Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology

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Help Our Heroes: A Military Charity Anthology Page 43

by T. L. Wainwright

  Hugging Alana to her side she laughs, “I would love to, but that’s a story for another day.”

  “Awww,” the girls say in unison.

  “Besides, I think I’m out of tissues,” Grandma Ruby teases making us all laugh as we gather up the mountain of used tissues.

  Looking at my watch, I’m surprised to see how late it is. “Come on girls, let’s get things cleaned up, we need to be going soon.”

  “Aww, do we have to?” Alana whines.

  “Yeah, I’m afraid so. But I bet Grandma Ruby would let us come back and visit again.”

  “Of course, you are welcome any time. I have plenty of stories to tell. I might even have a few to tell about your mother.”

  “Now there’s something I’d like to hear,” Zoey teases.

  “We’ll save those for much later,” I tease back as Grandma laughs.

  Walking us to the door, both of the girls hug Grandma and thank her for sharing her story with them.

  Hugging her myself, I kiss her cheek. “Thank you. I’m sorry you had to go through that loss.”

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s the trial we go through in life that builds character. Paul was just the first of many trials in my life. Even after I married Calvin there were trials, the difference was having someone to go through them with me.”

  “You are an amazing woman Grandma, and I’m so glad my girls get to know you.”

  She smiles and pats my hand, “Me too sweet girl. Now you go home to that handsome man of yours and give him a kiss for me.”

  I laugh lightly. Grandma has always had a soft spot for Mark. “I will.”

  “And next time,” she continues, “bring him with you. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen him.

  “I’ll make sure I bring him along,” I promise.

  After another round of goodbyes, the girls and I make our way to the car to head home.

  The drive home is quiet, reflective even. Once again, I’m thankful for the women who came before me. For the trials and heartaches, they endured and their willingness to share their stories so that future generations might learn from them.

  Our journey to Grandma Ruby began because my daughters found a forgotten box of old letters and photos hidden away in the attic. One day my grandchildren will find the same box, tucked away in the corner of the attic covered with dust, and my girls will be able to tell them how the Admiral’s daughter became the Flyboy’s girl.

  About the Author

  Michelle Rene is the author of The Strong Hearts Collection and co-author of the The Winter Haven Series with Xana Jordan. Living in the land of sunshine, also known as Florida, Michelle enjoys spending time with her family, writing and cheering on the Florida Gators. Due to her one-click addiction, Michelle spends her downtime reading one of the many books on her Kindle.







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  Battle Ground


  Skye Turner


  The Fitzgerald Triplets

  Rea Badeaux has always been best friends with the Fitzgerald triplets. Growing up alongside them, she’s been there for all three. But, she's always yearned for more than friendship from the gorgeous, daredevil of the group, Luka.

  Luka has always counted on Rea to nurse his various wounds, both physical and mental. Until he joins the Marines and sets his sights on becoming the best of the best… Special Forces.

  While on a top secret reconnaissance mission overseas, tragedy strikes and his position is compromised.

  Upon returning home, he must come to terms with the changes to his body and life.

  Rea is once again there for him, though she's now involved with someone.

  Luka quickly realizes that the one thing he's been fighting so hard for has been right there all along.

  Only, he’s battered and broken, a mere shell of the man she knew. He pushes Rea away only to pull her back in.

  Is Rea willing to take a chance on the one man she’s loved her entire life?

  Love is a battle and sometimes we have to lose to actually win.


  For every wounded warrior out there… thank you doesn’t nearly convey the depth of my love and gratitude for your service and sacrifice, but THANK YOU.



  Thirteen years ago

  “Luka! Are you crazy? Don’t you dare jump from there! You’re going to break your neck!” I scream at Luka as he climbs even higher up the tree on the bank of the Mississippi River.

  Leila, Luka’s fourteen-year-old sister, another of the Fitzgerald triplets, and my best friend, rolls her eye and mutters, “Why are you even wasting your breath, Rea? You know damn well that he’s an idiot and he’s not going to listen to you.”

  My hands cover my eyes as I peek through my fingers and snap at her, “Don’t cuss, Leila. Ladies don’t cuss!” I groan as Luka grins down at me with his trademark smile. The one that normally makes my stomach flutter and my breath catch, but right now, I’m too scared he’s about to die in front of me to care. He gives me a thumbs up from way up in the old tree and I whisper, “Oh, please don’t kill yourself…”

  Leila slaps her hands on her hips as she laughs at me. “Well, it’s a damn good thing I’m no lady.” Then turning, she yells at her brother, “You better not break anything else, dumb ass! Daddy will beat your tail. He specifically said that he was not going to the hospital on his day off!” She mutters again, “Damn, fool!”

  A chuckle from beside us has me peeking over. Laeten, their brother and the last of the three, is lounging on the ground with his pencils and pad, sketching his brother’s antics in the tree. “Leila, you know Luka does what he wants. He thinks he’s Superman.”

  I’m only half listening to them as I breathlessly watch Luka scale another branch. He walks out on the far too thin wood and calls down to us, “Y’all ready to see something awesome?!” And as usual, without waiting for a reply… he jumps.

  I squeal and my hands clutch at my throat as I watch him fall. His arms and legs are dancing with the wind as he heads toward the water.

  That’s way too high! Why would he do that!?

  He’s Luka, Rea. That’s why. He doesn’t think anything through and just does what he wants. The more dangerous, the better.

  Stupid fool!

  He whoops until he hits the water. My eyes are glued to the brown ripples, from the silt being all stirred up, on the surface of the river.

  He doesn’t pop back up.

  Oh, God. Where is he? Did he hurt himself? Did the current grab him?

  Oh, no. Where IS he?

  Leila leans forward as her eyes worriedly race over the surface of the water; the ripples still. She chews her lips and gasps. “Oh, crap! Where are you, Luka?”

  The three of us all watch the water for any sign of him.

  Laeten suddenly jumps up and pulls his shirt off as he races toward the river. His pencils and sketch pad scatter in the river sand. I start to pray. Just as he reaches the edge of the bank, a loud cheer breaks the silence and Luka’s brown head pops out of the murky water. Water rivulets are running down his face as he throws his head back laughs. He casually swims back toward us.

  I exhale loudly and with effort, remain standing on legs that feel like that lime Jell-O Luka loves. Laeten harshly shoves him just as he walks out. His breathing is still uneven with worry and the quickness with which he sprinted to the water. “You, asshole! I thought you were dead!” His fingers are cu
pping Luka’s shoulders and he shoves him again. “I should beat your ass right now!”

  Leila screams at him as she charges him. Laeten sees her coming and steps to the side. No one wants to be at the mercy of Leila’s temper. Luka catches her before she can make contact with him. He wraps her in a hug, pinning her arms to her side, before she can punch him in the face. Her temper flares brighter as she yells and fights against him, trying to break free. “You stupid, asshole! I’m going to whip you! Why do you do stupid stuff like that? You’re so stupid!”

  He laughs as he holds her, preventing her from wailing on him, but his expression is sheepish as he glances at her with love and apology, before he looks at Laeten and then me. “Aw, I’m sorry y’all were worried about me. I’m fine.”

  Leila calms down some and stops flailing with the effort to connect with his sun-browned skin. He pulls her close to hug her again before he releases her, keeping his eyes on her to make certain she’s not going to wallop him. Looking over at me, he flexes his impressive young arms and winks. My heart pitter patters in my chest.

  Ah, there you are…

  “The water was deeper than I thought, but I’m sorry I worried you.” He again looks at all three of us and shrugs. “I think I was a little too high.”

  Laeten growls at him. “Ya think, jerk wad?!”

  My eyes travel over him to make certain he didn’t break anything. I see dark red blood dripping down his leg and my eyes widen. “Luka, you’re bleeding! You cut yourself. Come here! You need to clean that. That river water is disgusting!” My voice heightens at the sight of his injury.

  He looks down with surprise and then grimaces as he sees the long slice on his calf. He takes a step toward me and winces. “Ok, that freaking hurts. Rea, do you have your first aid kit?”

  I nod and sigh. “You know I do. Come on, let me clean it out and bandage you up before it gets infected.”

  He shuffles over and plops onto the sand as I get my handy first aid kit from my bike. Kneeling before him, I swallow as I rip it open and apply an alcohol pad to his most recent wound. Normally, I’d remind him the alcohol will burn like fire, but I’m still mad at him for scaring me. His breath hisses from between his teeth as the antiseptic sizzles on the open wound and his breath lifts my hair. My heart rate once again picks up.

  Don’t even think about that, Rea. Never going to happen.

  Just patch him up and stop with the stupid dreaming.

  After carefully cleaning his cut and applying ointment and a bandage, I lean back and breathlessly say, “There you are, Luka. All fixed up… until next time.”

  He bumps my shoulder with his and pulls my dirty blonde ponytail as he grins at me. “Thanks, Rea. You’re such a good nurse. What would I do without you?” He stands and turns toward his own bike before calling back at us. “Come on, y’all. I’m hungry and I need to go show off my bandage. I bet the babes across the street will love it!”

  Sighing as I stand, I mutter, “I’m sure they will…”

  Leila is watching from her bike. Her lips twist in a sad sort of smile and she shakes her head at me. “Rea…”

  Ignoring her, I grab my bike and we all head back toward home.

  I know… I don’t need the reminder.


  Ten years ago

  We can hear the crowds as they leave the field and we listen to coach talk about how well we played tonight, our last game of the season. My last game ever…

  Laeten, my brother, leans over and says, “So, where are we going tonight?”

  Turning my head, I look into the green eyes exactly like mine. It’s obvious that we’re brothers. People probably assume we’re twins. That is, until they see Leila with us. We look exactly alike other than the fact that my hair is slightly darker. Leila’s hair is the same color as Laeten’s, a lighter brown, though hers is longer and well, she’s a girl. Not only are we triplets, we’re best friends. Add in Rea, our next door neighbor, and Leila’s best friend, and the four of us are inseparable.

  I shrug. “Don’t know. Don’t care. But, I’m starving.”

  He chuckles. “Ok. Once coach is done, we can hit the showers then grab the girls and see what Leila and Rea want to do.”

  Grab the girls… Ugh.

  Hayley… my girlfriend.

  I need to end things with Haley tonight. While Laeten is off to LSU and the art program, I’m heading to the Marines in a few months and I don’t want anything to distract me. I’m going to be Special Forces. I’m determined.

  I’ve already spoken to my recruiter. This is what I’ve always wanted. Haley was a good girlfriend, but it was never going to be a forever thing. Sure, I like her, but I don’t love her. However, lately she’s been hinting at a long term commitment.

  I always knew that anything I started in high school would have to end before I left. I don’t want anything back home distracting me once I leave. Tonight is as good a night as any to end things. And the longer I wait, the more attached Haley will be and that just spells a shit storm of drama. Drama I don’t want to deal with right before I head out.

  I nod at Laeten. “Sure. Rea bringing anyone tonight?”

  Laeten’s brows raise in surprise and he shakes his head as he says, “I don’t think so. Why?”

  I grimace. “I’m ending things with Haley.

  “With her and Leila there, hopefully things won’t get too crazy. You know Rea is always the one who keeps things under control.” My hands reach for the back of my neck and squeeze. “Haley will be itching for a scene so… I need Rea to play negotiator and well, stop that from happening.”

  Laeten whistles. “Oh, shit. You want to break up with Haley… in public?! Damn, tonight is going to be interesting. But, you know you’re a big boy, Luka… Rea isn’t always going to be there to keep your messes under control. And… that’s not her job.”

  Well, of course it is. That’s what she does. It’s what she’s always done.

  We all have our parts in this circle and her part is to make certain the rest of us don’t fuck up too badly, and when we do, she keeps things from getting completely out of hand.

  Coach ends his speech at that moment and we all clap though I honestly have no idea what most of what he said was. Leaning over, I jostle Laeten’s shoulder and laugh. “Of course it is. She loves us. We’re her best friends. We’d do it for her, too.”

  Laeten stands, shakes his head and mutters, “Yeah, like we’d ever have to…” He pierces me with his eyes. The green seems to sparkle as he stares at me. His expression gets serious and he growls, “Luka, you’re a real idiot.” Turning, he heads to the showers.

  What in the hell is he jabbering about?

  Why the hell am I an idiot?!

  Chapter One


  Present day

  “Mr. Demonte, you’re such a flirt.” I chuckle as I tighten the cuff around my patient’s thin upper arm. “Your blood pressure is looking so much better! Are you taking your meds as you should be?”

  He nods and waggles his bushy grey eyebrows. “Yes, pretty lady. Thanks for the three month supply at my last appointment.

  “Rea, when are you going to leave this hell hole and run off with me?”

  Laughing, I play along with him. I love my patients. My work at the Baton Rouge VA Clinic puts me in constant contact with some real characters. Mr. Demonte is a favorite of mine, though not all of my patients are quite so jovial. Many of my patients are older or disabled veterans who feel like they’ve given so much to their country only to be forgotten and shoved aside after returning home.

  Not that I blame them. We are so overloaded here, but I love it. I truly do. I love my patients and do my very best to show them that I do care and I’m eternally thankful for their service and sacrifice. After all, they’re the reason that I’m able to do this.

  Smiling down at Mr. Demonte, I chuckle and wink. “You don’t really want me to do that. You’re free as a bird the way you are and we’d break the other ladie
s hearts here if I snatched you up for myself.” He laughs along with me. “Besides, that would make it very hard for me to do my job if my co-workers hated me.”

  He throws his head back and laughs as the door cracks open. “Are you trying to steal my best nurse away again, Mr. Demonte?” Clive, the head doctor here at the VA… and my boyfriend, walks in.

  I shake my head as his dark eyes meet mine and he winks at me. He’s so attractive and such a good man. His dark brown hair, angular face, athletic build, and witty personality have caused many a heart palpitation here at the office. Add in his genuine caring about people and he’s the bee’s knees.

  Hell, he gets a reaction everywhere he goes. I’m still shocked he’s so interested in me. And we’ve been together for about six months now.

  Mr. Demonte laughs again, “Your best nurse, my ass, Doc. You’re worried I’m going to sweep your girl away.” Clive chuckles and his eyes meet mine quickly though he ignores Mr. Demonte’s glib statement. I shake my head in embarrassment as I feel my cheeks pinken. I don’t know how Mr. Demonte knows that. We try very hard to keep our relationship private. Clive asked me out repeatedly for months before I finally decided to take a chance and accept.

  “You know back in the day, I was quite the ladies’ man. Hell, I’d have given you a run for your money, son. I’m not much to see now, but back in my prime, I could have taken you on for our girl, Rea, here.”

  Clive grins at him and chuckles. I sigh as I hand him the chart.

  Damn. That smile… Ahhh…

  He reaches out, but before looking down at it, he replies, “I don’t doubt that for a second, Mr. Demonte.” His fingers brush against mine as he takes it from me. He looks down at the notes I’ve written on the new report. He hums as he reads through it and then looks up and smiles at Mr. Demonte. “You’ve gained a couple of pounds and your blood pressure is looking much better. You’ve been taking your meds as you should?”


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