Winter’s Fairytale

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Winter’s Fairytale Page 23

by Maxine Morrey

  He laid his hands on my shoulders.

  ‘You’re a good person.’

  I wobbled my head. ‘I try.’

  He laughed and squeezed my shoulders, suddenly stopping. ‘Blimey, Izz. Your muscles are one solid knot.’

  That, I did not need telling. My neck had been aching badly for the last couple of days, and my back wasn’t great either.

  ‘Yeah I know. It’ll go off.’

  ‘Put that down a minute.’

  ‘No, I just need to get this done. I’ll be done in a bit.’

  ‘Do you ever do anything you’re told.’

  ‘Very occasionally.’ I smiled, concentrating on my work.

  Rob made an exasperated sound and flopped into a chair across from me. I glanced up a few minutes later as I heard his breathing even and slow. His head rested on his hand and his long lashes cast shadows on his cheek. His mum was right. He did work long hours. I stood and switched off the light that was over him, and left the task light on, enabling me to get on with my work.

  A couple of hours later, and I was done. I put the dress back in its garment carrier to protect it and pulled out the hanger to hook it back up on the window, stretching to reach. I glanced around for something to stand on. The chairs were all far too heavy to move without making a noise and waking Rob. I opted to lay it across one of them for the moment and then go and ask John to come and hang it up out of the way for me.

  ‘Do you want that hung back up?’ Rob asked, his voice sounding sleepy and sexy as he came over to take the dress from me.

  ‘Yes. Please. Did I wake you?’

  ‘No. Are you finished?’

  ‘Yep. All done.’ I stood back, my hands automatically going to my neck where the pain was shooting from. My head had started thumping about half an hour previously and I really just wanted to lie down.

  ‘Come here.’ Rob tugged me gently towards him, and placed his hands on my shoulders. His fingers and thumbs began carefully kneading at the knots. I started to pull away. This really didn’t seem a good idea.

  ‘I’m all right, Rob. Really.’

  ‘Izz, sit down a sec.’

  I obeyed, for the simple reason that I was feeling like I was about to fall down anyway. His hands moved over my skin, the touch gentle but firm. I still felt like crap with my head pounding but my neck was definitely feeling better. In fact, the more he did it, the better I felt. Everywhere. Which wasn’t good. Not good at all. Except…

  ‘Oh God, that’s good.’ The words slipped out before I could stop them.

  Rob chuckled and I realised how it sounded.

  ‘Oh no!’ I jumped away, my face flushing and the movement exacerbating my head. ‘That, um, sounded…’

  ‘Fine to me.’ He gave that deep chuckle again.

  ‘Rob, don’t.’ I flopped back down into an armchair, tucked my feet up and closed my eyes.

  ‘Izzy?’ His voice was serious now.

  ‘I’ve just got a bit of a headache.’

  The back of his hand felt soothing and cool on my forehead and I wanted him to leave it there forever.

  ‘Stay there.’ he said and disappeared off.

  I had no intention of staying there to be administered to. Flicking off the light next to me, I pushed myself out of the chair, groaning as the pain in my head sliced with every move I made. The moonlight flooding in through the glass guided me out of the conservatory, and I padded quietly through the kitchen and out into the hall. A little lie down and I’d feel much better. It had been the truth when I’d said it had been a pleasure making the dress for Jenny, but there was no denying it had taken a lot out of me to get the remainder done in time. And, it turned out, discovering you’re in love with a man who isn’t in love with you and is in fact cosying up to a lookey likey model type can be quite tiring too. And thinking about all those things then kept you awake at night so, all in all, it wasn’t an ideal situation. As much as I’d loved being here, I was also looking forward to getting back to London and putting some sort of normality back in my life, and some sort of distance between me and Rob.

  ‘I see you took my advice, once again.’ Rob’s voice came up the stairs, with more than a hint of exasperation to it.

  ‘I’m just going to lie down for a while.’

  ‘Mike’s going to take a look at you. I told him you didn’t look good.’

  ‘Great! I bet you told him that Caroline looked great though!’ I threw my hands up in the air, and carried on walking away from him. Then I sprinted for the bathroom and threw up. When I came back into the bedroom, Mike and Rob were both standing there waiting. This day just kept getting better and better.

  ‘I’m fine. I’m just going to have an early night. Mike, would you mind making my apologies to everyone?’

  ‘Of course. Once I check you over.’

  I glared at Rob for starting all this. ‘Mike. I said I’m fine.’

  ‘You don’t look fine and you just threw up. Sit. Please.’

  ‘All boys together.’ I replied grumpily and made a show of sitting down heavily on the bed.

  Mike took my temperature, pulse, checked my breathing and blood pressure and asked various doctor-y questions while I sat on the bed, just wanting to go to sleep. I’d told Rob he didn’t need to stay but, taking a tip from me it would seem, he chose to do his own thing and stayed anyway, leaning on the wall and watching the proceedings. I was too tired to ask him twice and was pretty sure he’d ignore me for a second time anyway. I had a feeling he was going to want to talk about my Caroline quip, which was even more reason for me to avoid that conversation by going to sleep.

  ‘Ok. I can’t find anything obvious. All your vitals are ok although your temperature is a bit up which I’d like to keep an eye on. I think you’ve probably just been overdoing it.’ He waited for a moment, ‘Don’t think we don’t all know you’ve been up until the small hours working on that dress.’

  My eyes widened. ‘But I was quiet!’

  He smiled. ‘Yep, you were. But everyone could see how much more tired you were looking every day. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure it out. Which is lucky, because that’s not my area of speciality.’

  I dropped my head down to my chest. ‘Great. I thought it was just him who thought I looked like hell. I didn’t realise there was a consensus of opinion.’ I let myself fall to the side and snuggled my head into the pillow. Oh that felt good. Almost as good as Rob’s neck rub. Almost. There wasn’t much that could feel better than that. Not anything that was available to me, anyway.

  ‘I think that’s a pretty good idea,’ Mike said, ‘although actually getting into bed would be more beneficial. I recommend staying there until as late as possible tomorrow too. You need to be fit for this wedding. I can see Jenny postponing it if you’re not!’

  I pulled myself upright and looked up to where he was now standing over me. ‘Understood. Thank you. Sorry if I was a grump. I’m just tired.’

  ‘You are. Tired, I mean. Not a grump. Although, technically you are that too but as I’m part of the reason behind your tiredness and therefore grumpiness, I’m happy to let it go.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I gave him a hug.

  ‘You’re welcome. Now, get some rest.’

  ‘Yes Doctor.’

  Mike chuckled, and left the room, briefly nodding at Rob as he did so.

  ‘You heard the doc,’ I said, ‘I need to get to bed, which means jammie time so if you wouldn’t mind…’ I made a little waving motion with my hand.

  ‘I’m going to be just outside. Shout when you’re changed.’

  ‘What? Why?’

  He’d already closed the door behind him. I wondered how long he’d wait out there. The way I felt, I was pretty sure I was going to be asleep soon so all I had to do was delay him coming in until…

  ‘If I don’t hear from you within three minutes, I’m coming back in anyway.’

  I heard a chuckle in answer to my scream of frustration.

  I changed into my
pyjamas, then cleaned my teeth. This seemed like the best plan just in case Rob made good on coming back into the room before I called him. At least this way I’d be fully clothed. It actually turned out to be unnecessary because he did wait, and I did call him. Five minutes later. Petty? Yep. Just chalk it up alongside grumpy.

  I was burrowed into the duvet with only half my face peeping out when I called him back in. He poked his head around the door.



  ‘You ok?’

  ‘Yes. But you didn’t need to call Mike.’ I pulled the duvet down under my chin to unmuffle my words.

  ‘I was worried about you.’ He stepped into the room and the stream of moonlight caught his features, all of which showed concern. My stomach knotted and I knew it wasn’t anything to do with being over-tired.

  ‘You don’t need to be. You heard Mike. I’m fine.’

  ‘That’s not exactly what he said.’

  ‘I just need some sleep. Something you’re preventing from happening.’

  ‘So this is all my fault.’

  ‘Yes, it is.’ I said, with more feeling than I intended.

  Rob walked into the bathroom and came back a minute later with a glass of water, which he put on my bedside. Crouching down beside me, he tucked the duvet around me a little more, and then gently laid a hand on my forehead, pushing aside a curl that had come loose out of my hastily tied plait. He didn’t say a word about what I’d said about Caroline.

  ‘Rob, about what I said.’

  ‘Ssh, it doesn’t matter. Just close your eyes.’

  Chapter Eighteen

  When I woke up at three o’clock the next afternoon, I was alone and feeling much better. Twenty hours, give or take, of straight sleep was a cure for many things it would seem. I had even come up with a plan for making this evening more bearable; all I had to do was avoid Rob and Caroline for most of the evening and then head out around half eleven so that there was no chance of having to watch them locking lips as they welcomed in the New Year. From what I’d heard, it was a fairly large gathering so avoidance shouldn’t be too much of an issue. I could do this. I had a plan!

  ‘Izzy! How are you?’ Jenny said, coming up to me as I popped my head in to the living room. Her hair was drying in rollers on her head. I giggled and poked one of the foam sausages.

  ‘Much better. Thanks. Sorry about being such a drama queen.’

  ‘Don’t be silly, darling.’ Eleanor came up, putting her arms around my shoulders, ‘Of course you weren’t! I should have kept a better eye on you.’

  ‘No! Please don’t feel bad! It was nothing to do with you. In fact, I got much better treatment here than I would have at home, so I ought to be thanking you.’

  She squeezed my shoulders. ‘Are you sure you’re all right now?’

  ‘Yes. Positive.’

  ‘Then I’ll make us all a nice cup of tea. We’ve got some peace and quiet for a bit. The boys have all gone out mountain biking.’

  ‘Perfect!’ I glanced out of the window and saw the snow still thick on the ground. ‘Rather them than me though. Test run for tomorrow?’ I said to Jen, pointing at my own head.

  ‘Yep.’ she said, her hand going to the rollers.

  ‘Nervous?’ I asked, folding myself into an armchair.

  ‘Not really. Is that weird?’

  ‘Not at all.’

  ‘Ok. I thought maybe I’m supposed to be.’

  ‘Of course not. Everyone’s different. I think it’s great that you’re relaxed about it all.’

  ‘I may of course turn into Bridezilla overnight.’

  ‘You wouldn’t be my first, and I’m certain you won’t be my last. Don’t let this petite frame fool you, I’m tougher than I look!’

  Jenny giggled. ‘Noted.’

  We then set about getting ourselves comfy with our tea, books and blankets. An hour later, the peace was shattered as three noisy blokes and one excited and very tired dog came clattering into the kitchen.

  ‘Don’t let Harold in here until you’ve washed him off!’ Eleanor called.

  ‘Already done.’ Came the call back.

  We heard the kettle boiling and a few minutes later, the men all traipsed in, each one looking thoroughly mud splattered.

  ‘The ground’s frozen. How did you three manage to find mud?’

  ‘It’s an art.’ John bowed.

  ‘Nice look, sis.’ Rob chuckled and made a face at Mike.

  ‘Thanks.’ Jenny replied, before slapping Mike’s hand away from where he’d now started fiddling with the rollers.

  ‘You look a lot better, I’m relieved to see.’ Rob crouched down beside my chair.

  I turned, seeing his handsome mud-splodged face close to mine. ‘Thanks. I’m feeling a lot better.’

  ‘So you’re coming tonight?’

  ‘I am. Your mum’s been telling me that there are several eligible bachelors around so I thought I might look out for some mistletoe.’

  ‘Did she mention they’re all in their eighties?’

  ‘How very ageist of you.’

  ‘You’re definitely feeling better.’ he said, standing back up, ‘I’m going to take a shower.’

  And off he went, the others taking a cue and heading off to various en-suites to do the same. Harold watched them go, before wandering over to his bed and stepping in. He turned around three times then flopped down heavily, and within five minutes was on his back, feet in the air, snoring softly.


  The hotel ballroom had been turned into a real winter wonderland with surprisingly real looking icicles, glittering lights and several large ice sculptures. It was hard to believe that tomorrow it would be transformed once again into the reception venue for Mike and Jenny’s wedding. The men were staying here this evening and us girls were all piling back to the house so that we could get ready in peace tomorrow. Mike’s two sisters, Jenny’s bridesmaids, were arriving tomorrow. Luckily their dresses had been drama free.

  Mike and Rob had taken all their gear down to the hotel earlier in Rob’s car and Mike now came to meet us.

  ‘Don’t you all look lovely!’ He spread his arms and gave Eleanor and me a hug, and shook John’s hand, before bestowing even more compliments on his bride-to-be. I watched as he did so, the love so evident in both their faces.

  ‘Where’s Rob?’ Eleanor asked.

  Mike looked up, an awkward expression on his face. ‘Oh. He… err… went to pick up Caroline.’

  ‘What?’ Jenny thumped her fiancé on the shoulder. ‘I thought that was all over.’

  It was?

  ‘Oi! It’s not my fault.’ Mike replied, rubbing his shoulder.

  ‘No, I know. Sorry.’ She pulled him to her again and kissed him, whispering something to him that, whatever it was, apparently ensured forgiveness, judging by the now dopey look on his face.

  ‘Well!’ Eleanor said, gathering me on one arm, and John on the other, ‘Let’s go and introduce you to some people, shall we?’

  Several hours later, I was having a much better time than I’d expected to. The Winchesters had effected introductions with what seemed like the entire village and I even had a few likely commissions from it, including an entire bridal party and two Ascot dresses. I also seemed to have acquired an admirer. Callum Andrews wasn’t as drop dead on the spot gorgeous as Rob, but he was nice, making me laugh and happily flirting with me, even though I wasn’t returning the flirts. The last thing I wanted to be doing right now was leading someone on. It was clear Callum had got the message but, as we were both enjoying the banter, he’d apparently decided to continue anyway. Rob had finally come up to me a little while ago, followed closely by Caroline of course. She gave me one of her icy smiles before looking my dress up and down.

  ‘Your dress is beautiful.’ The fact that she practically choked on the words gave me a clue to the fact that her compliment, amazingly, was genuine.

  ‘Thank you.’ I replied.

  Clearly bored with me
now, she turned her attention to my company, ‘Callum darling! I haven’t seen you in so long. Are you still running that funny hedge fund of yours?’ She slid her hand along his arm and batted superbly thick false eyelashes at him.

  ‘That’s right,’ he replied, expertly extricating his arm and picking up his champagne glass, ‘although we tend to avoid calling them funny. It makes our clients nervous.’

  ‘Do you mind if I borrow Izzy a minute?’ Rob asked Callum, placing his hand on my back and steering me away without waiting for an answer.

  ‘Oh, Callum! You’re so funny!’ Caroline’s voice followed by the tinkly laugh trailed behind us. I glanced back. Callum gave me a look that said ‘Help’ and threw Rob a look that said something else entirely.

  I pulled an apologetic face at him, and signalled that I’d just be two minutes. I caught Rob observing the exchange, that impassive look back on his face. It seemed that Caroline was a little bit friendlier when she’d had several glasses of alcohol, a fact that Callum didn’t seem to be especially enjoying.

  I looked up at Rob, waiting for him to say something. When he didn’t, I turned to go, ‘I really ought to get back to Callum.’

  ‘Worried Caroline’s going to snag him?’

  I levelled a look at Rob. ‘Yes. That’s exactly what I’m worried about.’ I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. ‘Unlike you, he doesn’t seem to be quite so swayed by the fact that she looks like a model. Lucky for me.’ I turned to go. Rob caught my arm.

  ‘I’m sorry. That wasn’t what I came to say at all.’

  I turned back to face him but said nothing. For once, I managed to keep silent until he was forced to say something.

  ‘I just wanted to say that you look beautiful. I mean, you always do, but tonight,’ he smiled, ‘in that dress? It’s no wonder Callum’s falling over himself for you.’

  ‘He seems nice.’

  Rob shrugged. ‘He’s all right.’

  I laughed, ‘Robert Winchester, are you jealous?’


  ‘You are!’ I glanced back over at where Caroline was still cooing at Callum, ‘Look, she’s just probably had one too many cocktails and getting a little friendlier than normal. She even complimented me, so she’s obviously not feeling quite herself.’ I wiggled his arm, trying to get a smile.


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