Winter’s Fairytale

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Winter’s Fairytale Page 15

by Maxine Morrey

  ‘Then what? Why act like that? How would you feel if you were invited by my family and all I did was come up with alternatives and excuses for you not to come?’

  ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.’

  ‘Then how did you mean it?’

  ‘I don’t know. I just… I was just embarrassed and feeling awkward that Mum was doing her thing again, even after you’d made it clear you have no interest in any sort of relationship at the moment.’

  ‘Rob, she wasn’t doing “a thing”. All she was doing was being kind and generous.’

  ‘Yep. You’re probably right.’

  ‘I am right.’ I paused, ‘But what I really need to know now is if this is all going to be a problem for you. It’s your home and your family. If having me there is going to just weird you out too much, then it’s ok. Really. I’ll come up with an excuse and can just pop down for the fitting and the wedding.’

  ‘It’s not going to weird me out, Izzy. I promise.’


  ‘One hundred per cent,’ he caught my hands in his, taking care to avoid my arm this time. ‘Forgive me?’


  ‘What can I do to tip that into a more positive response?’

  I thought. ‘Promise me something.’

  His face turned wary, ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Just tell me the truth next time?’

  Rob dropped his gaze to our hands. ‘Promise,’ he said softly. ‘Does this mean I’m forgiven?’

  ‘I suppose. But only because I like your family more than you.’

  ‘Fair enough. So you’re still coming?’

  ‘I’m still coming.’ I smiled, ‘Assuming I don’t have pneumonia from standing out on the street talking to you!’

  Quickly he bustled me back inside the coffee shop and we re-joined the others.

  Chapter Twelve

  ‘So how come you were in town?’ Rob asked.

  I pulled a face. ‘I managed to drop my laptop last night. Emergency trip to John Lewis this morning.’

  ‘Is that when you hurt your arm?’

  ‘Yeah, I sort of slipped on the stairs.’

  ‘You sort of slipped?’

  ‘Yes. My shoes were soaked and I guess they slipped.’


  I hadn’t looked at him as I made my explanation but I knew his Spidey senses were tingling. He didn’t believe a word of it.

  ‘You should show Mike your arm.’ I flicked my gaze up. Rob held it evenly.

  ‘I take it back. You’re still a pain in the arse.’ I whispered. ‘It’s fine.’ I said louder, ‘Just a bruise.’

  ‘It’d probably be good if I checked it though.’ Mike replied, ‘Just to be sure. Especially if you’re humping about bolts of fabric.’

  I shot Rob a look. He shrugged it off. I slipped off my coat and pushed my jumper sleeve up to the elbow. It had taken a turn for the worse last night and was now the most delightful assortment of bruising colours.

  ‘Izzy!’ Jenny exclaimed.

  ‘Does it hurt?’ Mike dropped into medic mode and started feeling my arm and getting me to move it and tell me which bit hurt. Although the latter was pretty evident to all as I attempted to yank my hand away when he got to the worst bit.

  ‘I can’t feel any obvious breaks but it’s clearly swollen and bruised. I can arrange for an x-ray to double check.’

  ‘I’m sure it’s not broken.’ I said, cheerily. There was no way I could afford for it to be broken!

  Mike understood. ‘I think we should definitely keep an eye on it though. In the meantime, I’m going to strap it up. It needs to be supported. I’ve got some magic cream in here too that should help with the pain a little.’ He delved into the bag he’d been carrying when the men had entered.

  I peered in as he began pulling items out. ‘Do you always carry all this stuff?’

  ‘Not usually. The basics normally. But I was refereeing Rob’s rugby match this morning. And you never saw such a bunch of big babies in your life.’ he teased his mate as Rob pulled a face.

  Mike applied the cream and then wrapped my arm and hand in a crepe bandage, leaving my fingers free. It was certainly going to make work more cumbersome but I had to admit, it already felt easier.

  ‘I’ll come in and check it when I drop Jenny off in the week and we’ll see how it is.’

  ‘Thanks Mike.’

  ‘So you just slipped?’ Apparently Rob wasn’t going to let it go after all.

  In my pocket, my phone began to ring. I pulled it out, throwing a ‘sorry, what can you do?’ look at Rob as I stood and stepped past him, answering the call as I did so.

  ‘Perfect timing!’ I said quietly to Brett as he yawned down the phone at me.

  ‘I aim to please.’

  ‘You got my message then?’

  ‘Yep. Transfer all your stuff onto your new, non-smashed laptop by yesterday? That about the size of it?’

  ‘Pretty much.’

  ‘I can do that.’

  ‘You’re a star. I’ll owe you one.’

  ‘I might collect one of these days.’


  ‘I didn’t say how I wanted to be paid.’

  ‘I imagine that this morning it involves a large English breakfast somewhere?’

  ‘You see? This is why I should just marry you. You sense my needs.’

  ‘That’s not all I sense!’ I laughed.

  ‘She cuts me to the quick. And still I return for more.’

  ‘Yeah yeah. So, where shall I meet you?’

  ‘Where are you now?’

  I told him.

  ‘Hang on.’

  In the background, I could hear muffled voices and then Brett came back on the line.

  ‘I’m not far from there. Stay there and I’ll meet you, then we’ll go on for food, and I can get stuck into the computer after that. All right?’

  ‘Sounds good to me.’

  ‘Why are you laughing?’

  ‘Because you had no idea where you were, did you? She must be pretty!’

  ‘She is. And frankly,’ he lowered his voice, ‘I really wasn’t concentrating on where the cab was going last night.’

  ‘You’re dreadful, you know that, don’t you?’

  ‘I’m exploring my options.’

  ‘Is that what it’s called these days?’

  ‘I have to do something to amuse myself until you wake up and realise your Prince Charming has been in front of you all along.’

  I was laughing harder now, as was he.

  ‘See you in a few minutes.’

  ‘Ok bye.’

  I pressed ‘End’ and put the phone back in my pocket. Mags’ family despaired of Brett ever settling down. He worked hard and rarely saw the same woman more than a couple of times. For all his claims of being my Prince Charming, there was nothing, and never would be anything, between us. Mags’ brothers had adopted me as an honorary sister when I was still in nappies, and they were as much my brothers as if they’d been blood. Brett was just being Brett. It was almost a shame though. He was fun and good looking and bright. The ideal guy. Just not for me.

  ‘You look happy.’ Rob smiled at me as he shuffled up the couch and made room.

  ‘I am.’

  ‘That’s good.’

  I smiled back at him. ‘Yeah, it is.’

  His voice was soft as he held my gaze, his smile remaining in place, ‘I really am sorry about last night.’

  ‘I know you are.’

  ‘Izzy, can you join us for lunch?’ John asked a few minutes later.

  ‘Oh, that’s really sweet, thank you, but I’m actually meeting someone today.’

  ‘Mags can come too.’ Rob said.

  ‘It’s not Mags I’m meeting, but thanks anyway.’

  ‘There you are! Morning gorgeous!’ Brett appeared beside me, having come in a side door and promptly placed a big, cold lipped kiss on my cheek.

  I could feel five pairs of eyes watching m
e. Brett was not what one would call subtle. He began rubbing his hands together to warm them up.

  ‘It’s brass monkeys out there! I should be somewhere cosy and warm on this fine Sunday morning.’



  ‘It’s the afternoon.’ I pointed out.

  Brett checked his watch. ‘Oh yeah. Time flies when you’re having fun, eh?’ He winked at me and I shook my head, smiling.

  ‘Either way, it’s bloody cold and you’ve dragged me from a nice warm bed.’ He perched on the seat next to me, ‘Good job I love you.’ He gave me a squeeze and then glanced around.

  ‘Rob, isn’t it?’ Brett stuck out his hand, ‘I remember you from the wedding. I’m Brett, Mags’ brother.’ Like most brothers, blood related or not, tact wasn’t always a strong suit. Having dealt with this for thirty-plus years, it went straight over my head.

  Rob shook his hand. ‘Nice to see you again, Brett.’ He introduced the rest of his family and they all chatted politely. I could tell they were wondering whether this was the ‘next man to come along’ as Eleanor had put it last night. But unlike Rob, I wasn’t about to announce out of the blue that we ‘weren’t a couple’ for no apparent reason. I had no doubt the subject would come up over Christmas and I could explain the situation then. For now, I let it ride.

  ‘Ready then?’ I asked.

  ‘Ready for lunch with a beautiful woman? Always!’ He winked at Eleanor as he said it, and I caught her blushing coyly.

  ‘You are such a tart.’ I whispered to him as I stood.

  ‘You love it!’ he said, winking at me this time.

  I rolled my eyes and turned to get my coat, only to find Rob standing right behind me, holding it open.

  ‘Oh, thank you!’ I said, slipping my arms into the sleeves.

  ‘You’re welcome.’

  As my hand popped out one of the sleeves, Brett noticed the bandage. ‘What happened?’ he said, his tone more serious now.

  ‘I slipped last night and bumped it.’

  ‘Bumped it?’


  ‘On what?’

  ‘The banister.’

  ‘At the flat?’

  I looked up at him. ‘Wow! Twenty questions! Yes, at the flat. It’s all right. Mike here’s a doctor and he’s checked it out. It’s just bruised.’

  ‘I’m going to keep an eye on it though. Just in case.’ Mike offered.

  Not helping, Mike. I knew that look on Brett’s face from childhood. It said ‘I’m going to cover for you here because you’re my mate but just know that I know you’re lying.’ First Rob, now Brett. Apparently I really needed to work on my Woman of Mystery technique. Or at least find a better cover story.

  Brett nodded at Mike. ‘That’s good. Thanks mate.’

  ‘No problem.’

  ‘Shall we go then?’ I said, a little weirded out by people talking about me as if I wasn’t there.

  ‘Yep. Ready when you are.’

  I quickly made some arrangements to call Jen tomorrow evening and see where we were, and then made a round of goodbye hugs to Mike and the Winchesters. I got to Rob and hesitated for a split second. He saw it, I knew, but he hugged me anyway.

  ‘And we’ll see you at the end of the week!’ Eleanor smiled widely, ‘I’m so excited you’re coming to us.’

  ‘Me too.’ I replied.

  ‘I’ll call you about picking you up.’ Rob said, having retaken his seat.


  ‘Nice to meet you all.’ Brett waved. He’d picked up my shopping whilst I’d been saying my goodbyes and now held out the other hand for me to take with my non bandaged one. I did so and we headed out of the cafe into the bitter chill of the crisp, December day.

  ‘So, how long have you been seeing Mr Beefcake?’ Brett asked through a mouthful of Full English Breakfast.


  ‘Mags hadn’t told me you were seeing the bloke from the wedding. I have to say, good on him. I’m not sure I’d even be talking to a woman who knocked me on my arse, let alone sleeping with her.’

  ‘Excuse me!’ I said, ‘I am not sleeping with him!’

  Ok, that came out a little louder than I meant it to. From the corner of my eye, I saw a few people’s heads turn. We were in a little corner cafe that Brett knew did the best breakfasts. He was at least right about that, even if he was way off about me and Rob.

  ‘All right, keep your hair on. I don’t think too many women would complain if he showed an interest, so don’t get all uppity about it. Even if a five foot nothing girl can knock him on his backside.’

  ‘Oh ha ha! I’m five-one actually and don’t be unkind. You’re forgetting I had the element of surprise on my side, not to mention pure rage.’

  Brett swallowed. ‘Point taken. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. So, you sure you’re not seeing him?’

  I gave him a look. ‘Uh, yeah. Pretty sure.’

  ‘It’s just you looked pretty cosy there earlier.’

  I stabbed a hash brown onto my fork and gave Brett an even look. ‘I was sat next to him on a sofa in a coffee shop. It doesn’t mean I’m going out with him. For goodness’ sake, I’m having lunch with you, and I’m not seeing you either!’

  ‘Completely different thing.’

  ‘Oh really. How is that?’

  ‘It just is. You didn’t grow up with him. Besides, it wasn’t just the proximity I was going on.’

  ‘I see. So do tell, Oh Wise One Of Relationships.’

  He waved a fork at me, ‘Ah ah ah! You have to be nice to me! I assume you do want this computer done today…’

  ‘Yes, yes. But can we just drop the whole “seeing Rob” thing. Because I’m not. End of story.’

  ‘Ok. Perhaps we could talk about how you hurt your arm instead, because you know I don’t believe for one minute that you just “bumped” it. And for the record, I’m pretty sure Rob doesn’t either.’

  I was pretty sure he was right.

  Having finally got Brett to believe that I was ok, and had actually started looking for new places to rent anyway, we caught the tube back to his place and he spent the afternoon getting my new laptop up to speed whilst I kept attempting to be useful only to be told to sit down and rest my arm. Eventually I gave up, chatted to Mags for a bit then scanned the TV schedule and watched repeats of Friends. Brett, very reluctantly, sent me home a few hours later, asking me to call him when I got to the door and to stay on the phone until I was inside my own flat. I’d stuck to my story about slipping on the stairs but it was clear he didn’t believe a word of it. He hadn’t met Pervy Peter but it would seem that Mags had filled him in on all the delights of my neighbour, and my reluctance to alter my account had made Brett even more over protective than he normally was. I’d only just about convinced him that he didn’t need to come all the way home with me, just to turn around and go straight back. I really didn’t want Brett to meet Peter. If he thought, which he did, that Peter had had anything to do with my fall, it would be bad. Brett wasn’t a violent man. Not in the least. But I was, to all intents and purposes, his little sister. He’d been protecting me and Mags since the day we were born. Just because I was grown up now didn’t change a thing in his eyes.


  The week flew by in a haze of last minute appointments, tulle, satin, silk and lace. I’d spent a few nights until well past midnight in the studio. I was exhausted but excitement was doing a good job of fuelling me, along with the odd Red Bull. Emergency rations. We’d got Jenny’s dress almost finished, against the clock and the odds, except for some final hand work. That would still take time but I could do that at the Winchesters’. I owed my seamstress big time. Huge time, in fact. She’d been amazing, and together we had created exactly what Jenny had wanted. The fittings had gone great and Jenny was ecstatic over our creation – not to mention a little emotional. It was hard not to be. I’d seen Jenny despairing of having a dress at all and now she had something she loved. I couldn’
t wait for Mike to see her in it. Everyone looks at the bride when the bridal party enters, but the groom’s face when she first walks in? That’s the best moment. Especially this time.

  I laid the garment carrier across the Chesterfield, along with everything else I thought I might need. Glancing around, I tried to think if there was anything I might have forgotten. There wasn’t. I knew there wasn’t. I’d checked four times already. I sat down at the end of the sofa, next to my rolling suitcase and flicked through one of the magazines on the glass topped coffee table in front of me.

  ‘Sorry I’m late!’ Rob burst through the door, accompanied by a shower of snowflakes, sending the bells tinkling madly. ‘Last minute legal emergency.’

  ‘No problem.’

  ‘Is this everything?’

  ‘I think so. I hope so. No. Yes, yes, it is.’

  He peered at me. ‘You all right?’

  ‘Yes. I’m fine. I just…I just want to make sure this is everything Jenny wants it to be. It has to be perfect.’

  ‘Izz. It will be,’ Rob said, standing in front of me holding one of the boxes I’d packed up ready to go. ‘You’re brilliant at this. It’s what you do. And you do it well. Don’t start doubting yourself now.’

  I nodded, focusing intently on a snowflake melting into the wool of his coat.

  ‘Izz?’ he prompted when I made no response.

  ‘Yep. Yep, you’re right. I know you are. Of course. It’s just…’

  He put the box back down on the floor. ‘It’s just what? Izzy?’

  ‘No, it’s nothing. I’m being silly. Come on, I’ll help you load these in.’ I bent down to pick up the box myself. Rob moved it away with his foot.


  He raised one eyebrow. ‘You’re not lifting anything with that arm. Besides, you didn’t finish yet.’

  I stood up and shoved a hand on one hip. ‘Has anyone ever told you how annoying you can be?’

  ‘Yep. Plenty of times. You mostly.’

  ‘Good. Because I’m about to tell you again. You can be really annoying sometimes!’

  ‘Ok. Now that’s established, you can tell me what you were going to say.’


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