Behind The Mirror (The Chronicles of Enhanced Males Book 3)

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Behind The Mirror (The Chronicles of Enhanced Males Book 3) Page 7

by Doc King

Then she ties Casper to the bed, using the same strings that were used to tie Monica. The two of them light two red candles and drip hot wax on the young man’s skin, making him wriggle and moan. Then Lulu moves the candle above Casper’s penis. Oh, she’s not really going to do that, I think to myself. The red wax slides down the candle, but Lulu redirects it under his belly button. Casper gives a loud cry.

  Lulu then turns to me with the dirtiest smile in the world. She blows out the candle and gives it to Monica. She sits on top of Casper and starts slowly riding him, moaning loudly. Monica leaves the candles on the nightstand and sits on the boy’s face.

  I feel tingles in my crotch and dick again. I grab it and start moving my hand up and down, following the rhythm of the three of them reveling in ecstasy. It doesn’t take me long to cum. The pearly stream splashes on the floor and my thighs.

  I already feel the pain in my testicles, spreading through the crotch as I get up from the armchair. My dick is up for more than an hour, and there are no signs of subsiding. I press the glans with my thumb, but it doesn’t help. I walk towards the door. The three of them are so focused on one another, they don’t even notice when I leave the room.


  My clothes are lying scattered on the couch. I start picking things up, and see a bucket with champagne on the floor. I haven’t noticed it when we got in, because we started getting it on instantly. The ice has almost completely melted. I pull the bottle out and stick my dick and my testicles in the bucket. I grab the cold gelatinous mass with my hand and spill it on my genitals. Oh, that feels good! I repeat it until my penis is flaccid. I wipe it with a curtain. I know it’s a dipshit move, but I’m probably not the first one who thought of that. I turn around. No cameras. At least not in plain sight. I crack open the bottle and drink almost a third of the champagne in a single sip.

  I peek into the room.

  - Guys, I’m just going to…

  The three of them are fucking like there’s no tomorrow.

  - I’ll be right back…

  They don’t even notice me.

  I get dressed and walk outside, trying to find a bathroom. There’s no one in the hall. I hear the dull echo of the bass and sighs of people fucking in the rooms nearby. The door to the left, which is where we got in, is closed. I grab the knob. It doesn’t work. It’s locked. I bang on the door a couple of times, but with the music beats resonating through the house, I guess no one can hear me.

  So I walk down the hall to the opposite side. The champagne makes me dizzy. The mirrors around me just magnify the effect, so I stumble a bit. The hallway seems endless. To the both sides, there are doors similar to the ones I came out of, with sighs coming from the other side. I see myself everywhere. Suddenly, I run into a mirror in front of me. The illusion prevented me from realizing I was approaching myself.

  It seems that I have reached the end of the hallway. The door to the left is open and leading into a small foyer. One flight of stairs can take me up, and the other one down. I chose the ones leading down, and soon I’m in the same foyer, it’s only that there are three doors this time. I go right. Another hallway. Empty and filled with mirrors.

  Fucking shit!

  There are doors to the both sides in here as well. One door at the end of the hallway leads to the right this time, into a new foyer, again. Does this maze have an end?

  I go back to where I came from and go straight ahead. I walk into the opposite hallway. It’s exactly the same as the one I just came from. At the end of the hall, I turn left and walk into a new hall. There’s a door to the right, with different light coming from the other side. Something like neon lights. The first door in that hall is cracked open. I see the familiar interior. Tiles and sinks. The sound of water coming from inside. I’ve finally found it.

  I walk into one of the booths and pee with a loud sigh of relief. I’ll be a new man after this.

  I walk out of the toilet and see some naked people in the hallway, wearing nothing but straps and leather masks on their faces. Instead of going back the same way I came here, I walk down the hall with curiosity as my guide.

  Two girls dressed like Catwoman block my way. They squeeze me between them and start rubbing against me. One of them puts a leather whip around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. She smells like alcohol and strawberries.

  - I’m Destiny – she says – Wanna come inside with us?

  Through the half-open door to the room she’s pointing at, I see a man, tied up, in leather underwear, with a ball gag in his mouth. I remember how I didn’t enjoy the previous experience of that kind, not one bit.

  - Thanks, but my destiny is taking me into a different direction. – I say with a smile.

  - Too bad. – says the domino lady, releasing me from the sandwich.

  I smile at them and walk slowly down the hall, past the sweaty bodies wearing tight leather. One couple is fucking, leaning against a mirror, leaving smudged fingerprints. At the end of the hall is a door leading right, into – why am I not surprised – another foyer. There are stairs again. The logical choice is to go upstairs and turn right. Or go straight ahead? Nevermind, I’ll manage.

  However, the upper foyer has only one door, leading left. I’d hate to go back down, through the S&M crowd, so I go left. I enter a hall, with lights even more dimmed, so the mirrors look as if they were made of some dark crystal. The doors along the walls are not red, but black. And the music coming from somewhere in there is different. Some kind of depressive synth pop. As if I stumbled upon a gothic lair somewhere in Europe in early eighties. I just hope that the door at the end leads right. That would make sense. But there are so many things in this house that don’t sense, from these hallways and mirrors to the people who come here.

  Fuck. The door leads to the left. The interior of this house seems to defy all laws. How big is it, anyway? It didn’t look that big from the outside. Big luxurious mansion, but nothing special. I’d never have guessed that there is a real nightmare waiting for me inside. An endless maze of halls and mirrors.

  The light in the foyer is equally dimmed. The music is louder in here. Amplifying the creepy effect of the surroundings I’m in. What makes me really desperate is the fact that there are no stairs in here, just two halls. Left and right.

  I should go right. That makes sense. I walk in, but at the end of the hall, I realize there’s no way out of there. I’m starting to panic. When I go back, the foyer is no longer empty. There are six or seven men, half-naked, wearing leather, dancing to the creepy synth beat. Suddenly, two of them start making out, and soon another one walks up to them, caressing one guy’s bare ass. Great. That’s just what I needed.

  When they see me, they start calling out something, but I ignore them. I walk straight down the hall, as fast as I can. The door at the end leads to the left, but that doesn’t matter anymore. On the other side, however, is not a foyer, but another hall. It’s longer and wider than the one’s before. Or the deceptive reflections make it seem that way. The mirrors are dark here. No music can be heard, that is, all I can hear are the dull beats. It makes the sighs coming from the other side of the dark doors on both sides of the hall clearer. However, there are only men sighing in here.

  I slowly walk forward. How am I supposed to get out of here? I guess Lulu has noticed by now that I’m gone. But even if she has, that doesn’t help me at all. She probably thinks I went seeking for other thrills.

  Halfway down the hall, I notice a door to the right is cracked open. The room resembles the one where Lulu and I were, but the curtains and the furniture are black or dark purple. I can’t really tell with this light. I slowly walk inside. I’ll ask the people in there how to get out of here. I know it’s awkward, but I have no other choice. I just hope I’ll interrupt them while they’re drinking champagne, not having sex.

  As soon as I walk in, I hear someone squealing quietly from the room to the right.

  - I can’t hear you, pig! – I hear someone’s angry voice – Squeal louder!

/>   - Weeeee... Weeeee... – I hear a quiet squeal.

  - Louder! – the shouting is followed by a clap, something like a slap on the face.

  The other one then starts squealing like a drove of pigs, which raises the hair on my head. This was a bad idea. I slowly walk back. I’ll ask those guys where I should go. If they’re still there.

  However, before I leave the room, I think to myself – this is actually hilarious. I don’t know why I panicked. The curiosity wins again and I go back in. I’ll just take a peek at this recreation of a scene from Deliverance. As I tiptoe back, I try not to fall about laughing.

  Inside, I see the edge of the identical canopy bed. There are candles everywhere, lighting up the room. I peek inside, making sure the guys inside don’t see me. What I see in there almost knocks me off my feet. It’s hard to describe what I’m feeling. Different feelings overwhelm me, one by one, lasting for a split second. Shock, disbelief, disgust, but above of all, fucking delight caused by this sight in front of me.

  On the bed, Bryan Aldridge is fucking Matt Dobkins. A million-dollar sight.

  I rummage through my pockets, looking for my phone. My fingers are shaking, and I can barely keep in from falling onto the floor. My heart is racing with excitement. I point the camera towards the bed, but my hands are shaking so much, I can’t get a clear shot. Everything’s blurry. I take a deep breath and hold it in, letting my fingers get still. I see them clearly on my display. I press the record button.

  - Louder, pig! – shouts Bryan, slapping Matt on his fat ass.

  - Weeeee... Weeeee! – Matt squeals in response.

  Bryan’s tanned muscled jump on the flabby whiteness of Matt’s fat, which is quivering in waves. At one point, Bryan takes his long dick out of Dobkin’s ass. The turns Matt around, holding him by the hair, and cums on his face in a few short streams. He’s keeping his eyes closed and moaning loudly, raising his head to the ceiling.

  It seems that I’ve got you now, both of you. Motherfuckers.

  I slowly walk backwards, before they notice me, but I trip on the nightstand. Matt turns his head. He sees me. His face instantly turns into a mask of desperation and panic.

  - Who’s that? – he shouts at me, pushing Bryan away, while he’s still lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

  I start tapping the display, searching for the flash button, so I could blind them and get away.

  - Mark?

  Too late. Bryan is looking at me in disbelief. He slowly gets up from the bed, leaving Matt desperate, burying his head in his hands. I slowly retreat.

  - Mark. This is really… awkward. I’d like you to stop, let me explain…

  - There’s nothing to explain. Everything can be seen quite clearly… in here. – I point at the phone.

  - Mark, you’re making a mistake.

  I go out into the hall where, luckily for me, some people are standing now.

  I grab a young man by the hand. He’s confused, but smiles right away, expecting that it’s an invitation to sex.

  - I have to find the entrance right away. – I say in a serious voice. – Someone got sick. I’m a doctor. Can you take me there? Or show me how to get there.

  - S..S...Sure. – says the young man. – Walk through the last door on the left and go down the stairs. Just follow the markings on the floor. It’s simple.

  Of course. There had to be some logics in here. I look down. The patterns on the floor are actually guide marks pointing towards different parts of the Mirror House. Arrows in different colors racing in all directions. The white one points towards the exit.

  I rush towards the stairs. I look back. Bryan is walking out of the room, getting dressed along the way, which is slowing him down.

  - Mark, wait! – he calls out for me.

  I speed up down the stairs.

  - Mark, stop. Give me the phone. – I hear him shouting from above.

  I drop my phone into my left pocket. My heart is racing with excitement. I follow the white lines on the floor. Right, straight, left. They follow them, but it feels like I’m going in circles. I’m no longer sure the boy gave me the right information. Bryan is getting closer and closer.

  I finally step onto the stairs leading towards the entrance door. The main lobby is filled with people. I walk down and join them, deciding I should confront Bryan. I turn to him with my hands fisted. He walks down the stairs, out of breath. He sees me, stops, and then continues walking slowly towards me. He’s trying to keep his cool.

  - Mark... – he tries to smile, but fails miserably. – What a surprise. I’d never take you for someone who visits this kind of places.

  - It’s my first time. – I answer coldly.

  - And you accidentally ran into me?

  His face distorts into a cynical smile. That’s the Bryan I know so well.

  - I’d call it a twist of fate.

  We both laugh loudly. Although neither of us feels like laughing.

  - Listen, Mark... – he comes one step closer, and I go one step back. – Whatever you saw in that room… I’d like it to stay between us.

  - I saw plenty.

  Bryan blushing, but he’s still trying to keep it cool, with a fake smile on his face. This nervous tango of ours goes on, as we mix with the crowd.

  - I didn’t know you had… similar interests. I wouldn’t have been so hard on you, had I known we were alike. Really. You could’ve joined us up there. What do you say? You, me, Matt. Huh?

  - We’re not alike, Bryan. – I hiss, which makes him stop and get serious. – Not in the least. Where did you get that idea?

  Bryan clenches his fists. He starts blushing from his neck up to his ears and forehead.

  - I don’t like making men squeak as I fuck them in the ass, unlike you, Bryan. What would Valerie have to say about that? The woman you’d do anything for? What, Bryan?

  He comes one step closer again. I take a step back into the crowd. I’m starting to panic because I know what he’s capable of doing. I pull the phone out of my pocket.

  - What will Valerie say when she sees this video? What will people at the company say when they get a mail with this clip attached on Monday morning? Huh, Bryan?

  - You wouldn’t dare… - he reaches out towards me. – Give me the phone, Mark.

  I stop. Then I laugh in his face.

  - Give me the phone, you fucking son of a bitch!

  Everyone looks at Bryan. He’s embarrassed and bows his head before the judgmental looks of the guests.

  - There you are! – someone takes me by the hand.

  - Lulu. – she takes a load off my chest and I let out a sigh of relief.

  - I thought you’d left. I’m heading back. I called the cab. It’s waiting for me outside.

  She looks confusedly at Bryan who wishes the ground beneath his feet could swallow him.

  - Are you coming with me?

  - Yeah...Yeah, let’s go. – I take her by the hand and push her towards the exit.

  - Mark... – I hear Bryan’s voice behind me.

  I turn around. He’s no longer angry. Nor smiling. Nor self-confident. Shame, pain, and remorse are smeared across his face. I’ve never seen him like that.

  - Mark, I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me. Really. – he sighs. – I just don’t want anyone to find out… You understand? Delete the video. I’ll do anything.

  I let go of Lulu and approach Bryan.

  - You will, Bryan. On Monday, your desk at the company will be empty. Your address will no longer have New York in it. Got it?

  I get into his face, showing the phone.

  - And this video… It stays right here. In case you somehow appear in my life again.

  I turn my back to him and leave him dead-alive in the middle of the hall. I don’t know if this threat of mine will show results. Now I can only wait. As I walk towards the cab, I feel the sweat cooling on my back, and I shiver with cold. Lulu’s waiting for me inside.

  - What was that? – she asks me as soon as I get
into the car.

  - Deliverance, baby. – I smile triumphantly.

  - Boy stuff?

  - Something like that.

  - Boy stuff is mostly boring. And I could smell the drama from here.

  - Maybe a bit. But now it’s over; at least I hope it is.

  We drive through the night, back to the Big Apple. I’m not sure about the actual outcome of what happened tonight, but I feel relieved, and my lungs fill with the sweet night air of Long Island, coming into the cab through the half-open window. I feel fantastic, and I haven’t felt like that in a long time.

  - Did you have a good time tonight? – asks Lulu, probably intrigued by the fact that I’m smiling the whole time.

  - I sure did. It was exceptional.

  And I’m not talking about the orgies, which were, truth be told, really great, but the unexpected and wonderful solution to my situation with Bryan. Deus ex machina. I think that’s what they call it in fine literature and films.

  - There, you see, I told you you’d like it.

  - I never questioned that.


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