  She encouraged Blake to increase her touching by guiding Blake with her own hands.

  “It’s been so long,” she said. “I forgot how—good it feels.”

  Blake leaned in and whispered in her ear. “I’m so glad, Cam. So glad I can make you feel good. But touching you like this and hearing how much you’re enjoying it, is driving me crazy. I can’t hold back much longer.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to make it last for you.”

  “I want it to last, too. But that’s not going to be possible. I don’t know if it’s because it’s been so long for me, or if it’s because it’s you. Whatever the reason, I feel like you do. I have no control over what my body wants. And it wants you, Blake. Now. So, please, don’t hesitate. Because it will be pointless. Because I won’t let you.”

  “Oh, my God, Cam,” Blake said, taking her face in her hands. She kissed her until she could no longer think or breathe, and then she tore away and pressed her back into the seat and shoved her hand inside her panties and just about died at how hot and slick she was. Cam reacted to her touch with a sharp cry and inched farther down on the seat, giving Blake better access.

  “Yes,” Blake said, loving how much more of her she could feel. “Open yourself for me.”

  “Blake,” she said, as Blake explored her, purposely avoiding her most sensitive spot. “Touch me.” She grabbed her hand and tried to move it upward.

  Blake slid up to her clit, grazed it. “Here?”

  Cam tensed and tightened her grip. “Yes.”

  Blake framed her clit and stroked her side to side.

  “God, yes,” she hissed. “Like that.”

  Blake kissed her neck again, this time using her tongue, occas
ionally lingering and sucking. She felt Cam arch and she groaned with her chin tilted toward the ceiling.

  “You like it like this?” Blake asked.


  “How about this?” She stroked her up and down, squeezing her between her fingers.

  “Fuck! Yes, oh God.” She struggled for breath and Blake changed again to a circular motion.

  Cam nearly came up off the seat and groaned. “Faster,” she said, digging her nails into Blake’s arm.

  Blake complied, getting wetter by the second. “Like this?”

  “Yes. Fuck. Oh, God—yes.” Her body tensed and she clung to Blake’s back. Blake knew she was close to climaxing. She stopped her pleasurable assault just long enough to dip her fingers into her.

  Cam stiffened. “Why did you stop?” She sounded like she could hardly speak.

  “I just wanted more lubrication.” She coated her fingers and slid back up to her most needful spot. “See?”

  Cam shuddered and she seemed to melt. “Yes,” she said. “Oh, yes, I definitely see.”

  “Just relax. I’m not going to stop again. I know what you like and I’m going to give it to you.” She fell into the same rhythm as before. Slowly at first. Building Cam’s pleasure.

  “Make me come?”

  “Yes, I’m going to make you come.”

  Cam rested her head back against the seat. She twitched as Blake moved faster.

  “I’m going to make you come hard, like you did me. Are you ready?”


  Blake lowered herself to her breast and took almost its entirety into her mouth and sucked her. Cam cried out and held the back of her head.

  “Ah, Blake. Like that. Fuck. Ah, it feels so good.”

  She lifted her hips and Blake moved even faster, sucked her hard and listened with delight at Cam’s cries in response.

  “Make me come. Blake—make me. Oh, God. Now. Ah, fuck yes, now. Blake—”

  Her cry was powerful, as was the shock that went through her body, arching her into a rigid stillness and then ravaging through her with convulsions.

  Blake stayed with her, sucking and touching, making sure Cam took all she could get from her, ensuring her orgasm was as close to earth-shattering as it could get. And Cam took it all, voicing illegible words, clinging to Blake and grinding her flesh into her hand. She took beyond what Blake could’ve imagined and instead of falling back into the seat with exhaustion, she pulled Blake up onto her and kissed her vehemently while riding out the last few strokes from her hand.

  Blake was so aroused, she shifted onto her thigh and started in on her own grinding, her flesh so hungry and full feeling, she thought she might burst if she didn’t get release. Their kiss continued as their mutual pleasure met and fell into place side by side. And it wasn’t long before Blake was moaning into her, on the edge of climax, about to spill over when Cam surprised her and bucked into her furiously, tearing her mouth away and coming again with short, loud, cries.

  Blake came then, fast and furious, so moved by Cam’s second climax she almost came out of her body. She shouted out her name over and over until Cam finally stilled and her own orgasm finally doused, the last of the flames inside her smoldering.

  She fell against her and Cam wrapped her in her arms. Neither of them spoke. They just held each other and breathed, existing in the moment.

  A loud ringing came from the front of the car, an automated voice alerting that the caller was Sloane.

  “Of all the times for the phone to get a signal,” Cam said, as her cell continued to ring.

  Blake nuzzled her neck and laughed. “At least it let us finish before it intruded.”

  “Finished? I wasn’t anywhere close to being finished.”

  “Don’t say that or I won’t sleep tonight.”

  “I’ll be tossing and turning right along with you.”

  The ringing stopped but then beeped, alerting to a message, followed by more beeps from texts.

  “I wonder why she hasn’t called my phone,” Blake said.

  “Yours probably isn’t getting a signal.”

  Blake laughed.

  “You know, we could just toss our phones out the window for a while,” Blake said.

  “I considered that. But what if it’s about Tomas?”

  “Oh, right. Good point.” Blake kissed her. “Raincheck?” She laughed, mimicking McKenna.

  “God, I hope so.”

  “We’ll make it happen.”

  “Swear to me, we will.”

  “I swear.”

  They kissed again before Blake climbed off of her and dressed, hoping as much as Cam that they’d be able to deliver on that promise.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Cam pushed the button to turn off the engine and looked over at Blake. Cam smiled, Blake looking a lot like she did the previous evening after they’d made love, with her messy hair and flushed face. Her eyes were clear and vibrant, with lids that looked heavy with calm. Even her blinking was slow. And when her smile came, it was lopsided in a satisfied, yet still somewhat amorous, kind of manner.

  “Would you like to come in?” Cam reached for her hand. They’d just pulled into the garage, beckoned home by Sloane’s phone call. She’d called Cam to see if Blake was with her, because, funnily enough, she couldn’t get through on Blake’s phone, the signal, apparently not working. She and McKenna were worried and wanted to be sure Blake had connected with Cam at the hospital, which was, Cam suspected, their plan all along.

  Cam hadn’t yet responded to the voice mail or texts. She and Blake had both decided to let Sloane and McKenna sweat a little. Served them right for setting them up like they had.

  “Of course, I would like to. But should I? Should we…?”

  The quiet ride back to the house had seemed to give Blake pause.

  “Why don’t you come inside and search for your answer there?” Cam skimmed her lips across Blake’s inner wrist. She straightened as if Cam had kissed her along her spine.

  “Sloane and Kenna are worried. They won’t quit calling until they know I’m safe.”

  “Then Sloane shouldn’t have left you. They had to have considered that we might not actually cross paths in this little plan of theirs.”

  Blake laughed. “You have no idea the lengths they go to sometimes. And with this, with you and me…I’m sure Sloane somehow, someway, made sure we would at least cross paths. She probably timed dropping me off perfectly to coincide with you leaving.”

  “Still, she couldn’t have been certain we would agree to ride home together.”

  “I’d say she was pretty certain about that. After all, we did end up in the car together, didn’t we? I hate to admit it, but all in all, their little scheme worked. The only hiccup was them not being able to get through to me to make sure I was, indeed, with you.”

  “Let ’em worry a little while longer.” She ran her tongue along the edge of her palm where she’d teased with her lips. Blake inhaled and trembled.



  “God, what you do to me. I couldn’t say no to you if my life depended on it.”

  Cam grinned. “Let’s go.”

  Blake hesitated for only a second before she nodded and they exited the car. Cam closed and locked the garage and then took Blake by the hand to run along the side of the house that wasn’t exposed to Sloane’s. They climbed up the steps to the patio and Cam cussed, first at the spotlight-like illumination of the patio light, and then with the keys.

  The dogs barked as she unlocked the door, and she shushed them and allowed them out for a quick potty break. She left the door open a sliver for them after she pulled Blake in behind her. She didn’t turn on any additional lights. Just left the lamp by the couch and the one in her den on. She didn’t want to call any attention whatsoever to their presence.

  All she wanted was Blake.

  And she wanted her all to herself.

  Cam entwined her fingers in hers and
kissed her softly on the lips. Blake leaned into her slightly and sighed, the kiss seeming to be as blissful to her as it was to Cam. When they parted, however, the concern Cam had seen in her earlier was furrowing her brow.

  “I’m fine,” Cam said, trying to smooth the worry from her forehead with her thumb.

  “Are you sure? With everything…you know…that’s happened? Tonight even?”

  She was referring to what they’d just done in the back seat of the Rover. She was offering her a way out if she needed it. But Cam didn’t need it. She hadn’t, and wasn’t, feeling anything negative about their time in the car. Her mind had been, and continued to be, focused solely on Blake. So much so, she’d been thrumming with desire for her again before they’d even pulled into the driveway. She’d even devised a plan on the short drive home, on how they could secretly enter the house without being seen.

  “I’m positive.” Cam stretched a little on her toes to kiss Blake on her forehead. She’d never been with a woman as tall as Blake and she found it sexy. Her height alluded to her strength, and Cam couldn’t help but wonder how that strength would match up against her own. She was pretty strong with all the physical labor she did, but Blake just might have an edge on her. She found the possibility of that, too, sexy, and she was curious to test that out at some point.

  “I don’t want you to go,” Cam said, trying to convince her with her eyes as well as her words.

  The dogs nosed open the door and trotted inside, bringing with them the sound of voices. Loud, calling, female voices.

  Blake closed her eyes and rubbed her temple. “We’ve been found.”

  Cam peeked out the door and saw Sage and Rylee approaching the patio.

  “Come back tonight,” Cam said, tugging her close.

  “Sneak out? In the middle of the night?” She laughed. “Cam, I—”

  “You’re right, it’s crazy.” She chuckled a little. “I’m getting carried away. Getting a little crazy myself.” She started to back away, but Blake grabbed her forearm.

  “This whole thing is crazy,” she said. “But it feels so good I don’t really give a fuck. How’s that for crazy? You’re not the only one acting out of character here.”


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