Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology

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Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology Page 33

by T. L. Wainwright

“It’s fine. I understand.” I look back out over the stunning city below so he can’t see what I really think about us heading back. My eyes fill with tears threatening to break free. I’m not ready for this to be the end for us yet; I feel like we’re meant to have so much more time together. The word forever floats around in my head but I bat it away because thoughts like that aren’t going to help me. This was always going to be a two-week thing, I knew that from the beginning, but it’s a shame my heart didn’t get the message, because it seems to be getting more and more attached to Jay as our time together continues, and I know that it’s going to shatter into a million pieces when he leaves.

  I push my depressing thoughts away and try to focus on the here and now. We’re stood in the incredible Edinburgh Castle, looking down over the city below as the sun sets and the lights of the city begin to bring it to life.

  I let out a sigh and soak it all in. I want to remember how this moment feels because I know what I have ahead of me isn’t going to be easy. Jay must sense my mood because he stands a little closer and wraps his arm around my shoulder. He doesn’t say anything but I know he’s thinking the same.

  Chapter Seven

  “Skittles, wake up. We need to get going,” Jay whispers.

  I stretch out my aching legs and groan at the prospect of getting out of this incredibly comfortable bed. “Another hour?”

  “You’ve already had that.”

  I groan again.

  “Come on, you can sleep in the car.”

  I begrudgingly swing my legs out and pull my aching body to a sitting position. I have a quick, hot shower to try to freshen myself up but I’m still sleep fogged, which is seriously unlike me. There’s something about having Jay sleeping next to me that seems to solve my sleeping issues. I’m not looking forward to my long sleepless nights returning when he’s gone.

  The last forty-eight hours were by far the best of my life. Exploring a city as amazing as Edinburgh with Jay was a thing dreams are made of. I’ve wanted to see the city for years and I’m so glad I never made the effort before, because this has been perfect; even with my now exhausted body after walking god know how many miles. Jay doesn’t seem to be affected one bit, but then I guess he’s trained for a little more than just walking around a hilly city; his toned body certainly points that way. He looks as limber as ever while I hobble my way out to the car to start our long journey back down south. He hasn’t told me where we’re going next, and I’m more than happy for it to be a surprise.

  I think I make it about an hour into the journey before I’m asleep again. I’ve never been able to sleep when travelling before and I put my new ability down to Jay’s presence.

  I wake up and fall back to sleep more times than I can count; songs on the radio blur into the next one and the view hardly changes as we fly down the motorway. The only constant is Jay sat next to me, silently driving. He feels my stare every time I glance over and immediately looks back at me. It makes me sad because although he smiles, I can see the dark clouds he’s been trying to keep hidden resurfacing. He’s had a couple of phone calls over the last two days that’s he’s excused himself to answer, and when I’ve asked about them, he’s tried to play it off like it’s nothing, but I can tell it’s not. I asked if it’s his mum but he said as far as he knows she fine, but the only way to tell for sure is to turn up because she doesn’t answer the phone unless it’s her dealer. I’m not sure if he was exaggerating, but I’m hoping so.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask for the millionth time.

  “Yes, stop worrying. We’re nearly there.”

  I sit myself up and look out the window to see a Welcome to Cambridge sign approaching.


  “Yep. You loved Edinburgh and this place has some great history too, so thought you’d like it.”

  “Jay, what the hell?” I ask when he starts heading up a posh driveway I would assume is to some fancy manor house, only the hotel sign at the entrance was a bit of a giveaway.

  His answer is to shrug at me. I’ve tried my hardest to pay my way but other than the odd meal and a couple of coffees, I haven’t succeeded. It bothered me in the cheap B&Bs we stayed in, but this place looks like it’s going to cost a bloody fortune.

  I let out a sigh as Jay pulls the car to a stop in front of the grand building. As I take in its vastness, I feel the weight of our impending separation pressing down on my shoulders.

  “Hey,” he says, reaching up to grab my cheek. His hand encourages me to look at him, and when I do, I see his face drop at the sight of the tears in my eyes. “I want to treat you, okay? I want you to have something to—”

  “Remember you by,” I whisper, cutting him off.

  He instantly gets this guilty look on his face so I know I hit the nail on the head.

  “I’m sorry, Erin.”

  I’m not entirely sure what he’s apologising for. It could be a number of things but I feel the need to do the same. “Me too.”

  “Come on then, I’ve already reserved a room.”

  “Jay, it’s too expensive. Let’s just go and find a B&B.”

  “No,” he snaps, a little more harshly than intended if the look on his face is anything to go by. “I’ve got this all planned.”


  “I have a room booked under Baxter,” Jay says to the lady behind reception.

  They continue chatting about the booking but I zone them out in favour of looking at the interior of this incredible hotel. The building’s ancient and inside’s just as gorgeous as the exterior. The decorations around reception are all deep ruby and gold. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as I take in the appearance of a couple of guests. I don’t fit in here in my worn jeans, scuffed boots and slightly bobbly jumper. I pull my sleeves down over my hands as I start to feel more and more out of place.

  “Come on then, our room’s waiting,” Jay says, stepping up to me and distracting me from my extravagant surroundings. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the lifts. I don’t realise he doesn’t have hold of our cases until a very well dressed employee wheels them in behind us on a trolley. It all seems a little much for Jay’s duffle and my tiny suitcase but I go with it.

  Jay keeps a tight hold on my hand the entire ride to the top—yes, the top—of the hotel.

  “Jay?” I question, when the bellboy backs out of the lift.

  “Shhh…come on, you’re going to love it.”

  He’s not wrong, because from the second I step foot over the threshold, I’m in love. The room—or should I say suite—is incredible; totally over the top for the two of us, but still incredible.

  Jay thanks the bellboy and I watch as he smoothly slips him some money before he quickly leaves us to it.

  “Jay, this must be so expensive.”

  “Stop going on about the money. It’s fine. I’m usually stuck on base and spend nothing. I want to enjoy ourselves, make tonight special.”

  The question about this being our last night together is on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t want to know the answer so I snap my mouth shut and nod at him.

  “Just so you know, I’m not one of those girls you need to spend money on to make something special.”

  “I know you’re not, Skittles. I didn’t do this because I thought it was what you wanted. I’ve done it because it’s what you deserve.”

  My heart flutters and I know in that moment the last little bit I was holding on to has gone. I stare into his grey eyes and in one sense I can see my entire future, because I know he’s going to stay with me forever, but at the same time I feel like I’m looking at the end.

  “Don’t get upset.” His hands drop mine in favour of holding on to my cheeks. “I want to show you how much our time together has meant to me, how much you mean to me.”

  Thankfully, he doesn’t give me a chance to answer because I probably would have burst into tears. Instead, he lowers his lips to mine. We stay motionless for a long time with our lips connected. As nice as
the connection is, I need more of him. Our hours are counting down and I’m desperate to spend them as close to him as possible.

  He must have the same thoughts because within seconds I feel his lips move against mine before his tongue sweeps in. He kisses me deeply, passionately, until my entire body is alight. My nipples peak and every time his chest presses against them, little bolts of lightning shoot off around my body. Jay’s hands slide down my neck before descending until he grabs on to my arse. He pulls my body tightly against his, allowing me to feel his hardness pressing into my stomach.

  When he pulls back, we’re both breathless. “Jay, I—” I start, but a phone ringing stops me.

  I stand and watch as he walks over to answer it. I can’t help but smile when I see him try to rearrange himself in his jeans—kissing me caused that! This man is gorgeous, strong, kind, brave, and he wants boring ol’ me. Even after all the time we’ve spent together, I still can’t quite get my head around it. He has the most exciting life, shipping off all around the world, saving people’s lives, yet he’s spent the last ten days or so being the kindest and sweetest guy.

  “Yes, she’s on her way,” he says, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Where am I going?” I ask when he’s put the phone down.

  “I’ve booked a couple of surprises for you.”

  “Isn’t this enough?”

  “Nowhere near.” He’s in front of me again and before I realise he’s moved, he’s pulling me back to him for a short but amazing kiss. “I told you I wanted to show you how much our time has meant to me, how much you mean to me.”

  After grabbing his duffle bag, he takes my hand and together we head back into the lift—only this time, we descend to the basement.

  It’s obvious what he’s done when the lift doors open because we’re greeted by a giant spa and wellbeing centre sign.

  We just step out when he tugs my arm and pulls me up against him. “You go and relax, I’ll be in the gym next door. I’ll meet you back up in the room when you’re done.” He presses a second room key into my empty hand before giving me a slightly impropriate kiss and pushing me towards the spa entrance.

  “Erin?” the lady behind the desk asks.


  “Okay, if you head through that door you’ll find a robe to change into and some lockers to put your clothes in. When you’re ready, come back out and have a seat on one of the loungers. Kristy will come and get you.”

  I glance over to where she pointed and see a series of loungers in a garden room looking out over the grounds. “Okay, th…thank you,” I stutter. This has taken me by surprise and I feel totally out of place, having never stepped foot in a spa before. I need Frankie here; this kind of thing is a weekly occurrence for her. As I walk through to find the robe, I realise how much I miss my best friend. We’ve hardly spoken since I left with Jay, and the only thing I know about what’s going on with her is that she’s shagging Dean, Jay’s non-solider mate. Before getting undressed, I grab my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and write her a message.

  Erin: You would not believe where I am! Jay’s booked us a suite in this insane hotel in Cambridge and I’m currently stood in the spa. I’ve no idea what I’m doing. I think this is our last night.

  I’m surprised when I immediately see three little dots on my screen.

  Frankie: Make the most of it; you deserve it. Is tonight going to be the night?

  Butterflies erupt in my belly as I think about what’s in store for us tonight. That kiss earlier sure pointed towards more. The memory of him coming into my room in Inverness still haunts me, and I’d kind of hate to not have the chance to experience that again, only I’d like to be able to see him this time.

  Erin: Only time will tell.

  Frankie: If he’s half as good my soldier, you’re in for a good night.

  I still don’t have the heart to tell her over the phone that Dean’s a liar, but I’m going to have to as soon as I get back.

  Erin: See you soon. Love you x

  Frankie: You’re not going to get away that easily without telling me the details once you’re back. Love you too x

  I stare down at my phone and let out a sigh. Sharing what Jay and I have done together seems weird somehow. It’s been about us, and part of me wants to keep it that way. I feel like we’ve experience something no one else is going to understand. I know most people are going to think I’m crazy for going with him in the first place, let alone falling for him when I don’t really know much about him, but I have, and I think it’s time I stopped denying how much. I try not to think about it because then it leads to me thinking about him leaving. I really want to ask about where he’s based, what he’s going to be doing and when his next leave is, but it makes everything too real.

  I’m stood there with my phone in my hand staring at the blank screen for so long that eventually there’s a knock on the door.

  “Are you okay in there?”

  “Shit,” I whisper. “Yes sorry, I had a call. I’ll be two minutes.”

  I quickly strip out of my clothes and stuff them and my phone into the locker before slipping into the thickest, softest robe I think I’ve ever worn.

  When I step out, two women are chatting at the reception desk. The door shutting behind me alerts them to my presence and they both turn to look at me. I feel my face heat. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t worry. Come this way.” I follow Kristy down a short corridor, spending the whole time wondering how she gets her blonde hair quite so perfect, before heading into a softly lit room full of candles and the same relaxing music filtered throughout the spa.

  “Have you had a massage before?”

  I shake my head, too busy looking around the room at everything to answer.

  “Okay, well in a minute I’ll leave you to get comfortable. You can remove your robe and lie face down on the bed, and cover yourself with the towel here.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  “We’ll do your facial afterward.”

  Kristy does as she said and disappears out of the room and I stand there feeling totally overwhelmed. She may have only given me a couple of instructions but I have no idea what I should be doing.

  I follow my instincts and get onto the bed.

  “Are you ready?” I hear asked in a soft voice.


  I’m face down and it kills me not to be able to see what Kristy’s doing. I’m too damn nosey for this.

  It’s only a minute or two before she softly starts telling me what she’s going to do, and then I feel her warm hands on my feet; I all but jump from the bed.

  “Sorry, are you ticklish?”

  “Yes,” I say, trying to squirm out of her hands.

  Thankfully, she changes her technique before swiftly moving on to my legs. It takes a while but eventually the soft music and her repetitive actions relax me.


  “Huh?” I ask, lifting my head from the hole.

  “We’re done.”

  I blink a couple of times as I try to figure out where I am. Kristy looks at me with an amused but knowing smile. Clearly, I’m not her only client to fall asleep on her table.

  “I’ll give you a couple of minutes to relax and then we can start your facial. You’ll need to be on your back for that one so you can again cover yourself with a towel. I’ve put a clean one over there. I’ve left you a glass of water but would you like anything else?”

  “That’s perfect, thank you.”

  I just about manage to stay awake to enjoy the facial and I soon realise why Frankie does this kind of thing regularly. By the time Kristy has finished, I feel amazing. I swear my face has never been so clean.

  “Thank you so much; that was incredible.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Is that it?” I ask, seeing as she hasn’t talked about anything else.

  “No, you have appointments with Charlie and Ronnie, but you need to go and get showered first as I�
�m sure you won’t want to once Charlie’s done your hair.”

  “My hair?”

  “Yes. If you go back to where you got the robe, you’ll find showers. All the products you need will be in there. Then, just wait out on the loungers.”

  I follow her instructions and in a couple of minutes I find myself stood under a waterfall shower, silently thanking Jay for organising this for me. As much as I want my hair done, I’m also desperate to see him. Is it crazy that I miss him? I’m also kind of desperate to see him working out in the gym. I’ve loved waking up in the mornings to find him doing his sit ups next to the bed.

  My thoughts run away with me and I once again find myself rushing to get back out before someone has to knock for me.

  I’ve barely sat my arse on the lounger before I hear my name being called. When I look over my shoulder, there’s a young slim guy with the silkiest locks I think I’ve ever seen stood smiling at me.

  “Are you ready, darlin’?”

  “Sure am.”

  Charlie leads me to a hair salon at the end of the corridor, sits me down and hands me a glass of bubbles. I could get used to this!

  “So, darlin’, what are we doing?”

  “It could do with a trim.”

  “Okay, what else? How do you want it for your big night?”

  “My big night?” My mind runs away with me and all I see is Jay and I in a huge bed. Embarrassment flushes my neck and face.

  “Yes, I’m presuming you have dinner reservations with a sexy young man, and if your blush tells me anything it’s that the plans don’t end there,” he whispers, making me flush more. “Just as I thought.”

  I change the subject and explain to Charlie how my hair doesn’t do anything so it’s not worth his effort, but he tells me that’s rubbish because he can work magic. I give him permission to do whatever he wants and sit back with my bubbles.

  “Tell me about this sexy man, then,” Charlie says, once I’m back from the basin.

  I hesitate for a second but when I meet his soft, kind eyes in the mirror, I find our story falling from my mouth. I tell him everything about meeting Jay in the nightclub to our road trip that has found us here.


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