A Promise in Midwinter

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A Promise in Midwinter Page 6

by Alyssa Stark

  It was going to be a long night.

  Feeling Elizabeth against his naked body made him nearly mad with desire. She wore only the lightest chemise and he was completely bare beneath the horse blanket.

  Nothing about their situation was proper.

  And Lachlan didn’t care in the least.

  He clasped Elizabeth to his chest, suddenly realizing that his hand nearly palmed her full breast. Her nipple stood at attention, an erect peak against the palm of his hand.

  Lachlan cursed under his breath.

  Elizabeth had nearly died and all he could think about were the lustful desires of his body. Damn how she affected him!

  Elizabeth moaned again and turned in Lachlan’s arms, tearing him from his improper thoughts.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” he said tenderly as he watched her green eyes flutter open. “You’re safe now, love,” he assured her as he trailed his fingers down her face.

  Relief flooded over him.

  Elizabeth was going to make it.

  She smiled slightly and closed her eyes again as she nestled against his chest. Elizabeth rested her cheek against Lachlan’s pectoral muscles, delighting in the warmth that radiated from his strong body. She knew that it was most improper to lie wrapped in Lachlan’s arms, but she could not force herself to move away from him.

  He felt so delicious, so warm and comforting against her skin. His masculine scent comforted her just as his arms made her feel safe.

  Lachlan had returned for her, just as he had promised.

  Elizabeth’s hand moved up to rest on Lachlan’s chest. She felt the steady rhythm of his heart beat thudding against her palm.

  The sound of Lachlan’s heart lulled her into a deep sleep.

  She felt warm, safe and protected in Lachlan MacFarland’s strong arms.

  All felt right in the world.

  ..oo Chapter Nine oo..

  Angus MacFarland was as mad as Hell.

  He stalked towards where his only son slept wondering if he should kill the lad immediately or give him a chance to explain himself.

  Lachlan’s chest rose and fell in peaceful slumber. His arms were wrapped protectively around the beautiful lass nestled against his chest, her auburn hair spilling across the horse blanket that covered them. They lie together next to a dwindling fire, in a bed made of straw on the floor of Alistair MacFarland’s barn.

  When Angus and his war party had set out to rescue Lachlan, he had prayed that he would find his son before it was too late. Never in his wildest dream had he expected to find this.

  Angus reached down and yanked the blanket away from the sleeping couple, revealing that the lass was clad only in her shift and that his bare-chested son wore nothing.

  Lachlan’s eyes flew open and he sat up. He held a dagger in his hand and he shielded the frightened girl with his body. He scrambled to pull the horse blanket over their nakedness.

  “Christ, Da! Ye scairt me half tae death!” Lachlan exclaimed as his defensive stance relaxed and he lowered his weapon.

  “I had half a notion tae kill ye whilst ye slept ye rutting bastard!” Angus growled as he looked down disparagingly at his son. His bushy gray eyebrows scrunched together and his head shook from side-to-side in obvious disapproval. “I wouldna have thought that my own son…” his words broke off as he shook his head. “Do ye see this Liam?” he asked as he arched an eyebrow at his best friend and war chief.

  “We’ve taught ye better than this, lad,” Liam glowered as he crossed his arms and reached down to toss a woolen blanket to the shy lass.

  Elizabeth grabbed the blanket thankfully and covered herself, suddenly feeling quite naked beneath the scornful eyes of the MacFarland warriors. She blushed profusely and cast her eyes down to the straw, shielding herself behind the protective wall of Lachlan’s broad back.

  “Ye have no idea of what I’ve been through father! Give me a moment tae explain and-

  “No amount of explaining will explain this! I may be an auld man, but I was young once and I ken well enough what ye’ve been up tae!”

  Lachlan’s hand came to rest on Elizabeth’s thigh beneath the horse blanket. He squeezed slightly in an effort to assure her that all would be alright.

  Elizabeth’s heart went wild in her chest. Her face was surely the most unappealing shade of crimson and although nothing had happened between her and Lachlan, well nothing save for that marvelous kiss last night, their situation was quite innocent. Lachlan had saved her life by warming her with his body.

  She was suddenly very thankful to have her face obscured behind Lachlan’s back. However could she face his father when she had just been discovered sleeping nearly naked with his son beneath a horse blanket in a barn?

  Such a liaison would ruin her!

  Elizabeth bit her lip at the realization.

  She was already ruined.

  Elizabeth said a silent prayer for strength and clenched her eyes closed with embarrassment while clasping the blanket firmly about her breasts.

  “Father,” Lachlan said calmly. “If ye will regain control of yerself and give me a chance tae explain I’m sure that ye will understand-

  “I understand well enough, Lachlan!” Angus said as he glowered down at his son. “And as I’ve always told ye, if a lass is good enough tae warm yer bed, she’s good enough tae take tae wife. Get yer clothes on son. I’ll see tae it that ye make an honest woman out of her.”

  Lachlan coughed loudly and his words of protest caught in his throat.

  “Twas life or death!” he exclaimed as he pulled his still damp kilt on beneath the blanket. “She was frozen through from the snow…lying with her was the only way to warm her!” Lachlan stumbled to his feet and pulled his linen shirt hastily over his head. His eyes darted wildly towards Elizabeth, who looked as if the wind had just been knocked out of her.

  “Ye will marry her, son. I’ll no have ye fathering bastards and…”

  “Give me a chance tae explain!” Lachlan thundered as he squared his shoulders and prepared to battle his sire.

  “I’ll hear nae more of it, Lachlan. What would yer mother say of this were she alive? Ye will marry the lass immediately and set this right! I’ll hear nae further discussion of the matter,” he boomed with the authority of a Laird.

  Angus MacFarland then stomped from the barn, shaking his head with disappointment and dismay. This was the first time in his life that Lachlan had disappointed him.

  “Have her put on a gown if she has one, else she’ll marry ye in her shift!” he called over his shoulder as he stormed out of the barn, leaving a bone-chilling silence in his wake.

  Lachlan raked his hand through his disheveled chestnut hair and lowered his eyes to Elizabeth. Her face was an astonishing hue of crimson and both of her hands had gone reflexively to her mouth as if to stifle a scream. Her green eyes were trained on the rafters of the barn and when she felt his steely gaze settle upon hers, her eyes shifted, locking with Lachlan’s.

  “What are we going to do, Lachlan?” her voice said shakily, emerging as barely a whisper.

  Lachlan swallowed hard. Angus MacFarland had a will more steadfast than steel and Lachlan could see no way to avoid this sudden embarkation into holy matrimony.

  He took a step towards where Elizabeth lay wrapped up in the blanket. Her auburn hair cascaded around her, standing out in stark contrast to the golden stalks of hay that littered the floor of the barn. The color of her embarrassment still flushed her cheeks and her vibrant green eyes were pooling with tears of uncertainty that she struggled valiantly to hold back.

  She was heart-breakingly beautiful.

  She looked so alone and frightened wrapped in the horse blanket as the morning sun peeked into the dimly lit barn. Lachlan had the suddenly overwhelming urge to wrap her in his arms, to cradle her against his chest and assure her that everything would be alright.

  The truth was, Lachlan did not object to the idea of marrying the Elizabeth.

  His heart beat steadily in hi
s chest as he watched the beautiful Campbell lass that he had held in his arms only moments ago.

  Having nearly lost her to the cold had reassured him of the truth.

  He wanted her.

  He loved her.

  Lachlan extended his hand to her and she reached up without hesitation, still clasping the horse blanket to her chest with her other hand. He enveloped her fine-boned hand within his own, realizing how small she was in comparison to him. He stroked the back of her hand, seeking to reassure her.

  “Forgive my father and Liam,” he said with a slight chuckle. “For they are rather steadfast in their notions of propriety,” he said as he flashed a debonair smile.

  Elizabeth smiled shyly.

  Lachlan suddenly dropped to one knee beside her in the hay and pulled her up into a sitting position. Elizabeth’s green eyes were fixed upon his and she had a look of puzzlement on her face.

  “Will ye marry me, lass?” he asked, surprising even himself as the words fell from his lips.

  Elizabeth’s face flushed with color again and she giggled softly.

  “Have I any choice?” she asked.

  “I doona think so, but I thought that I might ask ye anyway,” Lachlan said with the hint of a smile as his thumb brushed reassuringly against the back of her slight hand.

  “Does your father know who I am?” she asked suddenly.

  “Nay. We can tell him later. His heart might explode if he realizes that the lass whose virtue I’ve stolen is John Campbell’s only daughter,” he said with a devious smile.

  Elizabeth’s hand went to her mouth.

  Lachlan was playing with fire and he knew it.

  “I’ll have yer answer, Beth. Will ye marry me or no?”

  Despite the butterflies that went wild in her stomach, Elizabeth was completely unable to control the smile that spread over her face.

  “Yes, Lachlan MacFarland. I’ll marry you,” she said with a genuine smile.

  His steel gray eyes were trained on hers as he lowered his lips to her knuckles. He placed a gentle kiss atop her hand and allowed his lips to linger a moment more than was proper.

  Fire course through Elizabeth’s veins and suddenly she was overly warm despite the fact that she was clad only in her flimsy shift.

  “Thank ye lass,” Lachlan said as his lips curled into an appreciative smile. “I’m no sure what I would have done had ye said no.”

  ..oo Chapter Ten oo..

  “I Lachlan Angus MacFarland, in the name of the spirit of God that resides within me, by all the life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my beating heart take you, Elizabeth Olivia Campbell to my hand, my heart, and my spirit to be my chosen one,” Lachlan said as he squeezed Elizabeth’s hand in reassurance.

  “Halt!” Liam exclaimed as he rushed forward and roughly seized Lachlan’s shoulder, tearing him away from Elizabeth. “Elizabeth Campbell?” he said with a low growl. “It cannot be true!” he said angrily as his eyes narrowed, glaring at Lachlan.

  Liam’s expression softened as he turned to look at Elizabeth.

  How had he not seen the resemblance?

  The lass was the image of Olivia in ever manner. From her alabaster skin to her auburn hair, she was the spitting image of her lovely mother. And her green eyes, however had he not noticed? She had received her striking green eyes from her father.

  Elizabeth’s eyes were the mirror image of Liam’s.

  “Ye son-of-a bitch!” Liam screamed as he drew back his fist and spun, landing a powerful blow to Lachlan’s jaw.

  Lachlan was stunned. He dodged Tristan and pulled Elizabeth behind his back, shielding her from the crazed warrior.

  “Explain yourself, auld man!” Lachlan demanded as he poised for a counter attack. His hand was on Elizabeth’s arm, cautioning her to stay safely behind him.

  Liam’s eyes were narrowed with rage. His face was red and a large vein had risen on his forehead, thundering with the erratic beating of his enraged heart.

  “Aarrghh!” he yelled as he dropped his head and charged at Lachlan.

  Lachlan pushed Elizabeth out of the way. Angus MacFarland grabbed her wrist and pulled her safely out of the path of the fight. He shot her a curious look. Angus was as perplexed by Liam’s sudden surge of anger as she had been.

  Lachlan refused to allow Liam to put Elizabeth in danger. He sought only to protect her and lunged at Liam, wrestling him to the ground. Although Liam was old enough to be his father, he was a sound warrior. Liam punched wildly at Lachlan, consumed by the rage of whatever had come over him.

  Lachlan struggled to remain atop Liam. He dodged blow after blow, all the while wondering what had come over the older clansman.

  Liam struggled against Lachlan, landing a blow against his cheek. His chest heaved from the exertion of grappling with the much younger and much stronger clansmen.

  Enough was enough.

  Lachlan growled and punched Liam, the bone rattling blow stilling his opponent for a brief moment.

  “I do not want to fight you!” Lachlan thundered as he overpowered Liam. “Explain yourself!” he demanded again as he struggled to take stock of what had just occurred. “Damn ye, Liam…what has come over ye?”

  Lachlan glanced over his shoulder to assure himself that Elizabeth was safe.

  Her face had drained of color. She stood next to his father with her hand over her mouth, watching the horror that their handfasting had become.

  Seizing his opportunity, Liam landed a surprise punch to Lachlan’s eye. Finding renewed strength, he flung Lachlan off his chest and reversed their position so that he now straddled the younger clansmen.

  “Ye’ve stolen my daughter’s honor!” Liam seethed as he dealt another glancing blow to Lachlan’s jaw.

  Lachlan was too shocked to move.

  He struggled to focus amidst the stars that Liam’s weighty blow had onset.

  His steel gray eyes flitted from Liam’s angry green eyes to Elizabeth’s.

  They were exactly the same.

  Liam has a daughter?

  His mind was reeling from the blow to his jaw, but more so from Liam’s revelation.

  “Enough!” Angus ordered as he stalked forward and pulled Liam off of Lachlan. “Of what madness do you speak?”

  Liam dug in his sporran and pulled out a well worn letter. He unfolded the letter as he had done so many times before.

  “She is my daughter,” he whispered as his eyes locked with Elizabeth’s. He rose to his feet and walked to stand in front of Elizabeth, extending the letter for her to see with her own eyes.

  Elizabeth’s mouth gaped open.

  She closed it.

  She recognized her mother’s handwriting at once, elegant and feminine as it scrawled across the worn page.

  Liam MacFarland was her father. The man that her mother had loved.

  Tears ran freely down Elizabeth’s cheeks as she read her mother’s letter.

  When she finished reading, she looked into Liam’s eyes, eyes that were the mirror image of her own.

  Surprising even herself, she lunged at Liam and threw herself into his arms.

  He caught her readily, enveloping her in his embrace. He kissed her hair and held her close, thanking the Lord for bringing Elizabeth safely into his care.

  “I was coming for ye, sweetling,” he whispered as tears rimmed his own eyes. “I hadna known of ye! I swear that if I had known I would have come for ye! I would have come for ye both!”

  Elizabeth hugged him tightly. She could not find words to express the overwhelming surge of happiness that flooded her. She held her father close, content now with just having found him.

  Liam wiped away the tears of happiness that spilled from his eyes. Looking over Elizabeth’s head, he glared at Lachlan, who now stood next to Angus.

  “I aught tae kill ye,” he seethed as he broke his embrace with Elizabeth and ushered her safely behind his back.

  “No!” Elizabeth countered as she grabbed her father’s
arm. “You will do no such thing,” she ordered reproachfully. “Lachlan saved my life!” she exclaimed. “And I love him,” she said with all of the conviction in her heart. “You will not touch him.”

  The words hung heavily between them in the morning light of the quiet barn.

  Lachlan’s eyes met hers.

  “I love ye as well, lass,” he said passionately. His eyes narrowed and his gaze moved to Liam, challenging the warrior to make another move against him.

  “Would ye have wed her if we’d not forced ye to?” Liam asked coolly.

  “Aye,” Lachlan nodded solemnly. “Why do ye think that I brought her with me when I escaped from the Campbells?”

  Elizabeth’s heart went wild at Lachlan’s words.

  He had planned to marry her.

  “If ye treat her poorly, I’ll kill ye,” Liam threatened. He took Elizabeth’s hand in his own and led her towards Lachlan.

  Lachlan reached out and Liam transferred Elizabeth’s hand into Lachlan’s grasp. Before Liam released his daughter’s hand, he looked down at her and asked, “Is this what you want, Elizabeth?”

  Elizabeth blushed.

  “Aye,” she answered. “This is what I want most in all of the world.”

  Liam released his daughter’s hand into Lachlan’s. Liam had loved Lachlan as a son and he knew that the lad would make a fine husband for Elizabeth.

  “I love ye, lass,” Lachlan repeated as he looked directly into Elizabeth’s teary eyes.

  Elizabeth smiled and collapsed against Lachlan’s chest. “I love you too,” she whispered happily as she lifted her head and looked up at the man that held her in his arms.

  “Shall we try this again?” Lachlan asked as he smiled apologetically at Elizabeth. He was still shocked by the turn of events.

  Liam had a daughter. A daughter that he was about to take to wife.

  “Aye,” Elizabeth responded eagerly. She squeezed Lachlan’s hand. Her smile was radiant as she looked back over her shoulder at her father.

  Liam nodded, giving his approval of the pending union.

  Lachlan nodded back. He clasped Elizabeth’s hands in his and began his vows a second time.


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