Catching Maggie

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Catching Maggie Page 24

by Hayley Faiman

  “Have fun tonight being kinky,” she purrs as she stands and rounds the table to follow behind Paul and David, who are quickly walking toward the front doors.

  “Bunny,” Jackson growls once he’s close enough for me to hear.

  “Jacks,” I smile, tipping my head back. He smiles wide and his face transforms from serious to playful -it’s a great look on him.

  “Love that nickname, baby,” he says with a smile as I stand and wrap my arm around his waist. I lean closer into his body and rest my head on his shoulder.

  “Love you, baby,” I slur.

  “Gonna let me get wild with you tonight?”

  “Don’t I always?” I grin when Jackson throws back his head in laughter as he opens the car for me to slide inside.

  “Yeah,” he whispers before closing the door. I lean my head back and watch him walk in front of the car and then slide inside himself.

  “Spread your legs,” he orders as soon as we take off into traffic. I do as he commands and spread my thighs as wide as I can.

  “Should I take my panties off?” I ask, batting my eyelashes at him, trying to sound and look as innocent as possible. Jackson bites his lower lip before wrapping his hand around my thigh and between my legs. His long finger traces my center over the top of my lacy thong panties.

  “No,” he says softly. His finger moves aside my panties and then fills me with one, long thrust. .

  “Jackson,” I moan, throwing my head back against the seat.

  “Shh, just feel me, Maggie,” he chides.

  I bite down on my bottom lip and relax my body into the seat.

  I feel him all right.

  I feel a second finger ease inside of me and I feel every single stroke he delivers. I slowly start to rock my hips, meeting his pace, my body shaking as I grow closer to my release. Then he suddenly stops and pulls his fingers out of me. My eyes pop open and I look around, realizing we are in front of his building.


  “Yeah, baby, let’s finish this,” he groans, sliding his fingers into his mouth and licking them clean.

  I rush out of the car and practically fly to the elevator door, fumbling with the buttons. I can hear Jackson chuckling behind me, but I don’t care. All I can think about is his hard cock sliding deep inside of me and making me come.

  As soon as we walk into his apartment, I strip off my clothes and I run into the bedroom. I am completely naked before I make it to the bed. Crawling into the center of the bed, I spread my thighs just in time to see him arrive at the threshold.

  “Ready for something?”

  “You,” I groan huskily.

  “You got drunk tonight, maybe I should punish you and withhold your orgasm,” he chides, making me whimper at the thought. I prop myself up on my elbows to look at him.

  Watching him with lowered lids, I take in every movement he makes. First, he slowly unbuttons his shirt, letting it hang open, showing off his tanned, toned, upper body and abs. I lick my lips at the sight of his hard body on display before me. Jackson toes his shoes and socks off before he unbuttons and sheds his jeans. I moan when they fall to the floor. He’s gone commando and his hard length is jutting out, thick and ready.

  “Please, I need you,” I beg wantonly. He bites back a curse before climbing through my spread thighs.

  “I indulge you way too often, bunny. I should withhold your release just because I can,” he says, angling his head before he takes my mouth in a hard kiss. He then fills my body with one, quick, deep, thrust.

  I don’t speak,for I am speechless as I wrap my arms and legs around this man. The hard muscles of his back bunch with tension beneath my fingers and I dig my nails into his flesh, holding on as he roughly thrusts in and out of my body. I love Jackson when he’s gentle and I love him when he’s rough, but in this moment, his thrusts are borderline brutal and I have to admit that I love this part of him the most. He’s unrelenting.

  “Come on my cock, Marguerite. Strangle me,” he growls, his teeth attaching to the hollow in my neck as he bites down. I come, hard, trying to pull him closer to me; trying to pull him deeper than he already is. Jackson overpowers me and continues to thrust – hard, fast, and wild - until he stills and spills his release inside of me.

  “You can take more when you’re drunk, but you’re gonna feel sore tomorrow, babe,” Jackson whispers into my neck. I’m too sated and too satisfied to even care about tomorrow.

  “Love you, Jacks,” I murmur before the room goes dark and I pass out in his arms.

  The phone rings too early the next morning and I can’t even bring myself to conjure the energy to crack an eyelid as Jackson answers it. I fall back asleep, lulled by the tenor of his voice. Seconds later, I’m startled when Jackson shakes me awake.

  “They found my brother. He confessed.” He looks pained and I’m suddenly no longer tired.

  “The sex tape - it was him?”

  “Yeah. He’ll be back in the city tomorrow morning. I’m going to meet up with him,” he says with concern. I exhale with a shaky breath and screw my eyes shut.

  How on earth could he do this to his own brother? To me?

  “I’m going with you,” I demand. Jackson shakes his head and starts to say something, but I cut him off.

  “I need this, Jackson. I need to hear from him the reason why he would do that to you - to me - to us.”

  “Okay, babe, all right,” he begrudgingly agrees.

  We spend the majority of the day lost in our thoughts, wrapping our minds around Adam’s betrayal. The next morning, I dress in my most demure yellow wrap dress, pulling my long hair into a low ponytail and applying a light layer of makeup. I slide my feet into a pair of jeweled flat sandals and exhale a shaky breath.

  “You ready?” Jackson asks. He is dressed in faded jeans and a black t-shirt. The plain ball cap he wears is pulled down low to hide his face, along with the sunglasses that mask his eyes.

  The paparazzi haven’t let up and I know they’ll be following us to the police station.

  “Maggie?” I jerk at the sound of his voice. I’m surprised to see Niklas standing behind the counter at the station, fully dressed in an NYPD uniform.

  “You got the job,” I say. He smiles before he speaks.

  “Yeah, sure did. What can I do for you guys?”

  “I have a meeting with Detective Brody,” Jackson grinds out. Niklas nods, giving me another smile and a wink.

  “I don’t fuckin’ like that guy,” Jackson growls from behind me. I turn to look into his hard cold, black eyes.

  “He’s Amalie’s brother.”

  “He’s got a fuckin’ dick, yeah?” My eyes instantly widen in shock, caught off guard by his question.

  “Well, I assume so,” I whisper. Jackson snorts.

  “Exactly. And I don’t like the fact that it’s hard for my fucking woman.”

  “Jackson, it is not. He’s just being nice,” I chide, unable to hide my surprise.

  “You have a dick, babe?” he asks, knowing full well what the answer is. I shake my head, unable to comprehend this conversation. This is some broken Neanderthal talk and I’ve never heard him speak like this before.

  “Trust me when I tell you that prick has a hard-on for my woman and it’s pissing me right the fuck off.”

  Before I can say anything else Detective Brody appears and the conversation is dropped. We follow him through the station to what I can only assume is an interview room. He opens the door and we slowly walk through. Adam is sitting inside and an officer stands in the corner. Adam looks bad, worse than how he looked when he showed up at Jackson’s apartment, all those months ago. He looks like he hasn’t slept, eaten or bathed in weeks.

  “I’m so fucking sorry,” he begins to say as we sit down. Jackson shakes his head.

  “Why, man?”

  “I needed the money or it was my life,” he asnwers, earning a snort from Jackson.

  “I have money, Adam. I offered it to you - why would you do this?”r />
  “I didn’t think it would be a big deal. This kind of shit happens to celebrities all of the time. I cut out of town when I saw how upset you guys were,” he says.

  I stifle a gasp at his calloused words. He didn’t think the world seeing me naked was a big deal?

  The jackass.

  “It’s a very big fucking deal,” Jackson yells, his hand slamming down on the table.

  “You get everything, you asshole. The job, the money, and the fucking girl who worships you. I got nothing,” Adam yells back.

  Jackson shakes his head before he stands, holdin his hand out for me to take.

  “I didn’t get all of this shit, you immature asshole. I fucking earned it, every fucking thing, and I won’t apologize for it. Not to you, or anybody else. I am not your brother from now on. You don’t know me and I sure as fuck don’t know you.” Jackson doesn’t wait for Adam to reply before he drags me out of the door.

  Jackson tells Detective Brody to charge him with whatever, that he doesn’t care and he just wants it all to go away. Detective Brody informs us that there won’t be a trial because Adam has confessed and made a deal. Jackson doesn’t want to know what it is. He doesn’t want anything to do with Adam Lexington from now on. He’s sure that he doesn’t know the man. I hope that one day Adam will wake the hell up and realize exactly what he did to his brother, what he did to me. I won’t be holding my breath. I know that, usually, extremely selfish people don’t change. Just ask my mother.

  “Jackson,” I sigh, as we walk into his apartment.

  “Just let me hold you, babe. I don’t want to think about him anymore. Then once this Elliot Baker business is behind us, we can just be us. No more bullshit,” he exhales. I nod, wrapping my arms around my man.

  Jackson doesn’t need the stress of his brother weighing down on him. Opening day is just a week away and he needs to focus on his game. On one hand, I’m devastated by the outcome of how and why the tape happened; but on the other hand, I am glad that it’s finished. Now… we can breathe a little easier.

  Our privacy was invaded, but at least now we know for certain that it wasn’t some freak who broke into his place and set it all up. It just so happened that it was somebody that we loved and trusted. That knowledge doesn’t make the sting of distruct hurt any less, but it is an answer, nonetheless.

  “I HATE OPENING DAY,” VICTORIA mumbles as she sits down next to me, her hand resting on her about-to-pop baby bump.

  “I used to hate it too, but Jackson has been really calm. I thought he would be a wreck,” I admit taking a sip from my strawberry lemonade.

  “You’ve probably been screwing like rabbits, that’s why. I swear I give it up more the two weeks before opening day then I do the entire season,” Amalie laughs, bouncing a restless Axel in her lap.

  “We have been having a lot of sex - more than usual. Oh my gosh, how did I not realize?” I gasp making Victoria and Amalie burst out in loud bouts of laughter.

  “Would you fat cows shut the hell up?” Alana sneers, making me roll my eyes.

  “Alana, be careful of frowning. Your Botox looks like it needs a touch up,” Libby says in a singsong voice, causing fits of giggles to erupt between us again.

  “You would know all about plastic surgery now wouldn’t you, Libby?” Alana quips, making Libby’s face turn so red it has a tint of purple to it.

  “Shut your whore mouth,” Libby responds. While she’s right on the money about Alana being a whore, I find her lack of witty retort alarming. Libby is famous for delivering smart, quick, funny comebacks.

  The game starts and we all sit on the edge of our seats while the boys play, and play they do - hard. Cheers erupt at the end when the team wins their first game of the season. It’s always good to start off with a win. I’m happily talking to Amalie about it when I am shushed by Libby. Her hand wraps around my bicepbut her focus is directed toward the field. I look down to see Jackson standing with a microphone.

  “I know she’s going to kill me, but can Maggie Rogers please come down to the field?” I hear his voice resound throughout the stadium. I look to my left and see Marcus standing at the end of our row with a shit eating grin on his face.

  “C’mon, doll,” he says, his voice deep and his hand stretched out for me to take. I do, slowly following him to the entrance hate of the ball field. Jackson is standing on home plate with the rest of the team behind him, all wearing matching grins on their faces.

  I make my way to Jackson and stand just a few feet in front of him. He smiles softly and looks down at me. I watch in complete awe as he slowly bends to one knee, his face focusing intently on my shocked one.

  “I knew for years that you were perfect. I didn’t know how perfect until I got to know you. You are the kindest, sweetest, gentlest and most caring person I have ever met. I am proud to have you at my side, as my girlfriend, but I would be honored if you would accept me as your husband, to be at your side for the rest of our lives,” he says as tears stream from my eyes. All I can manage in response is a nod before I whisper a quiet yes.

  Jackson smiles, sliding the ring onto my finger before standing and wrapping me in a big hug, his arms lifting me off of the ground as he spins me in a circle. The entire stadium erupts in applause and I bury my face in his neck in pure embarrassment.

  “I love you,” Jackson whispers in my ear. I tighten my arms around him.

  “I love you too, Jacks - so much.”

  Much later that evening, after a celebration dinner with our friends followed by hours of celebratory marathon sex - where Jackson shows me how truly happy he is that I accepted his over-the-top proposal - I am lying in bed, my head on his chest, staring at my gorgeous ring. It is five carrots, cushion cut, and the most beautiful piece of jewelry I have ever owned. Honestly, it could have been a plain twenty dollar band and I would still love it.

  “Do you want a big wedding?”

  “Not really, do you?” I ask, surprised by his question.

  “No. I just figured, since your wedding with Sammy was a quickie in Vegas, you would want the whole shebang this time around. I’ll give you whatever you want, baby. So if you want a big wedding, you can have it,” he says, running his fingers through my hair. I look up into his face and I can see the sincerity in his eyes. It warms my heart that he would do this for me.

  “I just want you, Jackson. What if we went somewhere, just the two of us?” I suggest as he nods a few times.

  “How about we go to another country and have a ceremony, just us, then we have a party here with our friends?” Jackson asks as I roll my body so that I am on top of him. My face is only inches from his and I lean down to kiss his lips, softly.

  “That sounds like perfection.”

  “I have one more thing for you. Sit up and turn away from me.” he sounds nervous, way more nervous than he was about the proposal, so I do as he asks. I turn away, bringing my knees up to my chest before resting my cheek on the tops of my knees.

  I feel cold metal wrap around my neck and I raise my head to look down, but I can’t see anything.

  “Go look in the mirror,” Jackson urges. I obey, slowly walking toward the bathroom. What I see surprises me - shocks me, actually.

  Around my neck is a princess cut diamond choker. It has to be at least twenty carat total weight and in the center is a silver ring. I slip my fingers through the ring and touch it slightly. Jackson slides his hands around my waist and kisses right below my ear. His eyes travel over my face before his gaze lands on my neck.

  “It’s a submissive collar; a wedding ring of sorts. It means you belong to me. Not that we’re hardcore in the lifestyle, but I just wanted you to have it. I like what it represents,” he whispers against my neck as I nod my understanding.

  “Does this mean that we’ll be going to clubs and parties again?”

  “We won’t do anything you don’t want to do, my bunny. I have found that my taste for the clubs has changed. I only need you; I only want you and what we do is m
ore than satisfying. I don’t need to show you off to the world that way. I like what we have. Though, this necklace signifies that you are mine - in or out of the scene, you belong to me and me alone.

  “If you want to explore a bit more then that’s fine with me. If you prefer to play alone and in the privacy of our home, that’s fine with me as well. I want you to be comfortable.”

  I inhale deeply, slowly letting the air out. I don’t think that I could love this man anymore than I already did. Then he does something like this and he makes me fall in love with him even deeper than I already was.

  “I like what we have right now, too. I’m honored that you want me to wear this. It’s beautiful,” I say softly, looking straight into the mirror, my eyes searching his. Jackson spins me around and cups my cheeks in his large hands.

  “It’s me who’s honored, Marguerite. I never thought I would have it all, a submissive who was strong enough to live her life while I was away at work; a woman who loves me and my kinks; a woman who would one day carry my children; a woman I trust implicitly.”

  “Children?” I choke.

  “Yes, children. I want a house full of babies that look exactly like you.” His nose slides along mine before he takes me in a soul searing kiss. His tongue teases my lips until I open my mouth enough so that he can slide inside of me. Jackson’s fingers tug on the nape of my neck, pulling my head back to give him more access. Then he attacks my lips with his tongue and teeth.

  “A million times yes, Jackson. I want it all,” I whisper with my eyes closed.

  “You will have everything, Maggie, every single thing you could ever want.”

  Later that night, I fall asleep wrapped in the arms of the man I love. For reason I can’t explain, I am woken with a jolt. I slowly slide out of bed and try to calm my racing heart, but it is no good. Something has startled me. I wrap myself in a robe and make my way to the kitchen for a glass of water. I gasp as my phone rings, grabbing it quickly.

  The prison operator asks me if I would accept a call from an inmate and then states the number.


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