Incubus 1

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Incubus 1 Page 6

by Brandon Varnell

  Anthony felt like he’d been hit by a truck.

  “What are you doing here? Wait. How did you even know where I live?”

  “Isn’t that obvious? I followed you here last night.” Brianna’s answer made him gawk. “Anyway, can you let me in? I need to speak with you regarding several important matters.”

  Anthony felt a headache coming in, causing his skull to throb as he looked at this woman. He glanced at the time on his wristwatch. It was 9:00am. Glancing from his watch to the woman, he pondered what he should do before sighing.

  “Actually, I have to get to school right now,” he said. “Do you mind if we talk on the way there?”

  Brianna’s lips turned into a frown, but then she nodded. “I suppose that is okay, though I’d prefer to speak of this matter in private.”

  “Thank you,” Anthony said.

  Brianna stepped back as Anthony turned off his holographic TV and walked outside, sealing the door shut with his wristwatch and traveling down the hallway. The redhead fell in step with him as they made it to the elevator and got inside. Neither of them spoke for a moment, but then he looked at the woman beside him, who was looking straight ahead at the elevator door.

  “Have you had any breakfast?” he asked. Brianna didn’t say anything, but then her stomach suddenly released a rather ghastly gurgling sound. He chuckled as she blushed beet red. “I guess that answers that question. I’ll grab you a bite to eat on the way to the station. We can talk about whatever you wanted on the maglev.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Brianna was still blushing as she spoke, tilting her head down to look at the floor as she twiddled her fingers. It was an unnaturally cute gesture that he didn’t expect from a woman who had nearly killed him two nights ago.

  There were a lot of convenience stores on the way to the station. In this day and age where convenience and the ability to get something quickly and without hassle was of paramount importance, these kinds of shops had sprung up all over the place. Some of them were specialty shops. They sold specific products. However, most of them were shops that sold just about everything: clothes, food, supplies, and even digital books that could be downloaded to a wristwatch or tablet from each store’s library.

  They stopped at one of those convenience stores and Anthony let Brianna choose some food for breakfast. There were a lot of options. This store had everything from pancakes to rice balls. It took Brianna nearly ten minutes just to finally end up going with rice balls filled with pickled plum and salmon.

  There was no cashier at the register. While there was a clerk on hand to help in case problems arose, all checkouts were automated. Anthony didn’t know when this had started becoming the new standard. He couldn’t remember the place where he and Calvin grew up having this, but they’d grown up in a war torn part of the Americas, so that could be why.

  “Your total is six dollars,” an automated female voice said from the register after Brianna scanned the product.

  Anthony activated the holographic display on his wristwatch and held it up to a sensor bar. As he did, Brianna’s eyes widened.

  “I-I can pay for this myself!”

  “I’m sure you can, but I’ve already paid for it.”

  As he finished speaking, a soft beep echoed from the cash register before the female voice spoke up again. “Check out complete. Thank you for shopping with us. Have a nice day.”

  Anthony grabbed the package of rice balls and held them out to Brianna, whose cheeks swelled at him as she took the rice balls. Her pout was awfully adorable. She looked like a chipmunk with too many acorns stuffed into her mouth.

  They left the convenience store and began walking to the station again. Brianna munched on her rice balls as they moved. In keeping with his thoughts of her being a chipmunk, the way she daintily nibbled on the food completely disabused him of the idea that she was an elite War Maiden from an international organization created for the sole purpose of fighting Magic Catastrophes and demons.

  There was a lot of traffic on this street. Numerous hovercars flew over the road, their sleek frames hovering several feet off the ground as they moved.

  With the advancement in AI technology, all hovercars were now autonomous. They contained numerous advanced sensors and a powerful artificial intelligence that allowed them to sense everything happening around them within several dozen miles, which meant it was nearly impossible for them to get into accidents. Ever since autonomous vehicles became the new standard, car accidents had dropped to .5%. Anthony had even heard a rumor that all cars used feed from satellites orbiting the Earth to get an accurate read on traffic patterns and choose the best routes to avoid being caught in traffic.

  “I just noticed something…” Anthony glanced at Brianna as they walked, but she wasn’t looking at him. Her eyes were focused on the people around them.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She looked at him. “A lot of people are glaring at you.”

  Anthony didn’t respond at first, instead looking at a pair of young men walking in the opposite direction. Both men noticed his presence and glared at him as if he’d committed a grave sin against them. They didn’t do anything, and when the two passed him, they ignored his existence and went back to talking about… whatever they had been talking about before spotting him.

  He chuckled mirthlessly. “Incubus release a pheromone similar to succubus. It is supposed to draw in members of the opposite sex while keeping members of the same sex from becoming interested in them.”

  “So your powers are the same as a succubus’s powers?” asked Brianna.

  “I’m not sure. At the very least, I know incubus share some abilities with succubus.” Anthony paused when a middle-aged woman stared at him with a strange look as she walked by them, then sighed. “Unfortunately, I don’t have a handle on these abilities, so my pheromones tend to just leak out of me. I’m fortunate my powers are so weak none of the women around me seem to notice it. If they weren’t, I’d be in a lot of trouble.”

  “And why don’t you have a handle on your abilities?” Brianna questioned him some more.

  “Because I haven’t bound anyone to me, I guess.” With a small shrug, Anthony continued. “Just like a succubus, an incubus’s power comes from his bondmates—or so my professor told me. Because I have no bondmates, I’m not receiving a steady supply of mana, which is necessary for my continued existence. Also, in order to master my abilities, its supposedly necessary to have bondmates. Something about having a connection to others increases my own powers and ability to control them.”

  Anthony was still relatively new to the supernatural side of the world. While he had dealt with demons in his youth, he’d never really been a part of that world until becoming Lilith’s bondmate, and by the time she had met him, Lilith was already considered the world’s most powerful succubus. That was why he didn’t really understand how bonding worked. All he knew was that Lilith had thirteen bondmates, including himself, and that they were the source of her power.

  “And why, um, why haven’t you found anyone to bond with?”

  At this question, Anthony glanced at Brianna as they made it to the station. There were a lot of people, and the two of them were jostled around a bit, which forced them to shove against the crowd so they wouldn’t be separated. They eventually reached the maglev platform. While they were waiting with everyone else, Anthony ran a hand through his hair.

  “Sorry, but that’s a personal question I don’t really feel like answering right now.”

  Brianna looked like she was going to contest his decision not to tell her about it, but then a strange expression crossed her face. She stared at Anthony for a moment. He watched as she clenched and unclenched her hands. Several seconds passed, and then she looked away.

  “I… I understand,” she said in a voice so soft he almost missed it.

  The maglev soon arrived. As the doors opened, the mass of people—humans, therianthropes, vampires, and other demons—surged forw
ard and entered the maglev.

  Anthony and Brianna were among those who entered. Because all the seats were already taken, the two of them were forced to find a spot in the corner where they could stand and talk.

  There were a lot of people around. Several different scents permeated the atmosphere; perfume, cologne, BO. Anthony wrinkled his nose as a man with a rank stench wandered past him. Even Brianna looked slightly disgusted as she stared at the strange man who had bloodshot eyes and looked like he might be on several drugs.

  “You said you wanted to talk?” Anthony said at last.

  Brianna nodded as her expression turned serious. “After we spoke last night, I did a lot of thinking, and I’ve come to the conclusion that you aren’t a monster or a Magic Catastrophe that needs to be eliminated.”

  “Well… I suppose that is a good thing,” Anthony said, slightly startled.

  “But you still have the potential to become one,” Brianna continued. “Throughout history, incubus have been synonymous with disaster. I can’t just let you roam free without supervision.”

  It didn’t take a genius to figure out where this was going. Anthony gave Brianna an incredulous expression as he realized what she meant.

  “So, what? You’re going to be my watcher?”

  “That’s right,” Brianna said. “I’ve already contacted HQ and let them know that you currently aren’t a threat to be eliminated and should instead be watched for signs of unusual activity. If nothing else, I think you deserve the chance to prove you aren’t a threat. That said, do not think this means I won’t eliminate you should you become a threat. If it turns out that you are a Magic Catastrophe, I won’t hesitate to wipe you out.”

  Anthony wasn’t sure what facial expression he was making just then. His emotions were so mixed up at the moment.

  It was good that Brianna had decided he wasn’t a Magic Catastrophe that needed to be eliminated, but she also said that might change if he ever became a threat. He guessed he understood where she was coming from. Custodes Daemonium had classified him as an S-class Magic Catastrophe, which was on the same level as the Lilith Incident that wiped an entire city from the face of the map and rearranged the geography of that area. The fact that she was willing to let him live at all could be taken as a huge concession on her part.

  On the other hand, Anthony really hadn’t done anything to anyone that warranted being considered an S-class Magic Catastrophe to begin with. He was just an incubus—a rare breed of demon that hadn’t appeared for several hundred years. True, his predecessors had all without fail caused Magic Catastrophes to happen, but they had nothing to do with him.

  As Anthony silently contemplated what he should say, the maglev slowed to a stop. Someone backed into Brianna, who gasped in surprise as she fell forward into his chest.

  Anthony froze as two soft swells pressed into him. Brianna’s scent, a vaguely floral aroma, addled his mind and caused him to inhale sharply. He looked down at where her breasts were squishing against his chest.

  The person who had bumped into Brianna didn’t seem to notice and backed up even further, forcing the two of them into even closer quarters. Her chest bulged as they were further smashed against him. Brianna looked up as she placed her hands on his chest, gripping his shirt, her eyes wide and her cheeks stained with a dark shade of red as all the blood rushed to her face. He was sure his face had turned a similar color.

  A large number of people exited the maglev at this stop, including the man who’d backed into Brianna, which allowed them more space. Even so, the two remained locked together as if they couldn’t be pulled apart. It was as if they hadn’t realized there was no longer any need to remain pressed so close together.

  Anthony struggled for a moment against his natural instincts. He wanted to lean down and kiss this gorgeous woman whose hair reminded him of fire and whose eyes were like glowing emeralds. He wanted to pull her to him and ravish her, to strip off her clothes and claim her as his own. Closing his eyes, Anthony struggled intensely against his own nature, telling himself over and over that he was loyal to Lilith, that he wouldn’t betray her.

  “Unbelievable,” a voice suddenly muttered, knocking Anthony out of his depraved thoughts.

  He looked around and found a pair of older women glaring at him and Brianna. They looked like they were middle-aged workers. His companion had also noticed and turned her head to look at them.

  “Can you believe the youth of today?”

  “I cannot. Back in my day, we would never be so bold as to make out on a maglev. Does today’s generation have no modesty?”

  As the two women carried on, talking about how he and Brianna were a disgrace to society because of their shameless behavior, the two of them jumped apart. It was only after those old crones spoke that he and Brianna realized their close proximity. Brianna’s face was burning like an incandescent fire. All the blood had rushed to her cheeks, causing them to become redder than her hair. Anthony glanced at himself in the reflection of a window and noticed his face was of a similar shade.

  “S-sorry about that,” he apologized.

  “N-no… it was my fault,” Brianna said. “I should have been… more self-aware.”

  As the maglev ride continued, an awkward silence lapsed between the two of them, who no longer had any idea what to say or do.

  Anthony would eventually get off the maglev and separate from Brianna.

  His face would still be red.

  Even though Anthony diligently took notes from Professor Incanscino’s lecture, he couldn’t say his heart was really in it—or his mind. In fact, for most of the time within the diminutive professor’s class, Anthony’s mind was plagued by memories of what happened on the maglev. He tried his best to shut the memories out, but perhaps his body, or maybe his instincts as an incubus, continued to plague him.

  He could still remember the feel of Brianna’s breasts mashed against his chest.

  He could still remember her scent invading his nose.

  He could vividly recall his desire to press her against the maglev’s wall, to press his mouth to hers and take her right there.

  Anthony understood that these desires came from being an incubus. Just like their female counterparts, the succubus, incubus were naturally sexual creatures with a high libido. What’s more, Anthony had been resisting these instincts for a long time now. He had never had sex with anyone besides Lilith, and he didn’t want to start now. No one could ever replace Lilith in his heart.

  Class eventually came to an end. Anthony put his laptop away, slung his case over his shoulder, and was getting ready to leave—

  “Stay in class for a minute, Mr. Amasius.”

  —when Professor Incanscino stopped him.

  He turned around and looked at the professor as everyone else left. He wondered what she wanted, but the woman wasn’t even paying attention to him as she took small sips from her water bottle. Meanwhile, the other students soon exited the room, leaving the two of them alone.

  “You said you wanted to speak with me?” Anthony said when the woman said nothing.

  “I did.” Professor Incanscino turned around and narrowed her blue eyes at him. Her small lips were set in a stern frown. “I heard from a little birdy that you were spotted talking with that War Maiden from Custodes Daemonium this morning.”

  Anthony blinked before he narrowed his eyes. “Were you spying on me through a social camera?”

  There were a number of social cameras located throughout Academy Island, which were used to monitor the city and respond to crime. Most of the cameras were located only in the busiest sections of the city. There had been a move to place social cameras everywhere, but the people rebelled against the idea of having their privacy so thoroughly violated like that. However, the Academy Island Board of Directors had been able to push a law through that allowed the use of social cameras in stores and heavily populated areas of the city.

  “I am your watcher.” Professor Incanscino shrugged. “I’m grante
d access to any and all video feedback that has you in it.”

  Anthony wasn’t sure he liked that, but he knew it wasn’t something he could contest either. He was already being allowed to live in this city and attend school like a regular person. This was despite the threat he could potentially pose. He guessed this was just one of the injustices he needed to put up with in order to continue living.

  “I was talking to Brianna this morning,” he admitted.

  “So her name is Brianna?” Professor Incanscino thoughtfully narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. “I am surprised she told you her name, but I guess if she’s been speaking to you, her feelings have changed since she tried to kill you. Regardless, you really should be more wary around that girl.”

  “I don’t think I need to worry right now,” Anthony said.

  Professor Incanscino’s eyes widened. “Ho? And just why is that?”

  “Because she told me she’s decided I’m currently not a threat that needs to be eliminated but one that should be watched,” Anthony said.

  “I see.” The professor’s wide eyes narrowed again. “And was this a decision of Custodes Daemonium or one she came to herself?”

  Anthony hesitated. “She decided it herself. She told me she’s contacted her leaders and let them know of her decision.”

  Professor Incanscino snorted. “In that case, you should still be wary of her. She might have decided you aren’t a threat, but I doubt the leaders of Custodes Daemonium will feel the same way. I am sure it will not be long before she receives orders to eliminate you anyway. You probably do not know this, but around five hundred years ago, Custodes Deamonium was almost wiped out by an incubus. That girl might have a good heart, but she’s also a War Maiden. She’s been trained from a young age to follow orders. If she is ordered to kill you, she will.”


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