Needing Me, Wanting You

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Needing Me, Wanting You Page 9

by C. M. Stunich

  The air tonight is a little wet, hinting at a storm somewhere far off. I let the electricity of it swirl around me as I move across the pavement and pause underneath a row of palm trees. Just beyond a black metal fence, there's a pool and a flippin' hot tub.

  I smile.

  Amen, Mother Mary. There's how I'm going to be spending my evening. I glance over at Tease.

  “You up for a dip?” I ask her, and she crinkles her brows at me. The wind picks up her ruby red hair and swirls it around in front of her face and across her neck. I watch as she pulls it back and licks her lips. Most of the red lipstick she was wearing earlier has worn off, giving her a more natural look. I'm not sure which I like better. Guess all the faces of this woman are beautiful.

  “I'm a little lacking in the clothing department, so I think I'll pass.” I shrug and move back to the room, sliding the doors closed and making sure they're locked before I head inside the fence and over to the hot tub. It's dark out, most of the lights in the surrounding rooms are off. I take it the pool area's probably closed at this time, but fuck 'em. What are they gonna do? Ask me to leave?

  I laugh again and slip off my vest, laying it gently across a nearby chair before I strip off my shirt. The evening air teases my skin and hardens my nipples into points. I can feel the power of the sky right here, and it is hot. Or maybe I'm just feelin' Tease's eyes on my body, raking over the muscles in my midsection, sliding up to the Jolly Roger tattoo across my chest. I flash her a wink as she sits down on another chair and leans back, pretending not to care that I'm half-naked. I lick my lips and touch a hand to my belly, enjoying the way her bright eyes follow mine. She doesn't have a damn ass clue how fucking hot she looks draped over that chair, red hair framing her pale face.

  “You're not going to run off on me, are you?” I ask.

  “Let me guess, you'll catch me if I do?”

  I move over to her, watching the way her body contracts, the muscles in her arms and face tightening as I come in close, bending over and grabbing onto the arm rests on either side of her body. But I don't touch her. A promise is a promise, even in this fucked up world we all live in.

  “You want to find out? I'd love to chase after your ass.”

  “We're not friends, Beck Evans,” she tells me, turning on her side and facing towards the bubbling waters of the spa. I step back and reach down for the button on my jeans, flicking it open and sliding the zipper down nice and slow. Almost immediately Tease's gaze comes back to me, pupils dilating as she watches me drop my jeans to the ground, kicking my boots off and climbing into that water butt friggin' naked.

  I don't try to hide my hard-on. What's the Goddamn point? I think you could see this baby from space.

  “Oh, fuck, yes,” I groan as the scalding water envelopes my body, gliding over my erection and soaking me straight up to my pecs. I sit on the cement bench facing Tease, noticing the fluttery pulse in her throat, the tightness of her hands. My fists clench at my sides as I try to relax back into the jets and let come what may. I am fucking horny though, like a damn bull in heat. If I had my way tonight, Miss Hathorne would be joining me in here, straddling my lap and riding me like a fuckin' horse. “Nice and warm and wet in here if you want to join me.”

  “You definitely go about kidnappings in a strange way, Beck,” Tease tells me, sounding a little more like an eighteen year old girl and less like an old lady. I feel a little guilty about her age, but damn if she isn't a woman. Those curves, that ass, her sweet thighs. I could spend all day fantasizing about that moment. Sex that hot only comes along once in a great while. “If I get in there, I'm wearing my shirt at least, but then what happens when I get out? Do you have any women's clothing stuffed in your saddlebags?”

  “You ain't gonna skinny dip with me?” I stand up and let the water slide off my abs, letting the dim lighting around the pool reflect off of the wetness and turn the tables on Miss Tease. So she's used to getting guys all hot and bothered? I wonder how well she'll take it when the tables are turned. I spin around and examine the mostly dark rooms. Those that are lit all have the curtains pulled closed. “Ain't nobody looking right now, sweetheart.” I finish my sweep and catch her gaze again. Her pupils have taken up most of the green in her eye, giving her a hungry look that sets my nerves on fire. I fucking want you so hard it hurts, I think to myself, holding back a small growl.

  “What happens if I do?” she asks, and I love the way her voice drops an octave, like she doesn't even know she's doin' it. Her accent turns me on, too. It's a slightly less country version o' mine, more refined, not as crude. I shrug my shoulders and give her another grin, settling back into the water with a sigh and a groan.

  “That's up to the laws of this great and vast universe. I guess we'll have to take it slow and find out.” Tease sits up and looks around for a moment before rising to her feet and shedding her leather jacket. Fuck yeah, darlin'. Take it off.

  “I'll dip my feet in, how's that?” she asks, setting the coat down and moving over to the edge. I watch in disappointment as she settles down on the cement and starts to roll up the legs of her jeans. “And then we can talk and maybe you could consider letting me call my brother?”

  “Now why in the blasted depths of hell would I do that? Arrangements have already been made. You lost out on your chance back at the first diner.” I lean back and lay my arms on the cement, closing my eyes against the stress of the day. I knew it was comin', I did. But I just didn't expect the consequences. Ten fucking people are dead? Ten. And we didn't lose a damn one in the last shoot out. I blame myself for it. I'm the one responsible for keepin' us alive. I open my eyes again and focus on Tease. Last thing I want right now are those ten names running through my mind over and over again. Austin already had the weight o' guilt hanging on his words. I have to stay strong or we'll never survive as a club.

  “All I want to do is make sure he's alright, find out who I've lost.” Tease leans towards me, her face catching the steam from the roiling water. “Don't I have a right to know that?”

  “Might be best you don't know. At least for the time being. Ignorance really is bliss.” I watch her fingers clamp down on the pavement, nails scraping as she struggles to control a flurry of emotions. I feel bad for the girl, I do, but I'd do it all over again. Taking her was the only way to ensure our survival, to ensure Melissa's. “Now quit pussyfooting around and get your ass in here.” She actually glares at me then, but I'm not trying to be an asshole. I know I come across as one most of the time anyhow, but I'm actually tryin' to help. I pull my arms back into the water and rub at my chin with wet fingers. “Listen, I know we ain't had the best day today. I get that. But you know what else I know? That life isn't always perfect. The good and the bad, they come in waves. We can't prepare for every horrible thing coming our way, not even when we're trying our damnedest, so I'll tell you something. Pay real close attention here because this is hard-earned honesty.” Tease lifts her chin up and sits ramrod straight, but at least she stops glaring at me. “Take every moment, every fuckin' second, that you can to enjoy life. Don't live in years or months or even weeks. Don't live for tomorrow or someday, live for right fucking now. You mighta heard this a hundred times, but it always bears repeating. You never know when the moment you're living is going to be your last, so enjoy it.” I hold up my hand and gesture at the water around me. “Sit in this fucking hot tub with me and relax, look at the stars, take a breath. I can guarantee you if you do that even were you to die five minutes from now, you wouldn't regret it. Tease, those folks, our friends and family, those people we lost today, they didn't know they were goin' down in a hail of gunfire. But I'll tell you what I do know, that the ones who spent that morning lounging on the beach, they didn't feel slighted.”

  I sit back and run my wet hand through my hair. Christ, that was a big speech, even for a loudmouth like me. I'm not entirely sure where the damn thing came from, but if this girl can walk out of here havin' learned something from me, I'll be a better man for

  “Did you learn that in the military?” she asks me, looking around the deserted pool area, at the discarded white towels draped across lounge chairs, the spots of water staining the ground around us.

  “Shoot, sugar, I learned that in life.” I stare at her and wonder how she ended up the way she is. She's jaded, but she's also naïve. Ain't never seen a woman like this, 'specially not an ol' lady. What a strange life she must lead.

  After a second of silence, Tease digs her fingers under her shirt and tosses it towards my discarded pile of clothes. Her black bra teases me mercilessly with its lacy cups, framing the perfect, pale line of her cleavage like a picture frame. I have to tense my fingers on the bench to stay still. The pressure of the water and the jets is near enough to make me blow my load right here, right now. I look away and chuckle under my breath. A splash of water follows and when I glance back, the girl's in the spa still dressed in her jeans.

  “I'm not wearing underwear,” is her response. I think it's meant to be an explanation, but instead it comes across as an invitation.

  “Oh, I remember well,” I say, looking at her looking back at me. I know somewhere, way back, my family's got some Irish blood. At this point, I'd just consider myself Southern and be done with it, but it's pretty obvious that Tease and I got some things in common. Red hair, green eyes, skin that's pale underneath my perpetual fuckin' tan. I don't usually go for girls like this. My type's more leggy and blonde, but hot damn if I'm not sittin' here grinding my teeth and fighting an attraction that makes less sense than tits on a bull. “And if you were so inclined to take those fuckers off, I swear on my momma's grave that I wouldn't be lookin'.” I pause and my voice slips out in a deep growl. “Not unless you wanted me to.”

  “Well, I don't,” Tease says, but she don't sound all that convinced. I keep my attention focused on the blue and white tiles that line the wall, trying my damnedest to dredge up come self-fucking-control. What a name though, Tease. I can see where she gets it now. I can only imagine what it would be like to walk around lookin' at her beauty, her curves, her silky hair, day in and day out. Bound to drive a man to his grave. “I'm not even sure I should be talking to you, sitting here like this. The fact that I'm even doing this, that I'm not fighting to the death, that makes me a traitor. I should've let you shoot me. Now, I'm a liability to the club and to my family.”

  I snap my gaze back to her face, but she's not crying, not even frowning.

  “That's ridiculous. Ain't nobody would wish their family dead over some stupid shit as that. Hell, I should've told Austin to take the hit, dropped our jackets and left. If I'd have known it was going to be a life or death, thing, I'd have chosen life. Pride is great and all that, but it don't mean shit when you're six feet under and rotting.”

  “Not everybody in this world would agree with you,” Tease tells me, standing up like she's planning on getting out. I smile at her, but it's not an entirely pleasant look.

  “Well then they haven't seen the things I've seen. I've spent my life on the right side of the fence and the wrong. I served in the U.S Army Special Forces and as a one-percenter, racking up all the wrong kind of karma in a club I can hardly believe I ever got out of.” I watch her hesitation as she stands there, her soggy jeans threatening to slip over her hips. “So, I don't care what you think. You ain't no traitor.”

  Tease swallows and brushes her hair behind one ear. The tips are wet and clinging to her mostly bare chest, drawing my attention right back to her breasts. She doesn't have massive tits, but they're perky as hell. I can still feel 'em against my fingertips, and I doubt it's a memory I'm going to soon forget. I'm not a big believer in fate, but it almost feels like the fuckin' stars above aligned, so I could meet this girl. Don't know why I think that. Kind of a stupid fucking thought considering folks had to die for it, but everything comes at a price, don't it?

  “Those aren't the only reasons I'm a traitor,” she says to me, her voice soft but firm. I watch as she bites her lip and struggles with something inside. When that gaze finally turns to me, framed in dark lashes that curl up towards her porcelain skin, I am almost fucking done for. My nostrils flare and my muscles tense as I struggle to stay seated. Doesn't help when she wades over to me and reaches out with questing fingertips. Tease stops short of actually touching the Triple M tattoo on my shoulder but she comes real, real close to it. “I'm a traitor because I should be trying to kill you when instead I'm sitting here trying not to be attracted to you.” Tease closes that gap between her fingers and my shoulder, turning the burn in my stomach to a roaring flame.

  I reach out and grab onto her hips, yanking her towards me until Tease is straddling me in her wet jeans, sliding her body along my swollen cock. The feel of the denim grating against my skin is painful pleasure, drawing a groan from my mouth as we lock lips. She raises her hands and presses them against my chest, drawing back for an agonizing breath. When she opens her mouth to speak, I cut her off with another kiss. Live in the moment. That's what we're going to fucking do. I hope that was her intention because I don't know if I'm going to be able to stop now.

  Her fingers touch my pecs, curling tight, exploring my skin as I roam across hers. I rock my hips up against her sweet spot, cursing those damn Levi's so hard I could make God blush. I want 'em off. Tease moves with me, gyrating her hips and grinding her body into my erection, giving it to me without giving it up.

  “Tease,” I snarl against her mouth, my teeth scrapin' up against her lower lip. Water rushes around and between us, soothing heat against our aching bodies. “You are such a fucking tease.” I chuckle at my own joke, kissing my way across her jaw and down her neck, over to her shoulder and flickin' my tongue across the single rose tattoo on her upper arm.

  “I can't do this. I want to stop doing this,” she groans as my hands find the clasp on her bra and set those babies free. “I cannot fucking do this.”

  “Live in the moment, Emilie,” I groan, jerking her forward and crushing her breasts against my chest. At the mention of her name, she gets all buck wild on me and grabs my face between her hands. Her mouth works at mine furiously, like she can't get enough. I cup her ass with my hands and keep grinding, slamming my dick against her jeans until the pressure's too much and I come, spilling my junk into the frothing waters of the spa. I feel real, real bad for the next people who climb on in here.

  “I'm a bad person,” Tease groans as I push her back, my body furious at the lack of release. I came, but I ain't done. I need more or I'm goin' to have some seriously blue balls come tomorrow. “I didn't put out for anyone in the club, and now I'm going all the way for you.” I pause as I look down at her, rising to my feet and cupping her under the chin.

  “It's your body, sugar lips. You decide when and where and how.”

  “But right now, I – ” I cut her off with another kiss, pushing the soggy jeans into the hot tub and using my foot to get them off her ankles. They're at least a couple sizes too big – fortunately for me. You ever try to strip those skinny jean things off a chick? Hot damn. It's like puttin' the pussy under lock and denim key.

  “Besides,” I whisper as I put my hands back on her hips. “I'm pretty Goddamn irresistible.” Tease gives me a weird look, which I ignore, before I turn her around and push her over. She groans, grabbing the edge of the cement with tense fingers, her ass out and ready for me. I take a split second to scope out her body, to memorize the wash of her red hair as it hangs down her back.

  “No,” Tease groans, but she doesn't move. “Stop.” Her voice trails off and she drops her head, spreading her legs apart but staying right where she is. No doesn't always mean yes, but sometimes – it does.

  I slide my cock into her swollen opening, and fuck. I almost come again right there in the hot, hot heat of her body. Even the water of the spa doesn't have a damn thing on this woman. Tease groans and presses back into me, using the cement wall of the tub to keep herself braced. As I start to thrust, water splashes every which way, emphasizin
g the smack of our bodies as I ram her as hard as I can. I get real deep, bury my dick inside her pussy as her body welcomes me, wrapping around my shaft like a glove.

  I wrap my arm around her soft flesh and find her clit, swollen and waitin' desperately for me. As soon as I touch it, it's like a trigger goes off somewhere inside of her and she starts to scream.

  “Oh, Beck,” Tease groans as I increase the speed of my fingers and my hips, my balls slapping against her swollen pussy. Her moans echo around the cement area, probably drawin' attention from the nearby rooms. Oh, Lord help me. I could fall in love with a woman like this, so let the fuckers look. Let 'em look and weep because this little lady is mine tonight. “Oh, Beck. Oh, Beck. Oh, Beck, Oh, Beck. Oh God.” Tease sags in my arms as I slide my hand up to her belly and splay my fingers out on her smooth skin. She keeps moanin', her words drowned out by whimpers. Tease is letting herself go, completely and utterly, and I am fuckin' thrilled.

  “So tight, Emilie. You are so, so fucking tight.” Her body feels like velvet against my cock, the skin of her ass soft and silky. The attraction between us is so hot, it scalds my damn skin where we're touching. I want to clutch her closer to me and push her away at the same damn time.

  “I can't … I … ” Tease groans, her voice falling and then rising in pitch as she tosses her red hair back and comes, body squeezin' tight against me, ridges grinding my cock into dust. My ass muscles clench and I release myself with a growl, coming inside of her as she spasms beneath me, fingers gripping the cement, ass up and out.

  I stay where I am, panting hard, holding her up in the water as her hands slide down the wall and she ends up propped up by my arm. I can feel her pulse jumping as she struggles to find the energy to stand, pulling away from me with a groan, separating our bodies with an almost painful pop of energy. It don't feel right, her moving away from me. I grit my teeth and run my fingers through my hair.


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