Wrecking Ball

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Wrecking Ball Page 8

by Toler, B N

  “I think I am,” I answered honestly, surprised by her bold question.

  She put one elbow on the table, her body shifted towards me as she leaned her head into her hand eyeing me. I smiled slightly. She was adorable, maybe thirteen with braces, but still very pretty. There was no denying Sophia and she were siblings and I knew Tia would grow up to be a brown-eyed, blonde-haired bombshell just like her older sister.

  “My sister is my favorite person in the world,” she stated matter-of-factly.

  “I think she’s mine, too” I added quietly.

  “Don’t hurt her. I’ll beat the shit out of you if you do,” she threatened and my eyes went wide with shock. Sophia’s scrawny little sister just threatened me. And I had been worried about her Dad.

  “Tia!” Sophia whispered loudly.

  Tia turned slightly and beamed a silver smile of metal at her sister. “What?” she asked innocently.

  Sophia gave me an apologetic look before turning back to Tia and quirking a brow at her. “Putting my suitor in his place, are ya?” She fought a smile. Sophia talked about Tia a lot. I knew they were tight, but I wasn’t expecting for Tia to tell me she’d ‘beat the shit out of me’ if I hurt her sister though.

  “Well, now he knows what he’ll have to deal with if he hurts you,” she answered confidently as her gaze met mine again. “And I mean it.”

  Part of me wanted to bust out laughing, but I held back because it was almost too adorable. Besides, Tia was being protective of her sister. Laughing at her would’ve been rude.

  “Alright, Tia. Consider him warned.” Sophia pulled at her arm and when Tia stood, Sophia wrapped her arms around her. “I love you, baby girl,” she said quietly and kissed the top of Tia’s head.

  “I love you, too, Phi.” She squeezed and let go. “I’m off to the restroom.” She scurried away and Sophia gave me a sideways glance as she sat beside me.

  After we bid our families good-bye, we went back to Sophia’s apartment. I lay on Sophia’s bed that night while she packed her suitcase.

  “Your little sister is a trip.” I chuckled remembering the feisty teen.

  “We’re very close. She’s always been very protective of me.”

  “She calls you Phi?”

  “Yeah, she gets mad as hell if anyone else calls me that, too.” Sophia chuckled. “She says it’s her special name for me.”

  “She told me she’d kick my ass if I hurt you.” I laughed.

  “Better not hurt me. She’s a girl of her word.” Sophia smirked before bending down and pulling a pair of sandals out of her closet. I couldn’t help letting my gaze fall to her ass.

  “Why’d your parents wait so long to have another child?”

  “Tia was an oops. They thought they couldn’t have anymore. My mother always jokes that Tia was God’s way of testing them because she came out ornery and defiant. Tia’s always marched to the beat of her own drum. It’s probably what I love most about her, although it scares me sometimes, too.”


  “I would never tell her to try to be like everyone else, but sometimes going with the flow is smart. Tia never goes with the flow.”

  “I was so nervous about meeting your Dad and it was your sister I should’ve been scared of,” I laughed as rolled on my side and propped my head on her pillows. “You should’ve warned me.” I grinned.

  “Trouble can usually sense trouble,” Sophia remarked as she folded a blue dress and tucked it in the suit case.

  “What?” I questioned.

  “Tia’s a wild one. Perhaps she recognizes herself in you.”

  “Oh, so I’m trouble. I see.”

  “Well aren’t you?” Sophia quirked a brow and crossed her arms.

  I quickly shot up and skirted around the bed, pulling Sophia in my arms. “I’m many things.” I leaned down and kissed her neck gently. Her body responded immediately and she wrapped her arms around my neck, melting into me.

  “Oh, yeah? Like what?” Sophia murmured.

  “I’m a good kisser,” I whispered before placing my mouth to hers, sliding my tongue gently between her lips. Pulling away after a moment, I gazed down at her. “I’m a man with a great touch,” I whispered as I slid my hands down to her ass and squeezed gently.

  “I have no doubt about your ability to please a woman physically,” she said dryly. “Tell me, what are you able to offer that you’ve never offered another woman before?”

  Her voice became serious and my stomach clenched. We had never discussed how many women I had been with and I was so grateful because now that I had Sophia, my history wasn’t something I was particularly proud of. Unable to stop myself, I asked her one night if she’d had many boyfriends and she simply answered three serious ones, and by serious I took that as three lovers. I’m a gigantic hypocrite, but I hated knowing three other men had touched her that way. I couldn’t imagine how she felt thinking about the women in my past.

  When she didn’t ask me how many women I’d slept with, while I was grateful, it bothered me too. Because it meant that on some level she knew or thought it was so many that maybe if I actually told her she couldn’t look at me the same.

  As I gazed down at her, I wasn’t sure what else I could do to prove to her she was different. Patience, I thought would be the biggest thing I could give her to prove my intentions were pure when it came to her, but not even that seemed to be enough.

  “My heart,” I answered finally as I took her hand and put it to my chest. “It’s been yours all along, Sophia.”

  “Brandon,” she breathed. “I know things are coming to a head and I want you, I want to be with you that way, just… please don’t hurt me.”

  “Never,” I promised and I meant it. I could never hurt her.

  “I hate to bring this up, but I need to know. Have you been tested recently?” She drew away from me as my brow furrowed in confusion.


  “You know.” She shrugged. “For STDs?”

  My stomach flipped. I hated myself right then and there. It was a moment where my past indiscretions were promising to fuck up the best thing that had ever happened to me. “Sophia, I’ve always used protection,” I answered honestly.

  “You swear?” she shot back.

  “Sophia…” The conversation was teetering into dangerous territory. She was thinking about all those other women and the thought was enough to derail all the progress we had made. “I swear to you I have always used protection. I swear that you’re not another notch on my bedpost. I swear that I want you and only you. Not just in my bed, but in every way.”

  “I just don’t understand. Why me?”

  I pulled her to me again. “Because the moment I saw you something clicked. I can’t tell you why or how. It just did and it made me willing to act like a fool just to talk to you. You’re all I think about. I wake up with you on my mind and go to bed the same way. You make me crazy.”

  With a little sigh, she pulled away from me and opened her nightstand drawer, pulling out a little white compact. “In case you’re wondering, I’m on birth control.” She popped one of the pills out and took it. “I’ve always used protection, too.”

  I am a total asshole for thinking about how good it would feel to thrust inside of her without a condom at that moment. But I did tell her the truth. I never had unprotected sex. Was she hinting that we didn’t have to use a condom?

  “I’m going to go home and pack,” I said gruffly. The truth was I needed to get away from her before I took her right there and then.

  She walked me to her door and as we kissed good-bye she whispered in my ear, “Make sure you hydrate. I have a feeling you’re going to need it.”

  After we made out for ten minutes, I left with a hard-on that wouldn’t quit, not even after a cold shower. When I packed my bag that night, I threw in the box of condoms from my nightstand drawer, just in case.

  The next day, we left for Mexico. Puerto Vallarta seemed like a different world from Alabama. So
phia and I were like giddy teens, the anticipation of our first time looming above us. When we arrived at the resort it was already four in the afternoon and everyone was starving, so we cleaned up and headed out to one of the resort restaurants.

  As we were seated, the girls headed to the restroom leaving me with Nelson and the two other guys that came on the trip.

  “I’m thinking I lost out on our deal, Brandon. Sweet tits has gotta be worth more than four hundred dollars and a chem paper,” he snorted as he watched the girls walk away.

  My face flamed with anger. What a fucking asshole calling another man’s girlfriend ‘sweet tits’. “You got an A, didn’t you?” I questioned.

  “Yeah, but still. I’ve wanted to hit that for so long.” He rubbed his face with a wide palm.

  “Yeah, well she’s mine now so go fuck yourself,” I bit out. “And by the way, call her sweet tits again, or mention wanting to bang her, I’ll knock your damn teeth down your throat.”

  That pretty much eliminated any conversation between me and Nelson. Not that I minded. He made it a point to ignore me the rest of the meal, which was fine because I had a feeling if he said another word I’d make good on my threat.

  Instead, I turned my attention to Sophia. She was wearing a white sundress that hugged her in all the right places, and I struggled the entire evening to hide the chub in my pants.

  “You’re mighty quiet tonight,” Sophia whispered in my ear after everyone at our table took a tequila shot.

  She was right. I barely spoke a word the entire meal. I couldn’t get my mind off what would happen when we got back to our room. My entire body hummed with desire and the way she leaned against me only intensified it.

  “I’m just enjoying the evening,” I smiled and kissed her mouth quickly. Anything more threatened to turn my chub into a full-fledged boner.

  Her brown eyes gazed up at me when she whispered, “I can’t wait either.” The woman was a damn mind reader which only made me love her more. It felt good to know that I wasn’t the only one thinking about it, craving it, practically panting to have it. “Let’s go for a walk on the beach.” She winked and took my hand as she stood. I caught Nelson’s eye as we rounded the table and he shook his head. Yeah, he missed out, and he would probably regret it for a long time.

  “Where are you two going?” Jill asked with a knowing look.

  “For a walk on the beach,” I mumbled as I followed Sophia through the restaurant. She didn’t even say good-bye to her friends, and I wondered if the beach was just a cover and we were really heading back to our room, but that thought vanished when she turned outside the restaurant and bee-lined for the shoreline.

  The night was almost pitch black when a cloud in the sky would seat itself in front of the moon, but when it moved, the moon cast some light where we could see well enough.

  Sophia led the way, an energy thrumming from her that I couldn’t place. Was she excited? Nervous? Or was it just me? I wanted her desperately. The thought of being inside her was all I could think about. But if she needed or wanted to prolong the anticipation, I was willing to oblige. I wanted her to lead. It didn’t matter to me if it happened that night or the next because I knew it would happen and it would be every bit worth the wait. When we reached the beach we slipped off our shoes and held hands as we walked along the shore.

  “So what is going on with you and Nelson?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?” I tried to play dumb even though I sucked at it.

  “You kept giving each other dirty looks over dinner.”

  I sighed heavily before kissing her hand. “Let’s just say he wants something that is mine.”

  “Me?” she questioned as if the thought shocked her.

  “Yeah, you. Come on. You had to have known. He practically drools every time you’re around him.”

  “And you’re jealous?” She sort of chuckles as she squeezes my hand.

  “Does it make me less sexy if I am?”


  “Then hell, yes. I don’t like how he’s always eye-fucking you every time you’re around him.”

  Sophia grinned and gave me a mischievous look. “Not unlike yourself.”

  I laughed. “I don’t eye-fuck you.” I mocked offense. “I make passionate love to you with my steady gaze, like a smitten boyfriend should.”

  “Oh, yeah,” she laughed. “I have to admit, your gaze always feels so tender,” she teases as she places a hand to her heart.

  “See. There’s a difference. Nelson’s just a douche bag.”

  “Well, now that I know Nelson has the hots for me, I think I might… need to think about us.” I could tell by her tone, she was messing with me, feeding my jealousy. She liked me going crazy over her, for her.

  I quickly spun her around and pulled her into my arms. “I don’t think so,” I warned as I kissed her neck.

  “Would you stop me?” Her head fell back to give me better access to her neck.

  “I’d tie you up and make love to you until you forgot everyone and everything in this world except for me and you.”

  Her breath hitched with my words as she stared up at me and swallowed. “I’m so glad you’re here, Brandon.” She smiled as the breeze blew a few strands of her hair in her face. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Everything about her drew me in and made my body crave her, but it was so much more than that. It was the way she looked at me; as if I was some kind of fucking god. The way she touched me, the softness in her voice when she spoke to me, the way her kisses weren’t just about touching me, but they spoke to me telling me that she wanted me, begging for my reply.

  “You’re so beautiful, Sophia.” I kissed her hand and just as another cloud blocked the moon’s light, she withdrew her hand and started running from me.

  What the fuck? I watched her go, her image fading fast in the poor light, wondering what the hell I did when she yelled, “Catch me if you can.” The beach was empty except for the two of us. When I finally got my wits back, I went after her, but only got a few feet when I found her shoes in my path. I quickly picked them up and continued after her when I came across her white sundress strewn across the sand only a few feet further. My heart started pounding like a drum in my chest. This woman was going to be the end of me. With a surge of sexual adrenaline, I plucked it up and picked up my pace. Next I found her lacy white bra. I grabbed it up and continued running, the fabric of my pants straining against my erection. My eyes scanned the beach again for anyone that might be out, the idea of anyone seeing what was mine, naked and beautiful on a beach causing my jealousy to rear its ugly head, but luckily there was no one—that I could see anyway. The large bluff just ahead sat like a beacon in the night, and I knew it was there she would be waiting for me. As I neared it, I slowed my pace, scanning the rocks and shadows for any sign of her, when I caught a glimpse of her leg in the limited moonlight. She sat cross legged on one of the large rocks just off the side of the bluff, her blond hair brushing her bare shoulders and I stopped breathing.

  “So you caught me?” she teased as I neared, my mouth going dry at the sight of her.

  “It was quite the pursuit.” I held up her bra just before I dropped it to the ground with her dress and shoes. “Is it all about the chase for you?”

  She slid off the rock and my breath hitched as the sky cleared. My bronzed goddess stood before me bathed in moonlight, with only her lace panties on. I had been with quite a few women, seen almost every variation of woman, but Sophia was unlike anything I could’ve imagined. As she neared me I fought the urge to tackle her to the ground and have my way with her, but I reminded myself to wait for her cue.

  “No more chasing, Brandon.” Her hands slid under my T-shirt, running up my torso until she lifted my arms and pulled my shirt off. “I want you,” she whispered just before her lips brushed my chest.

  My hands grasped her sides, the feel of her soft skin like satin in my hands and I slammed her body against mine. Her breasts pressed to m
y bare chest and I fisted her hair, crushing my lips to hers. When I had imagined our first time—which I imagined a lot—I imagined it would be slow and soft, in a bed, with me on top, missionary like most women might want their first time with a new lover to be. I should’ve known better than that. Sophia wasn’t like any other woman I had ever met. Nothing about her was ordinary, the usual, or predictable.

  She pushed against me, breaking our kiss and I let her, anxious to see what else she had planned. She wanted to take the lead and I was glad to let her—this time. Sophia took my shirt and lay it flat in the sand against the wall of the bluff. When she turned back to me she licked her lips and I wasn’t sure I could take much more even if I wanted to let her do things her way. My body ached and my erection throbbed for her.

  Her gaze was steady and her hands certain as they slipped off her panties before she unsnapped my pants and slid them down my hips. Before I could step out of them she tugged down my boxers and I kicked both to the side. We stood inches away from each other, naked and hungry. Was she waiting for me to make the first move now?

  Unable to stop myself, I said, “Go on then. Do it.”

  A sexy grin broke across her face, and she fell to her knees. Holy hell! This wasn’t what I meant. But how could I protest as she took my cock in her mouth. I couldn’t contain the moan that barreled out of me. Sophia never ceased to amaze me and as her mouth worked me over and over, I thanked the heavens above for her.

  “Soph,” I moaned as my hands held her head trying to slow her. “If you don’t stop I’m going to finish this way, and I really don’t want to finish this way.”

  She gazed up at me before slowly rising. Taking my hand, she led me to where she laid my shirt. “Sit here,” she ordered me and without hesitation I obeyed. She knelt down, straddling me, her perfect pert breasts in my face and I took one of her peaks in my mouth and sucked. Her back arched and she moaned as her hands fisted my hair. My hand moved down her stomach, between her legs to find her warm and wet.


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