Under The Desert Moon (Desert Sky Series Book 2)

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Under The Desert Moon (Desert Sky Series Book 2) Page 17

by Mary Tate Engels

Annie waited for the longest twenty minutes of her life. She was anxious and tempted to follow Brett. But she knew that wouldn't help. Dr. Theresa was busy. And Brett could certainly find out more from his old friend without Annie there. Still, it was hard to wait.

  When he finally bounded out the door and down the steps, he wore a grim expression. Annie knew, even before he hopped into the truck, that he had not received the answers he wanted.

  "Nothing?" she asked with disappointment in her voice.

  "Not from Theresa. But she gave me a good lead."

  Annie looked at him curiously. "Oh? Where?"


  "Roman? Lacy and Holt's foster son?"


  After consulting with the youth for the better part of an hour, Brett convinced him they meant no harm to the refugees. Annie knew that Brett's hero status with Roman hadn't hurt. Still, Roman was a street-smart young man who recognized potential trouble when he saw it. And Carmen's advanced state of pregnancy had not gone unnoticed.

  Quietly he climbed into the truck with Brett and Annie and pointed them out of town.

  "Why did you do this, Roman?" Annie asked as they headed toward the foothills north of town.

  "Hey, just to help out, you know? Diego asked me if I could help. Said it was a matter of life and death. Is that so? Are these women on the lam?"

  "Well, not exactly," Annie said. "But they are hiding from the sheriff."

  "And him?" Roman pointed with his thumb toward Brett.

  "He's not after them. They're refugees from Nicaragua," Annie said. "And they're very scared."

  "Yeah. Scared of everything. Roman pointed for Brett to turn left onto a dirt road. "Hey, the one chick who's a baby-mama, she is like a balloon. That kinda scared me. I mean, I thought whoa! What if—you know? We just got a new baby from Lacy. And that was – wow!"

  "How much farther?"

  "Over there." He gestured toward a clump of mesquite trees that gathered around and almost hid a shack in the distance.

  "How did you know about this place, Roman?" Annie strained to see the building. There were no signs of life. Well, what did she expect? They were definitely hiding.

  "Aw, I found it one time when I needed a place."

  Annie remembered Lacy recounting how Roman and his little sister had lived somewhere on their own until they were discovered to have no home and no guardians. This must have been the place. Or one of the places.

  Brett pulled to a stop near the shack. "You go in first, Roman," he instructed. "Tell them Annie's here. And I'm here, but I can be trusted. Tell them everything's going to be all right. No one is going to turn them in, but they really should see Annie. Go on, now."

  Roman nodded. Slowly he left the truck and made his way to the shack. He knocked, then slipped inside the rickety building.

  Annie looked at Brett. "Should I go, too? They must be pretty scared by now."

  "Probably wouldn't hurt. They trust you."

  At that moment, they heard a shout. They looked up to see Roman standing midway between the truck and the shack. He waved for them. "Yo, Annie! Come here quick! Both of you!"

  Annie was out of the truck in a flash. "What is it?"

  "Hey, something's happening with the baby-mama!"

  "I was afraid of this!" Annie preceded him inside the semi-dark building. The room was hot and stuffy.

  Carmen lay on a makeshift bed, groaning. She was obviously in labor. Isabel stood near her side, making soft, encouraging noises in Spanish.

  "Isabel, Carmen... it's me." Annie slipped past the older woman and took Carmen's hand. "Que pasa? What's happening?"

  Carmen looked up at Annie, the fear in her eyes mingling with relief, and she smiled faintly. She squeezed Annie's hand until the current pain let up.

  "Carmen, oh, dear Carmen, we're going to get you out of here." She pushed Carmen's sweat-drenched hair off her forehead. "Everything's going to be all right."

  Annie turned to Brett. Her eyes were wide and panicked. "Do something! She's having the baby! Now!"


  Do something? Brett almost laughed out loud. What the hell did he know about babies? But the situation was too serious. Action was needed. And it looked like he was the one. "Another baby? Aghhhh!"

  He surveyed the scene before him. Annie silently pleaded with him, fear written all over her stricken face. They were miles from town. Isabel hovered over Carmen, resting her hand on the younger woman's tight belly, speaking quietly to her in Spanish. Carmen's eyes were wide with the fright of a woman caught in circumstances beyond her control. And no one here was equipped to deliver a baby. Well, maybe Roman would be the closest because of recent experience with Lacy's baby. No, he would be the one. He'd seen a couple of emergency deliveries in dire circumstances on duty in Miami. But he had never been the one in charge.

  The only one in the room who seemed calm was Isabel. And in this moment of crisis, Brett realized it was crucial to relay a calm attitude to Carmen. She was the vulnerable one, having a baby. And she needed to feel that everything around her was stable, that the people surrounding her were in control of whatever might happen. And most of all, that her baby would be all right.

  So, as he had done many times, under much different circumstances, Brett took control.

  "Isabel, por favor, talk to me." He took her arm and led her away from Carmen's hearing. "How long has she been in labor?"

  "Little time," Isabel answered in her broken English.

  Brett tried another tactic. "How many labor pains has she had today? Cuanto? Dos o diez ? Two or ten?"

  Isabel shrugged. "Maybe cinco, mas o menos."

  "Okay, good. Then she's just starting labor. And since it's her first, we probably have time to take her to Dr. Theresa's clinic. Do you think so?"

  Isabel nodded, relief in her tired eyes. "Ah, sí. Dr. Theresa, sí."

  "Okay, people, listen up! We have to work together here." Brett's voice assumed an authoritarian tone as he began to issue orders. "We're going to move Carmen to Dr. Theresa's clinic. She'll be safer there. And so will the baby. She isn't far into labor, and I think we have time to do this. If we hurry."

  Annie nodded to Brett, then gave Roman a tight, reassuring smile. The boy looked a little stunned. "Good idea. What do you want us to do, Brett?"

  "We're going to move Carmen's bed, the mattress, to the back of the truck and transport her that way."

  "Okay." Annie helped Carmen to her feet and, with Isabel on her other side, walked her slowly across the room.

  Meantime, Brett and Roman quickly started hauling the mattress across the room. Carmen cried out with another pain and bent double. Isabel and Annie struggled to keep her from falling to the floor.

  Brett swept the bulky, writhing woman into his arms. "We've got to hurry. Her pains are coming too close together. Annie, you and Roman get that mattress to the truck. Quick! Isabel, get the blanket. Pronto!"

  Everyone swung into action with Brett leading the charge. There was no more time to be scared, to stand around wondering what to do next. It was happening fast. And they had to do what was necessary or that baby would be born here in this hovel. And no one wanted that to happen.

  Exhibiting the utmost care, Brett cradled Carmen and lifted her swollen body to the makeshift bed in the back of Annie's old truck. Isabel and Annie crawled in beside Carmen while Roman sat in the cab with Brett. With a grim set to his mouth, he drove steadily over the dirt road, trying to speed, yet still avoid the potholes and ruts. Roman, using his usual crafty knowledge, showed Brett a shortcut around town that led directly to Dr. Theresa's. By the time they arrived, Carmen's pains were coming every few minutes. Isabel was instructing her to breathe into the pain.

  Annie dashed inside to get the doctor while Brett and Roman attempted to get the woman out of the truck. They scooted the mattress with Carmen to the edge of the truck bed. Brett hopped to the ground and prepared to lift Carmen.

  "Wait!" cried Dr. Theresa, pushing Bre
tt aside. "Let me check her before you move her."

  For a moment, the only sound came from Carmen. Her low moans changed to heavy, deep breaths.

  "She's having it now," Dr. Theresa announced in a steady tone. "We'll just leave her here."

  "Yo, man," Roman said. "I'm outta here!"

  "No, I need you. All of you," Dr. Theresa commanded. "Roman, go to the pharmacy next door and tell Tate what's happening out here. He'll know what to bring. Quick!"

  Roman took off in a run.

  "Annie, clean sheets are in the cabinet inside the back door. Get as many as you can carry. And my black bag is, uh, on my desk, I think. Go help her, Isabel. Hurry, now! We're going to have a baby in a few minutes here, and I want something clean around the area."

  Annie and Isabel scurried into the clinic.

  "Brett, climb up into the truck and kneel at her head. I want you to help Carmen by lifting her shoulders when I tell you. But not yet." Dr. Theresa gave Carmen a reassuring pat and a confident smile. "Now, Carmen, everything's moving along as it should. This is all okay. You're going to have a healthy baby soon. Here's what I want you to do..."

  And so, in the back of Annie's truck, with assistance from an anxious group of friends, Dr. Theresa delivered Carmen's baby. The high-pitched infant's cry was the most joyous sound in the world, and all responded with relieved laughter and hugs.

  Dr. Theresa calmly wrapped the newborn in a clean sheet and handed the tiny bundle to Isabel. "Your new grandson, Isabel. He's a U.S. citizen by birthright."

  Isabel gazed at the baby with instant love. She looked up at Dr. Theresa, then at Annie, her wrinkled face beaming with a most beautiful smile. "Gracias, gracias, gracias a dios," she murmured repeatedly.

  "Take the baby inside so I can examine him," Dr. Theresa said, gathering some of her equipment and heading for the clinic's back door. "Okay, Brett, Mr. Muscles, you and Tate carry Carmen inside. Careful, now. You help, too, Roman. You've been a part of this. May as well help finish."

  "Whoa, man," he said, stretching to view the baby in Isabel's arms. "Another brand new little dude. Just, wow!"

  Brett caught Annie's gaze and winked. "Babies. . ." He shook his head. "Yeah, wow!"

  His expression said more than mere words could. In those beautiful dark eyes of his, she saw relief, caring and, most of all, love. For the moment, her heart sang with joy. She smiled at him.

  "Don't tell me you're going to cry," he said gruffly. "Babies. . ."

  She wiped a tear, then fell into his embrace.

  It was early evening before Annie and Brett could get back home and relax in her kitchen. They left Carmen and the new baby in Dr. Theresa's care, took Roman home and brought Isabel to the apple farm for some rest and food. Brett made coffee while Annie helped Isabel get settled in Diego's room. She tried to get her to stay in the house but Isabel felt more comfortable in the shed.

  "I just talked to Theresa." Brett poured two cups of coffee. "She says the baby's okay, but a bit small. Probably a few weeks' premature. She wants to keep an eye on him for a few days. Meantime, Carmen is resting and doing fine."

  "Great." Annie heaved a sigh and sank into the nearest chair. Gratefully she took a sip. "Isabel has calmed down enough to rest, I hope. She's been pretty excited by all the events of the day. And last night." She hopped up and opened the refrigerator door. "I need to find something nourishing for her. For all of us. My God, I can't believe all that's happened in the past twenty-four hours."

  "For a sleepy little town, this one has lots of activity. And babies."

  She grinned. "I keep telling you, we're on our way to being a metropolis."

  Brett laughed. "Silver Creek has a ways to go before it's classified as a bustling city, but it's not doing badly. Population is growing weekly."

  "Actually, I think most of us would be satisfied with thriving town status." Annie pulled a casserole dish from the fridge. "I'll warm this chile relleno casserole. She'll like that and it's good nutrition for her. You know, Brett, I couldn't find Diego when we got back. I have no idea where he is."

  "Probably skipped out," Brett muttered, his tone revealing his agitation with the old man. "Damn fool brought all this on Carmen by hauling those women out in the country like that."

  Annie wasn't so quick to place blame on the old man. "I'm sure he had no idea that he was creating such problems—if that's really the case."

  "He didn't think it through, that's for sure."

  "Thank God Dr. Theresa was there. And she knew just what to do."

  "Yeah, I could see me grabbing a shoelace to tie off the cord. We should have called the paramedics."

  "Silver Creek doesn't have any paramedics."

  "No? What if you have a bigger emergency?"

  "Good point. That takes money, though, and we're still struggling."

  "You need to get your priorities straight! Emergency and fire services are crucial."

  "You're right, Brett." She stood and faced him, hands on her hips. "Why don't you present that proposal, along with a funding method, to the next Silver Creek city council meeting."

  "I just might do that."

  She angled her head and looked at him curiously. "Oh yeah?"

  His gaze enveloped her. He reached for her, hauling her roughly into his arms. "It's been a helluva day, and I've been wanting to do this for hours." His lips captured hers in a sweet, fervent kiss that expressed joy and caring and passion.

  Annie hoped with all her heart that he felt the same degree of love that she did.

  "I'm edgy," he murmured. "And tired. Can't take the stress I used to."

  "Thanks for going with me to look for them today." She remembered that he had worked last night and she had woke him up early. "And staying with the search. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't been there."

  "How could I look into your eyes, Annie, and refuse anything you ask?"

  "Anything?" She smiled, wondering if she asked for love, would he give it? Would he admit it? But she couldn't ask. Love was something that had to be given freely, not asked for.

  "Almost anything."

  "If you hadn't used your sources to find them, Carmen would have had her baby in that shack by herself, with only poor Isabel in attendance. And anything might have happened. They might not have survived—"

  "Don't torment yourself with what-ifs. We made it in time. And that's all that counts."

  She rested her cheek on his chest. "I was so proud of you today, Brett. When I first saw Carmen and realized her condition, I was so damn scared. But you were terrific. Calm. Reassuring."

  He stiffened. "I simply did what had to be done. It's my training. We all did our share. Including Roman. He's an amazing kid."

  They heard a scuffing noise on the back porch and the clearing of a throat. Feliz got up wagging her tail in greeting.

  Annie turned. "Diego? Diego! Where have you been?" She went to the porch and motioned. "Come on in. I want to talk to you."

  After a moment, the old man shuffled into the kitchen.

  Brett sat down, wisely deciding to keep out of this. He was so angry that he might say or do the wrong thing. Annie was much more diplomatic. Anyway, Diego was her manager.

  "Where have you been?" Annie demanded.

  "At the old mission ruins."


  Diego shrugged. He held his hat in front with both hands.

  "I was worried about you, Diego. While you were out there hiding, we were taking Carmen to the clinic."

  His eyes widened. "She is ill?"

  "She had her baby, Diego. They're fine, now, but we had a devil of a time finding them. Whatever, in your wildest thoughts, made you take them away from here?"

  "I wanted them to be safe."

  "They were safe here."

  "But not after the... uh, law found them." He looked beyond Annie to Brett. "I cannot say any more. Not for him to hear."

  Brett shifted toward the door. "I'll gladly leave."

  Annie's ha
nd shot out to grab his. "No. Stay. Diego, you can say anything to him that you would say to me."

  Diego shrugged again, avoiding eye contact with either her or Brett. "But he is. . . on the sheriff's side."

  She looked at Brett. "I know. But he's also in a position to help us."

  Diego looked at her. "You are not like your aunt. She would never do this."

  "Do what?"

  "Everything was secret. Even from Martin."

  "She kept secrets from Uncle Martin?"

  Diego nodded. "Sí, claro."

  "But not from you?"

  "I helped her, like this."

  "You mean, like taking the women away?"

  He nodded again.

  "Damn it, Diego, you almost got them killed!" Brett exploded.

  Diego backed away. "I wanted to protect Annie. I heard that things were going to happen. And I wanted them away from here. Away from you."

  "Things? What things?"

  "Thomas is coming."

  "Carmen's husband?" Annie asked, excitement creeping into her voice.

  Diego nodded. "I heard that he was on his way soon. And I was afraid that whatever happened would be bad for you. The sheriff would think that you are harboring illegals. I did not want that."

  "Oh, Diego, I appreciate your concern, but I'm not worried about that anymore. They're refugees and will be treated differently. And, as for Brett—" she glanced at him, "—after what he did for Carmen today, there's no doubt that he can be trusted to keep our secret. Anyway, we want to see Thomas arrive safely. He has a son now."


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