His Loving Guidance

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His Loving Guidance Page 2

by Sue Lyndon

  He leaned over her for a bottle of lube in the bedside table drawer. Once he coated his finger, he trickled some of the liquid down her crevice. He poked at her tight entrance, watching her hole pulse with each touch in anticipation of intrusion. Painfully erect, he could not wait to bury his cock deep in her pussy, thrusting with zeal until he spilled his seed within her walls. As much as he would like to take her in the ass tonight, he felt raw. Unrestrained. Her little hole wouldn’t be able to withstand such a hard fucking.

  “I’m going to buy a plug for your ass, Lucy,” he said, driving forward, knuckle deep. She clenched and unclenched around his digit. “From now on, if you tense up your bottom during a spanking, you’re getting the plug before we continue.”

  “Oh, James!” She arched her back, writhing against him and so lost in sensation that he wondered if she had heard his words about the plug. No matter. He would tell her again. And he was buying that plug first thing tomorrow morning. Thank God for Internet adult toy stores.

  More moisture dripped from her pussy as he thrust steadily in and out of her private hole, pulling out to the fingertip, only to drive back inside, slightly past his knuckle. Perspiration glistened on her skin, and the intensity of her little squeals increased. Tremors of desire coursed up James’ inner thighs and his balls felt heavy. He ached for her.

  Carefully withdrawing from her ass, he grabbed her hips and positioned himself at her moist center. Her natural essences coated the tip of his shaft. He surged forward and groaned at the exquisite feel of her pussy clamping down around his length. So fucking good.

  Lucy leaned down on her forearms as he drove in and out of her. The sound of flesh crashing against flesh filled the room. Reaching around, he located her swollen clit and swirled her dampness around the sensitive nub. When she came, her walls contracted around him so hard that he couldn’t hold on any longer. He let go of control as his vision blurred, and he joined her in ecstasy.

  Chapter Two

  Rain cascaded from the sky in sheets, pelting the surface of the lake before a backdrop of mountains hugged by dark clouds. Summertime on Smith Mountain Lake was perfect, except for when it rained. Lucy gazed out the kitchen window of their lakeside home, coffee cup in hand, her mood relaxed. Today was her first official day of summer vacation. No classroom full of students. No papers to grade. No end of the year paperwork. Being a teacher had its perks.

  After a lazy morning puttering around the house, Lucy rummaged through the refrigerator and cabinets to make sure she had all the ingredients for James’ favorite meal, Chicken Parmesan. She wanted to surprise him and loved cooking for him. Today was his last day of work for three weeks, and she anticipated the much-needed time alone they would spend together. Instead of going away for vacation, they had opted for a stay-cation. Three weeks at home, alone, to work on rebuilding their once-fragile relationship.

  A year ago she had been thinking about divorce, a memory that caused her to cringe. Though she had not said the D-word out loud, she still felt guilty for having had the thought, and she was not proud of her behavior. Stress from a recent move, James starting up a business with his brother, and Lucy finishing the last classes for her master’s degree had taken their toll. The tension produced from these events drove them apart, slowly at first, but by the time it became apparent how distant they had grown, the resentment that had built up was hard to break down and overcome.

  They went through cycles of extreme fighting, frustrated silences, and calm periods that never lasted for long. During the last calm period, Lucy had come to James, asking him to punish her for lying about her whereabouts. She had told him she was spending the weekend with her mother, but instead she had gotten a hotel by herself a few towns over, simply because she wished to be alone.

  The phone rang, jarring her from her thoughts. Lucy looked at the caller ID and frowned. It was Wendy, her younger sister. Lucy loved her sister, but dreaded a phone call. Wendy only called when she wanted something. Against her better judgment, Lucy picked up the phone.


  “Hey, sis, it’s me.”

  “Hi, Wendy.” Lucy hoped her sister only needed to borrow a couple of bucks. It would not surprise her if Lucy was her one phone call from jail one day, and she hoped today was not that day. A distraction before her stay-cation with James was the last thing she needed.

  “You’re not going to believe this,” Wendy said, her voice cracking. Damn. She was crying. “Steve moved in with Mom. He doesn’t even have a job. He sits home all day while she works, playing video games and eating potato chips.”

  Great. Family drama. Just what Lucy needed. “Look, Wendy, I know you hate Steve, but it’s Mom’s life. She’s an adult. You can’t tell her what to do.”

  “He’s a bum! She only likes him because he’s sort of good-looking. Last night I had to sleep in my car because they were going at it like animals. All. Night. Long.”

  Lucy felt the bile rising. “Please stop, Wendy. I don’t want to know about Mom’s sex life. And if it bothers you so much, why don’t you find a roommate and move out?”

  “That’s why I’m calling you, Lucy. I need help.”

  “I’m not loaning you the money to lease an apartment above your means. Find something you can afford. Look in the classifieds for someone seeking a roommate. That’s what I did when I’d finally had enough of Mom’s shenanigans.”

  “I would, but – I sort of lost my job.”

  Lucy groaned and slumped down on a bar stool. “What happened?”

  “A customer was rude to me and I lost it. It wasn’t my fault. I was just having a bad day. I’m looking for a new waitress job, but it’s hard because now I don’t have a recent reference to list on my applications. Don’t be mad at me, sis. I’m trying, I really am. But I can’t stand the thought of living with Mom and Steve all summer. My classes at NSU start up at the end of August, and I’ll be moving back into my dorm then. But until then I’m homeless.”

  “God dammit,” Lucy muttered, more to herself. “Why can’t I have a normal family? Is that too much to ask?”

  “I know I’m asking a lot, Lucy, and I feel bad about it, but is there any way I can move in with you and James for a few weeks? Please. I’m desperate.”

  “Can’t you ask Mom and Steve to tame it down?”

  “I tried, but we – uh – had an argument this morning. She pretty much expects me gone when she gets home from work. I’m sitting in a grocery store parking lot with all my stuff in my car. I threw my house key at Steve as I was leaving and called him a ‘manipulative fucker.’ ”

  Lucy giggled, despite her distress over the situation. Steve was indeed a bum, and she would have loved to witness Wendy calling him names. Her mind spun as she considered her options. Calling James to ask for his opinion before moving Wendy in was probably a good idea, but what if he said no? He was as sick of Wendy’s antics as she was. Her gaze traveled to the calendar tacked to the wall with three weeks highlighted in blue. Could they still enjoy time alone together with Wendy in the house?

  “Lucy? Are you still there?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m here. Okay. You can move in until August.”

  “Thank you! I promise you won’t even know I’m there.”

  Lucy sincerely doubted that. As she hung up the phone, a terrible idea struck her. Would James still spank her if Wendy was in the house? And how would Wendy react if she knew about their domestic discipline relationship? No doubt Wendy would overreact and scream abuse. Lucy’s heart sank. Under no circumstances did she wish for Wendy to know about the spankings, but at the same time she despaired over pressing the pause button on their journey into domestic discipline for the whole summer. She ached to speak with James, but she also dreaded their next conversation.


  James tore a path through the carpet as he paced the bedroom, ready to combust. He ran a hand through his hair and eyed the door. Why the hell was it taking Lucy so long to get Wendy settled in the guestroom? Better y
et, why had Lucy not shown him the courtesy of discussing the situation with him first? From the bits of talk he picked up over dinner, it sounded like Lucy had agreed over the phone to allow Wendy to live with them all summer. He raised his hand to rake it through his hair again, but stopped at the sound of the doorknob turning.

  The disapproving glare he shot Lucy as she slinked into the room was met with an apologetic look. She shut the door behind her and shuffled across the room, twisting her hands in front of her the way she always did when she was nervous.

  “Thank you for not making a scene,” Lucy said. “I know I sprang this on you, and at the worst possible time considering our plans for the next three weeks, but I really appreciate how nice you were to Wendy over dinner.”

  “She’s family, Lucy. Were you expecting me to kick her out?” He folded his arms across his chest.

  “I – I didn’t know what to expect.” She paused and took a tentative step toward him. “I expected you to be angry with me, and I didn’t know how you’d react when you got home and saw her car in the driveway and her suitcases in the foyer.”

  “Why would I be angry at you, Lucy? Think carefully.” He wanted her to admit her wrongdoing without having to pry it out of her. Although, the longer he gazed at Lucy, the more he realized he was mostly angry over their ruined three weeks. He could not blame her for Wendy’s troubles, and he sure as hell was not going to throw his sister-in-law out on her ass.

  “I know I should’ve called you first, before I told Wendy she could move in. It affects us both, and I kept you out of the loop. I’m sorry. I fucked up our summer.”

  “Language, Lucy,” he growled. “I wasn’t planning to punish you tonight, but if hear that word come out of your mouth again, you’ll find yourself over my knee quicker than you can blink.”

  Shock registered on her face. “You aren’t going to spank me?”

  “Come here.” He waited until she came to stand before him. He took her hands in his, leading her to sit on the bed. Snaking an arm around her waist, he drew her close and kept quiet for several minutes, sorting out his thoughts. Should he spank Lucy? It did not seem entirely fair to punish her. True, she should have talked Wendy’s move-in over with him first, but he would have said yes anyway. He sighed. “Next time something comes up that affects the both of us, you need to talk to me about it first, even if you think you know what decision I would make. Of course I wouldn’t have refused Wendy a place to stay. But you should’ve called me. This was important, and I’m your husband.”

  “I made a conscious decision not to call you, James. I was pretty sure you’d say yes, but a small part of me worried that you would say no. So I decided not to call you. Doesn’t that upset you?”

  Dammit. Why did this situation have to be so fuzzy? The thought of punishing Lucy over this did not settle well with him. “I’m not entirely happy with your behavior today, Lucy. You should’ve trusted me enough so we could share this problem together. Instead you took it upon yourself to make a decision that affects us both.”

  “I ruined our vacation. You’ve worked hard to get these three weeks off and I ruined it. I’m sorry.” The defeat in her voice pulled at his heart. Guilt shone in her eyes as she peered up at him.

  “I wasn’t going to spank you, Lucy girl, but now I’m starting to think you need it. I won’t have you beating yourself up over this. What’s done is done.”

  “But Wendy’s right down the hall. What if she hears? There’s no way she would ever understand you spanking me, even if I told her it was consensual.”

  “I’m not ashamed of what’s between us, Lucy, as unconventional as others might view it. But I agree – Wendy wouldn’t understand. As dramatic as she is, she’d probably call the cops. I have an alternative idea.”


  “We can rent a cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains for the next three weeks. Tom Branson was in the store today putting up a flyer on the community board. He told me he had a few cancellations this summer and said three of his cabins were currently unoccupied.”

  “Really? That sounds nice.”

  He pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’ll go to find his number and call him right now.” He stood up, but turned to meet Lucy’s gaze before exiting the room. “I’d better find you naked under the covers when I come back.”

  Chapter Three

  Cool water rushed down Lucy’s throat. She closed her eyes, praying the dizziness would leave. Tall blades of grass tickled her arms, and she inhaled the soothing scent of Blue Vervain, the tall clustered flowers that dotted the roadside, mile after mile.

  “Careful. Not so fast. Small sips, Lucy, small sips.” James pried the bottle from her lips and rubbed her back while she lowered her head, putting it back between her knees where she sat on the ground. He had pulled over just in time to save her from getting sick.

  “I can’t believe I got carsick. I haven’t gotten carsick since I was a kid.” She grinned, though her eyes remained clamped shut. “And I always blamed that on my mother’s crazy driving.”

  “This is one hell of a windy road. It’s no wonder you got sick. Only thirty more minutes and we’ll be there. And then you won’t have to get back in a car for three whole weeks. I promise.”

  She raised her head slightly, enjoying the sun’s warmth on her face. “Do you ever wish you would’ve married a woman with a normal family?”

  “Lucy, I don’t want to hear nonsense from you right now.”

  “I’m being serious. My father has kids with four different women. I have half-brothers and half-sisters I’ve never met. Probably a few I don’t even know about. My mother keeps letting bums shack up with her. My sister keeps borrowing money from us, and now she’s living with us all summer. I mean, come on, James. Maybe I’m no better than them, and now you’re stuck with me and all my stupid family crap.”

  “Lucy Marie Willis, I don’t want to hear you talk like that. Ever. I don’t define you by your family, and you shouldn’t either. You’re the most wonderful woman I’ve ever known. I love you.”

  “But your family is so normal. Your parents are still married and seem happy. Your brother has his head on straight. Sometimes I feel like white trash compared to you.”

  Lucy heard James’ breath hiss between his teeth. Her eyes squinted open as he sat down on the grass next to her, all the while rubbing her back. God, he was too good to her.

  “Lucy, it hurts me when I hear you talk badly about yourself. I don’t want to hear it, and I don’t want you thinking those thoughts.”

  “You can’t control my thoughts.” The last of the wooziness passed and she sat up straighter, inhaling deeply, appreciating the scent of the nearby flowers, which reminded her of a lavender bush.

  “Sweetheart, if I could, I’d pluck all those self-deprecating thoughts from your brain. And I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving to you how much I think of you.”

  The floodgates opened. Lucy couldn’t hold back a second longer. All the hurts she’d bottled up, all the worries over what James thought of her during their bouts of fighting. Her lip quivered as a few angry tears rolled down her cheeks. “I used to think you regretted marrying me. I used to think I’d married someone too good for me. I was miserable. I felt like I was drowning after we moved here. Sometimes I thought we moved here so we wouldn’t have to live so close to my mother and sister. I know that was a stupid thought. I mean, I know how much you wanted to open the store with Amos and this was the perfect location. And I loved being far away from my family. Imagine that. But I still feared the reason for our move. I couldn’t breathe when I looked at the clock and knew you’d be home from work soon. I thought if I left you we’d both be happier. I wanted to divorce you, James. I wanted to divorce you and I never told you.”

  Her shoulders heaved and she buried her face in her hands, sobbing like she had never sobbed before. She had spilled her guts, finally. The last horrible secret she could not bear to keep for one moment longer had come rushing out
, tumbling from her lips in an unstoppable string of words. A confession of the deepest, darkest sort.

  “Shh.” He pried her hands away from her face and enveloped her in a hug, forcing her to cry into his chest. Stroking her hair, he allowed her to cry herself silly, until the sobs subsided and she fell quiet against his strong, comforting hold.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She mumbled apologies. Even though she felt emotionally drained, James’ presence remained steadfast in her heart and soul, his calming words as he held her, and the way his body had not stiffened when she said the D-word. He was not shocked, and he had not pushed her away. As hard as it was to finally release the last secret she had clung to, a weight had lifted from her shoulders, freeing her from the past she had been desperate to escape.

  “You have nothing to apologize for, Lucy.” Firm but kind, his words soothed her. “I have never regretted marrying you. Not once. Not even during the times we fought constantly. Back then, I was angrier at myself than I was with you. I pushed you away on purpose sometimes, Lucy. I hate that I did that.” He paused. “We’ll talk more when we get to the cabin. Do you think you can sit in the car again?”

  She wiped at her face, nodding. “Yes.”

  James helped her stand. Reaching up, he cupped her face and gazed into her eyes with an intensity that stripped her defenses down and made her feel safe at the same time. If she had had any more secrets to confess, she would have laid them at his feet without a moment’s hesitation.

  “I love you, Lucy.”

  She smiled. “I love you too, James.”

  He arched an eyebrow at her as he brushed strands of tear-matted hair from her face. “Promise me one thing?”


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