Under The Desert Moon (Desert Sky Series Book 2)

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Under The Desert Moon (Desert Sky Series Book 2) Page 10

by Mary Tate Engels

  Her biggest worry was regarding the absent Thomas, Carmen's husband. The poor girl checked daily to see if he'd arrived. But there was no sign of him, and the few immigrants who came through had no word of him. Sometimes Annie doubted if he even existed. Other times, she feared that he'd paid the ultimate price for freedom. And they had no way of knowing. Still, she couldn't send Isabel and Carmen off without him. Where would they go? In the back of her mind, she wondered what would happen if Thomas didn't come.

  There were no answers to her pleading questions this particular evening. The ruins were perfectly quiet and still. She searched for signs of life, but the place appeared to be empty. After what Carmen had said about the ruins being a meeting place for refugees, though, she couldn't be certain that she was alone.

  Feliz sat alert and attentive from the safety of the passenger seat beside Annie. The dog had curiously watched the owl and, at one point, growled at a touring coyote, but that was the extent of her guarding.

  "You're no help," Annie grumbled softly, fondling the dog's ears. "All this time I thought you had extrasensory perception, and los espiritus kept you away. Now I see that you're afraid of strangers, whether alive or in spirit."

  Feliz responded to Annie's voice by nuzzling her arm.

  Annie stayed a while longer, trying to communicate with Aunt Annalee, searching for answers. But sitting in the 4-Runner just wasn't the same as walking among the ruins. There was warmth from the bricks. Here, there were no special feelings. No whispered voices. No ojos de los espiritus.

  With a heavy sigh, she started the engine.

  The setting sun was painting the ancient adobe bricks a shade of brownish pink as she headed back to the house. When she arrived, she pulled in behind Brett's Mercedes. He was leaning casually against the door. A rush of excitement swept through her body, and her palms became sweaty.

  Looking tanned and very handsome, Brett waited for her. His eyes were as dark as the approaching night and just as seductive. A slight smile softened his expression.

  Annie tried to get a grip on her fluctuating emotions. He looked so incredibly appealing standing there, his arms folded across his broad chest. Everything about the man telegraphed strength. Along with dignity and scruples and nobility. And lawfulness. Annie felt just the opposite in his presence.

  His voice was low and subdued. "Hey, Annie. How are you doing? I'm missed you this week."

  The woman in her responded with a warm inner vibrancy and a smile. "Fine. And you?"

  "The same. Busy."

  She ambled closer. "Busy doing what?"

  "Special assignment with the sheriff's department."

  "Oh? What?"

  “I’d rather not say. It's..."

  "A secret?" she taunted. "From me?"

  "Something like that. How's the blossom-thinning going?" He was maddeningly evasive.

  "Another week or so and we'll be finished."

  He took her hands, feeling the palms and caressing them at the same time. "I've missed you, Annie."

  "You, too. When I didn't hear from you, I thought you wouldn't be back."

  "I couldn't stay away."

  "I can't imagine why. Apple blossoms can't compete with the excitement of secret assignments."

  "I find being with you even more exciting, Annie."

  "Me? Exciting? That's a laugh. It's like watching apples grow."

  His hands circled her wrists. She was sure he could feel her accelerated pulse, for it was raging inside her.

  "To someone like me who's been overwhelmed with activity, watching apples grow, with you, can be enough. Something has lured me back here tonight when I could be... home."

  "Or out on the town." She chuckled nervously.

  "I'd rather be here with you, Annie." His voice was almost a whisper. "You hold the strongest attraction for me." He urged her closer so that she stood in the space between his widespread legs. "I want you, more than I ever believed possible."

  "I'm flattered that such a man of the world would—"

  "Find you alluring, captivating and enticing."

  "Oh, Brett..." she scoffed, a little embarrassed by his choice of words. "Come on, now."

  "The truth is, you're beautiful, Annie. And I'm..." he paused with a strained chuckle, "I hadn't exactly planned on this... this, uh, need to be near you. This desire to have you in my bed. Or yours."

  He pulled her against him and into his embrace. His lips found hers for a powerful, yearning kiss. At first she struggled against him, pushing on his chest, her body writhing and arching in a vain attempt to twist away. She feared that her strong attraction to him encouraged his eager aggression. How could it be right? They were so different—like night and day, black and white, innocent and guilty.

  Persistently Brett held her, letting the kiss work its magic. As he tasted her sweet lips, a certain enchantment wove between them. For him, kissing her was bewitching, an act that was as irresistible as Annie herself. He didn't really understand her reluctance, for he detected her response and knew instinctively that it matched his.

  At some point, a part of Annie's brain registered pleasure beyond belief, and she relaxed in his arms, succumbing to the weakness that invaded her limbs. His lips captured a small part of her in much the same way as his body seized her entire being. She was aware only of being engulfed in Brett's powerful maleness. And wanting more.

  Then, suddenly, he released her. He ran his hand over his face. "Sorry, I lost it for a minute. You do that to me, whenever I'm near you. And sometimes, like now, I don't want to let go. I want you, Annie."

  She staggered back, feeling slightly dizzy, wanting to demand another, gentler kiss. But something in her fought for restraint. "Well, at least you're clear about your intentions," she murmured breathlessly.

  "I've been with you a lot these past few weeks. But I knew immediately that I wanted you, wanted to make love to you, Annie. You knew, too... surely. You're not that naive. I thought it was what you wanted, too."

  "I've resisted the urge." She tucked her hair behind one ear. "Purposely."

  He leaned forward and boldly caressed her lips with his. "Are you saying you don't want me to kiss you? Don't want me to hold you and make sweet, passionate love to you?"

  She took a shaky breath. He wasn't playing fair. Just the sound of his sexy voice muttering those erotic words was enough to send her straight into his arms. "Oh, Brett, I don't know "

  "You've had this whole week to think it over."

  "I didn't realize you'd given me a time limit."

  "I'd hoped by now we'd—"

  "How presumptuous of you." She turned away from him and stood shivering with anger... or something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

  "Don't pretend to be naive, Annie." Standing behind her, he placed his hands on her shoulders, then slid them down her arms so that he eventually embraced her from behind. "This attraction we have is mutual, so don't deny it."

  His arms felt strong around her, and that strength relayed security. She calmed down, finally admitting, "Yes, I'm attracted to you, Brett. Who wouldn't be?"

  Tightening his embrace, he pulled her against him. "You know it's special. You can feel the vibes between us, whether we're touching or not."

  Annie felt more than vibes. His body was strong and hard and reaching out for her. And she desperately wanted him, too. But there was more at stake than one feverish night. She tried to ignore the appeal his body had for hers.

  His voice rumbled low. "Annie, you've known all along that I wanted you."

  She flared. "And that's why you're here tonight? For a... quick romp?"

  He took a ragged breath. Dammit, she was trying her darnedest to make him angry. Determinedly he refused. He would muddle through her resistance and prove that he cared for more than her body. But right now, as passion raged through him, it was difficult. He forced an unnatural calmness to his voice. "I came here to see how you feel about it, that's all. Tell me no, and I'll leave."

She placed her hands over his and felt the chill of the night sweep over them. He was putting everything on the line and demanding that she make a decision now. "Dammit, Brett! I don't know."

  He sighed heavily, and she knew she was testing his patience. But she'd been so confused lately, doing things she'd never done before—like harboring refugees. Like letting her feelings for Brett run rampant. Her logic said Don't get involved with him. But her heart said don't let this wonderful moment slip away.

  "I think you do know, you just don't want to admit it. Let's go inside and discuss this like two rational adults."

  "Or two passionate adults?"

  He hesitated. Did he detect lightness, a flicker of a possibility to her voice? He could only be honest with her, and hope. "Passion is normal between adults. It isn't bad, Annie. We can just see if it'll work out. If not, no hard feelings." He stopped short of predicting what would happen if things did work out between them.

  "Maybe... maybe that's not such a bad idea, Brett."

  Clasping hands, they entered the dark house together. They moved through the kitchen and dining room, then paused in the living room. The house was silent and dimly lit. They were alone. Both were calmer now. Brett helped to remove her jacket, lightly caressing her shoulders and arms in the process.

  Annie returned the gesture, letting her hands trail down the muscular length of his arms. They stood facing each other in the shadowed evening light, fingers loosely hooked together.

  "Should we turn on a lamp and discuss the situation?" she asked after a few moments.

  "I'd rather let the night persuade us." He kissed her fingertips with lips warm and tender. Then his mouth claimed hers. As the kiss slowly deepened and grew in strength and fervor, his hands moved up her arms to grip her shoulders and haul her against him. He felt her body come willingly to his, her delicate frame conforming to his solid structure.

  Her breasts pushed against him, creating a quickening in his muscular chest and turbulence below his waist. He wrapped his arms around her back, fingers spread to encompass all of her or as much as he could touch. He was so filled with desire for her that he wanted, momentarily, to crush her to him.

  Annie met his kiss with no resistance. Weak and willing in his arms, she opened her mouth to his, accepting his sweet, hard tongue. Never had she felt so submissive, and yet she felt strangely aggressive at the same time. Something in her demanded that if he didn't take charge of the situation, she would.

  The commotion within her breast spread through her entire being... a swirling, growing, pulsing desire. Moaning softly, Annie writhed against him, feeling him with her body, imagining his naked flesh next to hers. Her halfhearted resistance of only a few minutes ago was gone. The moment was all that mattered. She didn't care if Brett left tomorrow, she wanted him tonight.

  His lips made a moist trail down her neck to the glen between her breasts. She took a shaky breath and leaned her head back to invite and enjoy every teasing foray of his tantalizing tongue.

  "Annie... Annie... so sweet," he murmured beneath her earlobe.

  "I think you've already made up your mind, Brett." She straightened, trying not to show her breathlessness. "

  "I decided long ago." His hands cupped and lifted her breasts while his thumbs stroked the tips through her sweater. Then his hand moved to her groin, caressing through her clothes. "I want to know every inch of you..."

  His words were erotic. His touch was arousing. She was hot beneath the constant stroking of his hand; she thought she'd burst for wanting him and arched against the pressure of his fingers. "Oh-Brett!"

  "Ah, Annie, don't keep me waiting any longer. Or you." He shifted so that his arousal prodded her belly. "You want every inch of me, don't you?"

  "Yes..." Drunk from the wine of his kisses, she clung to him, forgetting all her doubts and dubious reasons for resisting the magnificent man who claimed to want her. "Yes, Brett."

  In one sweeping motion, he lifted her into his arms and headed down the hall. "Where's your bedroom?"

  "Last door on the left," she murmured against his neck.

  He sat her on the bed. "Are you prepared with birth control, Annie?"

  "No, I—"

  "Then I'll take care of it."

  He moved away from her, and she strained in the darkness to watch him undress. She could see only his dark outline, but that was erotic enough to send pulsing jets of passion surging through her body.

  After shedding his clothes, Brett returned to help her finish undressing. His hands and lips caressed every newly exposed feminine curve. In an almost desperate eagerness, they came together on the bed, a writhing ensemble of dark and light. His large tanned body dominated hers, while her fair beauty lured him into submission.

  Hands touched, exploring. Lips cooed and moaned softly. Gentle giggles punctuated the otherwise quiet night. Annie thought she might be in heaven when she sank into Brett's arms. And when he kissed her, she was already there.

  His lips traced the pale curves of her breasts, closing over each dark and distended nipple, tugging on the tight buds. Then, leaving her wanting more, he kissed his way down her rib cage and over the angle of her hipbone. He kissed a path along each tender inner thigh, creating a continuum of wild desire that reverberated through her like a bass drum, throbbing and pounding and demanding to be fulfilled.

  Annie arched and groaned aloud, clutching fiercely at his shoulders.

  "Please..." she begged.

  He touched her again, stroking, caressing, and driving himself crazy in the process. He thought he would burst with desire.

  Her voice was no more than a hoarse gasp. "I want you, Brett. Now!"

  He settled between her legs. The sexual energy flowed back and forth until they were one, striving toward the same climax. He could feel the crescendo building inside him until he lost contact with reality. He moved vigorously, an instrument of power and strength.

  Brett felt stronger and more alive than he had in months. Annie was the one he had been waiting for all these years.

  Annie found his power exciting. He filled her with passions long denied, and her body sang in harmony with his. When they merged, they blended beautifully in a duet of desire that quickly swelled to a triumphant jubilation. She had never experienced such fulfillment.

  Brett was a special man, and tonight he was hers. He felt exactly right in her arms. Her happiness was complete.

  The finale came in a flurry, taking them both to the pinnacle. He exploded with strength and rage, and she wrapped her arms around him and held on.

  For Annie, the peak was equally intense and satisfying. And Brett held her tightly, experiencing the ecstasy with her. For the first time in his life he felt satisfaction with his lover's climax. And when she finally relaxed beneath him, he cradled her against his chest. They dozed together.

  Sometime later, he stirred and tried to slip away.

  Instinctively Annie clutched him. "Brett, don't leave."

  He sighed and lay back on the pillow. "Annie... I probably should go."

  She leaned over and kissed the sleek muscles of his chest. "Please stay tonight, Brett. I want to wake up in your arms."

  "You sure?"

  "Yes." She rested her head on his chest and gently stroked his side, feeling the ridge of the horrible scar beneath her fingertips. "I'm not ready to let you go yet."

  With a grateful groan, he turned to embrace her, nestling them together like two spoons. "Well, I certainly don't want to leave you."

  Relaxing, drifting, they shifted again, finding comfortable positions for the night's sleep, bodies nudging, arms reaching out, and legs crossing. Annie felt the security of another person for the first time since she had moved to the apple farm. She leaned against his solid chest and slept deeply.

  Brett pulled her warm, slender body to his and slept through the night. For the first time since the shooting, he didn't wake to a nightmare.

  He rose early, slipping out of bed, still nude, to fix coffee. An
nie would like that, he reasoned.

  It was much later, when sunlight was streaming through the window across the bed, when Annie finally stirred. She nuzzled his arm with her face and began to smile even before her eyes opened to engulf him in their verdant happiness. Her skin was pale and her form was delicate beside his large brown body. An endearing morning-after blush tinted her cheeks, and he watched her stretch and yawn as long as he could without touching her.

  Then he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her until, sputtering and laughing, she pushed him away. "Please! Let me get my breath! You certainly wake up eager and energetic."

  "That's not all," he warned with a teasing growl, swinging one of his legs over hers. "Would you like to know how energetic I can be? How about a little horizontal aerobics?"

  Laughing, she sniffed the air. "Did you make coffee already?"

  "It's my best dish, remember?"

  "Oh, you dear, wonderful man, anticipating my every need." She lay back on the pillow and looked up at him with an admiring smile. "How very sweet. And you came back to bed so I'd wake up so gloriously in your arms?"

  Lovingly he spread her silken hair across the pillow, then slid his hand beneath her neck. His eyes narrowed and his voice took on admonishing tone. "It was amazing to learn that when you're asleep, you don't care who you cuddle up to."

  "Oh, you—" She lunged for him and after a brief, squealing tussle, ended up on her back with her hands pinned above her head.

  Brett hovered over her. "You can't deny you tempted me, even in your sleep."

  "Por favor, Capitan, you innocent man!" she claimed in her poor Spanish.


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