Norman said in some ways, it was “a well-structured process” but he acknowledged its shortcomings. Not only was it slow, cumbersome and bureaucratic, it inevitably led to compromises. When one team wanted to do it like this, and another team like that, feature creep took over, resulting in a lack of cohesion in the product.
“The businessman wants to create something for everyone, which leads to products that are middle of the road,” said Brunner. “It becomes about consensus, and that’s why you rarely see the spark of genius.”37
Even if a great idea came along, it was impossible to get anything done. Norman described just such an occasion.
“I remember vividly Jony Ive coming to me one day,” said Norman. “Then, high-end Apple customers would buy a machine and the first thing they wanted to do was take it apart and add a lot more memory, or add a video card or a second processor. And it was a pain to open the machine and you couldn’t access the memory and you had to take out some parts. And Jony had figured out a way to get around this, with a desktop computer that had two fasteners which you simply unhooked . . . making it trivial to add and change the machine’s memory. And I thought this was marvelous.
“The problem was, the hardware people refused to build it. So Jony and I went around the company going from vice president to vice president trying to convince them. If they said the idea would be too expensive, Jony presented them a price analysis showing that it wasn’t; if they said it would take too long to produce and ship the new idea, Jony would show them that he had already spoken to the factory, and they could do it in the amount of time available. It went on and on, for several weeks. Finally the CEO adopted Jony’s idea and it was accepted. But that was the old Apple—it wouldn’t happen like that today.”
Jony’s idea for easy access to the insides eventually made its way to market with a Power Mac 9600 in August 1997, and became a mainstay for all the Macintosh tower designs that followed.
Sometimes the fiefdoms, the bureaucracy, doomed solid new ideas. The most interesting product to come out of Jony’s design group in the late 1990s was the eMate, a small, inexpensive plastic computer for schoolkids. It was a curvaceous clamshell made of translucent green plastic, whose see-through look would be copied for the first iMac. Everyone wanted one. It had a huge lust factor, but it bombed.
“This product was driven by industrial design and it died because it didn’t have the right champion at Apple,” Norman said. “It died because there was a fight over it among the different divisions. Should it run Newton software? Should it run Apple OS software? Which existing computer was it going to compete with? No one came forward and said, ‘This could be a great computer for schools. What kind of software should it run, and how are kids going to use it?’ No one looked into its use backwards, starting from what kids would want to do with it and so what should go into it. And so due to the lack of cohesion at Apple, the eMate died.”
The eMate’s uniqueness was a rarity in the interim that followed Brunner’s departure. Most of the products were boring me-too designs, which reflected the engineering-driven culture at the core of the company. Much of their work was skin jobs. The chaos of trying to create in what seemed like an increasingly adversarial environment wore on Jony. Only a few months after being put in charge of the design group, he also was thinking of quitting.
“It was a company that certainly wasn’t innovating,” Jony said at the time. “We lost our identity and looked to competition for leadership.”38
Amelio had little appreciation for design. “There wasn’t that feeling of putting care into a product, because we were trying to maximize the money we made,” Jony said. “All they wanted from us designers was a model of what something was supposed to look like on the outside, and then engineers would make it as cheap as possible. I was about to quit.”39
Before Jony could quit, Jon Rubinstein, his new boss, talked him out of it. Just recruited as Apple’s head of hardware (the same job he’d held working with Steve Jobs at NeXT), Rubinstein gave Jony a raise and told him, going forward, things would be different.
“We told him that we were going to struggle to get through where the company was then, and that once we turned the company around, we were going to make history. Those were the terms we used to keep him at Apple—and also that henceforth, design was going to be really valued at the company.”40
Rubinstein’s promise would be fulfilled. The era during which it took three years to get products out the door did end; in the coming years, the rate at which new products and new ideas were adopted—many of them from Jony Ive’s fertile brain—would be nothing less than remarkable.
Jobs Returns to Apple
The thing is, it’s very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better.
On the morning of July 9, 1997, several dozen members of Apple’s top staff were summoned to an early-morning meeting. In an auditorium at company HQ, Gilbert Amelio, who’d been Apple’s CEO for approximately eighteen months, shuffled onto the stage. “Well, I’m sad to report that it’s time for me to move on,” he said, then quietly left the auditorium. Apple’s board had just fired him.
Fred Anderson, the interim CEO, said a few words before Steve Jobs took the stage. Jobs had been brought in as an adviser when Apple bought NeXT, his struggling software company, and, after firing Amelio, the board asked him to take over.
Jobs looked like a bum, wearing shorts and sneakers and several days’ stubble. It was almost exactly twelve years since he had been ousted from the company over a previous July 4th weekend.
“Tell me what’s wrong with this place,” he said to the group.
Before anyone could reply, he burst out: “It’s the products. The products suck! There’s no sex in them anymore.”
Jony was in the room, sitting toward the back. He wanted to quit. But as he sat there thinking about returning to England with his wife, Jobs said something that gave him pause. Jobs told the group that Apple would be returning to its roots. “I remember very clearly Steve announcing that our goal is not just to make money but to make great products,” Jony later recalled. “The decisions you make based on that philosophy are fundamentally different from the ones we had been making at Apple.”1
Much was about to change in how Apple was run, beginning with the product lineup. When Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, the company had forty products on the market. To appreciate the baffling nature of Apple’s kitchen-sink strategy at the time, consider the company’s computer lineup.
There were four main lines: the Quadra, the Power Mac, the Performa and the PowerBook. Each was split into a dozen different models, which were delineated from one another with confusing product names straight out of a Sony catalog (for example, the Performa 5200CD, Performa 5210CD, Performa 5215CD and Performa 5220CD). And that was just computers. Apple had branched out into a wide-ranging product portfolio, selling everything from printers, scanners and monitors to Newton handhelds.
To Jobs, this made no sense.
“What I found when I got here was a zillion and one products,” Jobs later said. “It was amazing. And I started to ask people, now why would I recommend a 3400 over a 4400? When should somebody jump up to a 6500, but not a 7300? And after three weeks, I couldn’t figure this out. If I couldn’t figure this out . . . how could our customers figure this out?”2 The product line was so complicated that Apple had to print elaborate flowcharts to explain to customers (and as a cheat sheet for employees) what the differences between Apple’s products were.
As chaotic as Apple’s portfolio was, it had nothing on the anarchy of Apple’s organization chart. Apple had grown into a bloated Fortune 500 company with thousands of engineers and even more managers, many of whom had overlapping jobs and responsibilities. Lots of them were exceptionally talented, but there was no central command and control. “Apple, pre-Jobs, was brilliant, energetic
, chaotic and nonfunctional,” recalled Don Norman.
In fact, Apple’s restructuring was under way before Jobs returned. Jobs joined the fray. He looked at everything: product design, marketing, the supply chain. Jobs started a thorough product review; he set up in a large conference room and called in the product teams, one at a time. The teams, often numbering twenty or thirty people, would present their products and take questions from Jobs and other executives. At first they wanted to give PowerPoint presentations, but Jobs quickly banned them. He saw PowerPoints as rambling and nonsensical; he preferred getting people to talk and asking them questions. In these meetings, it soon became clear to Jobs that Apple was a rudderless ship.
After several weeks, during a big strategy meeting, Jobs had had enough.
“Stop!” he screamed, “This is crazy.”
He jumped up and went to the whiteboard. He drew a simple chart of Apple’s annual revenues. The chart showed the sharp decline, from $12 billion a year to $10 billion, and then $7 billion. Jobs explained that Apple couldn’t be a profitable $12 billion company, or a profitable $10 billion company, but it could be a profitable $6 billion company.
That meant radically simplifying Apple’s product pipeline. How? Jobs erased the whiteboard and drew a very simple two-by-two grid in its place. Across the top he wrote “Consumer” and “Professional,” and down the side, “Portable” and “Desktop.”
Welcome to Apple’s new product strategy, he said. Apple would sell only four machines. Two would be notebooks, the other two desktops. Two machines aimed at pros, two machines aimed at consumers.
It was a radical move, cutting the company to the bone. Under Amelio, the plan had been to offer more and more products. Jobs proposed the opposite. In a single stroke, Jobs doomed dozens of software projects, and eliminated almost every product from Apple’s hardware lineup. Over the next eighteen months, more than 4,200 full-time staff were laid off. By 1998, Apple had shrunk to only 6,658 employees, half the 13,191 the company had in 1995.3 But the balance sheet was brought back into control.
The most controversial decision of Jobs’s first months was the late 1997 killing of the Newton, Apple’s PDA, which, after Jony’s Lindy, was in its seventh generation. A money loser from the start, Amelio’s administration had tried to spin off the Newton into its own division but the then-CEO had changed his mind at the last minute. As an adviser, Jobs had tried to persuade Amelio to shut down the Newton. It had never really worked right, and it had a stylus, which Jobs hated. Despite a small and dedicated following, it hadn’t taken off with a mass audience. Plus, Jobs saw it as John Sculley’s baby. Though it was the only really innovative thing Sculley achieved under his tenure, Jobs had many reasons to end the Newton’s brief life.
Most executives would have thought twice about killing a well-loved product, and Newton lovers flooded Infinite Loop’s parking lots with placards and loudspeakers. (“I give a fig for the Newton,” one sign read.) PDAs were on the rise, thanks to the success of handhelds like the Palm Pilot, but to Jobs, the Newton was a distraction. He wanted Apple to concentrate on computers, its core product.
Jobs aimed at making innovative products again, but he didn’t want to compete in the broader market for personal computers, which was dominated by companies making generic machines for Microsoft’s Windows operating system. These companies competed on price, not features or ease of use. Jobs figured theirs was a race to the bottom.
Instead, he argued, there was no reason that well-designed, well-made computers couldn’t command the same market share and margins as a luxury automobile. A BMW might get you to where you are going in the same way as a Chevy that costs half the price, but there will always be those who will pay for the better ride in the sexier car. Rather than competing with commodity PC makers like Dell, Compaq and Gateway, why not make only first-class products with high margins so that Apple could continue to develop even better first-class products? The company could make much bigger profits from selling a $3,000 machine rather than a $500 machine, even if they sold fewer of them. Why not, then, just concentrate on making the best $3,000 machines around?
The potential merits of Jobs’s strategy for the company finances were clear. Fewer products meant less inventory, which could have an immediate effect on the bottom line. In fact, Jobs was able to save Apple $300 million in inventory in just one year, and avoid having warehouses full of unsold machines that might have needed to be written off if they failed to sell.
Inventing Steve Jobs, 1976 and After
Jobs’s plan for Apple was more than a matter of B-school economics: He planned to make industrial design the centerpiece of Apple’s comeback. Since his first incarnation at Apple (1976–1985), it had been apparent that design was a guiding force in the trajectory of Steve Jobs’s life.
Unlike Jony, Jobs had no formal design training, but he possessed an intuitive design sense that dated to his childhood. Jobs, early on, learned that good design wasn’t just on the exterior of an object. As Mike Ive had been for Jony, Jobs’s father was a formative influence on his son’s appreciation of design. “[My father] loved doing things right. He even cared about the look of the parts you couldn’t see,” Jobs recalled. His father refused to build a fence that wasn’t constructed as well on the back side as it was the front. “For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through.”4
Jobs grew up in a house inspired by the tract homes of Joseph Eichler, a postwar developer who brought a mid-century modern aesthetic to the architectural landscape of California. Although Jobs’s childhood home was probably a knockoff of an Eichler (what Eichler fans call a “Likeler”), it left an impression. Describing his childhood home, Jobs said, “I love it when you can bring really great design and simple capability to something that doesn’t cost much. It was the original vision for Apple.”5
For Jobs, design amounted to more than appearances. “Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like,” Jobs famously said. “People think it’s this veneer—that the designers are handed this box and told, ‘Make it look good!’ That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”6
With the development of the Macintosh, Jobs got really serious about how-it-works industrial design, which he believed could be a key differentiator between Apple’s consumer-friendly, works-right-out-of-the-box philosophy and the bare bones, utilitarian packaging of early rivals like International Business Machines.
In 1981, with the PC revolution not yet five years old, 3 percent of U.S. households had a personal computer (including toy systems like the Commodores and Ataris). Only about 6 percent of Americans had even encountered a PC at home or work. Jobs understood that the home market presented a huge opportunity. “IBM has it all wrong,” he would say. “They sell personal computers as data-processing machines, not as tools for individuals.”7
Jobs and his chief designer, Jerry Manock, went to work on the Mac, with three design constraints. To keep it cheap and make it easy to manufacture, Jobs insisted on just one configuration, an echo of his hero Henry Ford’s Model T. Jobs’s new machine had to be a “crankless computer”: A new owner should just be able to plug the machine into the wall, press a button and it would work. The Macintosh would be the world’s first all-in-one PC, with the screen, disk drives and circuitry all housed in the same case, with a detachable keyboard and mouse that plugged in the back. In addition, it shouldn’t take up too much space on a desk, so Jobs and his design team decided it should have an unusual vertical orientation, with the disk drive below the monitor, instead of to the side like other machines at the time.
The design process continued for several months, with a sequence of prototypes and endless discussions. Material evaluations led to the use of tough ABS plastic that was used to make LEGO bricks, which would give the new machine a fine, scratch-resistant texture. Trouble
d by the way earlier Apple IIs had turned orange in sunlight over time, Manock decided to make the Macintosh beige, initiating a trend that would last twenty years.
As Jony would do in the next generation at Apple, Jobs paid close attention to every detail. Even the mouse was designed to reflect the shape of the computer, with the same proportions, and a single square button that corresponded to the shape and placement of the screen. The power switch was put around the back to stop it being switched off accidentally (especially by curious kids), and Manock thoughtfully put a smooth area around the switch to make it easier to find by touch. “That’s the kind of detail that turns an ordinary product into an artifact,” Manock said.8
The Macintosh looked like a face, with a slot for the disk drive resembling a mouth and a chinlike keyboard recess at the bottom. Jobs loved it. This is what made the Macintosh look “friendly”—an anthropomorphic smiley face. “Even though Steve didn’t draw any of the lines, his ideas and inspiration made the design what it is,” designer Terry Oyama said later. “To be honest, we didn’t know what it meant for a computer to be ‘friendly’ until Steve told us.”9
It took five years—the Macintosh, conceived in 1979, was released in January 1984—but the product represented the first distillation of Jobs’s design philosophy. Unfortunately, the Macintosh was the last product that Steve Jobs would see to market during his first tenure at Apple. About eighteen months after launching the Mac, in September 1985, Steve Jobs lost a boardroom power struggle. John Sculley, the ex-PepsiCo marketing executive Jobs himself had recruited, took over. His design philosophy, though, would continue to be influential throughout his absence.
Before his departure, Jobs talked about making Apple in the eighties what Italy’s Olivetti had been in the seventies, the undisputed world champion of industrial design. Design was hot in the eighties, especially in Europe, with groups like Italy’s Memphis Group10 of architects and designers earning accolades for their bold, colorful designs (memorably described as “a shotgun wedding between Bauhaus and Fisher-Price”11). In March 1982, two years before the Macintosh was unveiled, Jobs decided Apple needed a world-class industrial designer to craft a uniform design language for all the company’s products.
Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products Page 11