A Promise in Midwinter

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A Promise in Midwinter Page 8

by Alyssa Stark

  Liam cleared his throat to announce his presence. He touched Lachlan lightly on the shoulder. “May I steal her for a moment?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.

  “I suppose that it is your right as her sire,” Lachlan said. He looked at Elizabeth once more and then placed her hand in her father’s.

  Liam smiled down at his daughter and clasped his free hand about her petite waist. She was the picture of her mother. Looking upon Elizabeth made him long for Olivia, who had been the love of his life.

  “Tis good to see you happy in your marriage, daughter,” Liam began as he guided Elizabeth to the rhythm of the music. “Lachlan is a good man.”

  “Aye,” Elizabeth agreed. “I am quite happy. Thank you,” she blushed. Secretly she hoped that her father had not seen the desirous way that she had looked upon her husband, for what she was imagining of doing with Lachlan was certainly not proper.

  “A happy marriage is a treasure,” Liam said as he admired the daughter that he held in his arms. His heart threatened to burst with happiness as he looked upon her. “Would that I had been able to keep your mother,” he added regretfully.

  “She told me that she loved you still,” Elizabeth said softly as she brought her eyes up to meet Liam’s. “She told me that right before she died.”

  Liam swallowed past the lump that had gathered in his throat.

  “She was my one true love,” Liam said quietly. “My heart was never able to warm to another after I lost your mother.”

  “I wish that I had known of you sooner,” Elizabeth said honestly. “I would have come sooner had I known!”

  “Had we both only known, daughter,” Liam sighed as he hugged his daughter against his chest. “But now we shall make up for lost time. I am happy beyond belief for the chance to get to know you, Elizabeth,” he said as he kissed Elizabeth’s auburn hair.

  “As am I, Papa,” Elizabeth whispered as she hugged her father close and felt the safety of his arms surrounding her. “As am I.”


  “Now I’ve got ye!” Lachlan exclaimed as he grabbed Elizabeth and whisked her stealthily into the alcove behind the wine table.

  Elizabeth gasped and giggled against her husband’s chest.

  Lachlan pressed her up against the stone wall.

  Elizabeth enjoyed the solid strength of her husband as his muscular chest and thighs pinned her against the wall. Her hands ran eagerly over his pectoral muscles. Touching Lachlan made a fire burn deep in her belly.

  Lachlan nibbled at her earlobe and then nuzzled at her neck.

  Elizabeth’s breathing came raggedly now. Her bodily response to her husband was maddening.

  “Kiss me, Husband,” she whispered wantonly.

  Lachlan growled softly and granted her request. His lips claimed hers hungrily, his mouth arched over hers, tasting her sweet wetness. Lachlan’s tongue pressed against Elizabeth’s, wanting more from her, needing more from her.

  She moaned into his mouth and opened further, granting him entrance to her sweet mouth. Lachlan’s hands were in her unbound hair, threading through the silken tendrils as he ravaged her mouth.

  Unable to wait any longer, Lachlan swept Elizabeth into his arms. He carried her out of the dark alcove, past the wine table and towards the great staircase.

  “I thought I’d never get you back from your father,” he chuckled as he took the stairs two at a time.

  “We have much to talk about,” Elizabeth said as she rested her cheek against Lachlan’s chest.

  “Talking can wait until tomorrow, Wife,” he said huskily. “I have a present need to be alone with you,” he teased as he nuzzled her neck once more.

  Elizabeth felt her face flush.

  It was true that she wanted her husband. The feelings that he aroused within her were exciting and she knew that she longed for more of Lachlan. However, Elizabeth was completely innocent about what would transpire on her wedding night. She knew naught of what occurred between a man and a woman in the marriage bed.

  Her pulse raced at the very thought of what Lachlan would do to her.

  Lachlan stopped midway down the dark corridor. He reached out at opened the door on the left side of the long hallway.

  “This is our chamber,” he said invitingly as he pushed the door open.

  Elizabeth looked about the room.

  The room was expansive. It had one window that was enclosed with heavy crimson draperies. The furniture was hewn from darkly stained wood, which stood out in contrast to the light flagstone floors. Her eyes were drawn to the massive bed. It was constructed from the same dark wood and had an intricately carved headboard and footer. The bed was covered with the most luxurious white rabbit fur coverlet that Elizabeth had ever seen. She imagined that the fur would feel heavenly against her skin.

  The room reminded her of Lachlan.

  Simple and masculine.

  She loved the room at once and was already imagining how to put her own more feminine touches into place. Only then would the room belong to the both of them.


  Lachlan set Elizabeth gently to the ground, allowing her a moment to explore the chamber as he relit the hearth fire.

  “Do you like it?” he asked hopefully.

  “Aye, I like it very much for it reminds me of you.”

  Lachlan shrugged out of his linen shirt and tossed the garment over the back of a chair that sat near the fire.

  Elizabeth watched as the newly kindled flames danced over the muscled perfection of her husband’s skin. Watching Lachlan, studying his body made a deep yearning grow within her. Elizabeth bit her lower lip. The muscles twitched and constricted between her thighs. It was a new and foreign sensation, but whatever it was, she knew that Lachlan was the cause of it.

  He stalked towards her now, his eyes smoldering hotter than the flames of the fire.

  “Do not fear me, love,” he said softly as he stood before his wife. He had read the fear in her deep green eyes. He could tell that his innocent wife was fearful of what would happen between them tonight. “I never want you to fear me.”

  “I do not fear you,” Elizabeth said as her eyes cast down to the flagstones. “Tis just that I’ve heard…”

  “Forget what you’ve heard, Beth. Our joining shall be magical,” he vowed as he grasped her chin gently and forced her chin upwards so that her eyes would meet with his. “I intend to make ye forget all about what ye’ve heard,” he said huskily.

  Elizabeth’s heart raced faster in her chest.

  Lachlan turned her so that her back was facing him.

  Elizabeth felt his fingers at the laces of her gown. Her breathing intensified as she felt Lachlan deftly untie the laces of her corset and then loosen them. His fingers were efficient. She could feel the warmth of them as they brushed against her skin.

  She closed her eyes as she felt the corset loosen about her waist.

  The feeling between her thighs was getting stronger.

  Lachlan spread the laces and slid his hands through them as he bared Elizabeth’s back. His cock bucked beneath his kilt as his hot gaze spanned over her alabaster skin. She wore only a thin silken chemise beneath the gown. He loosened the gown further and helped Elizabeth remove her arms from the heavy garment.

  His breathing was ragged now.

  His cock bucked again in anticipation.

  Lachlan inched the heavy gown downwards, his fingers grazing lightly down Elizabeth’s back and over the lush curves of her hips. When he released the gown, it pooled at her feet in a cascade of blue satin.

  Elizabeth stood before him now, clad only in a chemise of the thinnest silk. He reached out and trailed his hand down her neck, across her shoulder blade. His fingers slid lower still, down her spine and then out to the soft curve of her delicate waist. Lower still they went, flitting to the small of her back and then tracing the curve of her perfect bottom. He could see the outline of her lithe figure just beneath the flimsy silken barrier.

  “Turn,” he said,
his voice as smooth as the silk of Elizabeth’s chemise.

  Elizabeth turned, her eyes locking with Lachlan’s. She stood before her husband, clad only in a barely there chemise.

  She watched as his eyes roamed hungrily over her body. The desire in Lachlan’s steel gray eyes caused her heart to race. His eyes lingered on her breasts. Her nipples were erect, standing as silken peaks beneath her thin chemise.

  “Ye are beautiful, Wife,” Lachlan purred appreciatively.

  He reached out his hand and cupped Elizabeth’s cheek. His skin was hot against hers, his touch aroused the fire within her. Elizabeth’s heart pounded as Lachlan’s hand grazed over her neck, inching its way downward. His fingers traced over her collarbone, causing gooseflesh to spread over Elizabeth’s arms.

  Still lower his hand traveled.

  His hand traced the curve of Elizabeth’s full breast. She gasped as she felt the warmth of his finger against the under curve of her breast. Only the thin silk barrier stood between them.

  Elizabeth suddenly found herself wishing that it was no longer there.

  Lachlan smiled devilishly as he watched his wife respond to his touch.

  His hand brushed over the sensitive skin of her breast again, almost cupping her before trailing down the gentle curve of her waist and settling on her hip.

  “Beautiful,” Lachlan whispered.

  He used his hand on Elizabeth’s hip to pull her towards his chest.

  “Open your eyes, love,” he ordered.

  Elizabeth opened her eyes and looked up at him. Her eyes had darkened from her desire.

  The corner of Lachlan’s mouth turned up into an arrogant smile. He was pleased that Elizabeth was as affected by his touch as he knew that he would be by hers.

  “Never fear me, love,” he said as his eyes held contact with hers. “Revel in the pleasure that we are able to give to each other.”

  “I do not fear you, Husband,” Elizabeth responded.

  She had spoken the truth. Having been emboldened by the feelings of desire that Lachlan had so easily kindled within her, Elizabeth was no longer afraid. She was eager to experience this pleasure that Lachlan spoke of.

  “Show me, Lachlan,” she said boldly as she reached her arms up and encircled his neck. Her fingers toyed with his hair. She ripped the leather lacing out that bound his hair at the base of his skull, wishing it to be free so that she might run her fingers through it.

  “Aye, I will show ye,” he said with a devilish smile.

  He bent towards Elizabeth, his lips hovering just beyond hers. He could feel her breath against his. She smelled sweet, like the mulled wine that she had drank earlier. He moved closer still, brushing his lips lightly over hers.

  Elizabeth threaded her fingers through his hair, reveling in the solid feeling of his skull beneath her fingers.

  Lachlan took her lower lip between his teeth. He nipped at her playfully, teasing her, expertly kindling the desire that grew within her.

  Feeling his teeth against her skin drove Elizabeth to madness. The feeling of desire that was growing between her thighs pulsed. She pressed her body against Lachlan’s delighting in how his naked chest felt against her breasts.

  Lachlan kissed her hungrily. He gathered her in his arms and slid a hand down to clasp her bottom. It felt wonderful to touch her beautiful body as he had dreamt of doing for so long.

  Elizabeth could feel his erection pressed against her belly. The realization caused the desire within her to enflame. She pressed herself against him experimentally, eliciting a low growl of approval from Lachlan. He squeezed her bottom in response and deepened their kiss. His mouth was hot upon hers, hungry and needful.

  Lachlan slid his hand up under the fabric of the thin chemise.

  Feeling the bare skin of Elizabeth’s perfect bottom against his hand nearly caused him to spill his seed. His cock pulsed against her belly and he knew that he must bury himself inside of her soon, or the innocent lass would unman him.

  Breaking away from Elizabeth’s mouth, Lachlan eased up the fabric of the thin chemise, watching as he lifted it to expose Elizabeth’s beautiful body. The silken fabric glided over her lush curves, first exposing the auburn curls that shielded her womanhood and then exposing her full breasts. Lachlan pulled the chemise up and over Elizabeth’s head, causing her auburn hair to cascade down around her pert breasts.

  She stood before him completely naked and unashamed.

  Lachlan let the chemise fall to the floor. For a moment, he forgot how to breathe.

  Elizabeth was exquisite.

  And she belonged to him.

  Her alabaster skin was completely unmarred. Her slender waist flared out to perfectly proportioned hips. And oh, those auburn curls at the junction of her thighs! Lachlan imagined burying his cock deep inside of her and his breath emerged in a shudder. Elizabeth’s full breasts were tipped with up thrust, rosy pink nipples. Lachlan longed to suckle them, hoping that such attentions would drive Elizabeth mad with desire.

  “You are beautiful, Wife,” he said hungrily as he swept Elizabeth up into his arms and laid her onto the bed.

  Elizabeth gasped at the luxury of the rabbit skin coverlet against her skin. The fur tickled at her backside deliciously. Being trapped beneath the warm muscled wall of Lachlan’s chest and feeling the velvety rabbit fur against the back of her body was splendid. Lachlan kissed his way down her neck.

  Her heart thundered in her chest as he placed light kisses over the tops of her breasts. Elizabeth writhed against the rabbit skin. Lachlan’s hand cupped her right breast. The sheer pleasure of feeling his hand against her sensitive skin caused Elizabeth to moan loudly and arch against her husband.

  Lachlan opened his mouth and allowed his heated breath to exhale against the sensitive skin of Elizabeth’s nipple.

  Elizabeth needed something, but she did not know what. The desire within her had grown until it nearly consumed her from within. The feeling of Lachlan’s warm breath against her nipple was so sensual, so arousing. Elizabeth knew that she could handle no more of this sweet torment.

  And then Lachlan took her nipple into his mouth.

  Elizabeth cried out in pleasure as she felt the hot, wetness of Lachlan’s mouth against her nipple. She arched against him and threaded her fingers through his hair. She raked her fingernails over the flesh of his back as she pulled him closer.

  Lachlan nipped at her playfully and Elizabeth cried out his name.

  When he began to suckle her, she thought that surely, she had died and gone to Heaven. Lachlan worked her breast expertly, circling his tongue around the sensitive flesh of her areola. He nipped at her and suckled her, driving her mad with the pleasure that his mouth brought to her.

  Sliding his hand slowly down the flat plane of Elizabeth’s belly, he lingered there for just a moment. His cock ached to be inside of her, surrounded by her tight wetness. Lachlan had to force himself to slow down. This would be Elizabeth’s first time and for that very reason, he needed to make it absolutely perfect. He would ensure that she was overcome with pleasure before he entered her. He would pleasure his sweet wife first, even if that meant denying the needs of his own body.

  Elizabeth writhed against the rabbit fur blanket. Her hands were everywhere, raking through Lachlan’s unbound hair and over his expansive shoulders.

  Lachlan pleasured her breast with his mouth. Ever so slowly, he slid his hand down towards Elizabeth’s heat. He shuddered when his finger brushed over her auburn curls. Very gently, he parted her folds and found the wetness there.

  Lachlan tore his mouth away for Elizabeth’s breast so that he could look upon her as he touched her for the first time. He stroked the sensitive skin between her thighs, relishing the wetness that was there only for him.

  Elizabeth’s eyes were clouded with passion. Never in her life had she felt a more pleasurable sensation. Her mouth hung open in shock as Lachlan touched her there. His fingers danced over her skin, covering themselves with her slickness. When Lac
hlan’s finger brushed over the bead of her desire, Elizabeth’s eyes closed and she called out in utter ecstasy.

  “Aye, love,” Lachlan purred. “Ye feel so good. Surrender yourself to the feeling. Let go, Beth,” he cooed as he continued the sweet torment with his fingers.

  His cock bucked with need as he watched his lovely wife. She was consumed with passion as she lay sprawled beneath him on the rabbit skin coverlet. Lachlan knew that he could not wait much longer.

  He needed to be inside of her.


  He growled low in his throat. He would make sure that she was ready, even if it killed him.

  “Ye feel so good, Beth,” he whispered as he slid one finger inside of her tight sheath.

  Elizabeth gasped at the unexpected intrusion. She felt her muscles tighten around Lachlan’s finger. His thumb brushed expertly over her clitoris and pleasure rippled through her body, rendering her completely helpless. Elizabeth moaned as Lachlan began to move his finger. He withdrew his finger very slowly and she cried out, arching herself against his hand so that he would not leave her.

  Lachlan smiled and slid his finger back into her wet sheath.

  He gritted his teeth.

  He played her skillfully with his hand, driving his finger gently in and out of her wetness as he toyed with the nub of her desire.

  Elizabeth could no longer think so undone was she by the pleasure that Lachlan gave. She panted and thrashed beneath him.

  She wanted more.

  She needed something more!

  Suddenly, Elizabeth felt the muscles deep within her begin to tremble. It was the most delicious, all consuming feeling. She felt as though she was on the brink of something and only needed but a small push from Lachlan.

  “Nay, lass,” he warned. “Not yet,” he said as he quickly withdrew his finger.

  “No!” Elizabeth protested. Her breathing was ragged.

  Lachlan stood from the bed and removed his kilt.

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened in fear as they settled on Lachlan’s erection.


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