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Legacy of Blood

Page 9

by J. L. McCoy

  “Sshh,” Archer whispered as he gently grabbed my chin between his finger and thumb. “Don’t talk like that. I’m not going anywhere, Skye. I will always stand by your side. And, you did nothing wrong, love. None of this is your fault.” His face looked so pained and I could see how hard he was trying to keep it together for me. But, I think that’s what finally broke the emotional wall I had steadily been building since the moment I found out Ruarc wanted to kill me.

  My vision blurred as tears rapidly filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. I sobbed once out loud, unable to keep the sound in, and Archer quickly pulled me to his chest in a crushing embrace. He held me tightly and whispered my name as he showered the top of my head with quick, desperate kisses.

  Archer pulled my face up so I could see his eyes. He had tears in his as well. “I’m so sorry, Skye. I’m supposed to protect you and I can’t protect you from this. It’s tearing me apart inside.”

  I shook my head as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I rested my forehead against his lips and sighed, trying to calm myself so I could face Ruarc bravely when the time came.

  “I’m not sorry,” I whispered. “I’m not sorry you intervened with Jesse that Saturday afternoon at Afterburners and I’m not sorry I left my phone on the table causing you to chase me down to return it. And I’m not sorry your stupid vampire pheromones called out to me and made me want to ride you like a horseless cowgirl. Our first kiss was the best one I’d ever had and I wouldn’t give that back for anything.”

  “It’s too bad my vampire pheromones won’t work on you now that you are one,” he whispered softly against my skin and slowly slid his cheek next to mine.

  “Who said I needed them to?” I breathed as I turned my head into his and gently placed my lips against his. I slowly parted my lips, kissed his bottom lip and then his top one.

  Archer slid his hands up my back and freed my hair from its bun, fisting it in his hands as he sighed against my mouth.

  If I was about to face death, I wanted Archer to know how much I cared about him, how much I had grown to love him. My tongue lightly flicked against his top lip and he quickly opened his mouth so that our tongues met. It felt as though an electric current had run through my entire body the second they touched. We both moaned softly at the same time and our kiss immediately deepened.

  It wasn’t frantic like some of our past kisses had been. This one was soft, deep, slow, and overflowing with love, gratitude, understanding, and most importantly the unspoken promise of more if I were to make it through the morning alive. This kiss was completely different from any we had ever shared before and it beat out our first kiss by miles.

  My tongue slid sensually, slowly against his as our eyes met and we gazed deeply into the each other’s. I saw so much love in his eyes that, for one of the few times in my life, I dropped my guard and allowed the true depth of my love to shine back from mine. I loved Archer completely; the man, the boss, the vampire. We had made numerous mistakes in the past when it came to us; we weren’t perfect people, but none of that mattered anymore. Only NOW mattered; this minute, this second, here in this basement surrounded by those who advocated my death. Only the love we felt for each other mattered and if this was the only chance I had to show him that I cared about him, I wasn’t going to hold anything back.

  “I love you, Archer,” I quickly breathed into his mouth. “I honestly do.”

  “Skye,” Archer whispered against my lips as his hands cupped the sides of my face, holding me to him. “I’ve waited so long for you. It’s felt like an eternity.” Our kisses became more desperate as we clung to each other; neither of us wanting to waste a second of our precious time together.

  All too soon we heard someone clear their throat. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Fearchar, but we must start now.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Archer reluctantly pulled back and stared deeply into my eyes, panic starting to show in his. “I won’t let them hurt you, Skye, I can’t. Not now… not when I finally have you,” he breathed.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, Archer,” I whispered quickly, fearful they would overhear. “I’m in enough trouble. We don’t need to do anything to add to it. I’ll be fine. You have your other children to worry about now. They need you too, now more than ever.”

  “They’re waiting,” said Hagan gently from behind Archer as he put his hand on Archer’s shoulder.

  Archer opened his mouth to say something but I silenced him with a gentle finger to his plush lips. “I need you to do something for me. If I don’t make it through this, I need you to make sure Styvi Nix is taken care of. She has to go to Nikki… no one loves Styvi like she does. Promise me, Archer. Promise me.”

  “I promise, Skye,” Archer whispered as he lightly stroked my cheek, his eyes eagerly drinking in my features. “I swear it to you.”

  “Tell mama and Nikki that I love them,” I breathed out in a squeak, my emotions getting the better of me. “You be sure to tell Trey and Dan, and Jameson too. Tell him I’m so sorry for everything I put him through.”

  “I can’t let you do this, Skye,” Archer shook his head frantically, his voice rising dangerously with each word. “I won’t say goodbye to you!”

  “Get him out of here,” I whispered to Hagan as I put my hand on top of Archer’s, gently pulling it away from my face. “Please hurry.”

  I knew Archer was about to lose it and I didn’t want him fighting the Army of An Dilis. Our situation was bad enough as it was; I didn’t want to add more fuel to the fire. Archer and his family meant the world to me and I would do whatever it took to protect them, even if that meant pissing off the man that I loved.

  Hagan quickly grabbed Archer’s arms, securing them behind his back, as he flashed to the stairs with him. Archer began to writhe and fight Hagan’s hold and others joined in to help their brother get him upstairs.

  “Don’t fight, Archer!” I yelled as I watched his struggling form disappear up the steps. “Please, baby!”

  I closed my eyes tightly and sighed as I heard the door close with a slam. “Dammit, Archer,” I whispered as I rubbed my face tiredly. I hated that I had to make him leave, but I couldn’t have him making a scene. There was no telling what he would do. I was already neck deep in serious shit as it was.

  “Well that was entertaining,” Oleif chuckled, his tone mocking.

  “Shut your mouth you fucking bastard,” I snarled, my hands clenched tight down at my side. I wanted nothing more than to rip that satisfied goddamned smirk off his face. “I’ve had all I can take of your bullshit today.”

  “Be silent, Oleif,” Ruarc barked sternly. “You will remain so until I give you permission to speak again. Another person’s pain is not entertainment, my son.”

  Oleif looked positively chastised and it would have been comical had my life not been on the line.

  I heard the basement door open and watched as Hagan and the rest of the men who had assisted in Archer’s wrangling return.

  “Is he okay?” I asked Hagan, concerned.

  “Not really,” Hagan shook his head slightly, “but Trey is sitting with him now. I promised him that I would come back down here with you.”

  “I’m glad you’re here, Hagan.”

  “Enough,” Ruarc sighed as he stepped forward and folded his arms across his broad chest. “Testing will begin now. We have no more time to waste.”

  “Well? What’s it going to be?” I cocked my eyebrow at him as I folded my arms across my chest as well. “Are you going to tie me to the stake and see if I burn? Throw holy water on me maybe? Shall I recite the Lord’s prayer for you?”

  “You mock me,” Ruarc frowned.

  “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live,” I quoted him as I pursed my lips tightly. “You think I’m a witch and an abomination. Your own soldier calls me a creature and refuses to acknowledge me as the person I am. What else am I to expect from these tests? I know how the Salem witch trials went. The townspeople feared anything they couldn’t
explain, anyone that was different from them. They were intolerant and innocent people paid the ultimate price for it.”

  “Do not speak of what you do not understand,” Ruarc sighed, his face unusually weathered; he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.

  “Then make me understand!” I raised my voice in frustration. “Because I haven’t understood much in the eighteen hours since I awoke. I don’t understand how you can condemn me so readily. Stop looking at my eyes dammit and look into my soul. See me, Ruarc. See me!”

  “I’m trying!” Ruarc growled, running his hands through his hair. His emerald eyes stared at me determinately. “God knows I’m trying, Skye. I know how much you mean to this family, better than you do. I know what your death will do to them. Contrary to what you may believe, An Dilis never wants to put an end to someone’s life… innocent or guilty.” He sighed and rubbed his right temple. “I have explained enough. I should be out there hunting down Amun, yet I am here with you trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. My son has made me stop and question what I thought I knew and made me see your full potential. A lot has gone on in the last twenty-four hours with which you know nothing about; even more in just the last two. Just do my tests and let the dice fall where they may.”

  I frowned as I listen to him speak. There was a lot more to Ruarc than I understood. I couldn’t pretend to understand that I knew what he was talking about, but I read between the lines as much as I could. Someone had obviously spoken to him on my behalf very recently. It made me wonder if Hagan had spoken to him before An Dilis walked down into the basement. I looked over at Hagan but his face remained blank.

  I regarded Ruarc silently for a moment then nodded my head in agreement. I guess we were about to see how those dice were going to fall.

  Ruarc nodded his head and wished me luck. “May God be with us,” he whispered as he crossed himself.

  I licked my lips as I watched the soldiers prepare; my heart beating rapidly against my rib cage in anticipation, my breathing increasing as each minute passed. I watched as several soldiers laid out swords and daggers in a neat row on the floor by the stairs. Ruarc seemed to be deep in prayer as I watched a man pass him and go up the stairs.

  “Take a deep breath, Morrison,” Hagan said, coming up to me and putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Remember everything I taught you, especially what you learned today. Control your emotions, control your anger and most importantly, remember who you are. Do not let what you believe they think about you affect you. You are going to beat this challenge. You are one tough bitch, Morrison. I know you can do this.” Hagan slipped a finger under my chin and lifted it so our eyes met. His brown eyes bored gravely into mine. “I told Ruarc that if I was wrong about you, I would kill you myself. Don’t make me have to do it, Skye. You’ve grown on me. I kind of like you, kid.”

  “I kind of like you too, sir,” I whispered as my bottom lip trembled. I was so close to crying. Hagan had gotten all soft on me and if I wasn’t careful, he would be my undoing. I took a deep breath and lightly punched his shoulder, trying to lighten the mood. “Go. Fuck off before you make me cry.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Hagan said with a smirk. “You’ll just have to deal with it. I told Archer I would stay by you and I mean to keep my promise.”

  I gave him a grateful smile and rewrapped my waist length hair into a tight bun on top of my head. When I was done, I closed my eyes and took a few deep, calming breaths. I tried to center myself as best I could and clear my mind of any outside distractions.

  Suddenly the room became eerily quiet and I opened my eyes to find An Dilis lined up shoulder to shoulder behind Ruarc. Oh shit. Here we go. I took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. I can do this.

  “We are gathered here today to determine the authenticity of newborn vampire Skye Everleigh Morrison, daughter to Archer Rhys, leader of sliocht Fearchar and direct descendent of Cináed, blood son to the blessed one Aodhfin, the father of us all,” Ruarc stated formally with his hands folded in front of him. “It has come to our attention that Miss Morrison was infected by Amun, the original vampire and father to the Dark Ones, previous to her transformation into a Day Walker. Before testing begins, I give the floor to the room. If anyone can show just cause why these tests should not be performed, now is the time to do so.”

  Ruarc stepped to the side and patiently waited thirty seconds for anyone to speak. No one moved as they continued to look at me. I tried not to focus on their eyes as each set bored into me. I briefly wondered what everyone was thinking as Ruarc stepped back in command.

  “Brothers of the Army of The Faithful, the first test that shall be performed is the Test of Sin,” Ruarc said as a man of average height and build stepped forward and bowed his head to me.

  The man held his hand out and waited patiently for me to take it. I glanced up at Hagan as he stood beside me, looking for guidance. Hagan nodded his head encouragingly and I took a deep breath as I began to walk toward the man. I slowly placed my hand in his and looked up into his brown eyes. Another man came forward and handed him a small silver dagger.

  “The Test of Sin requires a blood sacrifice,” he whispered gently to me as he flipped over my hand, exposing my palm. “Do you willingly offer your blood to me?”

  “Yes, sir,” I breathed as I nodded my head.

  “This may sting a little.”

  I watched as he positioned the small dagger above my skin, centering it on my palm, and cut into it deeply, but quickly. The burning pain from the silver was immediate but I made no sound as I watched my blood drip into his cupped hand. My wound only stayed open for a few seconds, but that seem to be sufficient for him. He repeated the process with my other hand, caught the blood in his opposite hand, and when the bleeding stopped I took my hand back.

  He held the small pools of my blood in each hand and raised them slightly before him. I watched as he closed his eyes and put his two hands together, rubbing them. He lifted his hands and placed his palms on his eyelids, keeping them there momentarily. When he withdrew them, my blood painted each of his closed eyes. My own eyes widened in shock. This man had just taken my blood and smeared it on his face. Ew!

  The man took a deep breath and began to speak. “Her sins are known. She has been prideful and she has lusted. She is an unmarried woman yet her purity is not intact. Her lies are many, but they are said mostly to herself and revolve around self-loathing and self-doubt. She has coveted what was not her own and has stolen once in her past. The girl carries wrath in her heart, but the addition is mostly recent. She desires to kill the unclean one that infected her and fully believes that it is the right thing to do. She has carried hate in her heart but it was very recently released. The Test of Sin is now complete.”

  If I could have blushed, I would’ve been seven different shades of red. My sins had been laid out for the whole room to hear and I was completely embarrassed. Most of all, I felt violated. I’d had people read my mind before but they had always kept the dirt to themselves. I swallowed thickly as I watched Ruarc hand him a wet towel so he could wipe my blood from his eyes.

  “I acknowledge her sins and judge that they are minor and not cause for concern,” Ruarc said, turning to his men. “What say you?”

  The men gazed at me for a moment before giving their answer. “Agreed,” they all said in unison.

  I felt Hagan’s stare and I turned to him. He gave me a very small smile; a twitch of his lips, but it spoke volumes. Hagan was proud of me. I took a deep breath and twitched my mouth in return before turning back to Ruarc.

  “Brothers of the Army of The Faithful, the second test shall be the Test of Divine Power,” Ruarc said as he held his hand out to me. “Please step forward, Miss Morrison.”

  I cautiously walked up to him and stopped, looking down at his hand. I didn’t want to touch him if I didn’t have to. Lord only knew what kind of Divine Power Ruarc had and I was scared it was going to be used against me.

  Ruarc dropped his hand
and gazed at me seriously. “At the moment of your rebirth, did you experience anything unusual?”

  “Yes,” I said honestly. “The fact that I was still alive was pretty darn unusual.”

  “I can see how it would be,” Ruarc nodded, “given that you were not prepared beforehand. But I’m talking about powers. Did you notice anything different in regards to psychic ability? Could you, for example, hear the thoughts of those around you? Or maybe you were able to move an object by just thinking it?”

  “No, sir,” I shook my head. “I haven’t noticed anything like that.”

  “If you wouldn’t mind humoring me for a moment, try clearing your mind. Focus on that deep part within you that is just for you; a place no one else can touch. When you find it, tell me what you feel.”

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly. I concentrated on slowing my heart rate and emptying my mind of all the questions and concerns that I had. After a few calm minutes, I bit my bottom lip and sighed in defeat, opening my eyes.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t feel anything,” I shook my head again. “I honestly tried, sir.”

  Ruarc’s eyebrow furrowed slightly as he nodded his head. “The Test of Divine Power is now complete. I judge that the test is inconclusive. Not all newborns are aware of their powers right away. Although it is rare, it does happen.” Ruarc turned to his men. “What say you?”

  I felt the heavy weight of their gaze as I awaited their judgment. “Agreed,” they said once again in unison.

  I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding and sighed in relief. I thought for sure I wouldn’t have passed that one. I had have yet to question why I had no divine ability; truth be told I hadn’t even thought about it. From the moment I awoke, it felt like I had been fighting for my life… and I was still fighting for it.


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