Lost To The Bear (BBW Bear Shifter Romance)

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Lost To The Bear (BBW Bear Shifter Romance) Page 10

by Ariana Hawkes

  “Stop,” Rockland said with a laugh. “It’s going to be difficult for you to shift back and forth at first. Stay as you are, kitty. I’ll need your claws for now anyway. She gave a little snarl in response. “Was that man threatening you?” She nodded. “He knew who you were?” She nodded again. “Those fucking assholes! They created a trap for us and let us walk right into it!” She gave a questioning purr. “The agency! The Commander! I knew something was wrong right away. I should’ve known he wouldn’t just let me leave. He set the whole thing up, let these assholes know we were coming, so they’d kill us to save him the trouble.” She tilted her head and gave a little whimper. He reached out and stroked her head, which instantly calmed her. “Don’t worry. No-one’s going to hurt us. I’ve just got to deal with the situation here, and then we can leave. Go back to the car and I’ll be there in a minute.” No. She shook her head hard. She wasn’t going to leave him here by himself. “You want to come with me?” She nodded. “Okay. But stay right behind me. And no heroics.” She purred in agreement. And then he shifted back into a bear and things started to happen fast.

  He went through the house, one door at a time, laying waste to anyone he found there. Paige watched, stunned, as his sharp claws took down one criminal after another, before anyone knew what was coming, until the entire house was clear. Just to be sure, they searched every single room methodically. Paige found that her sense of smell had gone off the scale and she could pick up every little trace of human scent. Including the last guy – a weaselly little man that she discovered hiding in a closet with a knife. At the sight of him, she let off a hiss and her paw arced out, knocking the knife out of his hand. Before she had time to think, she jumped on top of him, fastened her powerful jaws around his throat and shook hard, until his body went limp. Rockland, watching from behind, gave a rumble of approval. She dropped the body and they left the room, their claws clicking along the passageway, down the stairs, and back to the front door, which still stood open.

  Rockland tilted his head toward the outside. Let’s go. But Paige paused. She could smell something. A faint human smell. But different from the criminals they’d just killed. It was lighter and feminine. She turned and ran back into the house. Her nose brought her all the way to a small hatch, right at the back of the building, barely two feet square. It was locked with a heavy wooden bolt, but Rockland was right behind her, and a swipe from his paw shattered it. As he tore the hatch open, a much stronger human female smell emitted from it. Listening hard, Paige picked up the sound of whispers and whimpers. She peered into the darkness and made out the first two rungs of a ladder. With no hesitation, she leapt onto it and bounded all the way down on her light feet, but the sight that greeted her at the bottom almost made her cry out in shock. There were cages – more like animal pens – full of women, lying on mattresses. They were very still, listening hard, and she realized that they couldn’t see her in the darkness. She ran to the nearest cage. There was a bolt on the door, similar to the one upstairs. She pushed hard and it slid open. She waited long enough to see the door swing open, and she ran for the ladder again. Rockland was waiting for her at the top. She made a sound to indicate that she was done, and he ran into the office, came back with her clothes bundled in his mouth, then they raced out of the house together. The gates were wide open, and Rockland’s clothes were lying in a heap by the entrance. He paused and shifted back into his human form. Dressing quickly, he picked up her clothes and sorted through them.

  “There’s nothing good to wear here,” he said, smirking at the scraps that her violent shift had left behind. “Looks like you’ll have to stay a kitty for a little longer.”

  They ran back to the car, looking out for anyone that might be startled by the sight of a giant wildcat roaming the streets, but the whole area was deserted. Paige jumped into the backseat of the car and Rockland climbed into the driver’s seat.

  “Just will yourself to shift,” he told her. “Imagine it happening – your human body pushing through and your animal characteristics retracting. And don’t fight it.”

  Paige tried, and tried. And at last it happened. It was subtler than her previous shift, but it still left her exhausted and panting for breath. Rockland climbed into the back, pulled a blanket around her and drew her into his arms. She was dimly aware that she was shivering, but the heat of his body soon warmed her up.

  “You were amazing, baby,” he whispered, planting kisses on the top of her head. “I never expected you’d be able to shift. And you were so brave. Do you realize you saved all those women who were being kept prisoner down in that cellar?”

  “I guess,” she muttered. “But what will happen to them now?”

  “They’ll let each other out, then they’ll call the cops and they’ll be free.”

  “And all those criminals we left behind?”

  “There’ll be a blackout. As soon as the local cops start to investigate, they’ll discover that it’s being handled by an extra-governmental agency, and there’ll be no more questions.” Paige lifted her head to look at him.

  “But what about you? Your agency tried to kill you – tried to kill us.” He let off a long sigh.

  “And I’m very glad to say that they failed. I’ll make sure they leave us alone now, don’t worry about it. They’ve trained me well.” He winked at her. She shuddered.

  “But doesn’t it hurt? I mean, after all you did for them, they still want to take you out?” He shrugged.

  “That’s just how they work. They’re more like machines than human beings. They brought me up. I paid them back with years of service. I think we’re even now. All that matters to me is that I’ve got you.” Paige gave a little gasp.

  “This is really happening? You’re going to give up being a superhero and live with me?” His lips parted in a dazzling grin.

  “If you don’t think you’ll get bored of having me around all the time?” In answer, she lifted her lips to his own and they sunk into a deep, incredible kiss.

  “We’re a great team, Paige,” he said. “And I can’t wait for you to become my mate.”

  “Me neither,” she said with a grin. “But there’s just one thing I need to do first.”


  Rockland walked out of the DHL office, whistling. The package he’d just dropped off was insurance that the agency would never try to go after him again. Then he got into his car and drove over to the headquarters for the last time ever.

  “Tell the Commander to meet me here,” he told the security guy. “Just do it,” he demanded, when the man opened his mouth to protest.

  He didn’t have to wait long. The Commander drove up to the gate and got out of his car.

  “Rockland! Good job. I wasn’t expecting you to kill the entire gang in the process, but all’s well that ends well.” Rockland refused the outstretched hand.

  “We both know what you did,” he said gruffly. “And I want you to know that if anything ever happens to me, or to my mate, then the agency will go up in smoke, and the government’s secret activities will be all over the media. I’ve made all the necessary arrangements.” The Commander opened his mouth and closed it again.

  “Nothing personal, Rockland. It was just policy.”

  “Policy, and my own stupidity to imagine that you ever saw me as more than a commodity,” he spat. And then he turned and walked back to his car.

  Months ago, the knowledge that the agency had tried to kill him would’ve destroyed him, but he found that he didn’t care one bit. His love for Paige was more than enough to make up for it. And from now on, his only mission in life would be to make her happy. As he drove back to her, his thoughts were full of her beautiful face, her funny, feisty personality, and her incredible fearless spirit. He hadn’t imagined it was possible to love anyone as much as he loved her.

  Paige was sitting at her mom’s kitchen table, drawing a picture. When she was satisfied with the image, she drew it again, softening the edges, removing the signs of the passage of time
. When she was done, she called mama in from the garden and made her sit down at the table.

  “Mama, I’m going to show you something. Please try to just look at it and don’t freak out.”

  “Is it a spell?” her mom asked, lips pursing suspiciously.

  “No, it’s not a spell. It’s a drawing – two drawings.” Carefully, she laid the two pictures on the table in front of her mother and watched her reactions. Immediately, mama’s pupils constricted and she clutched at her throat. Then she pushed her chair back roughly and got to her feet, hissing and mumbling. Paige reached out for her hand and gently pulled her down onto her seat again.

  “Who is this, mama?” she said softly.

  “Bad man.” Mama shook her head hard. “Bad man who hurt me.” She jabbed a finger at Paige. “You found him?”

  “Yes. Rockland and I found him. He won’t hurt anyone anymore.” Mama was barely listening, jabbering an incantation. “Mama, are you hearing me? He’s dead. I shifted into my cat form and I killed him!” she yelled, much louder than she’d intended. Her mom fell silent and stared at her.

  “You killed him?”

  “Yes! He admitted what he’d done to you, all those years ago, and I was so angry that I shifted for the first time ever, and I killed him with my claws.” Mama seemed frozen in suspended animation, and then she threw her arms around Paige.

  “I knew it! I did!” she cackled. “When I found you all those years ago, the spirits told me that you’d avenge me one day, when you found your true nature.”


  “I’ve been waiting all these years, but I never gave up.” Paige’s gaze flickered over her mom’s face, which suddenly looked years younger, and she saw her as the girl she’d been when she was attacked in the forest.

  “And then Rockland came into my life and made it all happen,” she said.

  “He’s a good man. I think you two will be perfect mates.”

  “So you’re happy for me?”

  “Of course. I don’t hate all men, dear. Only some of the human ones.” Paige laughed and hugged her tight, and for the first time ever, she didn’t feel worried about her mom.

  Just then, a car horn sounded.

  “In here!” Paige yelled. She heard Rockland climbing out of the car and walking to the perimeter of the grounds.

  “Is it safe?” he called.

  “Of course, dear!” Mama cackled. He walked along the garden path and opened the door slowly. Paige stifled a laugh at the tense expression on his face.

  “Whew!” He pretended to mop his brow. “I was half expecting to get a bucket of water – or worse – tipped on my head.”

  “Not any more, Rockland. You’re family now.” Mama rushed over to him and threw her arms around his waist. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice cracking.

  “My pleasure,” he said, looking down at the tiny woman, wizened by the years of suffering she’d kept inside herself, and was very glad that he’d helped to ease it. “And I hope you know that I’m going to take very good care of your daughter, and do everything in my power to make her the happiest woman alive.”

  “I do, Rockland. You’re a good guy.”

  Paige ran upstairs and came back down with a holdall.

  “Okay, let’s go.” She kissed mama goodbye, then she and Rockland drove back to their little room above the bar.

  “I still think we should stay in a fancy hotel tonight instead,” he said, as they pulled into the parking lot.

  “No way. I’ve come to love this place. It’s where we met, kissed, mated. It feels like home.” He reached for her hand and raised it to his lips.

  “I love it here too,” he said.

  They had pasta for dinner, then Paige went into the bathroom to freshen up.

  When she came out, dressed in just a black silk negligee with a red trim, Rockland was sitting on the bed naked and his glowing eyes locked onto hers.

  “My mate,” he murmured. “My beautiful, perfect, fearless mate.” She walked over to him, her heart beating faster than usual. She was a little nervous, sensing that things were going to be different now.

  “I’m not sure that fearless is exactly the right word,” she said, placing her hands on his shoulders. He unfastened the belt of her robe and gave a low rumble as her voluptuous body was revealed to him. At the touch of his hands on her hips, she sighed.

  “I’m going to make you mine,” he murmured, his fingertips making light circles over the curve of her belly, the little hollow at the base of her rib cage, the soft curves of her waist, and her full breasts. She moaned as his thumbs chafed her nipples, and the tingle between her thighs blossomed into a deep, throbbing ache.

  “Okay. I’m not nervous anymore. I’m, ready,” she whispered, and her cat purred in agreement. She slipped the negligee from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He was ready for her too, his cock thick and swollen with desire. She climbed astride him, and he cupped her behind in both his hands, guiding her onto him. As he entered her, his eyes stayed locked on hers, the pupils huge and stormy, and she cried out as he filled her, all the way. He held her tight, his arms wrapped around her waist as he began to move, setting her on fire, swiftly bringing her to the brink of orgasm. She clenched tight around him, and her hips started to jerk back and forth, faster and faster, and soon she tipped right over the edge, coming with a wild cry as he plunged in and out of her.

  “Paige, honey,” he muttered, his breath hot in her ear, and his hands tangling in her hair. “I’m going to claim you for my own. And you’ll be mine forever.” He tipped the two of them backward on the bed and flipped her over, and then he spread her thighs and entered her from behind, going hard and deep. Her cat let off wild animal cries, and she clutched at the bed sheets. It was so intense, it almost hurt. Rockland arched over her, his breath rough and growly in her ear, as he thrust into her over and over. She felt like a ragdoll, abandoned to the power of this huge, muscular bear-man. He muttered her name so often that it almost became a part of his breathing. She arched her back, wanting to take all he had to give her. His breath became a series of snarls, and his tempo increased, and then, suddenly, his teeth closed on the back of her neck and she cried out as she felt them breaking through her skin. At the same moment, he climaxed, shooting his hot seed deep inside her.

  “Mine,” he growled as waves of orgasm rolled from his body to hers. “All mine.”

  “Are we mates now?” she asked some minutes later, feeling at the spot on the back of her neck where he’d bitten her. At the time it had been painful, but it was already fading to an almost pleasurable buzzing sensation.

  “Yes. You’re mine forever, now, baby. Like it or not,” he said, holding her against his broad chest.

  “It’s a good job I happen to like it a lot,” she said with a grin.


  Two weeks later

  Paige and Rockland bounded through the door of their brand-new property, arms outstretched, and laughing to each other.

  “I can’t believe it’s all ours!” Paige exclaimed. It was a Victorian pub in Gladstone that had been closed down for a few years. It was a little rough around the edges and would need some renovation, but all the original fittings were still there. And there was an office off to the side, with a separate entrance onto the street. For Rockland, it couldn’t have been any more perfect. They were going to turn the pub into a speakeasy style bar. They’d take turns in overseeing it, but they were planning to hire managers to run it as well.

  “We should get a full-time manager while you’re in college at least,” he said.

  “Actually –” Paige caught both his hands and looked up at him impishly. “I’ve kind of decided not to go to college.” He frowned.

  “But why? That was your ultimate dream.”

  “I know. But I only wanted to go so I could learn all the skills, and get the qualifications I needed to get a job. But I don’t need either of those things. I’ve got the best teacher ever right here.” The ghos
t of a smile crooked the edges of his lips.

  “But are you sure about this?”

  “Of course I am. Anyway. Now my cat side has come out, I’m way too advanced for those classes. I don’t need to look for fibers and DNA. I can just use my nose.” Rockland laughed as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and planted a kiss on her nose.

  “And a very cute nose it is.” She giggled.

  “Stop distracting me. So, I was thinking – when you think I’ve had enough training – we could go into partnership. Turn that empty office into a private detective agency.”

  “One that does private security work on the side,” Rockland said slowly, a grin spreading across his face.

  “What do you think?” Rockland took hold of her and lifted her right off her feet, as if she weighed nothing.

  “I think it’s about the best idea I’ve ever heard!” he said. “Cat & Bear Investigations. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s ridiculous. But kind of catchy.” He grinned.

  “I love how you always tell it like it is. And I love you, Paige.”

  “I love you too, Rockland.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, and their lips came together as if they were made for each other.


  A Thank You from Ariana Hawkes

  Thank you so much for reading Paige and Rockland’s story! I really hope you enjoyed it and if so please consider leaving a review; even if it’s only a line or two, it’ll make all the difference, and it will be greatly appreciated.

  I’ve also included a free bonus book for you here. It’s Shiftr: Swipe Left For Love (Kristin), the second instalment in my Hope Valley Dating App series. If you enjoy it, there are eight more books waiting for you in the world of Hope Valley.


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