The Tuesday Morning Collection

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The Tuesday Morning Collection Page 97

by Karen Kingsbury

  They tell me they are desperate for light and hope, that the pain lives on every day. And that, in many cases, reading One Tuesday Morning gave them a reason to believe again, a reason to turn back to God and their families after being consumed by pain, grief—and even hatred.

  I thank each one of you who wrote those letters, because it was your story that I had to complete in this book. Not literally, of course. Beyond Tuesday Morning is fictional, and any similarity to real-life people or situations is purely coincidental. But I pray that the hurting people in New York find hope the way Jamie Bryan does in this sequel.

  The fact is, with God, the story need not end in grief and despair but with life. I pray you'll find that message in this book.

  Also thanks to my brilliant editor, Karen Ball, and to marketing expert Sue Brower, and to all my friends at Zondervan Publishing. Thank you for taking my idea about a story of life springing from the ashes of September 11 and helping it become what it is today. Also, a thanks to Cheryl Orefice who listened while I brainstormed the possibilities of Beyond Tuesday Morning.

  A special thanks to my mother, Anne Kingsbury, who is also my assistant. You have a mind like mine and a heart for the ministry these books have become. Your presence in my life is heaven sent. I love you, Mom. I couldn't do my job without you. And to my father, Ted, who continues to be my greatest cheerleader. Dad, remember when I was writing poetry as a teenager, and you told me I could do anything with God's help? Even becoming an author? Well, I believed you—and look what God has done! I love you more every day.

  Thanks also to my agent, Rick Christian. Rick, you pray for me and push me and protect me in ways that go beyond my highest expectations, proving I'm the most blessed writer of all. I stand amazed at your talents—and grateful that beyond anything in the publishing world, you desire God's will for my life, that I serve Him, that I have time for my beloved husband and children, and that I listen to His call. How amazing it is to have found you!

  When it comes to crunch time, and I find myself pouring out my heart on deadline, lots of people come together to fill in the gaps. With six kids, it would be impossible otherwise. And so a warm and heartfelt thanks to my husband Donald, my kids—who don't mind having tuna sandwiches for a week on end, my sister Tricia, my parents again, and my good friends Cindy Weil, the Schmidt family, the Chapmans, Thayne Guymon, and Aaron Hisel, all of whom have on occasion caught frogs with Austin in my place.

  Thanks also to my special prayer warriors, Ann Hudson, Sylvia Wallgren, Sonya Fitzpatrick, Marcia Bender, Christine Wessel, Teresa Thacker, and so many others who have written to me with promises of prayer. I feel you lifting my ministry up to Jesus time and time again. Sometimes with every breath. I couldn't do this work without your support. Please, please, please keep praying.

  And a thanks to my extended family, and to my friends Randy and Vicky and Lila Graves, Bobbi and Tika Terret, John and Melinda Chapman, Mark and Marilyn Atteberry, Kathy Santschi, and my many friends at New Heights Church, Christian Youth Theater, and at the local schools. Your encouragement, love, and support are a constant source of strength.

  Also thanks to my retail family across the U.S. and Canada. I've met so many of you—store owners, managers, and frontliners—these past few years, and I still mean what I said back then. You are the other half of what I do. I'm so grateful for the way you've partnered with me. Please know that I continue to send people your way, and that I will always pray for your ministry in books.

  Finally, thanks to God Almighty. He is the reason any of this is possible. The words are His, the ideas are His, the gift is His. I pray I might remain obedient to all He is asking of me in this season of writing. Thank You, God … thank You.

  from Remember Tuesday Morning

  One night when I was putting the finishing touches on this book, Austin crawled into bed next to me and stared at my laptop screen. “You know, Mom,” he said, “I’ve been meaning to ask you about writing books. I have a couple questions.” I smiled at him and asked him what he wanted to know. “Well,” he said, “you know those beautiful covers on your books? They’re so nice, with just the right colors and pictures. So, do you do those? Do you make the covers?”

  I shook my head. “No, buddy. I don’t have anything to do with the covers, really. The publisher has these wonderful designers. They take care of coming up with a cover.”

  He seemed a little disappointed for a few seconds. Then his eyes lit up. “I know, how about the design inside the book, the way the letters line up just so, and those little swirly things that make the first page of every chapter so nice?” He scrunched up his face, slightly baffled. “Do you do that part?”

  Again I shook my head. “No, honey. Actually, there are designers at the publisher that make sure the book looks nice on the inside.” My smile turned a little sheepish. “They’re the ones who do that.”

  His shoulders sank, and after a slight pause, his brow raised, hopeful once more. “I know, how about the bookstores! Are you the one who gets all those books to the bookstores, so they can be there on the shelves for the people?”

  Feeling the clear sense that I was disappointing him, I shook my head and managed a weak smile. “No, Aus, I don’t do that either. The publisher has a sales staff who handles getting the books to the bookstores. After that, other people at the bookstores open the boxes of books and put them on the shelves. I don’t have anything to do with that.”

  “Wow.” He climbed back down, but before he ran off he shrugged his shoulders. “You don’t really do that much, do you?”

  Austin had a point. No book comes together without a great and talented team of people making it happen. For that reason, a special thanks to my friends at Zondervan Publishing who combined efforts to make Remember Tuesday Morning all it could be. A special thanks to my dedicated editor, Sue Brower, and to my brilliant publicist Karen Campbell, and to Karwyn Bursma, whose creative marketing is unrivaled in the publishing business.

  Also, thanks to my amazing agent, Rick Christian, president of Alive Communications. Rick, you’ve always believed only the best for me. When we talk about the highest possible goals, you see them as doable, reachable. You are a brilliant manager of my career, and I thank God for you. But even with all you do for my ministry of writing, I am doubly grateful for your prayers. The fact that you and Debbie are praying for me and my family keeps me confident every morning that God will continue to breathe into life the stories in my heart. Thank you for being so much more than a brilliant agent.

  A special thank-you to my husband, who puts up with me on deadline and doesn’t mind driving through Taco Bell after a basketball game if I’ve been editing all day. This wild ride wouldn’t be possible without you, Donald. Your love keeps me writing; your prayers keep me believing that God has a plan in this ministry of fiction. And thanks for the hours you put in working with the guestbook entries on my website. I look forward to that time every day when you read through them, sharing them with me and releasing them to the public, praying for the prayer requests. Thank you, honey, and thanks to all my kids, who pull together, bringing me iced green tea and understanding about my sometimes crazy schedule. I love that you know you’re still first, before any deadline.

  Thank you also to my mom, Anne Kingsbury, and to my sisters, Tricia, Sue, and Lynne. Mom, you are amazing as my assistant — working day and night sorting through the mail from my reader friends. I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.

  Tricia, you are the best executive assistant I could ever hope to have. I treasure your loyalty and honesty, the way you include me in every decision and exciting website change. My site has been a different place since you stepped in, and the hits have grown tenfold. Along the way, the readers have so much more to help them in their faith, so much more than a story with this Life-Changing Fiction™. Please know that I pray for God’s blessings on you always, for your dedication to helping me in this season of writing, and for your wonderful son, Andrew. And aren’t w
e having such a good time too? God works all things to the good!

  Sue, I believe you should’ve been a counselor! From your home far from mine, you get batches of reader letters every day, and you diligently answer them using God’s wisdom and His Word. When readers get a response from “Karen’s sister Susan,” I hope they know how carefully you’ve prayed for them and for the responses you give. Thank you for truly loving what you do, Sue. You’re gifted with people, and I’m blessed to have you aboard.

  A special thanks also to Will Montgomery, my road manager. I was terrified to venture into the business of selling my books at events for a couple of reasons. First, I never wanted to profit from selling my books at speaking events, and second, because I would never have the time to handle such details. Monty, you came in and helped me on both counts. With a mission statement that reads, “To love and serve the readers,” you have helped me supply books and free gifts to tens of thousands of readers at events across the country. More than that, you’ve become my friend, a very valuable part of the ministry of Life-Changing Fiction ™. You are loyal and kind and fiercely protective of me, my family, and the work God has me doing. Thank you for everything you’re doing, and will continue to do.

  Thanks too, to Olga Kalachik, my office assistant, who helps prepare our home for the marketing events and research gatherings that take place there on a regular basis. I appreciate all you’re doing to make sure I have time to write. You’re wonderful, Olga, and I pray God continues to bless you and your precious family.

  I also want to thank my friends with Extraordinary Women — Roy Morgan, Julie Clinton, Beth Cleveland, Charles Billingsley, and so many others. How wonderful to be a part of what God is doing through all of you. Thank you for making me part of your family.

  Thanks also to my forever friends and family, the ones who rushed to our side this past year as we lost my dad. Your love has been a tangible source of comfort, pulling us through and making us know how very blessed we are to have you in our lives.

  And the greatest thanks to God. The gift is Yours. I pray I might use it for years to come in a way that will bring You honor and glory.


  A special thanks to the Northern Cross Foundation and the Spica family who won Forever in Fiction®* at the Grand Rapids annual “Making it Home” Auction. The Spica family chose to honor their friend Dave Jacobs, age 58, by naming him Forever in Fiction. Dave is a pillar in his community, a man with many friends and much integrity and faith. He spent his younger years in social work, but then became involved in the Home Repair Services business — a venture devoted to helping the less fortunate in various Michigan neighborhoods.

  Dave has won many awards for his philanthropic efforts, but remains deeply humble and committed to making life better for the people around him. His greatest accomplishments include his marriage to his wife, Lois, and their four children. He loves woodworking and bird-watching, and when he travels to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with his family, he tries to do a little of both.

  Dave’s character in Remember Tuesday Morning is that of the generous developer whose Oak Canyon Estates are the subject of threats by a radical environmental group. I could see Dave working in that role, commanding a team of construction workers and still finding time to be with family and friends, and making a difference in his community.

  I pray that the Spica family sees their friend Dave deeply honored by their gift and by his placement in Remember Tuesday Morning and that they will always see a bit of Dave when they read his name in the pages of this novel, where he will be Forever in Fiction.

  For those of you who are not familiar with Forever in Fiction, it is my way of involving you, the readers, in my stories, while raising money for charities. To date Forever in Fiction has raised more than $100,000 at charity auctions across the country. If you are interested in having a Forever in Fiction package donated to your auction, contact my assistant, Tricia Kingsbury, at [email protected]. Please write Forever in Fiction in the subject line. Please note that I am only able to donate a limited number of these each year. For that reason, I have set a fairly high minimum bid on this package. That way the maximum funds are raised for charities.

  *Forever in Fiction is a registered trademark owned by Karen Kingsbury.

  Other Life-Changing Fiction™ by Karen Kingsbury

  Bailey Flanigan Series

  Leaving Learning

  Longing (Fall 2011)

  Loving (Spring 2012)

  9/11 Series

  One Tuesday Morning

  Beyond Tuesday Morning

  Remember Tuesday Morning

  Lost Love Series

  Even Now

  Ever After

  Above the Line Series

  Above the Line: Take One

  Above the Line: Take Two

  Above the Line: Take Three

  Above the Line: Take Four

  Stand-Alone Titles

  Oceans Apart

  Between Sundays

  This Side of Heaven

  When Joy Came to Stay

  On Every Side


  Like Dandelion Dust

  Where Yesterday Lives

  Shades of Blue


  Redemption Series






  Firstborn Series






  Sunrise Series





  Red Glove Series

  Gideon’s Gift

  Maggie’s Miracle

  Sarah’s Song

  Hannah’s Hope

  Forever Faithful Series

  Waiting for Morning

  Moment of Weakness

  Halfway to Forever

  Women of Faith Fiction Series

  A Time to Dance

  A Time to Embrace

  Cody Gunner Series

  A Thousand Tomorrows

  Just Beyond the Clouds

  This Side of Heaven

  Children’s Titles

  Let Me Hold You Longer

  Let’s Go on a Mommy Date

  We Believe in Christmas

  Let’s Have a Daddy Day

  The Princess and the Three Knights

  Go Ahead and Dream

  Brave Young Knight

  Far Flutterby (Fall 2011)

  Miracle Collections

  A Treasury of Christmas Miracles

  A Treasury of Miracles for Women

  A Treasury of Miracles for Teens

  A Treasury of Miracles for Friends

  A Treasury of Adoption Miracles

  Miracles — a Devotional

  Gift Books

  Stay Close Little Girl

  Be Safe Little Boy

  Forever Young: Ten Gifts of Faith for the Graduate

  About the Author

  A wall went up around Alex Brady’s heart when his father, a New York firefighter, died in the Twin Towers. Turning his back on the only woman he ever loved, Alex shut out all the people who cared about him to concentrate on fighting crime. He and his trusty K9 partner, Bo, are determined to eliminate evil in the world and prevent tragedies like 9/11.

  Then the worst fire season in California’s history erupts, and Alex faces the ultimate challenge to protect the community he serves. An environmental terrorist group is targeting the plush Oak Canyon Estates. At the risk of losing his job, and his soul, Alex is determined to infiltrate the group and put an end to their corruption. Only the friendship of Clay and Jamie Michaels — and the love of a dedicated young woman — can help Alex drop the walls around his heart and move forward into the future God has for him.

  Karen Kingsbury is America’s favorite inspirational novelist with over ten million books in print. Her
Life-Changing Fiction™ has produced multiple bestsellers, including Between Sundays, Even Now, One Tuesday Morning, Beyond Tuesday Morning, and Ever After, which was named the 2007 Christian Book of the Year. An award-winning author and newly published songwriter, Karen currently has several movies optioned for production. Karen lives in Washington State with her husband, Don, and their six children, three of whom were adopted from Haiti.




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