Benzen: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Orba Book 1)

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Benzen: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Orba Book 1) Page 5

by Zara Zenia

  “I think so too,” Victorinth sits down. “This place is contained. No one will find us here.”

  “Exactly,” Voland nods quite seriously. “We are safe here from Palzu, for the time being.”

  Meanwhile, I can’t help but feel nervous. There’s a knot in my stomach. There’s so much to get used to, it’s all so new, and without the help of Allison, we would be in so much danger.

  “I’m a little worried, though.” I frown and take a seat on the floor.

  I prod at the ground and feel the dirt between the fingers. I’m going to clean the place as soon as we get settled in.

  “Worried?” Voland sits down beside me. “I do have some concerns myself. There’s absolutely no way that Palzu hasn’t noticed a missing shuttle. But there’s no way of knowing it is us that’s missing, I hope. Unless we’ve been followed.”

  “Do you think that’s a possibility?” I lean in close to hear what he has to say.

  “Anything is possible,” he says calmly. “Anything at all. But I’ll say one thing. We’ve integrated faster than I thought we would. We’ve got that on our side.”

  “Yes.” I look up to the faces of my crew and feel a great love for them all. “By sticking together, we've gotten established very well.”

  Despite the fact we're all in relative safety, everyone looks tense and exhausted. I walk around the apartment for a moment to get used to our new environment. I open the cupboard and look at the remains of the previous tenant, and I feel all the different smells and textures. There is so much to get used to on planet Earth.

  “Crew,” I look over my shoulder as I open a big white cupboard that glows when I open the door and blasts out cool air. “I am going to return to the supermarket tomorrow.”

  “But we have food and clothing,” Jarick points out, confused.

  “I know, but I think it is vital I speak to this Allison woman once again. She knows the way of the world as friendly and caring. She will teach us all about what we have to do and show us how we can fit in.”

  “I think that's good thinking,” Voland slaps me on the back. “Well done.”

  As we settle down for the night, we all appreciate how different this place is compared to the remnants of the fractured ship we were sleeping in. The furnishings are soft and pleasant, and there are no people passing by or natural elements that can intrude in our new home. I take a place on the floor and fall asleep immediately.

  When I wake up, my crew has been awake for hours and is gathered around a large screen in the center of the main room. There are fast-moving images and frantic voices coming through the device, and I’m worried that we are receiving transmissions from Palzu. I run over and crouch down beside them.

  “What’s happening?”

  “We have discovered some sort of entertainment device like our ancestors used to have. There are stories played out on various channels,” Draygus explains as he pushes buttons on a controller in his hand. “Look.”

  I see a group of people sitting in chairs on a stage with stern expressions on their faces. In front of them, a tall man in a suit waves a card.

  “The DNA test proves that…. Lucas, you are NOT the child’s biological father.”

  There’s an eruption of noise coming from the audience as the news is read out.

  “What is this?” I screw up my face as I try to figure it out. “They test each other’s DNA?”

  “It would seem that way,” Victorinth nods as she chews on some candy.

  “I don’t think you should eat those things first thing in the day,” I nod at them.

  “Why?” She looks offended.

  “I don’t know…” I examine the packet. “They just don’t look good for you.”

  She shrugs and carries on eating anyway.

  “So,” I stand up. “I think it’s time I make my way over to the store.”

  “Will you be ok on your own?” Voland clutches my arm and looks deep into my eyes.

  “I think I will be.”

  “But how will we know?” he looks worried. “What if something happens?”

  “Nothing will happen.” I pull his arm off me and try to put him at ease. “We’ve been fine so far. I won’t attract attention to myself, and I’ll just be straight there to see Allison, then I’ll be back.”

  “Be speedy,” Voland gives me a serious look.

  “I will.”

  As I walk to the store, I have a nervous flutter in my stomach. It’s the first time I’ve been outside alone on this planet, and I’m finding it difficult to navigate my way through the endless streets and people.

  In the distance, I can see the looming building of the mall. It seems to be a focal point of this city, and no matter where you are locally, you can always see it from where you’re standing. This is good for me, as it means I’ll never get lost.

  Entering the store, I see Allison sitting down at her workplace with a sad look on her face. There aren’t many people waiting to buy food, so she’s sat alone for some time. From behind a display of groceries, I take little glances at her.

  I know I told the crew I was here to learn more about human life, but the truth is that…I want to see the girl again. She’s beautiful and kind. There’s an aura about her that shows I’m safe in her company, and I know for certain she means no harm to us. But more than anything, every time I see her, my stomach flips, and I get the urge to hold her in my arms, maybe even kiss her. Of course, I would never do such a thing right away, but…I want to know more about the girl who has made our integration into human life so easy. After summoning the courage, I take a deep breath and walk up to her.

  “Benzen!” She looks so pleased to see me.

  “Hi there!” I wave. “You look sad. What is the matter?”

  “This entire place is the matter,” she says with a frown.

  “Why is that? You are surrounded by delicious food, but you are unhappy. How can that be?”

  She bursts out laughing and gestures for me to come closer.

  “You’re so sweet.” she places a hand on my arm as I lean over the checkout.

  I can feel my face growing red and my palms go sweaty. I pull my arms away and shrivel up inside my sweater, nervous that she’ll think I’m disgusting.

  “I just wanted to say thank you, for everything. I never got the chance to say so properly yesterday. You are and your father are the kindest people I know.”

  “Oh…” she smiles. “Please don’t think about it. It’s no big deal. I understand some people are less well-off than others.”

  I smile at her, not sure what to say. A customer approaches and buys some items before leaving. I stand next to them awkwardly, eager for them to go away. They give me a strange look as they leave and I lean back over toward Allison again.

  “Is it ok if I find out more about you?”


  “Like… What are your favorite foods? You know everything about ours.”

  “Hmmm….” she taps her fingers on the counter. “I’d say spaghetti Bolognese or pizza!”

  “What is pizza?”

  “You’ve never eaten a goddamn pizza?!” she looks really upset at this. “Jesus. I’ll make you one at some point. I mean that, by the way.”

  Another customer approaches, and then another. Soon there are too many for me to resume my conversation with her, and I have to leave.

  “I hope I can see you soon,” I say as I wave goodbye.

  “Yeah! Drop by anytime.”

  And just like that, I’m back on the street trying to find my way home. It’s harder to get back than it was leaving. It seems that the more I walk, the more things look the same. I’m pretty sure I’ve circled the same area three or four times already.

  I have the sudden and terrifying realization that I’m lost. Voland will be so mad at me. I promised him I’d be ok! Still… It’s not that far from the mall, and I’ve come all the way from outer space, so it can’t be too difficult.

  “This is a nightmare,”
I mumble under my breath.

  I’m getting too hot now in the midday sun, and I’m thirsty. My lips are dry and cracking, my sweater sticking to my back with sweat.

  “Excuse me?” I approach a passing stranger, even though I know I shouldn’t. “Could you please direct me to the tall building, the one with the apartments?”

  They look petrified at me and simply shake their head and hurry away. I can’t look that bad, can I? Looking at my reflection in a shop window, I can see that I don’t exactly look good, and I don’t quite look the same as everyone else, but…I’m not frightening, am I? I approach another person, my tongue running over my parched lips as I speak.

  “Hello? Can you help me please?”

  “I don’t have any change,” the old man snaps at me and hobbles off with his stick clacking on the ground.

  I don’t know how long it takes me, but eventually, I find my way back to the correct building. It’s dark now, and the stars are barely making their way through the heavy layer of cloud that shrouds the planet. I’m starving, thirsty, and exhausted. My feet hurt so much as I walk up the stairs, and my tongue is so dry it’s sticking to the roof of my mouth. I bang on the door, and Jarick answers.

  “Hey friend!” he looks relieved to see me. “Where have you been? We’ve been really worried.”

  “I’ve been fine, just…walking around.”

  I don’t want to admit I was lost, because then Voland might not let me out alone anymore.

  “Just…walking around?” Draygus seems skeptical.

  “Yeah.” I slump down on the floor and close my eyes. I feel like I could sleep for years.

  “Hey,” Voland shakes my shoulder to wake me up. “What did you find out?”

  “Uh, what?”

  “What did you found out about the human race from that woman?”

  “Oh, well…nothing really.” I close my eyes again.

  “You’re telling me you were out that long and you have nothing to report back with?”

  “I mean I have lots of stuff! I’ll tell you all tomorrow. Right now I’m sleepy, though.”

  I don’t think Voland believes me, but he doesn’t chastise me.

  “Very well. Go to bed,” he points into one of the rooms. “But get some food and water first.”

  As the days pass by, things start to fall into a routine. The neighborhood no longer seems so scary, and after we all walk around a few times, we learn how to not get lost. I almost feel as though we are natives of the city. Almost…

  As well as establishing a routine, we have given ourselves jobs so that we can maintain a good work ethic and a sense of purpose. My job is to return to see Allison every day and ask her as much as I can about where we’re living and how best we can behave to fit in. She is happy to tell me everything, and I’m happy to just be beside her. We often meet up on her breaks in the parking lot and eat this fragrant and interesting food called sushi. She still insists I eat pizza at some point.

  Voland has designated himself with the task of repairing the shuttle. It is the most important job, but because he is the most important person in the group, this seems reasonable, especially if we need to make a quick getaway.

  Draygus and Ethazol’s job is to walk around the mall for as long as possible to gather intelligence in the field. They roam the bookshops and read everything they can. They follow people and see how they behave and they listen in on conversations. They are very clever men, and I know they are doing great work.

  On the other hand, there isn’t a great deal to do for Jarick and Victorinth. Their job is to make sure our home is safe and cared for. This is what they think they are doing, but the rest of us know that the real reason they stay behind is that Victorinth is the only female and the only way we can repopulate if we are the last of the Orban race. Because of this, Jarick must guard and her, and if need be…they are both our only hope.

  So as we settle down in the evening for our last meal of the day, we have the screen on in the corner of the room once again. It really is fascinating, and we all enjoy watching the stories that are played out. My favorite program is something called Dallas. The people dress in the most peculiar way, and I have yet to see people where we live that have hair so large or stiff. There are some dramatic storylines that take place within this program, and people are always betraying each other. In some ways, it is not too different from what I have experienced back home.

  “Where is Voland?” I hear someone ask.

  I take my eyes off the screen and look around the room.

  “Oh! I haven’t seen him since this morning.”

  “That’s strange.” Draygus scratches at his chin in thought.

  It’s then, as we all wonder where he is, that we hear his footsteps hurrying down the hall. The front door flings open and crashes against the wall. Voland stands in the doorway with terror in his eyes. His breathing is labored, his skin red and anxious.

  “I have come as fast as I could.”

  “Whatever is the matter?”

  Victorinth approaches him, but he walks away from her, slamming the door closed before looking through the peephole with great paranoia.

  “We’ve been followed!” He spins around with his eyes wide.

  “Followed?” I gasp.

  “I saw them!” He takes a deep breath as he begins to explain. “When I was out fixing the shuttle, I was working away and suddenly in the sky, I could see them.”

  “See what?”

  “More shuttles!” He balls his hands into fists and waves them at me infuriated. “Palzu has sent people to us. They have followed us! We are on the cusp of being discovered, Benzen!”

  I have no idea what to say. I sit down and bring my knees up to my chest as I try to steady my nerves.

  “What do we do?” Victorinth has tears in her eyes as she looks up to our leader.

  “We must act right away.”

  “And do what?” Ethazol is panicking, walking up and down over and over again.

  “We split up,” Voland says.

  “What?” Draygus seems annoyed at the idea. “Why would we do such a thing? Our whole Orban race is about community and about sticking together! Don’t you remember, Voland? I think you’ve lost your mind!”

  “Look,” Voland speaks through gritted teeth, “I am your leader, and you must do as I say. I know we are meant to stick together, and that has made us survive thus far, but…if we stay together now, we are simply a larger target. If we split up and move around, we will be difficult to hone in on.”

  There’s a tense silence in the room. We all look at one another, hoping that someone else will have the solution to our problem.

  “Are you sure you saw other shuttles?” I ask, knowing full well the question will make Voland angry.

  “What do you take me for? An idiot?” he rages. “I know what I saw. There were three shuttles, and they were descending into this area. We have been followed, and we are in tremendous danger. Understand me when I say this, Benzen: we need to act right this very minute”

  We all see the severity of the situation and know that at any moment, we are going to have to flee.

  “Right.” Voland breathes in and flexes his tense hand. “We need to leave.”

  “Leave?” Victorinth looks terrified.

  “Yes! Right now. We need to leave and we need to split up. We can’t stay here."

  “But…with all due respect, Voland, one of us needs to stay behind in the apartment, because we need to maintain contact with Allison. She is our only true contact with the human race,” I explain, because I can’t stand the thought of never seeing her again.

  Voland thinks this over for a few seconds before nodding.

  “You are correct there, Benzen. Your job is to stay here. The rest of you, come with me.”

  Chapter 7


  “How long have we known each other?” I ask Draygus as I help him pack food into bags.

  “For years, Benzen, why?”

“Because I think it’s sad that after all this time of us being friends, we have to go our separate ways.”

  He stops packing and looks at me. Sighing deeply, I can see he is also saddened.

  “Unfortunately, these are extreme times, and we must do what we have to. Dear friend, I do hope we see each other again someday.”

  “I hope so too.”

  I turn to see the others frantically gathering their things together. Voland is standing at the front door with an impatient look on his face. He’s fidgeting with the cuff of his shirt and shifting from one foot to the other.

  “We need to leave now. There’s no more time. If there’s something you haven’t packed already, then you simply don’t need it. Let’s move.”

  I walk around the room, quickly hugging everyone. Holding Victorinth especially tight, I look up to her brother and say, “You must protect her at all costs.”

  “I will.” He shakes my hand. “Please, take care of yourself.”

  “See you again,” I say with a great sadness.

  I watch them filter out of the apartment. Voland is the last to leave. He lingers in the doorway for a moment. He places a hand on my shoulder and looks to the ground as he speaks.

  “You are doing a very honorable thing.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “I mean it,” he adds, looking up at me, his eyes rimmed with redness. “You are very brave. Braver than I first realized.”

  And then, he too is gone.

  I hurry to the window and look down to the street. For a few minutes, I watch them gather around the entrance to the building. It looks as though they’re having a heated discussion, no doubt deciding who will go where.

  Eventually, I see them go their separate ways, Draygus and Ethazol going east while Jarick and Victorinth go west. Voland remains alone, and I see him very slowly make his way down the main road, his head dipped so low his chin is almost resting against his chest.

  Meanwhile, I am overwhelmed by the silence. There haven’t been many times in my life where I have been completely alone, and it frightens me. Turning from the window, I see that it looks as though a whirlwind has run through the apartment. What very little is left from my crew is scattered all around. I look down and see an unopened box of candy on the floor beside the television. It is those Pop Rocks that Victorinth loves so much. I pick them up and place them in my pocket as a keepsake to remember her by.


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