Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology

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Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology Page 6

by T. L. Wainwright

  Her strangled cry was partly muffled with the intensity of his kiss, and it took everything he had not to pump in and out of her deliciously warm, wet pussy with vigour. However, he stopped still, allowing her body to adjust to his intrusion.

  Breaking the kiss, he watched as moisture collected along her thick dark lashes. When a tear began to fall from the corners of her eye, he released one of her hands, so he could catch it with his thumb, before it makes its way onto her flushed cheek. Putting his thumb to his mouth, he sucked in the salty tear, letting it linger on his tongue. His heart tightened, gripped with guilt for hurting her, but he could only hope that the short sharp penetration, had a less lingering pain and discomfort to a slow drawn out one.

  “Honey, you look so fucking beautiful,” he murmured, as he began to withdraw from her. When she bit the side of her lip, and her grip of his hand became stronger, he takes it slow. It pushed his restraint to the max, but determined to turn the unpleasant feeling into a pleasurable one, he took his time. When he was almost all the way out, he slowly pushed back in. Slipping his hand between them, with two fingers he began to roll and flick them across her clit.

  Rocking in and out of her, teasing her clit with his skilled fingers, it wasn’t long before the pain was forgotten and is replaced with sensations that are intense. Her body began to move in conjunction with his, wanting more, wanting everything.

  First came the tell-tale sign of her legs shaking. Then the rapid volley of moans that spilt from her mouth.

  “Come for me Jenny,” Teddy growled, on the edge of his own orgasm. “Come.”

  Teddy’s cock felt every internal squeeze, every spasm, every god damn contraction, when her orgasm hit. Her tightness as he stoked in and out of her just a few more times, is enough to have him plummeting toward his own release. Muscle’s taut. Breathing rapid. Skin slick with sweat.

  “Fuck, Jenny… fuck,” he groaned out, as he shot his hot cum deep inside her.

  Exhausted and spent, he collapsed to her side, eyes closed, panting like he’d just done a ten-mile marathon. Reaching out and retrieving his shorts, he used them to clean them both up, before taking Jenny into his arms, and placing a kiss to the top of her head. Her shoulders began to shake, and a soft stifled noise vibrated against his chest.

  “Sweetheart,” he cooed, “I’m sorry. I know I hurt you, but,” he lifted her chin with his finger only to find a smile on her tear stained face. “Jenny?”

  “It did hurt but… it was… bloody great,” she stuttered between gentle sobs. “And you shouted fuck.”

  Teddy looked at her with amazement, his pinched together eyebrows slowly relaxed as he smiled. She placed a hand on the side of his face and stretches up to place a soft kiss on his lips. When she moves back, the smile is no longer there, only dark heavy eyes look back at her.

  “What are you doing to me Jenny?” he growls out. Taking her hand, he places it over his hard cock. “This is what you do to me Jenny, you’re so fucking sexy. My dick has been hard since the first time I saw you.” He covered her mouth with his, sweeping his tongue along the seam of her lips, until she opened them, welcoming him in. His tongue forged forward, exploring her mouth with an urgency that left them both gasping for breath.

  Jenny’s hand still laid where he left it, but now it began to explore his firmness. Holding, stroking, fingers wrapped around the shaft, moving from hilt to tip. Her fingertips fluttered across the head, picking up a droplet of pre-cum and spread it across the smooth silky skin.

  “Fuck,” Teddy growled, before placing his hand over hers and stopping her from making another move. “You need to stop sweetheart, otherwise, I’m going to come again.”

  “Don’t you want that?” Teddy removed her hand but kept hold of it, bringing it to his mouth and placing a kiss right in the middle of her palm.

  “I’d rather be inside you, so you can feel it too.” Wrapping his arms around her, he brought her close. Her head dropped to his shoulder, so he can breathe her in. “But I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you?” Jenny shook her head against his chest. “Are you really sore?”

  “Just a bit,” she mumbled, slipping her arms around his waist.

  “What time do you need to be home?”

  “About an hour ago,” Jenny sighed. Her body shivered, and her apprehension was blatantly obvious.

  “Maybe we should get dressed, get you back home before your parents start getting worried.” Teddy moved to get up, but the hold around his waist only tightened. He increased his hold on her too, as they lay wrapped in each other’s arms, only the sound of their breathing can be heard.

  “Do you ever wish that you could freeze a moment in time so it would never end, even though the world outside is in turmoil?” He asked quietly.

  “Mhm! Have you?”

  “Not until now,” she tilted her face up to him, her eyes glazed with emotion. “I wish we could stay here, like this. No orders, no interference, no restrictions. Just you and me, locked in each other’s arms, kissing, making love, exploring our bodies and minds.”

  “If only,” she choked out, clear emotion in her voice.

  Teddy rolled them, until she was flat on her back, and he was above her, looking deep into her eyes.

  “I wish I could shower you with promises Jenny, but I can’t. The war makes all our lives complicated, unpredictable. I could be here for weeks, months, but then again, I could be gone tomorrow.” Teddy’s mouth was so close to hers when he whispered. “But I know one thing darling,” their lips brushed against each other as he spoke. “Every moment possible, every chance I get, I want to spend it with you.”

  Chapter Seven

  Jenny slipped into the house quietly, closing the door slowly so that her return was as inconspicuous as possible. When she turned to make her way up to her room, she was stopped in her tracks by the sight of her mam standing at the bottom of the stairs. Dressed in her winceyette nightie, she stood ridged, arms crossed, and face full of thunder. Jenny, straightened her back, standing tall in readiness for the inevitable telling off.

  “And where have you been till this time?” her mother shouted.

  “Out,” she replied sharply. Her mam grabbed her roughly by the arm when she tried to get past her.

  “I told you to come straight home,” her voice full of anger. “What has gotten into you Jennifer, you constantly disobey me. You’ve been with Nora, haven’t you? Even though I forbade you to. She’s trouble Jennifer and God only knows what you’ve been getting up to with her.” The last couple of words she almost spat in her face. Her voice got louder, the pitch higher as her ranting carried on. “That’s it Jennifer, and I mean it this time, no more hanging around with that girl.”

  Jenny shook her arm free, taking a step back and folded her arms across her body, mirroring her mother.

  “Mother, I’m nearly eighteen, I have a job, I earn my own money, so I think I’m old enough to decide when and who I want to hang around with.”

  “I don’t think so. In fact, from now on my girl, other than work and church, you are not allowed out of this house. Do you hear me?”

  “I think the whole street can hear you.” Dad gritted out as he walked down the stairs. “What’s all the racket about?”

  Her mam opened her mouth to speak, but Jenny jumped in first.

  “Nothing new dad, just mam treating me like a kid. Don’t do this, don’t do that, come straight home, don’t be hanging around with that Nora,” she said in a voice that was not that dissimilar to her mother’s when she went off on one. “It’s not fair, I’m an adult, and it’s about time she started treating me like one. She needs to back the hell off and let me have some freedom. I can’t…”

  “Don’t speak to your mam like that, Jenny” her dad interrupted with a sigh. He was stood halfway down the stairs. Dark circles are visible under his tired eyes, a shadow of stubble on his chin that will undoubtedly be removed before his next work shift. He ran a hand through his unruly hair and yawned.
  “Lord have mercy.” Her mam makes the sign of the cross over her chest. “What if the women at church get wind of this. We’ll be the laughing stock of the village. I can’t be seen to have a daughter who carries on like this.”

  “Like what?” Jenny screamed back at her mother. “Like a young woman, who has a social life that might include a pint at the pub, a laugh with a few friends, a date with a man?” Jenny held her hands up. “Lord strike me down, for I kissed a soldier.”

  “You did what?” her mam shouted.

  “Bloody hell mother…”

  “Enough,” her dad’s voice boomed out. Jenny jumped, shocked at his outburst as he very rarely shouted. “Go to bed. We’ll discuss this tomorrow.”

  Jenny gave her mam an evil stare, before stomping her way up the stairs. She stopped halfway when she came face to face with her dad. His expression was hard. Normally, she would kiss his cheek before she went to bed, but as he seemed to have sided with her mam, the feeling of betrayal rested heavy in her heart, as she pushed past him, and going straight to her room.

  Once dressed in her night clothes, Jenny pulled out the pot from under her bed. Hitching up the bottom of her flannelette nightie, she crouched to wee. She hissed when it stung, but then smiled as she remembered the reason behind it and the all-consuming events of the day. Once finished, she placed the pot back under the bed, before climbing under the covers. Within minutes, she pulled herself up into a seated position and yanked her nightie back off. She wanted to be naked, be free from the restrictions of any clothing. Her hand reached between her legs, as she tentatively explored the area that still felt tender. The memory of how he held her so tightly, comforting and soothing her, showing her affection that she rarely experienced, pushed her to tears. This time it’s tears not from pain or anger, but from a whirlwind of emotion and feelings for her American G.I.

  Chapter Eight

  It was difficult, that was for sure. The time they had was limited, and not in the most romantic of settings, but when they were together, it was everything to them. A heated moment in the back room of the shop, while waiting for the kettle to boil. A stolen kiss when Betty was distracted. Not once did they get the chance to re-enact the incredible moments that they shared that day. All that did accomplished was to intensify their mutual desire for each other even more.

  Rumours were still rife within the camp. It was now looking more like a when, rather than if, Teddy’s platoon would be moving out. So, when they were granted a few hours leave, Teddy made his way straight to the shop to see Jenny.

  He caught the door, holding it back for the elderly lady who was just leaving, then slipped into the shop.

  Jenny stood halfway up some wooden steps, duster in hand, flicking the yellow fabric between the boxes stored on the top shelf. She was singing. He hadn’t heard the song before, but it had a sweet, uplifting tone to it. However, her voice was a little out of pitch. Oblivious to his arrival and Betty was nowhere to be seen, he slipped quietly behind the counter. Leaning with his back against the counter, his eyes roam her body, from her dark glossy shoulder length hair, down her back to her narrow waist. His eyes lingered on her skirt covered ass, before trailing down to her slim ankles. Her legs were bare, but the line she’d drawn from the edge of her shoe, up the back till it disappeared under the hem of her skirt, gave the illusion that they were clad in silk. The temptation was too much. He placed his hand just above her knee and slid it under the fabric, quickly moving it up till it hit the plump round of her ass.

  Jenny let out a scream, jumped and lost her footing. The steps wobbled erratically, and she started to fall backwards. Before she has time to realise what was happening, Teddy had caught her, scooping her up, with one arm behind her back and the other under her legs, holding her against him. His lips found hers and she melted into him. Mint flavoured kisses that were soft and sweet, and said ‘I’ve missed you’.

  “Can you get away?” Teddy whispered against her lips. Their breaths mingled with each other, between the peppered kiss that he placed on her natural soft pink lips.

  “I don’t know,” Jenny panted. Her body already alight from his touch, already craving more.

  “She’ll meet you around the back in a couple of minutes.” Betty interrupted, walking in from the back room.

  They both looked at Betty, before turning their eyes to each other. Realising that they were still in a bit of a compromising position, Jenny smacked Teddy lightly on his chest and wriggled until he relaxed the hold on her legs. Her feet hit the ground enabling her to stand, but his hand stayed firmly around her waist.

  “Well, go on then,” Betty waved at Teddy. “Round the back like I said, so the gossip mongers don’t see you together and put two and two together and make… Well I suppose in this case…,” she tutted and shook her head, but you’d be blind to miss the gentle curl at the corner of her mouth, her attempt at supressing a smile failing miserably.

  Teddy kissed the top of Jenny’s head, before he made to leave. When the door closed behind him, Jenny brushed down the skirt of her dress and gave Betty a sheepish look.

  “Don’t look at me like that Jenny, I’m not stupid, nor heartless.” She chided. “It’s obvious you’ve fallen in love with the man.”

  “Love? I don’t think…”

  “Tell me. Does your heart beat faster every time you’re near him?”

  Jenny looked at her feet.

  “When he looks at you, do you feel like he’s touching you, every part of you, making your skin tingle, even though his hands are still in his pockets?”

  Jenny gave her a delicate nod.

  “When he kisses you do you feel hot, light headed, unable to breath. A million and one butterflies are dancing in your very core.”

  Jenny opened her mouth to speak, but the words seemed to get stuck on her tongue, like they were jumbled together and stuck with emotional glue. So, she nodded again, but this time it was clear and precise.

  Betty walked towards Jenny and placed her hands on her upper arms, making slow, short soothing strokes.

  “That’s exactly how my William makes me feel,” Betty’s smile was tainted with sadness. “And I love him more than life itself. The times I’ve wanted to give it all up is ridiculous, but until I know for sure that he’s gone, I can’t give up on my love.”

  Jenny wrapped her arms around Betty who in turn, hugged her right back, as the silent tears stain both of their faces.

  Betty released her hold first, pushing Jenny away from her before wiping the tears from her own face, with the back of her hand.

  “Right come on. There’s a handsome GI out there waiting for you, so why the hell are you still here?”

  Jenny couldn’t help but giggle at her incredible friend. If only she had this type of relationship with her mother.

  Betty followed Jenny through to the back, watching her while she removed her apron, and replaced it with her coat.

  With a hand on the door handle, Jenny stopped, turned to Betty and said, “Thank you Betty. You’re right,” she added, “I do love him, but the uncertainty of everything, the war, how much time we have, well, it scares me.”

  Betty covered her own mouth with her hand and swallowed down the choking cry that was threatening to escape.

  “You know I love you like a sister and the last thing I would want for you is to be hurt, but if you do love him, my advice is to not dwell on the what if’s, the maybe’s. Grab every moment that you can, make magical memories that you can cherish forever.”

  Running back into Betty’s arms, she hugged her with everything she had, before quickly turning and running out the door.

  When Teddy saw Jenny’s tear stained face, he brought her into his arms, holding her tight against his firm body. He tucked loose strands of her hair behind her ear, before brushing his lips against it.

  “Why are you crying?” Her fingers sank into the leather of his jacket that covered his back, pulling him even closer to her.

” she pushed her face into his chest and breathed him in.

  “Jenny?” using his index finger, her lifted her chin, so she had no option but to meet his gaze.

  “Nothing, I’m just being a silly emotional girl,” she smiled. “Come on?” clutching his hand with both of hers, she walked backwards out of the yard, bringing him with her.

  “Where do you want to go?” he asked as he followed her.

  “My house.”

  “Your house, are you sure about that? What about your folks?”

  “Dad’s at work and Mam’s gone into town on church business. The house is empty.” Jenny knew there was a chance that they might be seen by one of the neighbours, who would no doubt relish the chance of spilling the beans to her mother, but she had no intention on wasting the precious time it would take to get to the little B&B. She was fed-up with only having a quick fondle and a stolen kiss or two. She wanted to feel his body next to her, feel his hot, moist mouth on her naked skin. His fingers caressing her intimately, until he pushed her to that special euphoric place that left her breathless and sedated. The dreams that had plagued her sleep where just that, dreams. Now she wanted the reality.

  The catch on the door to Jenny’s room had not even clicked, before they were tugging each other’s clothes off. Not once did they break their heated kiss, at least not until they fell back against the wall, the air in their lungs escaping in great big gasps.

  “You are so fucking sexy,” he growled as he took her nipple and sucked it deep into his mouth, instigating a high-pitched squeal from Jenny. He lets the hard bud pop from his mouth, then soothed it with a gentle sweeping of his tongue. “So, fucking sexy.”

  The soft moans that resonated from Jenny’s lips, are in total contrast to the pressure of her finger nails as they sank into his scalp, while his mouth moved down her body. Hot wet licks, mouth sucking at her heated skin, are mixed with delicate feather light kisses, sending sparks of fire throughout her body. Too fast. Too soon. Jenny wanted the moment to last forever. Pushing hard against his chest, Teddy backed off and stood at the side of the small single bed, wondering what the hell was going on. When she dropped to her knees in front of him, taking his cock into her mouth, his legs nearly buckled.


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